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!function (e) { function t(o) { if (n[o]) return n[o].exports; var l = n[o] = { i: o, l: !1, exports: {} }; return e[o].call(l.exports, l, l.exports, t), l.l = !0, l.exports } var n = {}; t.m = e, t.c = n, t.d = function (e, n, o) { t.o(e, n) || Object.defineProperty(e, n, { configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, get: o }) }, t.n = function (e) { var n = e && e.__esModule ? function () { return e.default } : function () { return e }; return t.d(n, "a", n), n }, t.o = function (e, t) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) }, t.p = "", t(t.s = 0) }([function (e, t, n) { (function (o) { var l, r, i; !function (n, o) { r = [], l = o(n), void 0 !== (i = "function" == typeof l ? l.apply(t, r) : l) && (e.exports = i) }(void 0 !== o ? o : this.window || this.global, function (e) { "use strict"; function t() { for (var e = {}, t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t]; for (var o in n) m.call(n, o) && (e[o] = n[o]) } return e } function o(e, t, n) { t || (t = 250); var o, l; return function () { var r = n || this, i = +new Date, s = arguments; o && i < o + t ? (clearTimeout(l), l = setTimeout(function () { o = i, e.apply(r, s) }, t)) : (o = i, e.apply(r, s)) } } var l, r, i = n(2), s = {}, c = {}, a = n(3), u = n(4); if ("undefined" != typeof window) { var d, f = !!e.document.querySelector && !!e.addEventListener, m = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; return c.destroy = function () { if (!s.skipRendering) try { document.querySelector(s.tocSelector).innerHTML = "" } catch (e) { console.warn("Element not found: " + s.tocSelector) } s.scrollContainer && document.querySelector(s.scrollContainer) ? (document.querySelector(s.scrollContainer).removeEventListener("scroll", this._scrollListener, !1), document.querySelector(s.scrollContainer).removeEventListener("resize", this._scrollListener, !1), l && document.querySelector(s.scrollContainer).removeEventListener("click", this._clickListener, !1)) : (document.removeEventListener("scroll", this._scrollListener, !1), document.removeEventListener("resize", this._scrollListener, !1), l && document.removeEventListener("click", this._clickListener, !1)) }, c.init = function (e) { if (f && (s = t(i, e || {}), this.options = s, this.state = {}, s.scrollSmooth && (s.duration = s.scrollSmoothDuration, s.offset = s.scrollSmoothOffset, c.scrollSmooth = n(5).initSmoothScrolling(s)), l = a(s), r = u(s), this._buildHtml = l, this._parseContent = r, c.destroy(), null !== (d = r.selectHeadings(s.contentSelector, s.headingSelector)))) { var m = r.nestHeadingsArray(d), h = m.nest; s.skipRendering || l.render(s.tocSelector, h), this._scrollListener = o(function (e) { l.updateToc(d); var t = e && e.target && e.target.scrollingElement && 0 === e.target.scrollingElement.scrollTop; (e && (0 === e.eventPhase || null === e.currentTarget) || t) && (l.updateToc(d), s.scrollEndCallback && s.scrollEndCallback(e)) }, s.throttleTimeout), this._scrollListener(), s.scrollContainer && document.querySelector(s.scrollContainer) ? (document.querySelector(s.scrollContainer).addEventListener("scroll", this._scrollListener, !1), document.querySelector(s.scrollContainer).addEventListener("resize", this._scrollListener, !1)) : (document.addEventListener("scroll", this._scrollListener, !1), document.addEventListener("resize", this._scrollListener, !1)); var p = null; return this._clickListener = o(function (e) { s.scrollSmooth && l.disableTocAnimation(e), l.updateToc(d), p && clearTimeout(p), p = setTimeout(function () { l.enableTocAnimation() }, s.scrollSmoothDuration) }, s.throttleTimeout), s.scrollContainer && document.querySelector(s.scrollContainer) ? document.querySelector(s.scrollContainer).addEventListener("click", this._clickListener, !1) : document.addEventListener("click", this._clickListener, !1), this } }, c.refresh = function (e) { c.destroy(), c.init(e || this.options) }, e.tocbot = c, c } }) }).call(t, n(1)) }, function (e, t) { var n; n = function () { return this }(); try { n = n || Function("return this")() || (0, eval)("this") } catch (e) { "object" == typeof window && (n = window) } e.exports = n }, function (e, t) { e.exports = { tocSelector: ".js-toc", contentSelector: ".js-toc-content", headingSelector: "h1, h2, h3", ignoreSelector: ".js-toc-ignore", hasInnerContainers: !1, linkClass: "toc-link", extraLinkClasses: "", activeLinkClass: "is-active-link", listClass: "toc-list", extraListClasses: "", isCollapsedClass: "is-collapsed", collapsibleClass: "is-collapsible", listItemClass: "toc-list-item", activeListItemClass: "is-active-li", collapseDepth: 0, scrollSmooth: !0, scrollSmoothDuration: 420, scrollSmoothOffset: 0, scrollEndCallback: function (e) { }, headingsOffset: 1, throttleTimeout: 50, positionFixedSelector: null, positionFixedClass: "is-position-fixed", fixedSidebarOffset: "auto", includeHtml: !1, onClick: !1, orderedList: !0, scrollContainer: null, skipRendering: !1 } }, function (e, t) { e.exports = function (e) { function t(e, n) { var r = n.appendChild(o(e)); if (e.children.length) { var i = l(e.isCollapsed); e.children.forEach(function (e) { t(e, i) }), r.appendChild(i) } } function n(e, n) { var o = l(!1); n.forEach(function (e) { t(e, o) }); var r = document.querySelector(e); if (null !== r) return r.firstChild && r.removeChild(r.firstChild), 0 === n.length ? r : r.appendChild(o) } function o(t) { var n = document.createElement("li"), o = document.createElement("a"); return e.listItemClass && n.setAttribute("class", e.listItemClass), e.onClick && (o.onclick = e.onClick), e.includeHtml && t.childNodes.length ? d.call(t.childNodes, function (e) { o.appendChild(e.cloneNode(!0)) }) : o.textContent = t.textContent, o.setAttribute("href", "#" + t.id), o.setAttribute("class", e.linkClass + p + "node-name--" + t.nodeName + p + e.extraLinkClasses), n.appendChild(o), n } function l(t) { var n = e.orderedList ? "ol" : "ul", o = document.createElement(n), l = e.listClass + p + e.extraListClasses; return t && (l += p + e.collapsibleClass, l += p + e.isCollapsedClass), o.setAttribute("class", l), o } function r() { if (e.scrollContainer && document.querySelector(e.scrollContainer)) var t = document.querySelector(e.scrollContainer).scrollTop; else var t = document.documentElement.scrollTop || m.scrollTop; var n = document.querySelector(e.positionFixedSelector); "auto" === e.fixedSidebarOffset && (e.fixedSidebarOffset = document.querySelector(e.tocSelector).offsetTop), t > e.fixedSidebarOffset ? -1 === n.className.indexOf(e.positionFixedClass) && (n.className += p + e.positionFixedClass) : n.className = n.className.split(p + e.positionFixedClass).join("") } function i(t) { var n = 0; return t != document.querySelector(e.contentSelector && null != t) && (n = t.offsetTop, e.hasInnerContainers && (n += i(t.offsetParent))), n } function s(t) { if (e.scrollContainer && document.querySelector(e.scrollContainer)) var n = document.querySelector(e.scrollContainer).scrollTop; else var n = document.documentElement.scrollTop || m.scrollTop; e.positionFixedSelector && r(); var o, l = t; if (h && null !== document.querySelector(e.tocSelector) && l.length > 0) { f.call(l, function (t, r) { if (i(t) > n + e.headingsOffset + 10) { return o = l[0 === r ? r : r - 1], !0 } if (r === l.length - 1) return o = l[l.length - 1], !0 }); var s = document.querySelector(e.tocSelector).querySelectorAll("." + e.linkClass); d.call(s, function (t) { t.className = t.className.split(p + e.activeLinkClass).join("") }); var a = document.querySelector(e.tocSelector).querySelectorAll("." + e.listItemClass); d.call(a, function (t) { t.className = t.className.split(p + e.activeListItemClass).join("") }); var u = document.querySelector(e.tocSelector).querySelector("." + e.linkClass + ".node-name--" + o.nodeName + '[href="#' + o.id + '"]'); -1 === u.className.indexOf(e.activeLinkClass) && (u.className += p + e.activeLinkClass); var C = u.parentNode; C && -1 === C.className.indexOf(e.activeListItemClass) && (C.className += p + e.activeListItemClass); var v = document.querySelector(e.tocSelector).querySelectorAll("." + e.listClass + "." + e.collapsibleClass); d.call(v, function (t) { -1 === t.className.indexOf(e.isCollapsedClass) && (t.className += p + e.isCollapsedClass) }), u.nextSibling && -1 !== u.nextSibling.className.indexOf(e.isCollapsedClass) && (u.nextSibling.className = u.nextSibling.className.split(p + e.isCollapsedClass).join("")), c(u.parentNode.parentNode) } } function c(t) { return -1 !== t.className.indexOf(e.collapsibleClass) && -1 !== t.className.indexOf(e.isCollapsedClass) ? (t.className = t.className.split(p + e.isCollapsedClass).join(""), c(t.parentNode.parentNode)) : t } function a(t) { var n = t.target || t.srcElement; "string" == typeof n.className && -1 !== n.className.indexOf(e.linkClass) && (h = !1) } function u() { h = !0 } var d = [].forEach, f = [].some, m = document.body, h = !0, p = " "; return { enableTocAnimation: u, disableTocAnimation: a, render: n, updateToc: s } } }, function (e, t) { e.exports = function (e) { function t(e) { return e[e.length - 1] } function n(e) { return +e.nodeName.split("H").join("") } function o(t) { var o = { id: t.id, children: [], nodeName: t.nodeName, headingLevel: n(t), textContent: t.textContent.trim() }; return e.includeHtml && (o.childNodes = t.childNodes), o } function l(l, r) { for (var i = o(l), s = n(l), c = r, a = t(c), u = a ? a.headingLevel : 0, d = s - u; d > 0;)a = t(c), a && void 0 !== a.children && (c = a.children), d--; return s >= e.collapseDepth && (i.isCollapsed = !0), c.push(i), c } function r(t, n) { var o = n; e.ignoreSelector && (o = n.split(",").map(function (t) { return t.trim() + ":not(" + e.ignoreSelector + ")" })); try { return document.querySelector(t).querySelectorAll(o) } catch (e) { return console.warn("Element not found: " + t), null } } function i(e) { return s.call(e, function (e, t) { return l(o(t), e.nest), e }, { nest: [] }) } var s = [].reduce; return { nestHeadingsArray: i, selectHeadings: r } } }, function (e, t) { function n(e) { function t(e) { return "a" === e.tagName.toLowerCase() && (e.hash.length > 0 || "#" === e.href.charAt(e.href.length - 1)) && (n(e.href) === s || n(e.href) + "#" === s) } function n(e) { return e.slice(0, e.lastIndexOf("#")) } function l(e) { var t = document.getElementById(e.substring(1)); t && (/^(?:a|select|input|button|textarea)$/i.test(t.tagName) || (t.tabIndex = -1), t.focus()) } !function () { document.documentElement.style }(); var r = e.duration, i = e.offset, s = location.hash ? n(location.href) : location.href; !function () { function n(n) { !t(n.target) || n.target.className.indexOf("no-smooth-scroll") > -1 || "#" === n.target.href.charAt(n.target.href.length - 2) && "!" === n.target.href.charAt(n.target.href.length - 1) || -1 === n.target.className.indexOf(e.linkClass) || o(n.target.hash, { duration: r, offset: i, callback: function () { l(n.target.hash) } }) } document.body.addEventListener("click", n, !1) }() } function o(e, t) { function n(e) { i = e - r, window.scrollTo(0, c.easing(i, s, u, d)), i < d ? requestAnimationFrame(n) : o() } function o() { window.scrollTo(0, s + u), "function" == typeof c.callback && c.callback() } function l(e, t, n, o) { return (e /= o / 2) < 1 ? n / 2 * e * e + t : (e--, -n / 2 * (e * (e - 2) - 1) + t) } var r, i, s = window.pageYOffset, c = { duration: t.duration, offset: t.offset || 0, callback: t.callback, easing: t.easing || l }, a = document.querySelector('[id="' + decodeURI(e).split("#").join("") + '"]'), u = "string" == typeof e ? c.offset + (e ? a && a.getBoundingClientRect().top || 0 : -(document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop)) : e, d = "function" == typeof c.duration ? c.duration(u) : c.duration; requestAnimationFrame(function (e) { r = e, n(e) }) } t.initSmoothScrolling = n }]);