2023-10-03 11:14:36 +08:00
"use strict" ;
/* IMPORT */
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) ;
const path = require ( "path" ) ;
const consts _1 = require ( "../consts" ) ;
const fs _1 = require ( "./fs" ) ;
/* TEMP */
//TODO: Maybe publish this as a standalone package
const Temp = {
store : { } ,
create : ( filePath ) => {
const randomness = ` 000000 ${ Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 16777215 ) . toString ( 16 ) } ` . slice ( - 6 ) , // 6 random-enough hex characters
timestamp = Date . now ( ) . toString ( ) . slice ( - 10 ) , // 10 precise timestamp digits
prefix = 'tmp-' , suffix = ` . ${ prefix } ${ timestamp } ${ randomness } ` , tempPath = ` ${ filePath } ${ suffix } ` ;
return tempPath ;
} ,
get : ( filePath , creator , purge = true ) => {
const tempPath = Temp . truncate ( creator ( filePath ) ) ;
if ( tempPath in Temp . store )
return Temp . get ( filePath , creator , purge ) ; // Collision found, try again
Temp . store [ tempPath ] = purge ;
const disposer = ( ) => delete Temp . store [ tempPath ] ;
return [ tempPath , disposer ] ;
} ,
purge : ( filePath ) => {
if ( ! Temp . store [ filePath ] )
return ;
delete Temp . store [ filePath ] ;
fs _1 . default . unlinkAttempt ( filePath ) ;
} ,
purgeSync : ( filePath ) => {
if ( ! Temp . store [ filePath ] )
return ;
delete Temp . store [ filePath ] ;
fs _1 . default . unlinkSyncAttempt ( filePath ) ;
} ,
purgeSyncAll : ( ) => {
for ( const filePath in Temp . store ) {
Temp . purgeSync ( filePath ) ;
} ,
truncate : ( filePath ) => {
const basename = path . basename ( filePath ) ;
if ( basename . length <= consts _1 . LIMIT _BASENAME _LENGTH )
return filePath ; //FIXME: Rough and quick attempt at detecting ok lengths
const truncable = /^(\.?)(.*?)((?:\.[^.]+)?(?:\.tmp-\d{10}[a-f0-9]{6})?)$/ . exec ( basename ) ;
if ( ! truncable )
return filePath ; //FIXME: No truncable part detected, can't really do much without also changing the parent path, which is unsafe, hoping for the best here
const truncationLength = basename . length - consts _1 . LIMIT _BASENAME _LENGTH ;
return ` ${ filePath . slice ( 0 , - basename . length ) } ${ truncable [ 1 ] } ${ truncable [ 2 ] . slice ( 0 , - truncationLength ) } ${ truncable [ 3 ] } ` ; //FIXME: The truncable part might be shorter than needed here
} ;
/* INIT */
process . on ( 'exit' , Temp . purgeSyncAll ) ; // Ensuring purgeable temp files are purged on exit
/* EXPORT */
exports . default = Temp ;