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2023-10-03 11:14:36 +08:00
SSH2 and SFTP(v3) client/server protocol streams for [node.js](http://nodejs.org/).
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mscdex/ssh2-streams.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/mscdex/ssh2-streams)
* [node.js](http://nodejs.org/) -- v0.10 or newer
npm install ssh2-streams
`require('ssh2-streams').SSH2Stream` returns an **_SSH2Stream_** constructor.
`require('ssh2-streams').SFTPStream` returns an [**_SFTPStream_**](SFTPStream.md) constructor.
`require('ssh2-streams').utils` returns an _object_ of useful utility functions.
`require('ssh2-streams').constants` returns an _object_ containing useful SSH protocol constants.
SSH2Stream events
**Client/Server events**
* **header**(< _object_ >headerInfo) - Emitted when the protocol header is seen. `headerInfo` contains:
* **greeting** - _string_ - (Client-only) An optional greeting message presented by the server.
* **identRaw** - _string_ - The raw identification string sent by the remote party.
* **versions** - _object_ - Contains various information parsed from `identRaw`:
* **protocol** - _string_ - The protocol version (always `1.99` or `2.0`) supported by the remote party.
* **software** - _string_ - The software name used by the remote party.
* **comments** - _string_ - Any additional text that comes after the software name.
* **GLOBAL_REQUEST**(< _string_ >reqName, < _boolean_ >wantReply, < _mixed_ >reqData)
* **CHANNEL_DATA:\<channel\>**(< _Buffer_ >data)
* **CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA:\<channel\>**(< _integer_ >type, < _Buffer_ >data)
* **CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST:\<channel\>**(< _integer_ >bytesToAdd)
* **CHANNEL_SUCCESS:\<channel\>**()
* **CHANNEL_FAILURE:\<channel\>**()
* **CHANNEL_EOF:\<channel\>**()
* **CHANNEL_CLOSE:\<channel\>**()
* **CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION:\<channel\>**(< _object_ >channelInfo) - `channelInfo` contains:
* **recipient** - _integer_ - The local channel number.
* **sender** - _integer_ - The remote party's channel number.
* **window** - _integer_ - The initial window size for the channel.
* **packetSize** - _integer_ - The maximum packet size for the channel.
* **CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE:\<channel\>**(< _object_ >failInfo) - `failInfo` contains:
* **recipient** - _integer_ - The local channel number.
* **reasonCode** - _integer_ - The reason code of the failure.
* **reason** - _string_ - A text representation of the `reasonCode`.
* **description** - _string_ - An optional description of the failure.
* **DISCONNECT**(< _string_ >reason, < _integer_ >reasonCode, < _string_ >description)
* **DEBUG**(< _string_ >message)
* **NEWKEYS**()
* **REQUEST_SUCCESS**([< _Buffer_ >resData])
**Client-only events**
* **fingerprint**(< _Buffer_ >hostKey, < _function_ >callback) - This event allows you to verify a host's key. If `callback` is called with `true`, the handshake continues. Otherwise a disconnection will occur if `callback` is called with `false`. The default behavior is to auto-allow any host key if there are no handlers for this event.
* **SERVICE_ACCEPT**(< _string_ >serviceName)
* **USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ**(< _string_ >message)
* **USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST**(< _string_ >name, < _string_ >instructions, < _string_ >lang, < _array_ >prompts)
* **USERAUTH_FAILURE**(< _array_ >methodsContinue, < _boolean_ >partialSuccess)
* **USERAUTH_BANNER**(< _string_ >message)
* **CHANNEL_OPEN**(< _object_ >channelInfo) - `channelInfo` contains:
* **type** - _string_ - The channel type (e.g. `x11`, `forwarded-tcpip`).
* **sender** - _integer_ - The remote party's channel number.
* **window** - _integer_ - The initial window size for the channel.
* **packetSize** - _integer_ - The maximum packet size for the channel.
* **data** - _object_ - The properties available depend on `type`:
* `x11`:
* **srcIP** - _string_ - Source IP address of X11 connection request.
* **srcPort** - _string_ - Source port of X11 connection request.
* `forwarded-tcpip`:
* **srcIP** - _string_ - Source IP address of incoming connection.
* **srcPort** - _string_ - Source port of incoming connection.
* **destIP** - _string_ - Destination IP address of incoming connection.
* **destPort** - _string_ - Destination port of incoming connection.
* `forwarded-streamlocal@openssh.com`:
* **socketPath** - _string_ - Source socket path of incoming connection.
* `auth-agent@openssh.com` has no extra data.
* **CHANNEL_REQUEST:\<channel\>**(< _object_ >reqInfo) - `reqInfo` properties depend on `reqInfo.request`:
* `exit-status`:
* **code** - _integer_ - The exit status code of the remote process.
* `exit-signal`:
* **signal** - _string_ - The signal name.
* **coredump** - _boolean_ - Was the exit the result of a core dump?
* **description** - _string_ - An optional error message.
**Server-only events**
* **SERVICE_REQUEST**(< _string_ >serviceName)
* **USERAUTH_REQUEST**(< _string_ >username, < _string_ >serviceName, < _string_ >authMethod, < _mixed_ >authMethodData) - `authMethodData` depends on `authMethod`:
* For `password`, it's a _string_ containing the password.
* For `publickey`, it's an _object_ containing:
* **keyAlgo** - _string_ - The public key algorithm.
* **key** - _Buffer_ - The public key data.
* **signature** - _mixed_ - If set, it is a _Buffer_ containing the signature to be verified.
* **blob** - _mixed_ - If set, it is a _Buffer_ containing the data to sign. The resulting signature is what is compared to `signature`.
* For `hostbased`, it's an _object_ including the properties from `publickey` but also:
* **localHostname** - _string_ - The client's hostname to be verified.
* **localUsername** - _string_ - The client's (local) username to be verified.
* **USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE**(< _array_ >responses)
* **GLOBAL_REQUEST**(< _string_ >reqName, < _boolean_ >wantReply, < _mixed_ >reqData) - `reqData` depends on `reqName`:
* For `tcpip-forward`/`cancel-tcpip-forward`, it's an _object_ containing:
* **bindAddr** - _string_ - The IP address to start/stop binding to.
* **bindPort** - _string_ - The port to start/stop binding to.
* For `streamlocal-forward@openssh.com`/`cancel-streamlocal-forward@openssh.com`, it's an _object_ containing:
* **socketPath** - _string_ - The socket path to start/stop listening on.
* For `no-more-sessions@openssh.com`, there is no `reqData`.
* For any other requests, it's a _Buffer_ containing raw request-specific data *if* there is any extra data.
* **CHANNEL_OPEN**(< _object_ >channelInfo) - `channelInfo` contains:
* **type** - _string_ - The channel type (e.g. `session`, `direct-tcpip`).
* **sender** - _integer_ - The remote party's channel number.
* **window** - _integer_ - The initial window size for the channel.
* **packetSize** - _integer_ - The maximum packet size for the channel.
* **data** - _object_ - The properties available depend on `type`:
* `direct-tcpip`:
* **srcIP** - _string_ - Source IP address of outgoing connection.
* **srcPort** - _string_ - Source port of outgoing connection.
* **destIP** - _string_ - Destination IP address of outgoing connection.
* **destPort** - _string_ - Destination port of outgoing connection.
* `direct-streamlocal@openssh.com`:
* **socketPath** - _string_ - Destination socket path of outgoing connection.
* `session` has no extra data.
* **CHANNEL_REQUEST:\<channel\>**(< _object_ >reqInfo) - `reqInfo` properties depend on `reqInfo.request`:
* `pty-req`:
* **wantReply** - _boolean_ - The client is requesting a response to this request.
* **term** - _string_ - The terminal type name.
* **cols** - _integer_ - The number of columns.
* **rows** - _integer_ - The number of rows.
* **width** - _integer_ - The width in pixels.
* **height** - _integer_ - The height in pixels.
* **modes** - _object_ - The terminal modes.
* `window-change`:
* **cols** - _integer_ - The number of columns.
* **rows** - _integer_ - The number of rows.
* **width** - _integer_ - The width in pixels.
* **height** - _integer_ - The height in pixels.
* `x11-req`:
* **wantReply** - _boolean_ - The client is requesting a response to this request.
* **single** - _boolean_ - Whether only a single X11 connection should be allowed.
* **protocol** - _string_ - The X11 authentication protocol to be used.
* **cookie** - _string_ - The hex-encoded X11 authentication cookie.
* **screen** - _integer_ - The screen number for incoming X11 connections.
* `env`:
* **wantReply** - _boolean_ - The client is requesting a response to this request.
* **key** - _string_ - The environment variable name.
* **val** - _string_ - The environment variable value.
* `shell`:
* **wantReply** - _boolean_ - The client is requesting a response to this request.
* `exec`:
* **wantReply** - _boolean_ - The client is requesting a response to this request.
* **command** - _string_ - The command to be executed.
* `subsystem`:
* **wantReply** - _boolean_ - The client is requesting a response to this request.
* **subsystem** - _string_ - The name of the subsystem.
* `signal`:
* **signal** - _string_ - The signal name (prefixed with `SIG`).
* `xon-xoff`:
* **clientControl** - _boolean_ - Client can/can't perform flow control (control-S/control-Q processing).
* `auth-agent-req@openssh.com` has no `reqInfo`.
SSH2Stream properties
* **bytesSent** - _integer_ - The number of bytes sent since the last keying. This metric can be useful in determining when to call `rekey()`.
* **bytesReceived** - _integer_ - The number of bytes received since the last keying. This metric can be useful in determining when to call `rekey()`.
SSH2Stream methods
* **(constructor)**(< _object_ >config) - Creates and returns a new SSH2Stream instance. SSH2Stream instances are Duplex streams. `config` can contain:
* **server** - _boolean_ - Set to `true` to create an instance in server mode. **Default:** `false`
* **hostKeys** - _object_ - If in server mode, an object keyed on host key format (see supported `serverHostKey` values in `algorithms` option below) with values being (decrypted) _Buffer_s or _string_s that contain PEM-encoded (OpenSSH format) host private key(s). **Default:** (none)
* **greeting** - _string_ - If in server mode, an optional message to send to the user immediately upon connection, before the handshake. **Note:** Most clients usually ignore this. **Default:** (none)
* **banner** - _string_ - If in server mode, an optional message to send to the user once, right before authentication begins. **Default:** (none)
* **ident** - _string_ - A custom software name/version identifier. **Default:** `'ssh2js' + moduleVersion + 'srv'` (server mode) `'ssh2js' + moduleVersion` (client mode)
* **maxPacketSize** - _string_ - This is the maximum packet size that will be accepted. It should be 35000 bytes or larger to be compatible with other SSH2 implementations. **Default:** `35000`
* **highWaterMark** - _integer_ - This is the `highWaterMark` to use for the stream. **Default:** `32 * 1024`
* **algorithms** - _object_ - This option allows you to explicitly override the default transport layer algorithms used for the connection. Each value must be an array of valid algorithms for that category. The order of the algorithms in the arrays are important, with the most favorable being first. Valid keys:
* **kex** - _array_ - Key exchange algorithms.
* Default values:
1. ecdh-sha2-nistp256 **(node v0.11.14 or newer)**
2. ecdh-sha2-nistp384 **(node v0.11.14 or newer)**
3. ecdh-sha2-nistp521 **(node v0.11.14 or newer)**
4. diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 **(node v0.11.12 or newer)**
5. diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
* Supported values:
* ecdh-sha2-nistp256 **(node v0.11.14 or newer)**
* ecdh-sha2-nistp384 **(node v0.11.14 or newer)**
* ecdh-sha2-nistp521 **(node v0.11.14 or newer)**
* diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 **(node v0.11.12 or newer)**
* diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
* diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 **(node v0.11.12 or newer)**
* diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
* **cipher** - _array_ - Ciphers.
* Default values:
1. aes128-ctr
2. aes192-ctr
3. aes256-ctr
4. aes128-gcm **(node v0.11.12 or newer)**
5. aes128-gcm@openssh.com **(node v0.11.12 or newer)**
6. aes256-gcm **(node v0.11.12 or newer)**
7. aes256-gcm@openssh.com **(node v0.11.12 or newer)**
* Supported values:
* aes128-ctr
* aes192-ctr
* aes256-ctr
* aes128-gcm **(node v0.11.12 or newer)**
* aes128-gcm@openssh.com **(node v0.11.12 or newer)**
* aes256-gcm **(node v0.11.12 or newer)**
* aes256-gcm@openssh.com **(node v0.11.12 or newer)**
* aes256-cbc
* aes192-cbc
* aes128-cbc
* blowfish-cbc
* 3des-cbc
* arcfour256
* arcfour128
* cast128-cbc
* arcfour
* **serverHostKey** - _array_ - Server host key formats. In server mode, this list must agree with the host private keys set in the `hostKeys` config setting.
* Default values:
1. ssh-rsa
2. ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 **(node v5.2.0 or newer)**
3. ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 **(node v5.2.0 or newer)**
4. ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 **(node v5.2.0 or newer)**
* Supported values:
* ssh-rsa
* ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 **(node v5.2.0 or newer)**
* ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 **(node v5.2.0 or newer)**
* ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 **(node v5.2.0 or newer)**
* ssh-dss
* **hmac** - _array_ - (H)MAC algorithms.
* Default values:
1. hmac-sha2-256
2. hmac-sha2-512
3. hmac-sha1
* Supported values:
* hmac-sha2-256
* hmac-sha2-512
* hmac-sha1
* hmac-md5
* hmac-sha2-256-96
* hmac-sha2-512-96
* hmac-ripemd160
* hmac-sha1-96
* hmac-md5-96
* **compress** - _array_ - Compression algorithms.
* Default values:
1. none
2. zlib@openssh.com
3. zlib
* Supported values:
* none
* zlib@openssh.com
* zlib
* **debug** - _function_ - Set this to a function that receives a single string argument to get detailed (local) debug information. **Default:** (none)
**Client/Server methods**
* **ping**() - _boolean_ - Writes a dummy GLOBAL_REQUEST packet (specifically "keepalive@openssh.com") that requests a reply. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **disconnect**([< _integer_ >reasonCode]) - _boolean_ - Writes a disconnect packet and closes the stream. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **rekey**() - _boolean_ - Starts the re-keying process. Incoming/Outgoing packets are buffered until the re-keying process has finished. Returns `false` to indicate that no more packets should be written until the `NEWKEYS` event is seen.
* **requestSuccess**([< _Buffer_ >data]) - _boolean_ - Writes a request success packet. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **requestFailure**() - _boolean_ - Writes a request failure packet. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **channelSuccess**() - _boolean_ - Writes a channel success packet. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **channelFailure**() - _boolean_ - Writes a channel failure packet. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **channelEOF**(< _integer_ >channel) - _boolean_ - Writes a channel EOF packet for the given `channel`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **channelClose**(< _integer_ >channel) - _boolean_ - Writes a channel close packet for the given `channel`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **channelWindowAdjust**(< _integer_ >channel, < _integer_ >amount) - _boolean_ - Writes a channel window adjust packet for the given `channel` where `amount` is the number of bytes to add to the channel window. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **channelData**(< _integer_ >channel, < _mixed_ >data) - _boolean_ - Writes a channel data packet for the given `channel` where `data` is a _Buffer_ or _string_. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **channelExtData**(< _integer_ >channel, < _mixed_ >data, < _integer_ >type) - _boolean_ - Writes a channel extended data packet for the given `channel` where `data is a _Buffer_ or _string_. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **channelOpenConfirm**(< _integer_ >remoteChannel, < _integer_ >localChannel, < _integer_ >initWindow, < _integer_ >maxPacket) - _boolean_ - Writes a channel open confirmation packet. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **channelOpenFail**(< _integer_ >remoteChannel, < _integer_ >reasonCode[, < _string_ >description]) - _boolean_ - Writes a channel open failure packet. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
**Client-only methods**
* **service**(< _string_ >serviceName) - _boolean_ - Writes a service request packet for `serviceName`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **tcpipForward**(< _string_ >bindAddr, < _integer_ >bindPort[, < _boolean_ >wantReply]) - _boolean_ - Writes a tcpip forward global request packet. `wantReply` defaults to `true`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **cancelTcpipForward**(< _string_ >bindAddr, < _integer_ >bindPort[, < _boolean_ >wantReply]) - _boolean_ - Writes a cancel tcpip forward global request packet. `wantReply` defaults to `true`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **authPassword**(< _string_ >username, < _string_ >password) - _boolean_ - Writes a password userauth request packet. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **authPK**(< _string_ >username, < _object_ >pubKey[, < _function_ >cbSign]) - _boolean_ - Writes a publickey userauth request packet. `pubKey` is the object returned from using `utils.parseKey()` on a private or public key. If `cbSign` is not present, a pubkey check userauth packet is written. Otherwise `cbSign` is called with `(blob, callback)`, where `blob` is the data to sign with the private key and the resulting signature _Buffer_ is passed to `callback` as the first argument. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **authHostbased**(< _string_ >username, < _object_ >pubKey, < _string_ >localHostname, < _string_ >localUsername, < _function_ >cbSign) - _boolean_ - Writes a hostbased userauth request packet. `pubKey` is the object returned from using `utils.parseKey()` on a private or public key. `cbSign` is called with `(blob, callback)`, where `blob` is the data to sign with the private key and the resulting signature _Buffer_ is passed to `callback` as the first argument. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **authKeyboard**(< _string_ >username) - _boolean_ - Writes a keyboard-interactive userauth request packet. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **authNone**(< _string_ >username) - _boolean_ - Writes a "none" userauth request packet. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **authInfoRes**(< _array_ >responses) - _boolean_ - Writes a userauth info response packet. `responses` is an _array_ of zero or more strings corresponding to responses to prompts previously sent by the server. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **directTcpip**(< _integer_ >channel, < _integer_ >initWindow, < _integer_ >maxPacket, < _object_ >config) - _boolean_ - Writes a direct tcpip channel open packet. `config` must contain `srcIP`, `srcPort`, `dstIP`, and `dstPort`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **session**(< _integer_ >channel, < _integer_ >initWindow, < _integer_ >maxPacket) - _boolean_ - Writes a session channel open packet. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **openssh_agentForward**(< _integer_ >channel[, < _boolean_ >wantReply]) - _boolean_ - Writes an `auth-agent-req@openssh.com` channel request packet. `wantReply` defaults to `true`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **windowChange**(< _integer_ >channel, < _integer_ >rows, < _integer_ >cols, < _integer_ >height, < _integer_ >width) - _boolean_ - Writes a window change channel request packet. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **pty**(< _integer_ >channel, < _integer_ >rows, < _integer_ >cols, < _integer_ >height, < _integer_ >width, < _string_ >terminalType, < _mixed_ >terminalModes[, < _boolean_ >wantReply]) - _boolean_ - Writes a pty channel request packet. If `terminalType` is falsey, `vt100` is used. `terminalModes` can be the raw bytes, an _object_ of the terminal modes to set, or a falsey value for no modes. `wantReply` defaults to `true`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **env**(< _integer_ >channel, < _string_ >key, < _mixed_ >value[, < _boolean_ >wantReply]) - _boolean_ - Writes an env channel request packet. `value` can be a _string_ or _Buffer_. `wantReply` defaults to `true`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **shell**(< _integer_ >channel[, < _boolean_ >wantReply]) - _boolean_ - Writes a shell channel request packet. `wantReply` defaults to `true`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **exec**(< _integer_ >channel, < _string_ >command[, < _boolean_ >wantReply]) - _boolean_ - Writes an exec channel request packet. `wantReply` defaults to `true`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **signal**(< _integer_ >channel, < _string_ >signalName) - _boolean_ - Writes a signal channel request packet. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **x11Forward**(< _integer_ >channel, < _object_ >config[, < _boolean_ >wantReply]) - _boolean_ - Writes an X11 forward channel request packet. `wantReply` defaults to `true`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic. `config` can contain:
* **single** - _boolean_ - `true` if only a single connection should be forwarded.
* **protocol** - _string_ - The name of the X11 authentication method used (e.g. `MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1`).
* **cookie** - _string_ - The X11 authentication cookie encoded in hexadecimal.
* **screen** - _integer_ - The screen number to forward X11 connections for.
* **subsystem**(< _integer_ >channel, < _string_ >name[, < _boolean_ >wantReply]) - _boolean_ - Writes a subsystem channel request packet. `name` is the name of the subsystem (e.g. `sftp` or `netconf`). `wantReply` defaults to `true`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **openssh_noMoreSessions**([< _boolean_ >wantReply]) - _boolean_ - Writes a no-more-sessions@openssh.com request packet. `wantReply` defaults to `true`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **openssh_streamLocalForward**(< _string_ >socketPath[, < _boolean_ >wantReply]) - _boolean_ - Writes a streamlocal-forward@openssh.com request packet. `wantReply` defaults to `true`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **openssh_cancelStreamLocalForward**(< _string_ >socketPath[, < _boolean_ >wantReply]) - _boolean_ - Writes a cancel-streamlocal-forward@openssh.com request packet. `wantReply` defaults to `true`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **openssh_directStreamLocal**(< _integer_ >channel, < _integer_ >initWindow, < _integer_ >maxPacket, < _object_ >config) - _boolean_ - Writes a direct-streamlocal@openssh.com channel open packet. `config` must contain `socketPath`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
**Server-only methods**
* **serviceAccept**(< _string_ >serviceName) - _boolean_ - Writes a service accept packet. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **authFailure**([< _array_ >authMethods[, < _boolean_ >partialSuccess]]) - _boolean_ - Writes a userauth failure packet. `authMethods` is an _array_ of authentication methods that can continue. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **authSuccess**() - _boolean_ - Writes a userauth success packet. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **authPKOK**(< _string_ >keyAlgorithm, < _Buffer_ >keyData) - _boolean_ - Writes a userauth PK OK packet. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **authInfoReq**(< _string_ >name, < _string_ >instructions, < _array_ >prompts) - _boolean_ - Writes a userauth info request packet. `prompts` is an array of `{ prompt: 'Prompt text', echo: true }` objects (`prompt` being the prompt text and `echo` indicating whether the client's response to the prompt should be echoed to their display). Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **forwardedTcpip**(< _integer_ >channel, < _integer_ >initWindow, < _integer_ >maxPacket, < _object_ >info) - _boolean_ - Writes a forwarded tcpip channel open packet. `info` must contain `boundAddr`, `boundPort`, `remoteAddr`, and `remotePort`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **x11**(< _integer_ >channel, < _integer_ >initWindow, < _integer_ >maxPacket, < _object_ >info) - _boolean_ - Writes an X11 channel open packet. `info` must contain `originAddr` and `originPort`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **openssh_forwardedStreamLocal**(< _integer_ >channel, < _integer_ >initWindow, < _integer_ >maxPacket, < _object_ >info) - _boolean_ - Writes an forwarded-streamlocal@openssh.com channel open packet. `info` must contain `socketPath`. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **exitStatus**(< _integer_ >channel, < _integer_ >exitCode) - _boolean_ - Writes an exit status channel request packet. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
* **exitSignal**(< _integer_ >channel, < _string_ >signalName, < _boolean_ >coreDumped, < _string_ >errorMessage) - _boolean_ - Writes an exit signal channel request packet. Returns `false` if you should wait for the `continue` event before sending any more traffic.
Utility methods
* **parseKey**(< _mixed_ >keyData) - _object_ - Parses a private/public key in OpenSSH and RFC4716 formats.
* **decryptKey**(< _object_ >privKeyInfo, < _string_ >passphrase) - _(void)_ - Takes a private key parsed with `parseKey()` and decrypts it with `passphrase`. The decrypted key data overwrites the original encrypted copy.
* **genPublicKey**(< _object_ >privKeyInfo) - _object_ - Takes a private key parsed with `parseKey()` and generates the associated public key and returns the public key information in the same format as `parseKey()`.