addInput($logoUrl); $icoUrl = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('icoUrl', NULL, NULL, _t('站点 Favicon 地址')); $form->addInput($icoUrl); $sticky = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('sticky', NULL, NULL, _t('置顶文章cid'), _t('多篇文章以`|`符号隔开'), _t('会在首页展示置顶文章。')); $form->addInput($sticky); $showProfile = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('showProfile', array('0'=> _t('否'), '1'=> _t('是')), '0', _t('是否在文章页面显示显示作者信息'), _t('选择“是”将在文章页面包含显示作者信息。')); $form->addInput($showProfile); $instagramurl = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('instagramurl', NULL, '', _t('Instagram'), _t('会在个人信息显示')); $form->addInput($instagramurl); $telegramurl = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('telegramurl', NULL, '', _t('电报'), _t('会在个人信息显示')); $form->addInput($telegramurl); $githuburl = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('githuburl', NULL, '', _t('github'), _t('会在个人信息显示')); $form->addInput($githuburl); $twitterurl = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('twitterurl', NULL, '', _t('twitter'), _t('会在个人信息显示')); $form->addInput($twitterurl); $mastodonurl = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('mastodonurl', NULL,'', _t('mastodon'), _t('会在个人信息显示')); $form->addInput($mastodonurl); $sitemapurl = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('sitemapurl', NULL, NULL, _t('sitemap'), _t('会在页脚显示')); $form->addInput($sitemapurl); $cnavatar = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('cnavatar', NULL, '', _t('Gravatar镜像'), _t('默认,建议保持默认')); $form->addInput($cnavatar); $midimg = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('midimg', NULL, './img/', _t('填写分类图片路径,以"/"结尾'), _t('可以使用本地目录或者CDN地址,自动匹配路径下以mid.jpg格式的图片,使用分类页面时需要设置')); $form->addInput($midimg); $donate = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('donate', NULL, '', _t('赞赏二维码'), _t('不填写则不显示')); $form->addInput($donate); $doubanID = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('doubanID', NULL, '', _t('豆瓣页面必需API,包含"/"'), _t('使用豆瓣页面时需要设置')); $form->addInput($doubanID); $twikoo = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Textarea('twikoo', NULL, NULL, _t('引用第三方评论'), _t('不填写则不显示')); $form->addInput($twikoo); $addhead = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Textarea('addhead', NULL, NULL, _t('添加head'), _t('支持HTML')); $form->addInput($addhead); $tongji = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Textarea('tongji', NULL, NULL, _t('统计代码'), _t('支持HTML')); $form->addInput($tongji); $showallwords = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('showallwords', array('0'=> _t('否'), '1'=> _t('是')), '0', _t('是否显示归档字数统计'), _t('选择“是”将在归档页面显示全站总字数。')); $form->addInput($showallwords); $showrelated = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('showrelated', array('0'=> _t('否'), '1'=> _t('是')), '0', _t('是否显示相关文章'), _t('选择“是”将在文章页面显示相关文章。')); $form->addInput($showrelated); $showshare = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('showshare', array('0'=> _t('否'), '1'=> _t('是')), '0', _t('是否显示复制链接'), _t('选择“是”将在文章页面显示复制链接。')); $form->addInput($showshare); $showtime = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('showtime', array('0'=> _t('否'), '1'=> _t('是')), '0', _t('是否显示页面加载时间'), _t('选择“是”将在页脚显示加载时间。')); $form->addInput($showtime); $qqboturl = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('qqboturl', NULL, '', _t('QQ机器人API,保持默认则需添加 2280858259 为好友'), _t('基于cqhttp,有评论时QQ通知')); $form->addInput($qqboturl); $qqnum = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('qqnum', NULL, '80116747', _t('QQ号码'), _t('用于接收QQ通知的号码')); $form->addInput($qqnum); } function get_post_view($archive) { $cid = $archive->cid; $db = Typecho_Db::get(); $prefix = $db->getPrefix(); if (!array_key_exists('views', $db->fetchRow($db->select()->from('table.contents')))) { $db->query('ALTER TABLE `' . $prefix . 'contents` ADD `views` INT(10) DEFAULT 0;'); echo 0; return; } $row = $db->fetchRow($db->select('views')->from('table.contents')->where('cid = ?', $cid)); if ($archive->is('single')) { $views = Typecho_Cookie::get('extend_contents_views'); if (empty($views)) { $views = array(); } else { $views = explode(',', $views); } if (!in_array($cid, $views)) { $db->query($db->update('table.contents')->rows(array('views' => (int)$row['views'] + 1))->where('cid = ?', $cid)); array_push($views, $cid); $views = implode(',', $views); Typecho_Cookie::set('extend_contents_views', $views); //记录查看cookie } } echo $row['views']; } // 获取Typecho的选项 $options = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Options'); // 检查cnavatar是否已设置,如果未设置或为空,则使用默认的Gravatar前缀 $gravatarPrefix = empty($options->cnavatar) ? '' : $options->cnavatar; // 定义全局常量__TYPECHO_GRAVATAR_PREFIX__,用于存储Gravatar前缀 define('__TYPECHO_GRAVATAR_PREFIX__', $gravatarPrefix); /** * 页面加载时间 */ function timer_start() { global $timestart; $mtime = explode( ' ', microtime() ); $timestart = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; return true; } timer_start(); function timer_stop( $display = 0, $precision = 3 ) { global $timestart, $timeend; $mtime = explode( ' ', microtime() ); $timeend = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $timetotal = number_format( $timeend - $timestart, $precision ); $r = $timetotal < 1 ? $timetotal * 1000 . " ms" : $timetotal . " s"; if ( $display ) { echo $r; } return $r; } /* * 全站字数 */ function allwords() { $chars = 0; $db = Typecho_Db::get(); $select = $db ->select('text')->from('table.contents');//如果只要统计文章总字数不要统计单页的话可在后面加入->where('type = ?','post') $rows = $db->fetchAll($select); foreach ($rows as $row) { $chars += mb_strlen(trim($row['text']), 'UTF-8'); } if($chars<50000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,还在努力更新中,加油!加油啦!';} elseif ($chars<70000 && $chars>50000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本埃克苏佩里的《小王子》了!';} elseif ($chars<90000 && $chars>70000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本鲁迅的《呐喊》了!';} elseif ($chars<100000 && $chars>90000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本林海音的《城南旧事》了!';} elseif ($chars<110000 && $chars>100000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本马克·吐温的《王子与乞丐》了!';} elseif ($chars<120000 && $chars>110000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本鲁迅的《彷徨》了!';} elseif ($chars<130000 && $chars>120000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本余华的《活着》了!';} elseif ($chars<140000 && $chars>130000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本曹禺的《雷雨》了!';} elseif ($chars<150000 && $chars>140000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本史铁生的《宿命的写作》了!';} elseif ($chars<160000 && $chars>150000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本伯内特的《秘密花园》了!';} elseif ($chars<170000 && $chars>160000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本曹禺的《日出》了!';} elseif ($chars<180000 && $chars>170000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本马克·吐温的《汤姆·索亚历险记》了!';} elseif ($chars<190000 && $chars>180000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本沈从文的《边城》了!';} elseif ($chars<200000 && $chars>190000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本亚米契斯的《爱的教育》了!';} elseif ($chars<210000 && $chars>200000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本巴金的《寒夜》了!';} elseif ($chars<220000 && $chars>210000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本东野圭吾的《解忧杂货店》了!';} elseif ($chars<230000 && $chars>220000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本莫泊桑的《一生》了!';} elseif ($chars<250000 && $chars>230000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本简·奥斯汀的《傲慢与偏见》了!';} elseif ($chars<280000 && $chars>250000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本钱钟书的《围城》了!';} elseif ($chars<300000 && $chars>280000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本张炜的《古船》了!';} elseif ($chars<310000 && $chars>300000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本茅盾的《子夜》了!';} elseif ($chars<320000 && $chars>310000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本阿来的《尘埃落定》了!';} elseif ($chars<340000 && $chars>320000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本艾米莉·勃朗特的《呼啸山庄》了!';} elseif ($chars<350000 && $chars>340000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本雨果的《巴黎圣母院》了!';} elseif ($chars<400000 && $chars>350000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本东野圭吾的《白夜行》了!';} elseif ($chars<1000000 && $chars>400000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,写完一本我国著名的四大名著了!';} elseif ($chars>1000000){ echo '全站共 '.$chars.' 字,已写一本列夫·托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》了!';} } function img_postthumb($cid) { $db = Typecho_Db::get(); $rs = $db->fetchRow($db->select('table.contents.text') ->from('table.contents') ->where('table.contents.cid=?', $cid) ->order('table.contents.cid', Typecho_Db::SORT_ASC) ->limit(1)); // 检查是否获取到结果 if (!$rs) { return ""; } preg_match_all("/https?:\/\/[^\s]*.(png|jpeg|jpg|gif|bmp|webp)/", $rs['text'], $thumbUrl); //通过正则式获取图片地址 // 检查是否匹配到图片URL if (count($thumbUrl[0]) > 0) { return $thumbUrl[0][0]; // 返回第一张图片的URL } else { return ""; // 没有匹配到图片URL,返回空字符串 } } //回复加上@ function getPermalinkFromCoid($coid) { $db = Typecho_Db::get(); $row = $db->fetchRow($db->select('author')->from('table.comments')->where('coid = ? AND status = ?', $coid, 'approved')); if (empty($row)) return ''; return '@'.$row['author'].''; } // 评论提交通知函数 function notifyQQBot($comment) { $options = Helper::options(); // 检查评论是否已经审核通过 if ($comment->status != "approved") { error_log('Comment is not approved.'); return; } // 获取配置中的QQ机器人API地址 $cq_url = $options->qqboturl; // 检查API地址是否为空 if (empty($cq_url)) { error_log('QQ Bot URL is empty. Using default URL.'); $cq_url = ''; } // 获取QQ号码 $qqnum = $options->qqnum; // 检查QQ号码是否为空 if (empty($qqnum)) { error_log('QQ number is empty.'); return; } // 如果是管理员自己发的评论则不发送通知 if ($comment->authorId === $comment->ownerId) { error_log('This comment is by the post owner.'); return; } // 构建消息内容 $msg = '「' . $comment->author . '」在文章《' . $comment->title . '》中发表了评论!'; $msg .= "\n评论内容:\n{$comment->text}\n永久链接地址:{$comment->permalink}"; // 准备发送消息的数据 $_message_data_ = [ 'user_id' => (int) trim($qqnum), 'message' => str_replace(["\r\n", "\r", "\n"], "\r\n", htmlspecialchars_decode(strip_tags($msg))) ]; // 输出调试信息 error_log('Sending message to QQ Bot: ' . print_r($_message_data_, true)); // 初始化Curl请求 $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($ch, [ CURLOPT_URL => "{$cq_url}/send_msg?" . http_build_query($_message_data_, '', '&'), CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 30, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_HEADER => false, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 0 ]); $response = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_errno($ch)) { error_log('Curl error: ' . curl_error($ch)); } else { error_log('Response: ' . $response); } curl_close($ch); } Typecho_Plugin::factory('Widget_Feedback')->finishComment = 'notifyQQBot'; //开始增加某些奇怪的东西 // 获取月份 function getMonth() { $path = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; // 获取路劲 preg_match('/\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}|\d{4}\/\d{2}/', $path, $date); // 匹配路劲中的日期 if (is_array($date) && count($date)) { $date = explode('/', $date[0]); // 如果匹配到就分割日期 }else { $date = date('Y/m/d', time()); // 如果没有匹配到就获取当前月 $date = explode('/', $date); // 分割日期 } return $date; } // 获取指定月份的文章 function getMonthPost() { $date = getMonth(); // 获取要查询文章的月份 $start = $date[0] . '-' . $date[1] . '-01 00:00:00'; // 月的第一天 $end = date('Y-m-t', strtotime($date[0] . '-' . $date[1] . '-' . '1 23:59:59')); // 月最后一天 $start = strtotime($start); // 把月的第一天转换为时间戳 $end = strtotime($end . ' 23:59:59'); // 把月的最后一天转换为时间戳 $db = Typecho_Db::get(); // 按照提供的月份查询出文件的时间 $post = $db->fetchAll($db->select('table.contents.created')->from('table.contents')->where('created >= ?', $start)->where('created <= ?', $end)->where('type = ?', 'post')->where('status = ?', 'publish')); // 按照提供的月份查询前一个月的文章 $previous = $db->fetchAll($db->select('table.contents.created')->from('table.contents')->where('created < ?', $start)->where('type = ?', 'post')->where('status = ?', 'publish')->offset(0)->limit(1)->order('created', Typecho_Db::SORT_DESC)); // 按照提供的月份查询后一个月的文章 $next = $db->fetchAll($db->select('table.contents.created')->from('table.contents')->where('created > ?', $end)->where('type = ?', 'post')->where('status = ?', 'publish')->offset(0)->limit(1)->order('created', Typecho_Db::SORT_ASC)); if (count($next)) { $next = date('Y/m/', $next[0]['created']); // 格式化前一个月的文章时间 } if (count($previous)) { $previous = date('Y/m/', $previous[0]['created']); // 格式化后一个月的文章时间 } $day = array(); foreach ($post as $val) { array_push($day, date('j', $val['created'])); // 把查询出的文章日加入数组 } return array( 'post'=> $day, 'previous' => $previous, 'next' => $next ); } // 生成日历 function calendar($month, $url, $rewrite) { $monthArr = getMonth(); // 获取月份 $post = getMonthPost(); // 获取文章日期 // 判断是否启用了地址重写功能 if ($rewrite) { $monthUrl = $url . $monthArr[0] . '/' . $monthArr[1] . '/'; // 生成日期链接前缀 $previousUrl = is_array($post['previous'])?'':$url . $post['previous']; // 生成前一个月的跳转链接地址 $nextUrl = is_array($post['next'])?'':$url . $post['next']; // 生成后一个月的跳转链接地址 }else { $monthUrl = $url . 'index.php/' . $monthArr[0] . '/' . $monthArr[1] . '/'; // 生成日期链接前缀 $previousUrl = is_array($post['previous'])?'':$url . 'index.php/' . $post['previous']; // 生成前一个月的跳转链接地址 $nextUrl = is_array($post['next'])?'':$url . 'index.php/' . $post['next']; // 生成后一个月的跳转链接地址 } $postCount = array_count_values($post['post']); // 统计每天的文章数量 $calendar = ''; // 初始化 $week_arr = ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六']; // 表头 $this_month_days = (int)date('t', strtotime($month)); // 本月共多少天 $this_month_one_n = (int)date('w', strtotime($month)); // 本月1号星期几 $calendar .= ''; // 表头 foreach ($week_arr as $k => $v){ if($k == 0){ $class = ' class="sunday"'; }elseif ($k == 6){ $class = ' class="saturday"'; }else{ $class = ''; } $calendar .= ''; } $calendar .= ''; // 表身 // 计算本月共几行数据 $total_rows = ceil(($this_month_days - (7 - $this_month_one_n)) / 7) + 1; $number = 1; $flag = 0; for ($row = 1;$row <= $total_rows;$row++){ $calendar .= ''; for ($week = 0;$week <= 6;$week ++){ if($number < 10){ $numbera = '0' . $number; }else{ $numbera = $number; } if($number <= $this_month_days){ if ($number < 10) { $zero = '0'; }else { $zero = ''; } if($row == 1){ if($week >= $this_month_one_n){ if (in_array($number, $post['post'])) { $calendar .= ''; }else { $calendar .= ''; } $flag = 1; }else{ $calendar .= ''; } }else{ if (in_array($number, $post['post'])) { $calendar .= ''; }else { $calendar .= ''; } } if($flag){ $number ++; } }else{ $calendar .= ''; } } $calendar .= ''; } $calendar .= '
' . $v . '
' . '' . $number . '' . '' . $number . '' . '' . $number . '' . '' . $number . '
'; return array( 'calendar' => $calendar, 'previous' => is_array($post['previous'])?false:$post['previous'], 'next' => is_array($post['next'])?false:$post['next'], 'previousUrl' => $previousUrl, 'nextUrl' => $nextUrl ); } // 获取分类数量 function categoryCount() { $db = Typecho_Db::get(); $count = $db->fetchRow($db->select('COUNT(*)')->from('table.metas')->where('type = ?', 'category')); return $count['COUNT(*)']; } // 获取标签数量 function tagCount() { $db = Typecho_Db::get(); $count = $db->fetchRow($db->select('COUNT(*)')->from('table.metas')->where('type = ?', 'tag')); return $count['COUNT(*)']; } // 获取总阅读量 function viewsCount() { $db = Typecho_Db::get(); $count = $db->fetchRow($db->select('SUM(views) AS viewsCount')->from('table.contents')); return $count['viewsCount']; } // 获取阅读量排名前 5 的 5 篇文章的信息 function top5post() { $db = Typecho_Db::get(); $top5Post = $db->fetchAll($db->select()->from('table.contents')->where('type = ?', 'post')->where('status = ?', 'publish')->order('views', Typecho_Db::SORT_DESC)->offset(0)->limit(5)); $postList =array(); foreach ($top5Post as $post) { $post = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Abstract_Contents')->filter($post); array_push($postList, array( 'title' => $post['title'], 'link' => $post['permalink'], 'views' => $post['views'] )); } return $postList; } // 获取评论数排名前 5 的 5 篇文章的信息 function top5CommentPost() { $db = Typecho_Db::get(); $top5Post = $db->fetchAll($db->select()->from('table.contents')->where('type = ?', 'post')->where('status = ?', 'publish')->order('commentsNum', Typecho_Db::SORT_DESC)->offset(0)->limit(5)); $postList = array(); foreach ($top5Post as $post) { $post = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Abstract_Contents')->filter($post); array_push($postList, array( 'title' => $post['title'], 'link' => $post['permalink'], 'commentsNum' => $post['commentsNum'] )); } return $postList; } // 获取 ECharts 格式要求的文章更新日历 function postCalendar($start, $end) { $db = Typecho_Db::get(); $dateList = $db->fetchAll($db->select('created')->from('table.contents')->where('created > ?', $start)->where('created < ?', $end)); if (count($dateList) < 1) { return array(); } $dateList2 = array(); foreach ($dateList as $val) { array_push($dateList2, date('Y-m-d', $val['created'])); } $dateList2 = array_count_values($dateList2); $key = array_keys($dateList2); $dateList = array(); for ($i = 0;$i < count($dateList2);$i ++) { array_push($dateList, array( $key[$i], $dateList2[$key[$i]] )); } return $dateList; } // 获取 ECharts 格式要求的评论更新日历 function commentCalendar($start, $end) { $db = Typecho_Db::get(); $dateList = $db->fetchAll($db->select('created')->from('table.comments')->where('created > ?', $start)->where('created < ?', $end)); if (count($dateList) < 1) { return array(); } $dateList2 = array(); foreach ($dateList as $val) { array_push($dateList2, date('Y-m-d', $val['created'])); } $dateList2 = array_count_values($dateList2); $key = array_keys($dateList2); $dateList = array(); for ($i = 0;$i < count($dateList2);$i ++) { array_push($dateList, array( $key[$i], $dateList2[$key[$i]] )); } return $dateList; } // 获取个分类的文章数量 function categoryPostCount() { $db = Typecho_Db::get(); $count = $db->fetchAll($db->select('name', 'count AS value')->from('table.metas')->where('type = ?', 'category')); if (count($count) < 1) { return array(); } return $count; } // 获取父分类的名称 function getParentCategory($categoryId) { $db = Typecho_Db::get(); $category = $db->fetchRow($db->select()->from('table.metas')->where('mid = ?', $categoryId)); return $category['name']; } // 计算两个时间之间相差的天数 function getDays($time1, $time2) { return floor(($time2 - $time1) / 86400); } //获取文章卡片 function get_article_info($atts) { $default_atts = array( 'id' => '', 'url' => '' ); $atts = array_merge($default_atts, $atts); $db = Typecho_Db::get(); if (!empty($atts['id'])) { $post = $db->fetchRow($db->select()->from('table.contents') ->where('cid = ?', $atts['id']) ->limit(1)); } elseif (!empty($atts['url'])) { $post = $db->fetchRow($db->select()->from('table.contents') ->where('permalink = ?', $atts['url']) ->limit(1)); } else { return '请提供文章ID或URL'; } if (!$post) { return '未找到文章'; } $post = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Abstract_Contents')->push($post); // 获取缩略图 $imageToDisplay = img_postthumb($post['cid']); if (empty($imageToDisplay)) { $imageToDisplay = '//'; // 设置一个默认图片路径 } $output = '
'; $output .= ''; $output .= '' . $post['title'] . ''; $output .= '' . Typecho_Common::subStr(strip_tags($post['text']), 0, 100, '...') . ''; $output .= ''; $output .= ''; $output .= '
'; return $output; } // 创建一个新的类来处理内容过滤 class ContentFilter { public static function filterContent($content, $widget, $lastResult) { // 首先运行之前的过滤器结果 $content = empty($lastResult) ? $content : $lastResult; // 然后处理我们的文章短代码 $content = preg_replace_callback('/\[article\s+([^\]]+)\]/', function($matches) { $atts = self::parse_atts($matches[1]); return get_article_info($atts); }, $content); return $content; } // 解析短代码属性 private static function parse_atts($text) { $atts = array(); $pattern = '/(\w+)\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"(?:\s|$)|(\w+)\s*=\s*\'([^\']*)\'(?:\s|$)|(\w+)\s*=\s*([^\s\'"]+)(?:\s|$)|"([^"]*)"(?:\s|$)|(\S+)(?:\s|$)/'; $text = preg_replace("/[\x{00a0}\x{200b}]+/u", " ", $text); if (preg_match_all($pattern, $text, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($match as $m) { if (!empty($m[1])) $atts[strtolower($m[1])] = stripcslashes($m[2]); elseif (!empty($m[3])) $atts[strtolower($m[3])] = stripcslashes($m[4]); elseif (!empty($m[5])) $atts[strtolower($m[5])] = stripcslashes($m[6]); elseif (isset($m[7]) && strlen($m[7])) $atts[] = stripcslashes($m[7]); elseif (isset($m[8])) $atts[] = stripcslashes($m[8]); } } return $atts; } } // 注册钩子 Typecho_Plugin::factory('Widget_Abstract_Contents')->contentEx = array('ContentFilter', 'filterContent'); // 编辑器按钮类 class EditorButton { public static function render() { echo << $(document).ready(function() { $('#wmd-button-row').append('
  • '); $('#wmd-article-button').click(function() { var articleId = prompt("请输入要引用的文章ID:"); if (articleId) { var text = "[article id=\"" + articleId + "\"]"; var textarea = $('#text')[0]; var start = textarea.selectionStart; var end = textarea.selectionEnd; var value = textarea.value; textarea.value = value.substring(0, start) + text + value.substring(end); // 将光标移动到插入的文本之后 textarea.setSelectionRange(start + text.length, start + text.length); textarea.focus(); // 触发change事件,确保编辑器更新 $('#text').trigger('change'); } }); }); EOF; } } // 注册编辑器按钮钩子 Typecho_Plugin::factory('admin/write-post.php')->bottom = array('EditorButton', 'render'); Typecho_Plugin::factory('admin/write-page.php')->bottom = array('EditorButton', 'render');