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2023-09-25 15:58:56 +08:00
import type {CodeKeywordDefinition} from "../../types"
import type KeywordCxt from "../../compile/context"
import {propertyInData, allSchemaProperties, isOwnProperty} from "../code"
import {alwaysValidSchema, schemaRefOrVal} from "../../compile/util"
import {_, and, not, Code, Name} from "../../compile/codegen"
import {checkMetadata} from "./metadata"
import {checkNullableObject} from "./nullable"
const def: CodeKeywordDefinition = {
keyword: "properties",
schemaType: "object",
code: validateProperties,
export function validateProperties(cxt: KeywordCxt): void {
const {gen, data, parentSchema, it} = cxt
const {additionalProperties, nullable} = parentSchema
if (it.jtdDiscriminator && nullable) throw new Error("JTD: nullable inside discriminator mapping")
if (commonProperties()) {
throw new Error("JTD: properties and optionalProperties have common members")
const [allProps, properties] = schemaProperties("properties")
const [allOptProps, optProperties] = schemaProperties("optionalProperties")
if (properties.length === 0 && optProperties.length === 0 && additionalProperties) {
const [valid, cond] =
it.jtdDiscriminator === undefined
? checkNullableObject(cxt, data)
: [gen.let("valid", false), true]
gen.if(cond, () =>
gen.assign(valid, true).block(() => {
validateProps(properties, "properties", true)
validateProps(optProperties, "optionalProperties")
if (!additionalProperties) validateAdditional()
function commonProperties(): boolean {
const props = parentSchema.properties as Record<string, any> | undefined
const optProps = parentSchema.optionalProperties as Record<string, any> | undefined
if (!(props && optProps)) return false
for (const p in props) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(optProps, p)) return true
return false
function schemaProperties(keyword: string): [string[], string[]] {
const schema = parentSchema[keyword]
const allPs = schema ? allSchemaProperties(schema) : []
if (it.jtdDiscriminator && allPs.some((p) => p === it.jtdDiscriminator)) {
throw new Error(`JTD: discriminator tag used in ${keyword}`)
const ps = allPs.filter((p) => !alwaysValidSchema(it, schema[p]))
return [allPs, ps]
function validateProps(props: string[], keyword: string, required?: boolean): void {
const _valid = gen.var("valid")
for (const prop of props) {
propertyInData(gen, data, prop, it.opts.ownProperties),
() => applyPropertySchema(prop, keyword, _valid),
function missingProperty(): void {
if (required) {
gen.assign(_valid, false)
} else {
gen.assign(_valid, true)
function applyPropertySchema(prop: string, keyword: string, _valid: Name): void {
schemaProp: prop,
dataProp: prop,
function validateAdditional(): void {
gen.forIn("key", data, (key: Name) => {
const _allProps =
it.jtdDiscriminator === undefined ? allProps : [it.jtdDiscriminator].concat(allProps)
const addProp = isAdditional(key, _allProps, "properties")
const addOptProp = isAdditional(key, allOptProps, "optionalProperties")
const extra =
addProp === true ? addOptProp : addOptProp === true ? addProp : and(addProp, addOptProp)
gen.if(extra, () => {
if (it.opts.removeAdditional) {
gen.code(_`delete ${data}[${key}]`)
} else {
// cxt.setParams({additionalProperty: key})
if (!it.opts.allErrors) gen.break()
function isAdditional(key: Name, props: string[], keyword: string): Code | true {
let additional: Code | boolean
if (props.length > 8) {
// TODO maybe an option instead of hard-coded 8?
const propsSchema = schemaRefOrVal(it, parentSchema[keyword], keyword)
additional = not(isOwnProperty(gen, propsSchema as Code, key))
} else if (props.length) {
additional = and(...props.map((p) => _`${key} !== ${p}`))
} else {
additional = true
return additional
export default def