'use strict'; // Ref: https://github.com/omichelsen/compare-versions /* global define */ (function (root, factory) { /* istanbul ignore next */ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define([], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = factory(); } else { root.compareVersions = factory(); } }(this, function () { var semver = /^v?(?:\d+)(\.(?:[x*]|\d+)(\.(?:[x*]|\d+)(\.(?:[x*]|\d+))?(?:-[\da-z\-]+(?:\.[\da-z\-]+)*)?(?:\+[\da-z\-]+(?:\.[\da-z\-]+)*)?)?)?$/i; function indexOrEnd(str, q) { return str.indexOf(q) === -1 ? str.length : str.indexOf(q); } function split(v) { var c = v.replace(/^v/, '').replace(/\+.*$/, ''); var patchIndex = indexOrEnd(c, '-'); var arr = c.substring(0, patchIndex).split('.'); arr.push(c.substring(patchIndex + 1)); return arr; } function tryParse(v) { return isNaN(Number(v)) ? v : Number(v); } function validate(version) { if (typeof version !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Invalid argument expected string'); } if (!semver.test(version)) { throw new Error('Invalid argument not valid semver (\''+version+'\' received)'); } } function compareVersions(v1, v2) { [v1, v2].forEach(validate); var s1 = split(v1); var s2 = split(v2); for (var i = 0; i < Math.max(s1.length - 1, s2.length - 1); i++) { var n1 = parseInt(s1[i] || 0, 10); var n2 = parseInt(s2[i] || 0, 10); if (n1 > n2) return 1; if (n2 > n1) return -1; } var sp1 = s1[s1.length - 1]; var sp2 = s2[s2.length - 1]; if (sp1 && sp2) { var p1 = sp1.split('.').map(tryParse); var p2 = sp2.split('.').map(tryParse); for (i = 0; i < Math.max(p1.length, p2.length); i++) { if (p1[i] === undefined || typeof p2[i] === 'string' && typeof p1[i] === 'number') return -1; if (p2[i] === undefined || typeof p1[i] === 'string' && typeof p2[i] === 'number') return 1; if (p1[i] > p2[i]) return 1; if (p2[i] > p1[i]) return -1; } } else if (sp1 || sp2) { return sp1 ? -1 : 1; } return 0; }; var allowedOperators = [ '>', '>=', '=', '<', '<=' ]; var operatorResMap = { '>': [1], '>=': [0, 1], '=': [0], '<=': [-1, 0], '<': [-1] }; function validateOperator(op) { if (typeof op !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Invalid operator type, expected string but got ' + typeof op); } if (allowedOperators.indexOf(op) === -1) { throw new TypeError('Invalid operator, expected one of ' + allowedOperators.join('|')); } } compareVersions.validate = function(version) { return typeof version === 'string' && semver.test(version); } compareVersions.compare = function (v1, v2, operator) { // Validate operator validateOperator(operator); // since result of compareVersions can only be -1 or 0 or 1 // a simple map can be used to replace switch var res = compareVersions(v1, v2); return operatorResMap[operator].indexOf(res) > -1; } return compareVersions; }));