escapes strings for use in JavaScript string literals while generating the shortest possible valid ASCII-only output.
.ItSy"-s, --single-quotes"
Escape any occurrences of ' in the input string as \\', so that the output can be used in a JavaScript string literal wrapped in single quotes.
.ItSy"-d, --double-quotes"
Escape any occurrences of " in the input string as \\", so that the output can be used in a JavaScript string literal wrapped in double quotes.
.ItSy"-w, --wrap"
Make sure the output is a valid JavaScript string literal wrapped in quotes. The type of quotes can be specified using the
.ItSy"-6, --es6"
Escape any astral Unicode symbols using ECMAScript 6 Unicode code point escape sequences.
.ItSy"-e, --escape-everything"
Escape all the symbols in the output, even printable ASCII symbols.
.ItSy"-j, --json"
Make sure the output is valid JSON. Hexadecimal character escape sequences and the \\v or \\0 escape sequences will not be used. Setting this flag enables the
.ItSy"-o, --object"
Treat the input as a JavaScript object rather than a string. Accepted values are flat arrays containing only string values, and flat objects containing only string values.
.ItSy"-p, --pretty"
Pretty-print the output for objects, using whitespace to make it more readable. Setting this flag enables the
.ItSy"-l, --lowercase-hex"
Use lowercase for alphabetical hexadecimal digits in escape sequences.
.ItSy"-v, --version"
Print jsesc's version.
.ItSy"-h, --help"
Show the help screen.
utility exits with one of the following values:
successfully escaped the given string and printed the result.
wasn't instructed to escape anything (for example, the
flag was set); or, an error occurred.
.ItSy"jsesc 'foo bar baz'"
Print an escaped version of the given string.
Print an escaped version of the string that gets piped in.
jsesc's bug tracker is located at <>.