2023-10-03 11:14:36 +08:00
# y18n
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The bare-bones internationalization library used by yargs.
Inspired by [i18n ](https://www.npmjs.com/package/i18n ).
## Examples
_simple string translation:_
const __ = require('y18n')().__;
console.log(__('my awesome string %s', 'foo'));
`my awesome string foo`
_using tagged template literals_
const __ = require('y18n')().__;
const str = 'foo';
console.log(__`my awesome string ${str}`);
`my awesome string foo`
_pluralization support:_
const __n = require('y18n')().__n;
console.log(__n('one fish %s', '%d fishes %s', 2, 'foo'));
`2 fishes foo`
## Deno Example
As of `v5` `y18n` supports [Deno ](https://github.com/denoland/deno ):
import y18n from "https://deno.land/x/y18n/deno.ts";
const __ = y18n({
locale: 'pirate',
directory: './test/locales'
console.info(__`Hi, ${'Ben'} ${'Coe'}!`)
You will need to run with `--allow-read` to load alternative locales.
## JSON Language Files
The JSON language files should be stored in a `./locales` folder.
File names correspond to locales, e.g., `en.json` , `pirate.json` .
When strings are observed for the first time they will be
added to the JSON file corresponding to the current locale.
## Methods
### require('y18n')(config)
Create an instance of y18n with the config provided, options include:
* `directory` : the locale directory, default `./locales` .
* `updateFiles` : should newly observed strings be updated in file, default `true` .
* `locale` : what locale should be used.
* `fallbackToLanguage` : should fallback to a language-only file (e.g. `en.json` )
be allowed if a file matching the locale does not exist (e.g. `en_US.json` ),
default `true` .
### y18n.\_\_(str, arg, arg, arg)
Print a localized string, `%s` will be replaced with `arg` s.
This function can also be used as a tag for a template literal. You can use it
like this: < code > __` hello ${'world'}` < / code > . This will be equivalent to
`__('hello %s', 'world')` .
### y18n.\_\_n(singularString, pluralString, count, arg, arg, arg)
Print a localized string with appropriate pluralization. If `%d` is provided
in the string, the `count` will replace this placeholder.
### y18n.setLocale(str)
Set the current locale being used.
### y18n.getLocale()
What locale is currently being used?
### y18n.updateLocale(obj)
Update the current locale with the key value pairs in `obj` .
## Supported Node.js Versions
Libraries in this ecosystem make a best effort to track
[Node.js' release schedule ](https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/ ). Here's [a
post on why we think this is important](https://medium.com/the-node-js-collection/maintainers-should-consider-following-node-js-release-schedule-ab08ed4de71a).
## License
[npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/y18n
[npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/y18n.svg
[standard-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-standard-brightgreen.svg
[standard-url]: https://github.com/feross/standard