Set the property at the given path to the given value.
Returns the object.
### has(object, path)
Check whether the property at the given path exists.
Returns a boolean.
### delete(object, path)
Delete the property at the given path.
Returns a boolean of whether the property existed before being deleted.
#### object
Type: `object`
Object to get, set, or delete the `path` value.
You are allowed to pass in `undefined` as the object to the `get` and `has` functions.
#### path
Type: `string`
Path of the property in the object, using `.` to separate each nested key.
Use `\\.` if you have a `.` in the key.
The following path components are invalid and results in `undefined` being returned: `__proto__`, `prototype`, `constructor`.
#### value
Type: `unknown`
Value to set at `path`.
#### defaultValue
Type: `unknown`
Default value.
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