This is a fork of David Gouch's excellent [`String#toTitleCase()`]( method inspired by John Gruber's [post on the topic](
I've simply taken it off the `String` prototype and exported it from a simple module.
var toTitleCase = require('titlecase')
console.log(toTitleCase('foo bar baz'))
See [Gouch's page]( with inline converter. Also see this excellent **[table of test case results](** for different converters.
In addition, I've added a more comprehensive list of words to not capitalise that includes articles, prepositions and conjunctions (see source files for lists), I'm calling this "lax title case", use it like so:
var toLaxTitleCase = require('titlecase').toLaxTitleCase
console.log(toLaxTitleCase('foo bar baz'))
**Using as an executable**
Install with `npm install titlecase -g` and you'll get a `to-title-case` executable that you can run to titlecase strings:
$ to-title-case "what is this thing?"
What Is This Thing?
*Original README:*
# To Title Case for JavaScript
Instructions: Include the to-title-case.js script and use the new .toTitleCase() method on the string you want converted.
## History
### 2.1 / 2013-11-03
- Acknowledge characters outside of US-ASCII
- Fix bug related to hyphenated small words
- Replace baby's first testing script with the QUnit framework
### 2.0.1 / 2012-01-06
- Fixed IE 7 breakage introduced in 2.0. Don't treat strings like character arrays.
### 2.0 / 2012-01-06
- 15% less code and 35% easier to understand.
- Small words list moved to variable for easy modification.
- Test titles rewritten to focus on a single issue per title.
- More braces to make style guides and JSLint happier.