The Hook will compile a method with the most efficient way of running your plugins. It generates code depending on:
* The number of registered plugins (none, one, many)
* The kind of registered plugins (sync, async, promise)
* The used call method (sync, async, promise)
* The number of arguments
* Whether interception is used
This ensures fastest possible execution.
## Hook types
Each hook can be tapped with one or several functions. How they are executed depends on the hook type:
* Basic hook (without “Waterfall”, “Bail” or “Loop” in its name). This hook simply calls every function it tapped in a row.
* __Waterfall__. A waterfall hook also calls each tapped function in a row. Unlike the basic hook, it passes a return value from each function to the next function.
* __Bail__. A bail hook allows exiting early. When any of the tapped function returns anything, the bail hook will stop executing the remaining ones.
* __Loop__. When a plugin in a loop hook returns a non-undefined value the hook will restart from the first plugin. It will loop until all plugins return undefined.
Additionally, hooks can be synchronous or asynchronous. To reflect this, there’re “Sync”, “AsyncSeries”, and “AsyncParallel” hook classes:
* __Sync__. A sync hook can only be tapped with synchronous functions (using `myHook.tap()`).
* __AsyncSeries__. An async-series hook can be tapped with synchronous, callback-based and promise-based functions (using `myHook.tap()`, `myHook.tapAsync()` and `myHook.tapPromise()`). They call each async method in a row.
* __AsyncParallel__. An async-parallel hook can also be tapped with synchronous, callback-based and promise-based functions (using `myHook.tap()`, `myHook.tapAsync()` and `myHook.tapPromise()`). However, they run each async method in parallel.
The hook type is reflected in its class name. E.g., `AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook` allows asynchronous functions and runs them in series, passing each function’s return value into the next function.
return tapInfo; // may return a new tapInfo object
**call**: `(...args) => void` Adding `call` to your interceptor will trigger when hooks are triggered. You have access to the hooks arguments.
**tap**: `(tap: Tap) => void` Adding `tap` to your interceptor will trigger when a plugin taps into a hook. Provided is the `Tap` object. `Tap` object can't be changed.
**loop**: `(...args) => void` Adding `loop` to your interceptor will trigger for each loop of a looping hook.
**register**: `(tap: Tap) => Tap | undefined` Adding `register` to your interceptor will trigger for each added `Tap` and allows to modify it.
## Context
Plugins and interceptors can opt-in to access an optional `context` object, which can be used to pass arbitrary values to subsequent plugins and interceptors.