This commit is contained in:
浪子 2024-07-29 19:07:14 +08:00
commit c110487a43
2768 changed files with 122475 additions and 0 deletions

Plugin.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
if (!defined('__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__')) exit;
// 包含 Composer 自动加载器
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Aws\S3\S3Client;
use Aws\Exception\AwsException;
* S3 协议上传插件
* @package S3Upload
* @author 老孙
* @version 1.0.4
* @link
class S3Upload_Plugin implements Typecho_Plugin_Interface
* 激活插件方法,如果激活失败,直接抛出异常
* @access public
* @return void
* @throws Typecho_Plugin_Exception
public static function activate()
Typecho_Plugin::factory('Widget_Upload')->uploadHandle = array('S3Upload_Plugin', 'uploadHandle');
Typecho_Plugin::factory('Widget_Upload')->modifyHandle = array('S3Upload_Plugin', 'modifyHandle');
Typecho_Plugin::factory('Widget_Upload')->deleteHandle = array('S3Upload_Plugin', 'deleteHandle');
Typecho_Plugin::factory('Widget_Upload')->attachmentHandle = array('S3Upload_Plugin', 'attachmentHandle');
Typecho_Plugin::factory('Widget_Upload')->attachmentDataHandle = array('S3Upload_Plugin', 'attachmentDataHandle');
Typecho_Plugin::factory('Widget_Archive')->beforeRender = array('S3Upload_Plugin', 'Widget_Archive_beforeRender');
return _t('插件已经激活,请设置 S3 配置信息');
* 禁用插件方法,如果禁用失败,直接抛出异常
* @static
* @access public
* @return void
* @throws Typecho_Plugin_Exception
public static function deactivate()
return _t('插件已被禁用');
* 获取插件配置面板
* @access public
* @param Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form 配置面板
* @return void
public static function config(Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form)
$endpoint = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('endpoint', null, '', _t('S3 Endpoint'));
$form->addInput($endpoint->addRule('required', _t('必须填写 S3 Endpoint')));
$bucket = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('bucket', null, '', _t('Bucket 名称'));
$form->addInput($bucket->addRule('required', _t('必须填写 Bucket 名称')));
$accessKey = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('accessKey', null, '', _t('Access Key'));
$form->addInput($accessKey->addRule('required', _t('必须填写 Access Key')));
$secretKey = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('secretKey', null, '', _t('Secret Key'));
$form->addInput($secretKey->addRule('required', _t('必须填写 Secret Key')));
$region = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('region', null, 'us-east-1', _t('区域'));
$form->addInput($region->addRule('required', _t('必须填写区域')));
$customDomain = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text(
_t('自定义域名 (可选)'),
_t('如果您使用自定义域名访问 S3 存储请在此填写。例如')
$sign = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio(
array('open' => _t('开启'), 'close' => _t('关闭')),
_t('是否对 URL 进行签名')
* 个人用户的配置面板
* @access public
* @param Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form
* @return void
public static function personalConfig(Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form)
* 上传文件处理函数
* @access public
* @param array $file 上传的文件
* @return mixed
public static function uploadHandle($file)
if (empty($file['name'])) {
return false;
$ext = self::getSafeName($file['name']);
if (!Widget_Upload::checkFileType($ext)) {
return false;
$options = Helper::options()->plugin('S3Upload');
$date = new Typecho_Date($options->gmtTime);
$path = self::getUploadDir() . $date->year . '/' . $date->month;
$fileName = sprintf('%u', crc32(uniqid())) . '.' . $ext;
$uploadPath = $path . '/' . $fileName;
$s3Client = self::getS3Client();
try {
// 上传到S3
'Bucket' => $options->bucket,
'Key' => $uploadPath,
'Body' => fopen($file['tmp_name'], 'rb'),
'ACL' => 'public-read',
// 保存到本地
$uploadDir = __TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__ . '/usr/uploads/';
$localPath = $uploadDir . $uploadPath;
$localDir = dirname($localPath);
if (!is_dir($localDir)) {
mkdir($localDir, 0755, true);
if (!copy($file['tmp_name'], $localPath)) {
error_log("Failed to save file locally: " . $localPath);
return [
'name' => $file['name'],
'path' => $uploadPath,
'size' => $file['size'],
'type' => $ext,
'mime' => Typecho_Common::mimeContentType($uploadPath)
} catch (AwsException $e) {
throw new Typecho_Plugin_Exception(_t('文件上传失败:' . $e->getMessage()));
* 修改文件处理函数
* @access public
* @param array $content 老文件
* @param array $file 新上传的文件
* @return mixed
public static function modifyHandle($content, $file)
if (empty($file['name'])) {
return false;
$fileInfo = self::uploadHandle($file);
if ($fileInfo) {
return $fileInfo;
return false;
* 删除文件
* @access public
* @param array $content 文件相关信息
* @return boolean
public static function deleteHandle(array $content)
$options = Helper::options()->plugin('S3Upload');
$s3Client = self::getS3Client();
try {
'Bucket' => $options->bucket,
'Key' => $content['attachment']->path,
// 删除本地文件
$localPath = __TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__ . '/usr/uploads/' . $content['attachment']->path;
if (file_exists($localPath)) {
return true;
} catch (AwsException $e) {
error_log("Failed to delete file: " . $e->getMessage());
return false;
* 获取实际文件在 S3 上的绝对访问路径
* @access public
* @param array $content 文件相关信息
* @return string
public static function attachmentHandle($content)
return self::attachmentDataHandle($content);
public static function attachmentDataHandle($content)
$opt = Helper::options()->plugin('S3Upload');
$s3Client = self::getS3Client();
$path = str_replace('/usr/uploads/', self::getUploadDir(), $content['attachment']->path);
if ($opt->sign == 'open') {
$command = $s3Client->getCommand('GetObject', [
'Bucket' => $opt->bucket,
'Key' => $path
$request = $s3Client->createPresignedRequest($command, '+60 minutes');
$url = (string) $request->getUri();
} else {
$url = $s3Client->getObjectUrl($opt->bucket, $path);
return self::setDomain($url);
public static function Widget_Archive_beforeRender($archive)
$options = Helper::options()->plugin('S3Upload');
$s3Client = self::getS3Client();
if ($options->sign == 'open') {
if ($archive->is('single')) {
$archive->text = self::refresh_cdn_url($options, $s3Client, $archive->text);
private static function refresh_cdn_url($options, $s3Client, $text)
$domain = self::getDomain();
return preg_replace_callback(
function ($matches) use ($options, $s3Client, $domain) {
$url = $matches[1];
if (strpos($url, $domain) !== false) {
$path = str_replace($domain . '/', '', $url);
$path = explode('?', $path)[0]; // Remove query string
$command = $s3Client->getCommand('GetObject', [
'Bucket' => $options->bucket,
'Key' => $path
$request = $s3Client->createPresignedRequest($command, '+10 minutes');
$newUrl = (string) $request->getUri();
$newUrl = self::setDomain($newUrl);
return str_replace($url, $newUrl, $matches[0]);
return $matches[0];
private static function getS3Client()
$options = Helper::options()->plugin('S3Upload');
return new S3Client([
'version' => 'latest',
'region' => $options->region,
'endpoint' => 'https://' . $options->endpoint,
'use_path_style_endpoint' => false,
'credentials' => [
'key' => $options->accessKey,
'secret' => $options->secretKey,
private static function getDomain()
$opt = Helper::options()->plugin('S3Upload');
$domain = $opt->customDomain;
if (empty($domain)) {
$domain = 'https://' . $opt->bucket . '.' . $opt->endpoint;
return rtrim($domain, '/'); // 移除末尾的 '/'
private static function setDomain($url)
$opt = Helper::options()->plugin('S3Upload');
$s3_url = 'https://' . $opt->bucket . '.' . $opt->endpoint;
$cdn_domain = $opt->customDomain;
error_log("setDomain - Original URL: " . $url);
error_log("setDomain - S3 URL base: " . $s3_url);
error_log("setDomain - CDN Domain: " . $cdn_domain);
if (!empty($cdn_domain)) {
// 使用 parse_url 来分析 URL
$parsed_url = parse_url($url);
$s3_host = $opt->bucket . '.' . $opt->endpoint;
if (isset($parsed_url['host']) && $parsed_url['host'] === $s3_host) {
$new_url = $cdn_domain . $parsed_url['path'];
if (isset($parsed_url['query'])) {
$new_url .= '?' . $parsed_url['query'];
error_log("setDomain - URL replaced with CDN domain: " . $new_url);
return $new_url;
} else {
error_log("setDomain - URL doesn't match expected S3 format. Using original URL.");
} else {
error_log("setDomain - No CDN domain set, using original S3 URL");
error_log("setDomain - Final URL: " . $url);
return $url;
private static function getUploadDir()
return 'usr/uploads/';
private static function getSafeName($name)
$name = str_replace(array('"', '<', '>'), '', $name);
$name = str_replace('\\', '/', $name);
$name = false === strpos($name, '/') ? ('a' . $name) : str_replace('/', '/a', $name);
$info = pathinfo($name);
$name = substr($info['basename'], 1);
return isset($info['extension']) ? strtolower($info['extension']) : '';

autoload.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

composer.json Normal file
View File

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composer.lock generated Normal file
View File

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"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.5.8 || ^7.4.5 <7.9.0",
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"mtdowling/jmespath.php": "^2.6",
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"psr/http-message": "^1.0 || ^2.0"
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"doctrine/cache": "To use the DoctrineCacheAdapter",
"ext-curl": "To send requests using cURL",
"ext-openssl": "Allows working with CloudFront private distributions and verifying received SNS messages",
"ext-sockets": "To use client-side monitoring"
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"guzzle/client-integration-tests": "3.0.2",
"php-http/message-factory": "^1.1",
"phpunit/phpunit": "^8.5.39 || ^9.6.20",
"psr/log": "^1.1 || ^2.0 || ^3.0"
"suggest": {
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"ext-intl": "Required for Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) support",
"psr/log": "Required for using the Log middleware"
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"notification-url": "",
"license": [
"authors": [
"name": "PHP-FIG",
"homepage": ""
"description": "Common interface for HTTP messages",
"homepage": "",
"keywords": [
"support": {
"source": ""
"time": "2023-04-04T09:54:51+00:00"
"name": "ralouphie/getallheaders",
"version": "3.0.3",
"source": {
"type": "git",
"url": "",
"reference": "120b605dfeb996808c31b6477290a714d356e822"
"dist": {
"type": "zip",
"url": "",
"reference": "120b605dfeb996808c31b6477290a714d356e822",
"shasum": ""
"require": {
"php": ">=5.6"
"require-dev": {
"php-coveralls/php-coveralls": "^2.1",
"phpunit/phpunit": "^5 || ^6.5"
"type": "library",
"autoload": {
"files": [
"notification-url": "",
"license": [
"authors": [
"name": "Ralph Khattar",
"email": ""
"description": "A polyfill for getallheaders.",
"support": {
"issues": "",
"source": ""
"time": "2019-03-08T08:55:37+00:00"
"name": "symfony/deprecation-contracts",
"version": "v2.5.3",
"source": {
"type": "git",
"url": "",
"reference": "80d075412b557d41002320b96a096ca65aa2c98d"
"dist": {
"type": "zip",
"url": "",
"reference": "80d075412b557d41002320b96a096ca65aa2c98d",
"shasum": ""
"require": {
"php": ">=7.1"
"type": "library",
"extra": {
"branch-alias": {
"dev-main": "2.5-dev"
"thanks": {
"name": "symfony/contracts",
"url": ""
"autoload": {
"files": [
"notification-url": "",
"license": [
"authors": [
"name": "Nicolas Grekas",
"email": ""
"name": "Symfony Community",
"homepage": ""
"description": "A generic function and convention to trigger deprecation notices",
"homepage": "",
"support": {
"source": ""
"funding": [
"url": "",
"type": "custom"
"url": "",
"type": "github"
"url": "",
"type": "tidelift"
"time": "2023-01-24T14:02:46+00:00"
"name": "symfony/polyfill-mbstring",
"version": "v1.30.0",
"source": {
"type": "git",
"url": "",
"reference": "fd22ab50000ef01661e2a31d850ebaa297f8e03c"
"dist": {
"type": "zip",
"url": "",
"reference": "fd22ab50000ef01661e2a31d850ebaa297f8e03c",
"shasum": ""
"require": {
"php": ">=7.1"
"provide": {
"ext-mbstring": "*"
"suggest": {
"ext-mbstring": "For best performance"
"type": "library",
"extra": {
"thanks": {
"name": "symfony/polyfill",
"url": ""
"autoload": {
"files": [
"psr-4": {
"Symfony\\Polyfill\\Mbstring\\": ""
"notification-url": "",
"license": [
"authors": [
"name": "Nicolas Grekas",
"email": ""
"name": "Symfony Community",
"homepage": ""
"description": "Symfony polyfill for the Mbstring extension",
"homepage": "",
"keywords": [
"support": {
"source": ""
"funding": [
"url": "",
"type": "custom"
"url": "",
"type": "github"
"url": "",
"type": "tidelift"
"time": "2024-06-19T12:30:46+00:00"
"packages-dev": [],
"aliases": [],
"minimum-stability": "stable",
"stability-flags": [],
"prefer-stable": false,
"prefer-lowest": false,
"platform": [],
"platform-dev": [],
"plugin-api-version": "2.3.0"

vendor/autoload.php vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
// autoload.php @generated by Composer
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50600) {
if (!headers_sent()) {
header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
$err = 'Composer 2.3.0 dropped support for autoloading on PHP <5.6 and you are running '.PHP_VERSION.', please upgrade PHP or use Composer 2.2 LTS via "composer self-update --2.2". Aborting.'.PHP_EOL;
if (!ini_get('display_errors')) {
if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli' || PHP_SAPI === 'phpdbg') {
fwrite(STDERR, $err);
} elseif (!headers_sent()) {
echo $err;
require_once __DIR__ . '/composer/autoload_real.php';
return ComposerAutoloaderInit6bf7cf93c52e188e6499b2cbace594ed::getLoader();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
## Code of Conduct
This project has adopted the [Amazon Open Source Code of Conduct](
For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ]( or contact with any additional questions or comments.

vendor/aws/aws-crt-php/LICENSE vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

vendor/aws/aws-crt-php/ vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
# AWS Common Runtime PHP bindings
## Requirements
* PHP 5.5+ on UNIX platforms, 7.2+ on Windows
* CMake 3.x
* GCC 4.4+, clang 3.8+ on UNIX, Visual Studio build tools on Windows
* Tests require [Composer](
## Installing with Composer and PECL
The package has two different package published to [composer]( and [PECL](
On UNIX, you can get the package from package manager or build from source:
pecl install awscrt
composer require aws/aws-crt-php
On Windows, you need to build from source as instruction written below for the native extension `php_awscrt.dll` . And, follow to load extension. After that:
composer require aws/aws-crt-php
## Building from Github source
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd aws-crt-php
$ phpize
$ ./configure
$ make
$ ./dev-scripts/
## Building on Windows
### Requirements for Windows
* Ensure you have the [windows PHP SDK]( (this example assumes installation of the SDK to C:\php-sdk and that you've checked out the PHP source to php-src within the build directory) and it works well on your machine.
* Ensure you have "Development package (SDK to develop PHP extensions)" and PHP available from your system path. You can download them from You can check if they are available by running `phpize -v` and `php -v`
### Instructions
From Command Prompt (not powershell). The instruction is based on Visual Studio 2019 on 64bit Windows.
> git clone --recursive
> git clone C:\php-sdk
> C:\php-sdk\phpsdk-vs16-x64.bat
$ cd <your-path-to-aws-crt-php>
$ phpize
# --with-prefix only required when your php runtime in system path is different than the runtime you wish to use.
$ configure --enable-awscrt=shared --with-prefix=<your-path-to-php-prefix>
$ nmake
$ nmake generate-php-ini
# check .\php-win.ini, it now has the full path to php_awscrt.dll that you can manually load to your php runtime, or you can run the following command to run tests and load the required native extension for awscrt.
$ .\dev-scripts\run_tests.bat <your-path-to-php-binary>
Note: for VS2017, Cmake will default to build for Win32, refer to [here]( If you are building for x64 php, you can set environment variable as follow to let cmake pick x64 compiler.
set CMAKE_GENERATOR=Visual Studio 15 2017
## Debugging
Using [PHPBrew]( to build/manage multiple versions of PHP is helpful.
Note: You must use a debug build of PHP to debug native extensions.
See the [PHP Internals Book]( for more info
# PHP 8 example
$ phpbrew install --stdout -j 8 8.0 +default -- CFLAGS=-Wno-error --disable-cgi --enable-debug
# PHP 5.5 example
$ phpbrew install --stdout -j 8 5.5 +default -openssl -mbstring -- CFLAGS="-w -Wno-error" --enable-debug --with-zlib=/usr/local/opt/zlib
$ phpbrew switch php-8.0.6 # or whatever version is current, it'll be at the end of the build output
$ phpize
$ ./configure
Ensure that the php you launch from your debugger is the result of `which php` , not just
the system default php.
## Security
See [CONTRIBUTING]( for more information.
## Known OpenSSL related issue (Unix only)
* When your php loads a different version of openssl than your system openssl version, awscrt may fail to load or weirdly crash. You can find the openssl version php linked via: `php -i | grep 'OpenSSL'`, and awscrt linked from the build log, which will be `Found OpenSSL: * (found version *)`
The easiest workaround to those issue is to build from source and get aws-lc for awscrt to depend on instead.
TO do that, same instructions as [here](#building-from-github-source), but use `USE_OPENSSL=OFF make` instead of `make`
## License
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"name": "aws/aws-crt-php",
"homepage": "",
"description": "AWS Common Runtime for PHP",
"keywords": ["aws","amazon","sdk","crt"],
"type": "library",
"authors": [
"name": "AWS SDK Common Runtime Team",
"email": ""
"minimum-stability": "alpha",
"require": {
"php": ">=5.5"
"require-dev": {
"yoast/phpunit-polyfills": "^1.0"
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"suggest": {
"ext-awscrt": "Make sure you install awscrt native extension to use any of the functionality."
"scripts": {
"test": "./dev-scripts/",
"test-extension": "@test",
"test-win": ".\\dev-scripts\\run_tests.bat"
"license": "Apache-2.0"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT\Auth;
use AWS\CRT\NativeResource as NativeResource;
use AWS\CRT\Options as Options;
* Represents a set of AWS credentials
* @param array options:
* - string access_key_id - AWS Access Key Id
* - string secret_access_key - AWS Secret Access Key
* - string session_token - Optional STS session token
* - int expiration_timepoint_seconds - Optional time to expire these credentials
final class AwsCredentials extends NativeResource {
static function defaults() {
return [
'access_key_id' => '',
'secret_access_key' => '',
'session_token' => '',
'expiration_timepoint_seconds' => 0,
private $access_key_id;
private $secret_access_key;
private $session_token;
private $expiration_timepoint_seconds = 0;
public function __get($name) {
return $this->$name;
function __construct(array $options = []) {
$options = new Options($options, self::defaults());
$this->access_key_id = $options->access_key_id->asString();
$this->secret_access_key = $options->secret_access_key->asString();
$this->session_token = $options->session_token ? $options->session_token->asString() : null;
$this->expiration_timepoint_seconds = $options->expiration_timepoint_seconds->asInt();
if (strlen($this->access_key_id) == 0) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("access_key_id must be provided");
if (strlen($this->secret_access_key) == 0) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("secret_access_key must be provided");
$creds_options = self::$crt->aws_credentials_options_new();
self::$crt->aws_credentials_options_set_access_key_id($creds_options, $this->access_key_id);
self::$crt->aws_credentials_options_set_secret_access_key($creds_options, $this->secret_access_key);
self::$crt->aws_credentials_options_set_session_token($creds_options, $this->session_token);
self::$crt->aws_credentials_options_set_expiration_timepoint_seconds($creds_options, $this->expiration_timepoint_seconds);
function __destruct() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT\Auth;
use AWS\CRT\NativeResource as NativeResource;
* Base class for credentials providers
abstract class CredentialsProvider extends NativeResource {
function __construct(array $options = []) {
function __destruct() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT\Auth;
use AWS\CRT\IO\InputStream;
use AWS\CRT\NativeResource as NativeResource;
class Signable extends NativeResource {
public static function fromHttpRequest($http_message) {
return new Signable(function() use ($http_message) {
return self::$crt->signable_new_from_http_request($http_message->native);
public static function fromChunk($chunk_stream, $previous_signature="") {
if (!($chunk_stream instanceof InputStream)) {
$chunk_stream = new InputStream($chunk_stream);
return new Signable(function() use($chunk_stream, $previous_signature) {
return self::$crt->signable_new_from_chunk($chunk_stream->native, $previous_signature);
public static function fromCanonicalRequest($canonical_request) {
return new Signable(function() use($canonical_request) {
return self::$crt->signable_new_from_canonical_request($canonical_request);
protected function __construct($ctor) {
function __destruct() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT\Auth;
class SignatureType {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT\Auth;
class SignedBodyHeaderType {
const NONE = 0;
const X_AMZ_CONTENT_SHA256 = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT\Auth;
use AWS\CRT\NativeResource;
abstract class Signing extends NativeResource {
static function signRequestAws($signable, $signing_config, $on_complete) {
return self::$crt->sign_request_aws($signable->native, $signing_config->native,
function($result, $error_code) use ($on_complete) {
$signing_result = SigningResult::fromNative($result);
$on_complete($signing_result, $error_code);
}, null);
static function testVerifySigV4ASigning($signable, $signing_config, $expected_canonical_request, $signature, $ecc_key_pub_x, $ecc_key_pub_y) {
return self::$crt->test_verify_sigv4a_signing($signable, $signing_config, $expected_canonical_request, $signature, $ecc_key_pub_x, $ecc_key_pub_y);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT\Auth;
class SigningAlgorithm {
const SIGv4 = 0;
const SIGv4_ASYMMETRIC = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT\Auth;
use AWS\CRT\NativeResource as NativeResource;
use AWS\CRT\Options as Options;
class SigningConfigAWS extends NativeResource {
public static function defaults() {
return [
'algorithm' => SigningAlgorithm::SIGv4,
'signature_type' => SignatureType::HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS,
'credentials_provider' => null,
'region' => null,
'service' => null,
'use_double_uri_encode' => false,
'should_normalize_uri_path' => false,
'omit_session_token' => false,
'signed_body_value' => null,
'signed_body_header_type' => SignedBodyHeaderType::NONE,
'expiration_in_seconds' => 0,
'date' => time(),
'should_sign_header' => null,
private $options;
public function __construct(array $options = []) {
$this->options = $options = new Options($options, self::defaults());
$sc = $this->acquire(self::$crt->signing_config_aws_new());
self::$crt->signing_config_aws_set_algorithm($sc, $options->algorithm->asInt());
self::$crt->signing_config_aws_set_signature_type($sc, $options->signature_type->asInt());
if ($credentials_provider = $options->credentials_provider->asObject()) {
$sc, $options->region->asString());
$sc, $options->service->asString());
$sc, $options->use_double_uri_encode->asBool());
$sc, $options->should_normalize_uri_path->asBool());
$sc, $options->omit_session_token->asBool());
$sc, $options->signed_body_value->asString());
$sc, $options->signed_body_header_type->asInt());
$sc, $options->expiration_in_seconds->asInt());
self::$crt->signing_config_aws_set_date($sc, $options->date->asInt());
if ($should_sign_header = $options->should_sign_header->asCallable()) {
self::$crt->signing_config_aws_set_should_sign_header_fn($sc, $should_sign_header);
function __destruct()
public function __get($name) {
return $this->options->get($name);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT\Auth;
use AWS\CRT\NativeResource;
use AWS\CRT\HTTP\Request;
class SigningResult extends NativeResource {
protected function __construct($native) {
function __destruct() {
// No destruction necessary, SigningResults are transient, just release
public static function fromNative($ptr) {
return new SigningResult($ptr);
public function applyToHttpRequest(&$http_request) {
self::$crt->signing_result_apply_to_http_request($this->native, $http_request->native);
// Update http_request from native
$http_request = Request::unmarshall($http_request->toBlob());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT\Auth;
* Provides a static set of AWS credentials
* @param array options:
* - string access_key_id - AWS Access Key Id
* - string secret_access_key - AWS Secret Access Key
* - string session_token - Optional STS session token
final class StaticCredentialsProvider extends CredentialsProvider {
private $credentials;
public function __get($name) {
return $this->$name;
function __construct(array $options = []) {
$this->credentials = new AwsCredentials($options);
$provider_options = self::$crt->credentials_provider_static_options_new();
self::$crt->credentials_provider_static_options_set_access_key_id($provider_options, $this->credentials->access_key_id);
self::$crt->credentials_provider_static_options_set_secret_access_key($provider_options, $this->credentials->secret_access_key);
self::$crt->credentials_provider_static_options_set_session_token($provider_options, $this->credentials->session_token);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT;
use AWS\CRT\Internal\Extension;
use \RuntimeException;
* Wrapper for the interface to the CRT. There only ever needs to be one of these, but
* additional instances won't cost anything other than their memory.
* Creating an instance of any NativeResource will activate the CRT binding. User code
* should only need to create one of these if they are only accessing CRT:: static functions.
final class CRT {
private static $impl = null;
private static $refcount = 0;
function __construct() {
if (is_null(self::$impl)) {
try {
self::$impl = new Extension();
} catch (RuntimeException $rex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to initialize AWS CRT via awscrt extension: \n$rex", -1);
function __destruct() {
if (--self::$refcount == 0) {
self::$impl = null;
* @return bool whether or not the CRT is currently loaded
public static function isLoaded() {
return !is_null(self::$impl);
* @return bool whether or not the CRT is available via one of the possible backends
public static function isAvailable() {
try {
new CRT();
return true;
} catch (RuntimeException $ex) {
return false;
* @return integer last error code reported within the CRT
public static function last_error() {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_last_error();
* @param integer $error Error code from the CRT, usually delivered via callback or {@see last_error}
* @return string Human-readable description of the provided error code
public static function error_str($error) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_error_str((int) $error);
* @param integer $error Error code from the CRT, usually delivered via callback or {@see last_error}
* @return string Name/enum identifier for the provided error code
public static function error_name($error) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_error_name((int) $error);
public static function log_to_stdout() {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_log_to_stdout();
public static function log_to_stderr() {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_log_to_stderr();
public static function log_to_file($filename) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_log_to_file($filename);
public static function log_to_stream($stream) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_log_to_stream($stream);
public static function log_set_level($level) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_log_set_level($level);
public static function log_stop() {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_log_stop();
public static function log_message($level, $message) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_log_message($level, $message);
* @return object Pointer to native event_loop_group_options
function event_loop_group_options_new() {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_event_loop_group_options_new();
* @param object $elg_options Pointer to native event_loop_group_options
function event_loop_group_options_release($elg_options) {
* @param object $elg_options Pointer to native event_loop_group_options
* @param integer $max_threads Maximum number of threads to allow the event loop group to use, default: 0/1 per CPU core
function event_loop_group_options_set_max_threads($elg_options, $max_threads) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_event_loop_group_options_set_max_threads($elg_options, (int)$max_threads);
* @param object Pointer to event_loop_group_options, {@see event_loop_group_options_new}
* @return object Pointer to the new event loop group
function event_loop_group_new($options) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_event_loop_group_new($options);
* @param object $elg Pointer to the event loop group to release
function event_loop_group_release($elg) {
* return object Pointer to native AWS credentials options
function aws_credentials_options_new() {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_credentials_options_new();
function aws_credentials_options_release($options) {
function aws_credentials_options_set_access_key_id($options, $access_key_id) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_credentials_options_set_access_key_id($options, $access_key_id);
function aws_credentials_options_set_secret_access_key($options, $secret_access_key) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_credentials_options_set_secret_access_key($options, $secret_access_key);
function aws_credentials_options_set_session_token($options, $session_token) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_credentials_options_set_session_token($options, $session_token);
function aws_credentials_options_set_expiration_timepoint_seconds($options, $expiration_timepoint_seconds) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_credentials_options_set_expiration_timepoint_seconds($options, $expiration_timepoint_seconds);
function aws_credentials_new($options) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_credentials_new($options);
function aws_credentials_release($credentials) {
function credentials_provider_release($provider) {
function credentials_provider_static_options_new() {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_credentials_provider_static_options_new();
function credentials_provider_static_options_release($options) {
function credentials_provider_static_options_set_access_key_id($options, $access_key_id) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_credentials_provider_static_options_set_access_key_id($options, $access_key_id);
function credentials_provider_static_options_set_secret_access_key($options, $secret_access_key) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_credentials_provider_static_options_set_secret_access_key($options, $secret_access_key);
function credentials_provider_static_options_set_session_token($options, $session_token) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_credentials_provider_static_options_set_session_token($options, $session_token);
function credentials_provider_static_new($options) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_credentials_provider_static_new($options);
function input_stream_options_new() {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_input_stream_options_new();
function input_stream_options_release($options) {
function input_stream_options_set_user_data($options, $user_data) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_input_stream_options_set_user_data($options, $user_data);
function input_stream_new($options) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_input_stream_new($options);
function input_stream_release($stream) {
function input_stream_seek($stream, $offset, $basis) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_input_stream_seek($stream, $offset, $basis);
function input_stream_read($stream, $length) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_input_stream_read($stream, $length);
function input_stream_eof($stream) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_input_stream_eof($stream);
function input_stream_get_length($stream) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_input_stream_get_length($stream);
function http_message_new_from_blob($blob) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_http_message_new_from_blob($blob);
function http_message_to_blob($message) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_http_message_to_blob($message);
function http_message_release($message) {
function signing_config_aws_new() {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_signing_config_aws_new();
function signing_config_aws_release($signing_config) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_signing_config_aws_release($signing_config);
function signing_config_aws_set_algorithm($signing_config, $algorithm) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_signing_config_aws_set_algorithm($signing_config, (int)$algorithm);
function signing_config_aws_set_signature_type($signing_config, $signature_type) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_signing_config_aws_set_signature_type($signing_config, (int)$signature_type);
function signing_config_aws_set_credentials_provider($signing_config, $credentials_provider) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_signing_config_aws_set_credentials_provider($signing_config, $credentials_provider);
function signing_config_aws_set_region($signing_config, $region) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_signing_config_aws_set_region($signing_config, $region);
function signing_config_aws_set_service($signing_config, $service) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_signing_config_aws_set_service($signing_config, $service);
function signing_config_aws_set_use_double_uri_encode($signing_config, $use_double_uri_encode) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_signing_config_aws_set_use_double_uri_encode($signing_config, $use_double_uri_encode);
function signing_config_aws_set_should_normalize_uri_path($signing_config, $should_normalize_uri_path) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_signing_config_aws_set_should_normalize_uri_path($signing_config, $should_normalize_uri_path);
function signing_config_aws_set_omit_session_token($signing_config, $omit_session_token) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_signing_config_aws_set_omit_session_token($signing_config, $omit_session_token);
function signing_config_aws_set_signed_body_value($signing_config, $signed_body_value) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_signing_config_aws_set_signed_body_value($signing_config, $signed_body_value);
function signing_config_aws_set_signed_body_header_type($signing_config, $signed_body_header_type) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_signing_config_aws_set_signed_body_header_type($signing_config, $signed_body_header_type);
function signing_config_aws_set_expiration_in_seconds($signing_config, $expiration_in_seconds) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_signing_config_aws_set_expiration_in_seconds($signing_config, $expiration_in_seconds);
function signing_config_aws_set_date($signing_config, $timestamp) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_signing_config_aws_set_date($signing_config, $timestamp);
function signing_config_aws_set_should_sign_header_fn($signing_config, $should_sign_header_fn) {
self::$impl->aws_crt_signing_config_aws_set_should_sign_header_fn($signing_config, $should_sign_header_fn);
function signable_new_from_http_request($http_message) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_signable_new_from_http_request($http_message);
function signable_new_from_chunk($chunk_stream, $previous_signature) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_signable_new_from_chunk($chunk_stream, $previous_signature);
function signable_new_from_canonical_request($canonical_request) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_signable_new_from_canonical_request($canonical_request);
function signable_release($signable) {
function signing_result_release($signing_result) {
function signing_result_apply_to_http_request($signing_result, $http_message) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_signing_result_apply_to_http_request(
$signing_result, $http_message);
function sign_request_aws($signable, $signing_config, $on_complete, $user_data) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_sign_request_aws($signable, $signing_config, $on_complete, $user_data);
function test_verify_sigv4a_signing($signable, $signing_config, $expected_canonical_request, $signature, $ecc_key_pub_x, $ecc_key_pub_y) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_test_verify_sigv4a_signing($signable, $signing_config, $expected_canonical_request, $signature, $ecc_key_pub_x, $ecc_key_pub_y);
public static function crc32($input, $previous = 0) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_crc32($input, $previous);
public static function crc32c($input, $previous = 0) {
return self::$impl->aws_crt_crc32c($input, $previous);

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT\HTTP;
use AWS\CRT\Internal\Encoding;
final class Headers {
private $headers;
public function __construct($headers = []) {
$this->headers = $headers;
public static function marshall($headers) {
$buf = "";
foreach ($headers->headers as $header => $value) {
$buf .= Encoding::encodeString($header);
$buf .= Encoding::encodeString($value);
return $buf;
public static function unmarshall($buf) {
$strings = Encoding::readStrings($buf);
$headers = [];
for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($strings);) {
$headers[$strings[$idx++]] = $strings[$idx++];
return new Headers($headers);
public function count() {
return count($this->headers);
public function get($header) {
return isset($this->headers[$header]) ? $this->headers[$header] : null;
public function set($header, $value) {
$this->headers[$header] = $value;
public function toArray() {
return $this->headers;

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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT\HTTP;
use AWS\CRT\NativeResource;
use AWS\CRT\Internal\Encoding;
abstract class Message extends NativeResource {
private $method;
private $path;
private $query;
private $headers;
public function __construct($method, $path, $query = [], $headers = []) {
$this->method = $method;
$this->path = $path;
$this->query = $query;
$this->headers = new Headers($headers);
public function __destruct() {
public function toBlob() {
return self::$crt->http_message_to_blob($this->native);
protected static function marshall($msg) {
$buf = "";
$buf .= Encoding::encodeString($msg->method);
$buf .= Encoding::encodeString($msg->pathAndQuery());
$buf .= Headers::marshall($msg->headers);
return $buf;
protected static function _unmarshall($buf, $class=Message::class) {
$method = Encoding::readString($buf);
$path_and_query = Encoding::readString($buf);
$parts = explode("?", $path_and_query, 2);
$path = isset($parts[0]) ? $parts[0] : "";
$query = isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : "";
$headers = Headers::unmarshall($buf);
// Turn query params back into a dictionary
if (strlen($query)) {
$query = rawurldecode($query);
$query = explode("&", $query);
$query = array_reduce($query, function($params, $pair) {
list($param, $value) = explode("=", $pair, 2);
$params[$param] = $value;
return $params;
}, []);
} else {
$query = [];
return new $class($method, $path, $query, $headers->toArray());
public function pathAndQuery() {
$path = $this->path;
$queries = [];
foreach ($this->query as $param => $value) {
$queries []= urlencode($param) . "=" . urlencode($value);
$query = implode("&", $queries);
if (strlen($query)) {
$path = implode("?", [$path, $query]);
return $path;
public function method() {
return $this->method;
public function path() {
return $this->path;
public function query() {
return $this->query;
public function headers() {
return $this->headers;

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT\HTTP;
use AWS\CRT\IO\InputStream;
class Request extends Message {
private $body_stream = null;
public function __construct($method, $path, $query = [], $headers = [], $body_stream = null) {
parent::__construct($method, $path, $query, $headers);
if (!is_null($body_stream) && !($body_stream instanceof InputStream)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('body_stream must be an instance of ' . InputStream::class);
$this->body_stream = $body_stream;
public static function marshall($request) {
return parent::marshall($request);
public static function unmarshall($buf) {
return parent::_unmarshall($buf, Request::class);
public function body_stream() {
return $this->body_stream;

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT\HTTP;
class Response extends Message {
private $status_code;
public function __construct($method, $path, $query, $headers, $status_code) {
parent::__construct($method, $path, $query, $headers);
$this->status_code = $status_code;
public static function marshall($response) {
return parent::marshall($response);
public static function unmarshall($buf) {
return parent::_unmarshall($buf, Response::class);
public function status_code() {
return $this->status_code;

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT\IO;
use AWS\CRT\NativeResource as NativeResource;
use AWS\CRT\Options as Options;
* Represents 1 or more event loops (1 per thread) for doing I/O and background tasks.
* Typically, every application has one EventLoopGroup.
* @param array options:
* - int num_threads - Number of worker threads in the EventLoopGroup. Defaults to 0/1 per logical core.
final class EventLoopGroup extends NativeResource {
static function defaults() {
return [
'max_threads' => 0,
function __construct(array $options = []) {
$options = new Options($options, self::defaults());
$elg_options = self::$crt->event_loop_group_options_new();
self::$crt->event_loop_group_options_set_max_threads($elg_options, $options->getInt('max_threads'));
function __destruct() {

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT\IO;
use AWS\CRT\NativeResource as NativeResource;
final class InputStream extends NativeResource {
private $stream = null;
const SEEK_BEGIN = 0;
const SEEK_END = 2;
public function __construct($stream) {
$this->stream = $stream;
$options = self::$crt->input_stream_options_new();
// The stream implementation in native just converts the PHP stream into
// a native php_stream* and executes operations entirely in native
self::$crt->input_stream_options_set_user_data($options, $stream);
public function __destruct() {
public function eof() {
return self::$crt->input_stream_eof($this->native);
public function length() {
return self::$crt->input_stream_get_length($this->native);
public function read($length = 0) {
if ($length == 0) {
$length = $this->length();
return self::$crt->input_stream_read($this->native, $length);
public function seek($offset, $basis) {
return self::$crt->input_stream_seek($this->native, $offset, $basis);

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT\Internal;
final class Encoding {
public static function readString(&$buffer) {
list($len, $str) = self::decodeString($buffer);
// Advance by sizeof(length) + strlen(str)
$buffer = substr($buffer, 4 + $len);
return $str;
public static function readStrings($buffer) {
$strings = [];
while (strlen($buffer)) {
$strings []= self::readString($buffer);
return $strings;
public static function decodeString($buffer) {
$len = unpack("N", $buffer)[1];
$buffer = substr($buffer, 4);
$str = unpack("a{$len}", $buffer)[1];
return [$len, $str];
public static function encodeString($str) {
if (is_array($str)) {
$str = $str[0];
return pack("Na*", strlen($str), $str);

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT\Internal;
use \RuntimeException;
* @internal
* Forwards calls on to awscrt PHP extension functions
final class Extension {
function __construct() {
if (!extension_loaded('awscrt')) {
throw new RuntimeException('awscrt extension is not loaded');
* Forwards any call made on this object to the extension function of the
* same name with the supplied arguments. Argument type hinting and checking
* occurs at the CRT wrapper.
function __call($name, $args) {
return call_user_func_array($name, $args);

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT;
final class Log {
const NONE = 0;
const FATAL = 1;
const ERROR = 2;
const WARN = 3;
const INFO = 4;
const DEBUG = 5;
const TRACE = 6;
public static function toStdout() {
public static function toStderr() {
public static function toFile($filename) {
public static function toStream($stream) {
assert(get_resource_type($stream) == "stream");
public static function stop() {
public static function setLogLevel($level) {
assert($level >= self::NONE && $level <= self::TRACE);
public static function log($level, $message) {
CRT::log_message($level, $message);

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT;
* Base class for all native resources, tracks all outstanding resources
* and provides basic leak checking
abstract class NativeResource {
protected static $crt = null;
protected static $resources = [];
protected $native = null;
protected function __construct() {
if (is_null(self::$crt)) {
self::$crt = new CRT();
self::$resources[spl_object_hash($this)] = 1;
protected function acquire($handle) {
return $this->native = $handle;
protected function release() {
$native = $this->native;
$this->native = null;
return $native;
function __destruct() {
// Should have been destroyed and released by derived resource
assert($this->native == null);

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
namespace AWS\CRT;
final class OptionValue {
private $value;
function __construct($value) {
$this->value = $value;
public function asObject() {
return $this->value;
public function asMixed() {
return $this->value;
public function asInt() {
return empty($this->value) ? 0 : (int)$this->value;
public function asBool() {
return boolval($this->value);
public function asString() {
return !empty($this->value) ? strval($this->value) : "";
public function asArray() {
return is_array($this->value) ? $this->value : (!empty($this->value) ? [$this->value] : []);
public function asCallable() {
return is_callable($this->value) ? $this->value : null;
final class Options {
private $options;
public function __construct($opts = [], $defaults = []) {
$this->options = array_replace($defaults, empty($opts) ? [] : $opts);
public function __get($name) {
return $this->get($name);
public function asArray() {
return $this->options;
public function toArray() {
return array_merge_recursive([], $this->options);
public function get($name) {
return new OptionValue($this->options[$name]);
public function getInt($name) {
return $this->get($name)->asInt();
public function getString($name) {
return $this->get($name)->asString();
public function getBool($name) {
return $this->get($name)->asBool();

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
## Code of Conduct
This project has adopted the [Amazon Open Source Code of Conduct](
For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ]( or contact with any additional questions or comments.

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
## Building and enabling the Common Run Time
1. **Follow instructions on crt repo** Clone and build the repo as shown [here][].
1. **Enable the CRT** add the following line to your php.ini file `extension=path/to/aws-crt-php/modules/`

vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/LICENSE vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
# Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
## 1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1
through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled
by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means
(i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract
or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial
ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software
source code, documentation source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form,
including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License,
as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the
Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from)
the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent,
as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not
include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work
and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any
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that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright
owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been
received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work.
## 2. Grant of Copyright License.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
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Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
## 3. Grant of Patent License.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
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license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by
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Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim
or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work
constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this
License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.
## 4. Redistribution.
You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions:
1. You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
2. You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and
3. You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent,
trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do
not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and
4. If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that
You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE
file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within
the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display
generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The
contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may
add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an
addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be
construed as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license
terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative
Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the
conditions stated in this License.
## 5. Submission of Contributions.
Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by
You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or
conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate
license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
## 6. Trademarks.
This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of
the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and
reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
## 7. Disclaimer of Warranty.
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor
provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT,
MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of
permissions under this License.
## 8. Limitation of Liability.
In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless
required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any
Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work
(including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or
any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility
of such damages.
## 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability.
While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for,
acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
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responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold
each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.

vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/NOTICE vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
The AWS SDK for PHP includes the following third-party software/licensing:
** Guzzle -
Copyright (c) 2014 Michael Dowling,
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
** jmespath.php -
Copyright (c) 2014 Michael Dowling,
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
** phpunit-mock-objects --
Copyright (c) 2002-2018, Sebastian Bergmann <>.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* Neither the name of Sebastian Bergmann nor the names of his
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.

vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/composer.json vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
"name": "aws/aws-sdk-php",
"homepage": "",
"description": "AWS SDK for PHP - Use Amazon Web Services in your PHP project",
"keywords": ["aws","amazon","sdk","s3","ec2","dynamodb","cloud","glacier"],
"type": "library",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"authors": [
"name": "Amazon Web Services",
"homepage": ""
"support": {
"forum": "",
"issues": ""
"require": {
"php": ">=7.2.5",
"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.5.8 || ^7.4.5 <7.9.0",
"guzzlehttp/psr7": "^1.9.1 || ^2.4.5 <2.7.0",
"guzzlehttp/promises": "^1.4.0 || ^2.0",
"mtdowling/jmespath.php": "^2.6",
"ext-pcre": "*",
"ext-json": "*",
"ext-simplexml": "*",
"aws/aws-crt-php": "^1.2.3",
"psr/http-message": "^1.0 || ^2.0"
"require-dev": {
"composer/composer" : "^1.10.22",
"ext-openssl": "*",
"ext-dom": "*",
"ext-pcntl": "*",
"ext-sockets": "*",
"phpunit/phpunit": "^5.6.3 || ^8.5 || ^9.5",
"behat/behat": "~3.0",
"doctrine/cache": "~1.4",
"aws/aws-php-sns-message-validator": "~1.0",
"nette/neon": "^2.3",
"andrewsville/php-token-reflection": "^1.4",
"psr/cache": "^1.0",
"psr/simple-cache": "^1.0",
"paragonie/random_compat": ">= 2",
"sebastian/comparator": "^1.2.3 || ^4.0",
"yoast/phpunit-polyfills": "^1.0",
"dms/phpunit-arraysubset-asserts": "^0.4.0"
"suggest": {
"ext-openssl": "Allows working with CloudFront private distributions and verifying received SNS messages",
"ext-curl": "To send requests using cURL",
"ext-sockets": "To use client-side monitoring",
"doctrine/cache": "To use the DoctrineCacheAdapter",
"aws/aws-php-sns-message-validator": "To validate incoming SNS notifications"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Aws\\": "src/"
"files": ["src/functions.php"]
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": {
"Aws\\Test\\": "tests/"
"classmap": ["build/"]
"extra": {
"branch-alias": {
"dev-master": "3.0-dev"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
namespace Aws\ACMPCA;
use Aws\AwsClient;
* This client is used to interact with the **AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority** service.
* @method \Aws\Result createCertificateAuthority(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createCertificateAuthorityAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createCertificateAuthorityAuditReport(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createCertificateAuthorityAuditReportAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createPermission(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createPermissionAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteCertificateAuthority(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteCertificateAuthorityAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deletePermission(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deletePermissionAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deletePolicy(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deletePolicyAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result describeCertificateAuthority(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise describeCertificateAuthorityAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result describeCertificateAuthorityAuditReport(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise describeCertificateAuthorityAuditReportAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getCertificateAuthorityCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getCertificateAuthorityCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getCertificateAuthorityCsr(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getCertificateAuthorityCsrAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getPolicy(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getPolicyAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result importCertificateAuthorityCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise importCertificateAuthorityCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result issueCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise issueCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listCertificateAuthorities(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listCertificateAuthoritiesAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listPermissions(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listPermissionsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listTags(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listTagsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result putPolicy(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise putPolicyAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result restoreCertificateAuthority(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise restoreCertificateAuthorityAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result revokeCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise revokeCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result tagCertificateAuthority(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise tagCertificateAuthorityAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result untagCertificateAuthority(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise untagCertificateAuthorityAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateCertificateAuthority(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateCertificateAuthorityAsync(array $args = [])
class ACMPCAClient extends AwsClient {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
namespace Aws\ACMPCA\Exception;
use Aws\Exception\AwsException;
* Represents an error interacting with the **AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority** service.
class ACMPCAException extends AwsException {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
namespace Aws\ARCZonalShift;
use Aws\AwsClient;
* This client is used to interact with the **AWS ARC - Zonal Shift** service.
* @method \Aws\Result cancelZonalShift(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise cancelZonalShiftAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createPracticeRunConfiguration(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createPracticeRunConfigurationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deletePracticeRunConfiguration(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deletePracticeRunConfigurationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getAutoshiftObserverNotificationStatus(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getAutoshiftObserverNotificationStatusAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getManagedResource(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getManagedResourceAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listAutoshifts(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listAutoshiftsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listManagedResources(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listManagedResourcesAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listZonalShifts(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listZonalShiftsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result startZonalShift(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise startZonalShiftAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateAutoshiftObserverNotificationStatus(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateAutoshiftObserverNotificationStatusAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updatePracticeRunConfiguration(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updatePracticeRunConfigurationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateZonalAutoshiftConfiguration(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateZonalAutoshiftConfigurationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateZonalShift(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateZonalShiftAsync(array $args = [])
class ARCZonalShiftClient extends AwsClient {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
namespace Aws\ARCZonalShift\Exception;
use Aws\Exception\AwsException;
* Represents an error interacting with the **AWS ARC - Zonal Shift** service.
class ARCZonalShiftException extends AwsException {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
namespace Aws;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise;
* A configuration provider is a function that returns a promise that is
* fulfilled with a configuration object. This class provides base functionality
* usable by specific configuration provider implementations
abstract class AbstractConfigurationProvider
public static $cacheKey;
protected static $interfaceClass;
protected static $exceptionClass;
* Wraps a config provider and saves provided configuration in an
* instance of Aws\CacheInterface. Forwards calls when no config found
* in cache and updates cache with the results.
* @param callable $provider Configuration provider function to wrap
* @param CacheInterface $cache Cache to store configuration
* @param string|null $cacheKey (optional) Cache key to use
* @return callable
public static function cache(
callable $provider,
CacheInterface $cache,
$cacheKey = null
) {
$cacheKey = $cacheKey ?: static::$cacheKey;
return function () use ($provider, $cache, $cacheKey) {
$found = $cache->get($cacheKey);
if ($found instanceof static::$interfaceClass) {
return Promise\Create::promiseFor($found);
return $provider()
->then(function ($config) use (
) {
$cache->set($cacheKey, $config);
return $config;
* Creates an aggregate configuration provider that invokes the provided
* variadic providers one after the other until a provider returns
* configuration.
* @return callable
public static function chain()
$links = func_get_args();
if (empty($links)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('No providers in chain');
return function () use ($links) {
/** @var callable $parent */
$parent = array_shift($links);
$promise = $parent();
while ($next = array_shift($links)) {
$promise = $promise->otherwise($next);
return $promise;
* Gets the environment's HOME directory if available.
* @return null|string
protected static function getHomeDir()
// On Linux/Unix-like systems, use the HOME environment variable
if ($homeDir = getenv('HOME')) {
return $homeDir;
// Get the HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH values for Windows hosts
$homeDrive = getenv('HOMEDRIVE');
$homePath = getenv('HOMEPATH');
return ($homeDrive && $homePath) ? $homeDrive . $homePath : null;
* Gets default config file location from environment, falling back to aws
* default location
* @return string
protected static function getDefaultConfigFilename()
if ($filename = getenv(self::ENV_CONFIG_FILE)) {
return $filename;
return self::getHomeDir() . '/.aws/config';
* Wraps a config provider and caches previously provided configuration.
* @param callable $provider Config provider function to wrap.
* @return callable
public static function memoize(callable $provider)
return function () use ($provider) {
static $result;
static $isConstant;
// Constant config will be returned constantly.
if ($isConstant) {
return $result;
// Create the initial promise that will be used as the cached value
if (null === $result) {
$result = $provider();
// Return config and set flag that provider is already set
return $result
->then(function ($config) use (&$isConstant) {
$isConstant = true;
return $config;
* Reject promise with standardized exception.
* @param $msg
* @return Promise\RejectedPromise
protected static function reject($msg)
$exceptionClass = static::$exceptionClass;
return new Promise\RejectedPromise(new $exceptionClass($msg));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
namespace Aws\AccessAnalyzer;
use Aws\AwsClient;
* This client is used to interact with the **Access Analyzer** service.
* @method \Aws\Result applyArchiveRule(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise applyArchiveRuleAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result cancelPolicyGeneration(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise cancelPolicyGenerationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result checkAccessNotGranted(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise checkAccessNotGrantedAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result checkNoNewAccess(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise checkNoNewAccessAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result checkNoPublicAccess(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise checkNoPublicAccessAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createAccessPreview(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createAccessPreviewAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createAnalyzer(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createAnalyzerAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createArchiveRule(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createArchiveRuleAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteAnalyzer(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteAnalyzerAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteArchiveRule(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteArchiveRuleAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result generateFindingRecommendation(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise generateFindingRecommendationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getAccessPreview(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getAccessPreviewAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getAnalyzedResource(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getAnalyzedResourceAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getAnalyzer(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getAnalyzerAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getArchiveRule(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getArchiveRuleAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getFinding(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getFindingAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getFindingRecommendation(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getFindingRecommendationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getFindingV2(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getFindingV2Async(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getGeneratedPolicy(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getGeneratedPolicyAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listAccessPreviewFindings(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listAccessPreviewFindingsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listAccessPreviews(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listAccessPreviewsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listAnalyzedResources(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listAnalyzedResourcesAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listAnalyzers(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listAnalyzersAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listArchiveRules(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listArchiveRulesAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listFindings(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listFindingsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listFindingsV2(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listFindingsV2Async(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listPolicyGenerations(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listPolicyGenerationsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listTagsForResource(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listTagsForResourceAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result startPolicyGeneration(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise startPolicyGenerationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result startResourceScan(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise startResourceScanAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result tagResource(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise tagResourceAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result untagResource(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise untagResourceAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateArchiveRule(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateArchiveRuleAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateFindings(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateFindingsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result validatePolicy(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise validatePolicyAsync(array $args = [])
class AccessAnalyzerClient extends AwsClient {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
namespace Aws\AccessAnalyzer\Exception;
use Aws\Exception\AwsException;
* Represents an error interacting with the **Access Analyzer** service.
class AccessAnalyzerException extends AwsException {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
namespace Aws\Account;
use Aws\AwsClient;
* This client is used to interact with the **AWS Account** service.
* @method \Aws\Result acceptPrimaryEmailUpdate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise acceptPrimaryEmailUpdateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteAlternateContact(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteAlternateContactAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result disableRegion(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise disableRegionAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result enableRegion(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise enableRegionAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getAlternateContact(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getAlternateContactAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getContactInformation(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getContactInformationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getPrimaryEmail(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getPrimaryEmailAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getRegionOptStatus(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getRegionOptStatusAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listRegions(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listRegionsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result putAlternateContact(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise putAlternateContactAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result putContactInformation(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise putContactInformationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result startPrimaryEmailUpdate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise startPrimaryEmailUpdateAsync(array $args = [])
class AccountClient extends AwsClient {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
namespace Aws\Account\Exception;
use Aws\Exception\AwsException;
* Represents an error interacting with the **AWS Account** service.
class AccountException extends AwsException {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
namespace Aws\Acm;
use Aws\AwsClient;
* This client is used to interact with the **AWS Certificate Manager** service.
* @method \Aws\Result addTagsToCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise addTagsToCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result describeCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise describeCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result exportCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise exportCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getAccountConfiguration(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getAccountConfigurationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result importCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise importCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listCertificates(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listCertificatesAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listTagsForCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listTagsForCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result putAccountConfiguration(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise putAccountConfigurationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result removeTagsFromCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise removeTagsFromCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result renewCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise renewCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result requestCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise requestCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result resendValidationEmail(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise resendValidationEmailAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateCertificateOptions(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateCertificateOptionsAsync(array $args = [])
class AcmClient extends AwsClient {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
namespace Aws\Acm\Exception;
use Aws\Exception\AwsException;
* Represents an error interacting with the **AWS Certificate Manager** service.
class AcmException extends AwsException {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
namespace Aws\Amplify;
use Aws\AwsClient;
* This client is used to interact with the **AWS Amplify** service.
* @method \Aws\Result createApp(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createAppAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createBackendEnvironment(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createBackendEnvironmentAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createBranch(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createBranchAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createDeployment(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createDeploymentAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createDomainAssociation(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createDomainAssociationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createWebhook(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createWebhookAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteApp(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteAppAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteBackendEnvironment(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteBackendEnvironmentAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteBranch(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteBranchAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteDomainAssociation(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteDomainAssociationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteJob(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteJobAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteWebhook(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteWebhookAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result generateAccessLogs(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise generateAccessLogsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getApp(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getAppAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getArtifactUrl(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getArtifactUrlAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getBackendEnvironment(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getBackendEnvironmentAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getBranch(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getBranchAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getDomainAssociation(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getDomainAssociationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getJob(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getJobAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getWebhook(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getWebhookAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listApps(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listAppsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listArtifacts(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listArtifactsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listBackendEnvironments(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listBackendEnvironmentsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listBranches(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listBranchesAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listDomainAssociations(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listDomainAssociationsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listJobs(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listJobsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listTagsForResource(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listTagsForResourceAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listWebhooks(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listWebhooksAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result startDeployment(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise startDeploymentAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result startJob(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise startJobAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result stopJob(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise stopJobAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result tagResource(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise tagResourceAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result untagResource(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise untagResourceAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateApp(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateAppAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateBranch(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateBranchAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateDomainAssociation(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateDomainAssociationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateWebhook(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateWebhookAsync(array $args = [])
class AmplifyClient extends AwsClient {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
namespace Aws\Amplify\Exception;
use Aws\Exception\AwsException;
* Represents an error interacting with the **AWS Amplify** service.
class AmplifyException extends AwsException {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
namespace Aws\AmplifyBackend;
use Aws\AwsClient;
* This client is used to interact with the **AmplifyBackend** service.
* @method \Aws\Result cloneBackend(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise cloneBackendAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createBackend(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createBackendAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createBackendAPI(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createBackendAPIAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createBackendAuth(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createBackendAuthAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createBackendConfig(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createBackendConfigAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createBackendStorage(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createBackendStorageAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createToken(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createTokenAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteBackend(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteBackendAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteBackendAPI(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteBackendAPIAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteBackendAuth(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteBackendAuthAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteBackendStorage(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteBackendStorageAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteToken(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteTokenAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result generateBackendAPIModels(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise generateBackendAPIModelsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getBackend(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getBackendAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getBackendAPI(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getBackendAPIAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getBackendAPIModels(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getBackendAPIModelsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getBackendAuth(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getBackendAuthAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getBackendJob(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getBackendJobAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getBackendStorage(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getBackendStorageAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getToken(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getTokenAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result importBackendAuth(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise importBackendAuthAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result importBackendStorage(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise importBackendStorageAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listBackendJobs(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listBackendJobsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listS3Buckets(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listS3BucketsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result removeAllBackends(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise removeAllBackendsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result removeBackendConfig(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise removeBackendConfigAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateBackendAPI(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateBackendAPIAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateBackendAuth(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateBackendAuthAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateBackendConfig(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateBackendConfigAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateBackendJob(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateBackendJobAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateBackendStorage(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateBackendStorageAsync(array $args = [])
class AmplifyBackendClient extends AwsClient {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
namespace Aws\AmplifyBackend\Exception;
use Aws\Exception\AwsException;
* Represents an error interacting with the **AmplifyBackend** service.
class AmplifyBackendException extends AwsException {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
namespace Aws\AmplifyUIBuilder;
use Aws\AwsClient;
* This client is used to interact with the **AWS Amplify UI Builder** service.
* @method \Aws\Result createComponent(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createComponentAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createForm(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createFormAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createTheme(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createThemeAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteComponent(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteComponentAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteForm(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteFormAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteTheme(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteThemeAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result exchangeCodeForToken(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise exchangeCodeForTokenAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result exportComponents(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise exportComponentsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result exportForms(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise exportFormsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result exportThemes(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise exportThemesAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getCodegenJob(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getCodegenJobAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getComponent(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getComponentAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getForm(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getFormAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getMetadata(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getMetadataAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getTheme(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getThemeAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listCodegenJobs(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listCodegenJobsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listComponents(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listComponentsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listForms(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listFormsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listTagsForResource(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listTagsForResourceAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result listThemes(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise listThemesAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result putMetadataFlag(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise putMetadataFlagAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result refreshToken(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise refreshTokenAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result startCodegenJob(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise startCodegenJobAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result tagResource(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise tagResourceAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result untagResource(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise untagResourceAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateComponent(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateComponentAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateForm(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateFormAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateTheme(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateThemeAsync(array $args = [])
class AmplifyUIBuilderClient extends AwsClient {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
namespace Aws\AmplifyUIBuilder\Exception;
use Aws\Exception\AwsException;
* Represents an error interacting with the **AWS Amplify UI Builder** service.
class AmplifyUIBuilderException extends AwsException {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
namespace Aws\Api;
* Base class that is used by most API shapes
abstract class AbstractModel implements \ArrayAccess
/** @var array */
protected $definition;
/** @var ShapeMap */
protected $shapeMap;
/** @var array */
protected $contextParam;
* @param array $definition Service description
* @param ShapeMap $shapeMap Shapemap used for creating shapes
public function __construct(array $definition, ShapeMap $shapeMap)
$this->definition = $definition;
$this->shapeMap = $shapeMap;
if (isset($definition['contextParam'])) {
$this->contextParam = $definition['contextParam'];
public function toArray()
return $this->definition;
* @return mixed|null
public function offsetGet($offset)
return isset($this->definition[$offset])
? $this->definition[$offset] : null;
* @return void
public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
$this->definition[$offset] = $value;
* @return bool
public function offsetExists($offset)
return isset($this->definition[$offset]);
* @return void
public function offsetUnset($offset)
protected function shapeAt($key)
if (!isset($this->definition[$key])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Expected shape definition at '
. $key);
return $this->shapeFor($this->definition[$key]);
protected function shapeFor(array $definition)
return isset($definition['shape'])
? $this->shapeMap->resolve($definition)
: Shape::create($definition, $this->shapeMap);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
namespace Aws\Api;
use Aws\Exception\UnresolvedApiException;
* API providers.
* An API provider is a function that accepts a type, service, and version and
* returns an array of API data on success or NULL if no API data can be created
* for the provided arguments.
* You can wrap your calls to an API provider with the
* {@see ApiProvider::resolve} method to ensure that API data is created. If the
* API data is not created, then the resolve() method will throw a
* {@see Aws\Exception\UnresolvedApiException}.
* use Aws\Api\ApiProvider;
* $provider = ApiProvider::defaultProvider();
* // Returns an array or NULL.
* $data = $provider('api', 's3', '2006-03-01');
* // Returns an array or throws.
* $data = ApiProvider::resolve($provider, 'api', 'elasticfood', '2020-01-01');
* You can compose multiple providers into a single provider using
* {@see Aws\or_chain}. This method accepts providers as arguments and
* returns a new function that will invoke each provider until a non-null value
* is returned.
* $a = ApiProvider::filesystem(sys_get_temp_dir() . '/aws-beta-models');
* $b = ApiProvider::manifest();
* $c = \Aws\or_chain($a, $b);
* $data = $c('api', 'betaservice', '2015-08-08'); // $a handles this.
* $data = $c('api', 's3', '2006-03-01'); // $b handles this.
* $data = $c('api', 'invalid', '2014-12-15'); // Neither handles this.
class ApiProvider
/** @var array A map of public API type names to their file suffix. */
private static $typeMap = [
'api' => 'api-2',
'paginator' => 'paginators-1',
'waiter' => 'waiters-2',
'docs' => 'docs-2',
/** @var array API manifest */
private $manifest;
/** @var string The directory containing service models. */
private $modelsDir;
* Resolves an API provider and ensures a non-null return value.
* @param callable $provider Provider function to invoke.
* @param string $type Type of data ('api', 'waiter', 'paginator').
* @param string $service Service name.
* @param string $version API version.
* @return array
* @throws UnresolvedApiException
public static function resolve(callable $provider, $type, $service, $version)
// Execute the provider and return the result, if there is one.
$result = $provider($type, $service, $version);
if (is_array($result)) {
if (!isset($result['metadata']['serviceIdentifier'])) {
$result['metadata']['serviceIdentifier'] = $service;
return $result;
// Throw an exception with a message depending on the inputs.
if (!isset(self::$typeMap[$type])) {
$msg = "The type must be one of: " . implode(', ', self::$typeMap);
} elseif ($service) {
$msg = "The {$service} service does not have version: {$version}.";
} else {
$msg = "You must specify a service name to retrieve its API data.";
throw new UnresolvedApiException($msg);
* Default SDK API provider.
* This provider loads pre-built manifest data from the `data` directory.
* @return self
public static function defaultProvider()
return new self(__DIR__ . '/../data', \Aws\manifest());
* Loads API data after resolving the version to the latest, compatible,
* available version based on the provided manifest data.
* Manifest data is essentially an associative array of service names to
* associative arrays of API version aliases.
* [
* ...
* 'ec2' => [
* 'latest' => '2014-10-01',
* '2014-10-01' => '2014-10-01',
* '2014-09-01' => '2014-10-01',
* '2014-06-15' => '2014-10-01',
* ...
* ],
* 'ecs' => [...],
* 'elasticache' => [...],
* ...
* ]
* @param string $dir Directory containing service models.
* @param array $manifest The API version manifest data.
* @return self
public static function manifest($dir, array $manifest)
return new self($dir, $manifest);
* Loads API data from the specified directory.
* If "latest" is specified as the version, this provider must glob the
* directory to find which is the latest available version.
* @param string $dir Directory containing service models.
* @return self
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the provided `$dir` is invalid.
public static function filesystem($dir)
return new self($dir);
* Retrieves a list of valid versions for the specified service.
* @param string $service Service name
* @return array
public function getVersions($service)
if (!isset($this->manifest)) {
if (!isset($this->manifest[$service]['versions'])) {
return [];
return array_values(array_unique($this->manifest[$service]['versions']));
* Execute the provider.
* @param string $type Type of data ('api', 'waiter', 'paginator').
* @param string $service Service name.
* @param string $version API version.
* @return array|null
public function __invoke($type, $service, $version)
// Resolve the type or return null.
if (isset(self::$typeMap[$type])) {
$type = self::$typeMap[$type];
} else {
return null;
// Resolve the version or return null.
if (!isset($this->manifest)) {
if (!isset($this->manifest[$service]['versions'][$version])) {
return null;
$version = $this->manifest[$service]['versions'][$version];
$path = "{$this->modelsDir}/{$service}/{$version}/{$type}.json";
try {
return \Aws\load_compiled_json($path);
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
return null;
* @param string $modelsDir Directory containing service models.
* @param array $manifest The API version manifest data.
private function __construct($modelsDir, array $manifest = null)
$this->manifest = $manifest;
$this->modelsDir = rtrim($modelsDir, '/');
if (!is_dir($this->modelsDir)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
"The specified models directory, {$modelsDir}, was not found."
* Build the versions list for the specified service by globbing the dir.
private function buildVersionsList($service)
$dir = "{$this->modelsDir}/{$service}/";
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
// Get versions, remove . and .., and sort in descending order.
$results = array_diff(scandir($dir, SCANDIR_SORT_DESCENDING), ['..', '.']);
if (!$results) {
$this->manifest[$service] = ['versions' => []];
} else {
$this->manifest[$service] = [
'versions' => [
'latest' => $results[0]
$this->manifest[$service]['versions'] += array_combine($results, $results);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
namespace Aws\Api;
use Aws\Api\Parser\Exception\ParserException;
use DateTime;
use DateTimeZone;
use Exception;
* DateTime overrides that make DateTime work more seamlessly as a string,
* with JSON documents, and with JMESPath.
class DateTimeResult extends \DateTime implements \JsonSerializable
* Create a new DateTimeResult from a unix timestamp.
* The Unix epoch (or Unix time or POSIX time or Unix
* timestamp) is the number of seconds that have elapsed since
* January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).
* @return DateTimeResult
* @throws Exception
public static function fromEpoch($unixTimestamp)
if (!is_numeric($unixTimestamp)) {
throw new ParserException('Invalid timestamp value passed to DateTimeResult::fromEpoch');
// PHP 5.5 does not support sub-second precision
if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 56000) {
return new self(gmdate('c', $unixTimestamp));
$decimalSeparator = isset(localeconv()['decimal_point']) ? localeconv()['decimal_point'] : ".";
$formatString = "U" . $decimalSeparator . "u";
$dateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat(
sprintf('%0.6f', $unixTimestamp),
new DateTimeZone('UTC')
if (false === $dateTime) {
throw new ParserException('Invalid timestamp value passed to DateTimeResult::fromEpoch');
return new self(
$dateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s.u'),
new DateTimeZone('UTC')
* @return DateTimeResult
public static function fromISO8601($iso8601Timestamp)
if (is_numeric($iso8601Timestamp) || !is_string($iso8601Timestamp)) {
throw new ParserException('Invalid timestamp value passed to DateTimeResult::fromISO8601');
return new DateTimeResult($iso8601Timestamp);
* Create a new DateTimeResult from an unknown timestamp.
* @return DateTimeResult
* @throws Exception
public static function fromTimestamp($timestamp, $expectedFormat = null)
if (empty($timestamp)) {
return self::fromEpoch(0);
if (!(is_string($timestamp) || is_numeric($timestamp))) {
throw new ParserException('Invalid timestamp value passed to DateTimeResult::fromTimestamp');
try {
if ($expectedFormat == 'iso8601') {
try {
return self::fromISO8601($timestamp);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
return self::fromEpoch($timestamp);
} else if ($expectedFormat == 'unixTimestamp') {
try {
return self::fromEpoch($timestamp);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
return self::fromISO8601($timestamp);
} else if (\Aws\is_valid_epoch($timestamp)) {
return self::fromEpoch($timestamp);
return self::fromISO8601($timestamp);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
throw new ParserException('Invalid timestamp value passed to DateTimeResult::fromTimestamp');
* Serialize the DateTimeResult as an ISO 8601 date string.
* @return string
public function __toString()
return $this->format('c');
* Serialize the date as an ISO 8601 date when serializing as JSON.
* @return string
public function jsonSerialize()
return (string) $this;

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@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
namespace Aws\Api;
* Encapsulates the documentation strings for a given service-version and
* provides methods for extracting the desired parts related to a service,
* operation, error, or shape (i.e., parameter).
class DocModel
/** @var array */
private $docs;
* @param array $docs
* @throws \RuntimeException
public function __construct(array $docs)
if (!extension_loaded('tidy')) {
throw new \RuntimeException('The "tidy" PHP extension is required.');
$this->docs = $docs;
* Convert the doc model to an array.
* @return array
public function toArray()
return $this->docs;
* Retrieves documentation about the service.
* @return null|string
public function getServiceDocs()
return isset($this->docs['service']) ? $this->docs['service'] : null;
* Retrieves documentation about an operation.
* @param string $operation Name of the operation
* @return null|string
public function getOperationDocs($operation)
return isset($this->docs['operations'][$operation])
? $this->docs['operations'][$operation]
: null;
* Retrieves documentation about an error.
* @param string $error Name of the error
* @return null|string
public function getErrorDocs($error)
return isset($this->docs['shapes'][$error]['base'])
? $this->docs['shapes'][$error]['base']
: null;
* Retrieves documentation about a shape, specific to the context.
* @param string $shapeName Name of the shape.
* @param string $parentName Name of the parent/context shape.
* @param string $ref Name used by the context to reference the shape.
* @return null|string
public function getShapeDocs($shapeName, $parentName, $ref)
if (!isset($this->docs['shapes'][$shapeName])) {
return '';
$result = '';
$d = $this->docs['shapes'][$shapeName];
if (isset($d['refs']["{$parentName}\${$ref}"])) {
$result = $d['refs']["{$parentName}\${$ref}"];
} elseif (isset($d['base'])) {
$result = $d['base'];
if (isset($d['append'])) {
if (!isset($d['excludeAppend'])
|| !in_array($parentName, $d['excludeAppend'])
) {
$result .= $d['append'];
if (isset($d['appendOnly'])
&& in_array($parentName, $d['appendOnly']['shapes'])
) {
$result .= $d['appendOnly']['message'];
return $this->clean($result);
private function clean($content)
if (!$content) {
return '';
$tidy = new \tidy();
$tidy->parseString($content, [
'indent' => true,
'doctype' => 'omit',
'output-html' => true,
'show-body-only' => true,
'drop-empty-paras' => true,
'clean' => true,
'drop-proprietary-attributes' => true,
'hide-comments' => true,
'logical-emphasis' => true
return (string) $content;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
namespace Aws\Api\ErrorParser;
use Aws\Api\Parser\MetadataParserTrait;
use Aws\Api\Parser\PayloadParserTrait;
use Aws\Api\Service;
use Aws\Api\StructureShape;
use Aws\CommandInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
abstract class AbstractErrorParser
use MetadataParserTrait;
use PayloadParserTrait;
* @var Service
protected $api;
* @param Service $api
public function __construct(Service $api = null)
$this->api = $api;
abstract protected function payload(
ResponseInterface $response,
StructureShape $member
protected function extractPayload(
StructureShape $member,
ResponseInterface $response
) {
if ($member instanceof StructureShape) {
// Structure members parse top-level data into a specific key.
return $this->payload($response, $member);
} else {
// Streaming data is just the stream from the response body.
return $response->getBody();
protected function populateShape(
array &$data,
ResponseInterface $response,
CommandInterface $command = null
) {
$data['body'] = [];
if (!empty($command) && !empty($this->api)) {
// If modeled error code is indicated, check for known error shape
if (!empty($data['code'])) {
$errors = $this->api->getOperation($command->getName())->getErrors();
foreach ($errors as $key => $error) {
// If error code matches a known error shape, populate the body
if ($data['code'] == $error['name']
&& $error instanceof StructureShape
) {
$modeledError = $error;
$data['body'] = $this->extractPayload(
$data['error_shape'] = $modeledError;
foreach ($error->getMembers() as $name => $member) {
switch ($member['location']) {
case 'header':
$this->extractHeader($name, $member, $response, $data['body']);
case 'headers':
$this->extractHeaders($name, $member, $response, $data['body']);
case 'statusCode':
$this->extractStatus($name, $response, $data['body']);
return $data;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
namespace Aws\Api\ErrorParser;
use Aws\Api\Parser\PayloadParserTrait;
use Aws\Api\StructureShape;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
* Provides basic JSON error parsing functionality.
trait JsonParserTrait
use PayloadParserTrait;
private function genericHandler(ResponseInterface $response)
$code = (string) $response->getStatusCode();
if ($this->api
&& !is_null($this->api->getMetadata('awsQueryCompatible'))
&& $response->getHeaderLine('x-amzn-query-error')
) {
$queryError = $response->getHeaderLine('x-amzn-query-error');
$parts = explode(';', $queryError);
if (isset($parts) && count($parts) == 2 && $parts[0] && $parts[1]) {
$error_code = $parts[0];
$error_type = $parts[1];
if (!isset($error_type)) {
$error_type = $code[0] == '4' ? 'client' : 'server';
return [
'request_id' => (string) $response->getHeaderLine('x-amzn-requestid'),
'code' => isset($error_code) ? $error_code : null,
'message' => null,
'type' => $error_type,
'parsed' => $this->parseJson($response->getBody(), $response)
protected function payload(
ResponseInterface $response,
StructureShape $member
) {
$jsonBody = $this->parseJson($response->getBody(), $response);
if ($jsonBody) {
return $this->parser->parse($member, $jsonBody);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
namespace Aws\Api\ErrorParser;
use Aws\Api\Parser\JsonParser;
use Aws\Api\Service;
use Aws\CommandInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
* Parsers JSON-RPC errors.
class JsonRpcErrorParser extends AbstractErrorParser
use JsonParserTrait;
private $parser;
public function __construct(Service $api = null, JsonParser $parser = null)
$this->parser = $parser ?: new JsonParser();
public function __invoke(
ResponseInterface $response,
CommandInterface $command = null
) {
$data = $this->genericHandler($response);
// Make the casing consistent across services.
if ($data['parsed']) {
$data['parsed'] = array_change_key_case($data['parsed']);
if (isset($data['parsed']['__type'])) {
if (!isset($data['code'])) {
$parts = explode('#', $data['parsed']['__type']);
$data['code'] = isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : $parts[0];
$data['message'] = isset($data['parsed']['message'])
? $data['parsed']['message']
: null;
$this->populateShape($data, $response, $command);
return $data;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
namespace Aws\Api\ErrorParser;
use Aws\Api\Parser\JsonParser;
use Aws\Api\Service;
use Aws\Api\StructureShape;
use Aws\CommandInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
* Parses JSON-REST errors.
class RestJsonErrorParser extends AbstractErrorParser
use JsonParserTrait;
private $parser;
public function __construct(Service $api = null, JsonParser $parser = null)
$this->parser = $parser ?: new JsonParser();
public function __invoke(
ResponseInterface $response,
CommandInterface $command = null
) {
$data = $this->genericHandler($response);
// Merge in error data from the JSON body
if ($json = $data['parsed']) {
$data = array_replace($data, $json);
// Correct error type from services like Amazon Glacier
if (!empty($data['type'])) {
$data['type'] = strtolower($data['type']);
// Retrieve the error code from services like Amazon Elastic Transcoder
if ($code = $response->getHeaderLine('x-amzn-errortype')) {
$colon = strpos($code, ':');
$data['code'] = $colon ? substr($code, 0, $colon) : $code;
// Retrieve error message directly
$data['message'] = isset($data['parsed']['message'])
? $data['parsed']['message']
: (isset($data['parsed']['Message'])
? $data['parsed']['Message']
: null);
$this->populateShape($data, $response, $command);
return $data;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
namespace Aws\Api\ErrorParser;
use Aws\Api\Parser\PayloadParserTrait;
use Aws\Api\Parser\XmlParser;
use Aws\Api\Service;
use Aws\Api\StructureShape;
use Aws\CommandInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
* Parses XML errors.
class XmlErrorParser extends AbstractErrorParser
use PayloadParserTrait;
protected $parser;
public function __construct(Service $api = null, XmlParser $parser = null)
$this->parser = $parser ?: new XmlParser();
public function __invoke(
ResponseInterface $response,
CommandInterface $command = null
) {
$code = (string) $response->getStatusCode();
$data = [
'type' => $code[0] == '4' ? 'client' : 'server',
'request_id' => null,
'code' => null,
'message' => null,
'parsed' => null
$body = $response->getBody();
if ($body->getSize() > 0) {
$this->parseBody($this->parseXml($body, $response), $data);
} else {
$this->parseHeaders($response, $data);
$this->populateShape($data, $response, $command);
return $data;
private function parseHeaders(ResponseInterface $response, array &$data)
if ($response->getStatusCode() == '404') {
$data['code'] = 'NotFound';
$data['message'] = $response->getStatusCode() . ' '
. $response->getReasonPhrase();
if ($requestId = $response->getHeaderLine('x-amz-request-id')) {
$data['request_id'] = $requestId;
$data['message'] .= " (Request-ID: $requestId)";
private function parseBody(\SimpleXMLElement $body, array &$data)
$data['parsed'] = $body;
$prefix = $this->registerNamespacePrefix($body);
if ($tempXml = $body->xpath("//{$prefix}Code[1]")) {
$data['code'] = (string) $tempXml[0];
if ($tempXml = $body->xpath("//{$prefix}Message[1]")) {
$data['message'] = (string) $tempXml[0];
$tempXml = $body->xpath("//{$prefix}RequestId[1]");
if (isset($tempXml[0])) {
$data['request_id'] = (string)$tempXml[0];
protected function registerNamespacePrefix(\SimpleXMLElement $element)
$namespaces = $element->getDocNamespaces();
if (!isset($namespaces[''])) {
return '';
// Account for the default namespace being defined and PHP not
// being able to handle it :(.
$element->registerXPathNamespace('ns', $namespaces['']);
return 'ns:';
protected function payload(
ResponseInterface $response,
StructureShape $member
) {
$xmlBody = $this->parseXml($response->getBody(), $response);
$prefix = $this->registerNamespacePrefix($xmlBody);
$errorBody = $xmlBody->xpath("//{$prefix}Error");
if (is_array($errorBody) && !empty($errorBody[0])) {
return $this->parser->parse($member, $errorBody[0]);

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
namespace Aws\Api;
* Represents a list shape.
class ListShape extends Shape
private $member;
public function __construct(array $definition, ShapeMap $shapeMap)
$definition['type'] = 'list';
parent::__construct($definition, $shapeMap);
* @return Shape
* @throws \RuntimeException if no member is specified
public function getMember()
if (!$this->member) {
if (!isset($this->definition['member'])) {
throw new \RuntimeException('No member attribute specified');
$this->member = Shape::create(
return $this->member;

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
namespace Aws\Api;
* Represents a map shape.
class MapShape extends Shape
/** @var Shape */
private $value;
/** @var Shape */
private $key;
public function __construct(array $definition, ShapeMap $shapeMap)
$definition['type'] = 'map';
parent::__construct($definition, $shapeMap);
* @return Shape
* @throws \RuntimeException if no value is specified
public function getValue()
if (!$this->value) {
if (!isset($this->definition['value'])) {
throw new \RuntimeException('No value specified');
$this->value = Shape::create(
return $this->value;
* @return Shape
public function getKey()
if (!$this->key) {
$this->key = isset($this->definition['key'])
? Shape::create($this->definition['key'], $this->shapeMap)
: new Shape(['type' => 'string'], $this->shapeMap);
return $this->key;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
namespace Aws\Api;
* Represents an API operation.
class Operation extends AbstractModel
private $input;
private $output;
private $errors;
private $staticContextParams = [];
private $contextParams;
public function __construct(array $definition, ShapeMap $shapeMap)
$definition['type'] = 'structure';
if (!isset($definition['http']['method'])) {
$definition['http']['method'] = 'POST';
if (!isset($definition['http']['requestUri'])) {
$definition['http']['requestUri'] = '/';
if (isset($definition['staticContextParams'])) {
$this->staticContextParams = $definition['staticContextParams'];
parent::__construct($definition, $shapeMap);
$this->contextParams = $this->setContextParams();
* Returns an associative array of the HTTP attribute of the operation:
* - method: HTTP method of the operation
* - requestUri: URI of the request (can include URI template placeholders)
* @return array
public function getHttp()
return $this->definition['http'];
* Get the input shape of the operation.
* @return StructureShape
public function getInput()
if (!$this->input) {
if ($input = $this['input']) {
$this->input = $this->shapeFor($input);
} else {
$this->input = new StructureShape([], $this->shapeMap);
return $this->input;
* Get the output shape of the operation.
* @return StructureShape
public function getOutput()
if (!$this->output) {
if ($output = $this['output']) {
$this->output = $this->shapeFor($output);
} else {
$this->output = new StructureShape([], $this->shapeMap);
return $this->output;
* Get an array of operation error shapes.
* @return Shape[]
public function getErrors()
if ($this->errors === null) {
if ($errors = $this['errors']) {
foreach ($errors as $key => $error) {
$errors[$key] = $this->shapeFor($error);
$this->errors = $errors;
} else {
$this->errors = [];
return $this->errors;
* Gets static modeled static values used for
* endpoint resolution.
* @return array
public function getStaticContextParams()
return $this->staticContextParams;
* Gets definition of modeled dynamic values used
* for endpoint resolution
* @return array
public function getContextParams()
return $this->contextParams;
private function setContextParams()
$members = $this->getInput()->getMembers();
$contextParams = [];
foreach($members as $name => $shape) {
if (!empty($contextParam = $shape->getContextParam())) {
$contextParams[$contextParam['name']] = [
'shape' => $name,
'type' => $shape->getType()
return $contextParams;

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Parser;
use Aws\Api\Service;
use Aws\Api\StructureShape;
use Aws\CommandInterface;
use Aws\ResultInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;
* @internal
abstract class AbstractParser
/** @var \Aws\Api\Service Representation of the service API*/
protected $api;
/** @var callable */
protected $parser;
* @param Service $api Service description.
public function __construct(Service $api)
$this->api = $api;
* @param CommandInterface $command Command that was executed.
* @param ResponseInterface $response Response that was received.
* @return ResultInterface
abstract public function __invoke(
CommandInterface $command,
ResponseInterface $response
abstract public function parseMemberFromStream(
StreamInterface $stream,
StructureShape $member,

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@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Parser;
use Aws\Api\DateTimeResult;
use Aws\Api\Shape;
use Aws\Api\StructureShape;
use Aws\Result;
use Aws\CommandInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
* @internal
abstract class AbstractRestParser extends AbstractParser
use PayloadParserTrait;
* Parses a payload from a response.
* @param ResponseInterface $response Response to parse.
* @param StructureShape $member Member to parse
* @param array $result Result value
* @return mixed
abstract protected function payload(
ResponseInterface $response,
StructureShape $member,
array &$result
public function __invoke(
CommandInterface $command,
ResponseInterface $response
) {
$output = $this->api->getOperation($command->getName())->getOutput();
$result = [];
if ($payload = $output['payload']) {
$this->extractPayload($payload, $output, $response, $result);
foreach ($output->getMembers() as $name => $member) {
switch ($member['location']) {
case 'header':
$this->extractHeader($name, $member, $response, $result);
case 'headers':
$this->extractHeaders($name, $member, $response, $result);
case 'statusCode':
$this->extractStatus($name, $response, $result);
if (!$payload
&& $response->getBody()->getSize() > 0
&& count($output->getMembers()) > 0
) {
// if no payload was found, then parse the contents of the body
$this->payload($response, $output, $result);
return new Result($result);
private function extractPayload(
StructureShape $output,
ResponseInterface $response,
array &$result
) {
$member = $output->getMember($payload);
if (!empty($member['eventstream'])) {
$result[$payload] = new EventParsingIterator(
} else if ($member instanceof StructureShape) {
// Structure members parse top-level data into a specific key.
$result[$payload] = [];
$this->payload($response, $member, $result[$payload]);
} else {
// Streaming data is just the stream from the response body.
$result[$payload] = $response->getBody();
* Extract a single header from the response into the result.
private function extractHeader(
Shape $shape,
ResponseInterface $response,
) {
$value = $response->getHeaderLine($shape['locationName'] ?: $name);
switch ($shape->getType()) {
case 'float':
case 'double':
$value = (float) $value;
case 'long':
$value = (int) $value;
case 'boolean':
$value = filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
case 'blob':
$value = base64_decode($value);
case 'timestamp':
try {
$value = DateTimeResult::fromTimestamp(
!empty($shape['timestampFormat']) ? $shape['timestampFormat'] : null
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// If the value cannot be parsed, then do not add it to the
// output structure.
case 'string':
try {
if ($shape['jsonvalue']) {
$value = $this->parseJson(base64_decode($value), $response);
// If value is not set, do not add to output structure.
if (!isset($value)) {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
//If the value cannot be parsed, then do not add it to the
//output structure.
$result[$name] = $value;
* Extract a map of headers with an optional prefix from the response.
private function extractHeaders(
Shape $shape,
ResponseInterface $response,
) {
// Check if the headers are prefixed by a location name
$result[$name] = [];
$prefix = $shape['locationName'];
$prefixLen = $prefix !== null ? strlen($prefix) : 0;
foreach ($response->getHeaders() as $k => $values) {
if (!$prefixLen) {
$result[$name][$k] = implode(', ', $values);
} elseif (stripos($k, $prefix) === 0) {
$result[$name][substr($k, $prefixLen)] = implode(', ', $values);
* Places the status code of the response into the result array.
private function extractStatus(
ResponseInterface $response,
array &$result
) {
$result[$name] = (int) $response->getStatusCode();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Parser;
use Aws\Api\StructureShape;
use Aws\CommandInterface;
use Aws\Exception\AwsException;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7;
* @internal Decorates a parser and validates the x-amz-crc32 header.
class Crc32ValidatingParser extends AbstractParser
* @param callable $parser Parser to wrap.
public function __construct(callable $parser)
$this->parser = $parser;
public function __invoke(
CommandInterface $command,
ResponseInterface $response
) {
if ($expected = $response->getHeaderLine('x-amz-crc32')) {
$hash = hexdec(Psr7\Utils::hash($response->getBody(), 'crc32b'));
if ($expected != $hash) {
throw new AwsException(
"crc32 mismatch. Expected {$expected}, found {$hash}.",
'code' => 'ClientChecksumMismatch',
'connection_error' => true,
'response' => $response
$fn = $this->parser;
return $fn($command, $response);
public function parseMemberFromStream(
StreamInterface $stream,
StructureShape $member,
) {
return $this->parser->parseMemberFromStream($stream, $member, $response);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Parser;
use \Iterator;
use Aws\Api\DateTimeResult;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;
use Aws\Api\Parser\Exception\ParserException;
* @internal Implements a decoder for a binary encoded event stream that will
* decode, validate, and provide individual events from the stream.
class DecodingEventStreamIterator implements Iterator
const HEADERS = 'headers';
const PAYLOAD = 'payload';
const LENGTH_TOTAL = 'total_length';
const LENGTH_HEADERS = 'headers_length';
const CRC_PRELUDE = 'prelude_crc';
const BYTES_PRELUDE = 12;
private static $preludeFormat = [
self::LENGTH_TOTAL => 'decodeUint32',
self::LENGTH_HEADERS => 'decodeUint32',
self::CRC_PRELUDE => 'decodeUint32',
private static $lengthFormatMap = [
1 => 'decodeUint8',
2 => 'decodeUint16',
4 => 'decodeUint32',
8 => 'decodeUint64',
private static $headerTypeMap = [
0 => 'decodeBooleanTrue',
1 => 'decodeBooleanFalse',
2 => 'decodeInt8',
3 => 'decodeInt16',
4 => 'decodeInt32',
5 => 'decodeInt64',
6 => 'decodeBytes',
7 => 'decodeString',
8 => 'decodeTimestamp',
9 => 'decodeUuid',
/** @var StreamInterface Stream of eventstream shape to parse. */
protected $stream;
/** @var array Currently parsed event. */
protected $currentEvent;
/** @var int Current in-order event key. */
protected $key;
/** @var resource|\HashContext CRC32 hash context for event validation */
protected $hashContext;
/** @var int $currentPosition */
protected $currentPosition;
* DecodingEventStreamIterator constructor.
* @param StreamInterface $stream
public function __construct(StreamInterface $stream)
$this->stream = $stream;
protected function parseHeaders($headerBytes)
$headers = [];
$bytesRead = 0;
while ($bytesRead < $headerBytes) {
list($key, $numBytes) = $this->decodeString(1);
$bytesRead += $numBytes;
list($type, $numBytes) = $this->decodeUint8();
$bytesRead += $numBytes;
$f = self::$headerTypeMap[$type];
list($value, $numBytes) = $this->{$f}();
$bytesRead += $numBytes;
if (isset($headers[$key])) {
throw new ParserException('Duplicate key in event headers.');
$headers[$key] = $value;
return [$headers, $bytesRead];
protected function parsePrelude()
$prelude = [];
$bytesRead = 0;
$calculatedCrc = null;
foreach (self::$preludeFormat as $key => $decodeFunction) {
if ($key === self::CRC_PRELUDE) {
$hashCopy = hash_copy($this->hashContext);
$calculatedCrc = hash_final($this->hashContext, true);
$this->hashContext = $hashCopy;
list($value, $numBytes) = $this->{$decodeFunction}();
$bytesRead += $numBytes;
$prelude[$key] = $value;
if (unpack('N', $calculatedCrc)[1] !== $prelude[self::CRC_PRELUDE]) {
throw new ParserException('Prelude checksum mismatch.');
return [$prelude, $bytesRead];
* This method decodes an event from the stream.
* @return array
protected function parseEvent()
$event = [];
if ($this->stream->tell() < $this->stream->getSize()) {
$this->hashContext = hash_init('crc32b');
$bytesLeft = $this->stream->getSize() - $this->stream->tell();
list($prelude, $numBytes) = $this->parsePrelude();
if ($prelude[self::LENGTH_TOTAL] > $bytesLeft) {
throw new ParserException('Message length too long.');
$bytesLeft -= $numBytes;
if ($prelude[self::LENGTH_HEADERS] > $bytesLeft) {
throw new ParserException('Headers length too long.');
) = $this->parseHeaders($prelude[self::LENGTH_HEADERS]);
$event[self::PAYLOAD] = Psr7\Utils::streamFor(
$prelude[self::LENGTH_TOTAL] - self::BYTES_PRELUDE
- $numBytes - self::BYTES_TRAILING
$calculatedCrc = hash_final($this->hashContext, true);
$messageCrc = $this->stream->read(4);
if ($calculatedCrc !== $messageCrc) {
throw new ParserException('Message checksum mismatch.');
return $event;
// Iterator Functionality
* @return array
public function current()
return $this->currentEvent;
* @return int
public function key()
return $this->key;
public function next()
$this->currentPosition = $this->stream->tell();
if ($this->valid()) {
$this->currentEvent = $this->parseEvent();
public function rewind()
$this->key = 0;
$this->currentPosition = 0;
$this->currentEvent = $this->parseEvent();
* @return bool
public function valid()
return $this->currentPosition < $this->stream->getSize();
// Decoding Utilities
protected function readAndHashBytes($num)
$bytes = $this->stream->read($num);
hash_update($this->hashContext, $bytes);
return $bytes;
private function decodeBooleanTrue()
return [true, 0];
private function decodeBooleanFalse()
return [false, 0];
private function uintToInt($val, $size)
$signedCap = pow(2, $size - 1);
if ($val > $signedCap) {
$val -= (2 * $signedCap);
return $val;
private function decodeInt8()
$val = (int)unpack('C', $this->readAndHashBytes(1))[1];
return [$this->uintToInt($val, 8), 1];
private function decodeUint8()
return [unpack('C', $this->readAndHashBytes(1))[1], 1];
private function decodeInt16()
$val = (int)unpack('n', $this->readAndHashBytes(2))[1];
return [$this->uintToInt($val, 16), 2];
private function decodeUint16()
return [unpack('n', $this->readAndHashBytes(2))[1], 2];
private function decodeInt32()
$val = (int)unpack('N', $this->readAndHashBytes(4))[1];
return [$this->uintToInt($val, 32), 4];
private function decodeUint32()
return [unpack('N', $this->readAndHashBytes(4))[1], 4];
private function decodeInt64()
$val = $this->unpackInt64($this->readAndHashBytes(8))[1];
return [$this->uintToInt($val, 64), 8];
private function decodeUint64()
return [$this->unpackInt64($this->readAndHashBytes(8))[1], 8];
private function unpackInt64($bytes)
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6.3', '<')) {
$d = unpack('N2', $bytes);
return [1 => $d[1] << 32 | $d[2]];
return unpack('J', $bytes);
private function decodeBytes($lengthBytes=2)
if (!isset(self::$lengthFormatMap[$lengthBytes])) {
throw new ParserException('Undefined variable length format.');
$f = self::$lengthFormatMap[$lengthBytes];
list($len, $bytes) = $this->{$f}();
return [$this->readAndHashBytes($len), $len + $bytes];
private function decodeString($lengthBytes=2)
if (!isset(self::$lengthFormatMap[$lengthBytes])) {
throw new ParserException('Undefined variable length format.');
$f = self::$lengthFormatMap[$lengthBytes];
list($len, $bytes) = $this->{$f}();
return [$this->readAndHashBytes($len), $len + $bytes];
private function decodeTimestamp()
list($val, $bytes) = $this->decodeInt64();
return [
DateTimeResult::createFromFormat('U.u', $val / 1000),
private function decodeUuid()
$val = unpack('H32', $this->readAndHashBytes(16))[1];
return [
substr($val, 0, 8) . '-'
. substr($val, 8, 4) . '-'
. substr($val, 12, 4) . '-'
. substr($val, 16, 4) . '-'
. substr($val, 20, 12),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Parser;
use \Iterator;
use Aws\Exception\EventStreamDataException;
use Aws\Api\Parser\Exception\ParserException;
use Aws\Api\StructureShape;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;
* @internal Implements a decoder for a binary encoded event stream that will
* decode, validate, and provide individual events from the stream.
class EventParsingIterator implements Iterator
/** @var StreamInterface */
private $decodingIterator;
/** @var StructureShape */
private $shape;
/** @var AbstractParser */
private $parser;
public function __construct(
StreamInterface $stream,
StructureShape $shape,
AbstractParser $parser
) {
$this->decodingIterator = $this->chooseDecodingIterator($stream);
$this->shape = $shape;
$this->parser = $parser;
* This method choose a decoding iterator implementation based on if the stream
* is seekable or not.
* @param $stream
* @return Iterator
private function chooseDecodingIterator($stream)
if ($stream->isSeekable()) {
return new DecodingEventStreamIterator($stream);
} else {
return new NonSeekableStreamDecodingEventStreamIterator($stream);
public function current()
return $this->parseEvent($this->decodingIterator->current());
public function key()
return $this->decodingIterator->key();
public function next()
public function rewind()
public function valid()
return $this->decodingIterator->valid();
private function parseEvent(array $event)
if (!empty($event['headers'][':message-type'])) {
if ($event['headers'][':message-type'] === 'error') {
return $this->parseError($event);
if ($event['headers'][':message-type'] !== 'event') {
throw new ParserException('Failed to parse unknown message type.');
$eventType = $event['headers'][':event-type'] ?? null;
if (empty($eventType)) {
throw new ParserException('Failed to parse without event type.');
$eventPayload = $event['payload'];
if ($eventType === 'initial-response') {
return $this->parseInitialResponseEvent($eventPayload);
$eventShape = $this->shape->getMember($eventType);
return [
$eventType => array_merge(
$this->parseEventHeaders($event['headers'], $eventShape),
$this->parseEventPayload($eventPayload, $eventShape)
* @param $headers
* @param $eventShape
* @return array
private function parseEventHeaders($headers, $eventShape): array
$parsedHeaders = [];
foreach ($eventShape->getMembers() as $memberName => $memberProps) {
if (isset($memberProps['eventheader'])) {
$parsedHeaders[$memberName] = $headers[$memberName];
return $parsedHeaders;
* @param $payload
* @param $eventShape
* @return array
private function parseEventPayload($payload, $eventShape): array
$parsedPayload = [];
foreach ($eventShape->getMembers() as $memberName => $memberProps) {
$memberShape = $eventShape->getMember($memberName);
if (isset($memberProps['eventpayload'])) {
if ($memberShape->getType() === 'blob') {
$parsedPayload[$memberName] = $payload;
} else {
$parsedPayload[$memberName] = $this->parser->parseMemberFromStream(
if (empty($parsedPayload) && !empty($payload->getContents())) {
* If we did not find a member with an eventpayload trait, then we should deserialize the payload
* using the event's shape.
$parsedPayload = $this->parser->parseMemberFromStream($payload, $eventShape, null);
return $parsedPayload;
private function parseError(array $event)
throw new EventStreamDataException(
private function parseInitialResponseEvent($payload): array
return ['initial-response' => json_decode($payload, true)];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Parser\Exception;
use Aws\HasMonitoringEventsTrait;
use Aws\MonitoringEventsInterface;
use Aws\ResponseContainerInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
class ParserException extends \RuntimeException implements
use HasMonitoringEventsTrait;
private $errorCode;
private $requestId;
private $response;
public function __construct($message = '', $code = 0, $previous = null, array $context = [])
$this->errorCode = isset($context['error_code']) ? $context['error_code'] : null;
$this->requestId = isset($context['request_id']) ? $context['request_id'] : null;
$this->response = isset($context['response']) ? $context['response'] : null;
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
* Get the error code, if any.
* @return string|null
public function getErrorCode()
return $this->errorCode;
* Get the request ID, if any.
* @return string|null
public function getRequestId()
return $this->requestId;
* Get the received HTTP response if any.
* @return ResponseInterface|null
public function getResponse()
return $this->response;

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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Parser;
use Aws\Api\DateTimeResult;
use Aws\Api\Shape;
* @internal Implements standard JSON parsing.
class JsonParser
public function parse(Shape $shape, $value)
if ($value === null) {
return $value;
switch ($shape['type']) {
case 'structure':
if (isset($shape['document']) && $shape['document']) {
return $value;
$target = [];
foreach ($shape->getMembers() as $name => $member) {
$locationName = $member['locationName'] ?: $name;
if (isset($value[$locationName])) {
$target[$name] = $this->parse($member, $value[$locationName]);
if (isset($shape['union'])
&& $shape['union']
&& is_array($value)
&& empty($target)
) {
foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
$target['Unknown'][$key] = $val;
return $target;
case 'list':
$member = $shape->getMember();
$target = [];
foreach ($value as $v) {
$target[] = $this->parse($member, $v);
return $target;
case 'map':
$values = $shape->getValue();
$target = [];
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
$target[$k] = $this->parse($values, $v);
return $target;
case 'timestamp':
return DateTimeResult::fromTimestamp(
!empty($shape['timestampFormat']) ? $shape['timestampFormat'] : null
case 'blob':
return base64_decode($value);
return $value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Parser;
use Aws\Api\Operation;
use Aws\Api\StructureShape;
use Aws\Api\Service;
use Aws\Result;
use Aws\CommandInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;
* @internal Implements JSON-RPC parsing (e.g., DynamoDB)
class JsonRpcParser extends AbstractParser
use PayloadParserTrait;
* @param Service $api Service description
* @param JsonParser $parser JSON body builder
public function __construct(Service $api, JsonParser $parser = null)
$this->parser = $parser ?: new JsonParser();
public function __invoke(
CommandInterface $command,
ResponseInterface $response
) {
$operation = $this->api->getOperation($command->getName());
return $this->parseResponse($response, $operation);
* This method parses a response based on JSON RPC protocol.
* @param ResponseInterface $response the response to parse.
* @param Operation $operation the operation which holds information for
* parsing the response.
* @return Result
private function parseResponse(ResponseInterface $response, Operation $operation)
if (null === $operation['output']) {
return new Result([]);
$outputShape = $operation->getOutput();
foreach ($outputShape->getMembers() as $memberName => $memberProps) {
if (!empty($memberProps['eventstream'])) {
return new Result([
$memberName => new EventParsingIterator(
$result = $this->parseMemberFromStream(
return new Result(is_null($result) ? [] : $result);
public function parseMemberFromStream(
StreamInterface $stream,
StructureShape $member,
) {
return $this->parser->parse($member, $this->parseJson($stream, $response));

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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Parser;
use Aws\Api\DateTimeResult;
use Aws\Api\Shape;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
trait MetadataParserTrait
* Extract a single header from the response into the result.
protected function extractHeader(
Shape $shape,
ResponseInterface $response,
) {
$value = $response->getHeaderLine($shape['locationName'] ?: $name);
switch ($shape->getType()) {
case 'float':
case 'double':
$value = (float) $value;
case 'long':
$value = (int) $value;
case 'boolean':
$value = filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
case 'blob':
$value = base64_decode($value);
case 'timestamp':
try {
$value = DateTimeResult::fromTimestamp(
!empty($shape['timestampFormat']) ? $shape['timestampFormat'] : null
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// If the value cannot be parsed, then do not add it to the
// output structure.
case 'string':
if ($shape['jsonvalue']) {
$value = $this->parseJson(base64_decode($value), $response);
$result[$name] = $value;
* Extract a map of headers with an optional prefix from the response.
protected function extractHeaders(
Shape $shape,
ResponseInterface $response,
) {
// Check if the headers are prefixed by a location name
$result[$name] = [];
$prefix = $shape['locationName'];
$prefixLen = strlen($prefix);
foreach ($response->getHeaders() as $k => $values) {
if (!$prefixLen) {
$result[$name][$k] = implode(', ', $values);
} elseif (stripos($k, $prefix) === 0) {
$result[$name][substr($k, $prefixLen)] = implode(', ', $values);
* Places the status code of the response into the result array.
protected function extractStatus(
ResponseInterface $response,
array &$result
) {
$result[$name] = (int) $response->getStatusCode();

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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Parser;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;
use Aws\Api\Parser\Exception\ParserException;
* @inheritDoc
class NonSeekableStreamDecodingEventStreamIterator extends DecodingEventStreamIterator
/** @var array $tempBuffer */
private $tempBuffer;
* NonSeekableStreamDecodingEventStreamIterator constructor.
* @param StreamInterface $stream
public function __construct(StreamInterface $stream)
$this->stream = $stream;
if ($this->stream->isSeekable()) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The stream provided must be not seekable.');
$this->tempBuffer = [];
* @inheritDoc
* @return array
protected function parseEvent(): array
$event = [];
$this->hashContext = hash_init('crc32b');
$prelude = $this->parsePrelude()[0];
) = $this->parseHeaders($prelude[self::LENGTH_HEADERS]);
$event[self::PAYLOAD] = Psr7\Utils::streamFor(
$prelude[self::LENGTH_TOTAL] - self::BYTES_PRELUDE
- $numBytes - self::BYTES_TRAILING
$calculatedCrc = hash_final($this->hashContext, true);
$messageCrc = $this->stream->read(4);
if ($calculatedCrc !== $messageCrc) {
throw new ParserException('Message checksum mismatch.');
return $event;
protected function readAndHashBytes($num): string
$bytes = '';
while (!empty($this->tempBuffer) && $num > 0) {
$byte = array_shift($this->tempBuffer);
$bytes .= $byte;
$num = $num - 1;
$bytes = $bytes . $this->stream->read($num);
hash_update($this->hashContext, $bytes);
return $bytes;
// Iterator Functionality
public function rewind()
$this->currentEvent = $this->parseEvent();
public function next()
$this->tempBuffer[] = $this->stream->read(1);
if ($this->valid()) {
$this->currentEvent = $this->parseEvent();
* @return bool
public function valid()
return !$this->stream->eof();

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Parser;
use Aws\Api\Parser\Exception\ParserException;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
trait PayloadParserTrait
* @param string $json
* @throws ParserException
* @return array
private function parseJson($json, $response)
$jsonPayload = json_decode($json, true);
if (JSON_ERROR_NONE !== json_last_error()) {
throw new ParserException(
'Error parsing JSON: ' . json_last_error_msg(),
['response' => $response]
return $jsonPayload;
* @param string $xml
* @throws ParserException
* @return \SimpleXMLElement
protected function parseXml($xml, $response)
$priorSetting = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
try {
$xmlPayload = new \SimpleXMLElement($xml);
if ($error = libxml_get_last_error()) {
throw new \RuntimeException($error->message);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new ParserException(
"Error parsing XML: {$e->getMessage()}",
['response' => $response]
} finally {
return $xmlPayload;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Parser;
use Aws\Api\Service;
use Aws\Api\StructureShape;
use Aws\Result;
use Aws\CommandInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;
* @internal Parses query (XML) responses (e.g., EC2, SQS, and many others)
class QueryParser extends AbstractParser
use PayloadParserTrait;
/** @var bool */
private $honorResultWrapper;
* @param Service $api Service description
* @param XmlParser $xmlParser Optional XML parser
* @param bool $honorResultWrapper Set to false to disable the peeling
* back of result wrappers from the
* output structure.
public function __construct(
Service $api,
XmlParser $xmlParser = null,
$honorResultWrapper = true
) {
$this->parser = $xmlParser ?: new XmlParser();
$this->honorResultWrapper = $honorResultWrapper;
public function __invoke(
CommandInterface $command,
ResponseInterface $response
) {
$output = $this->api->getOperation($command->getName())->getOutput();
$xml = $this->parseXml($response->getBody(), $response);
if ($this->honorResultWrapper && $output['resultWrapper']) {
$xml = $xml->{$output['resultWrapper']};
return new Result($this->parser->parse($output, $xml));
public function parseMemberFromStream(
StreamInterface $stream,
StructureShape $member,
) {
$xml = $this->parseXml($stream, $response);
return $this->parser->parse($member, $xml);

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Parser;
use Aws\Api\Service;
use Aws\Api\StructureShape;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;
* @internal Implements REST-JSON parsing (e.g., Glacier, Elastic Transcoder)
class RestJsonParser extends AbstractRestParser
use PayloadParserTrait;
* @param Service $api Service description
* @param JsonParser $parser JSON body builder
public function __construct(Service $api, JsonParser $parser = null)
$this->parser = $parser ?: new JsonParser();
protected function payload(
ResponseInterface $response,
StructureShape $member,
array &$result
) {
$jsonBody = $this->parseJson($response->getBody(), $response);
if ($jsonBody) {
$result += $this->parser->parse($member, $jsonBody);
public function parseMemberFromStream(
StreamInterface $stream,
StructureShape $member,
) {
$jsonBody = $this->parseJson($stream, $response);
if ($jsonBody) {
return $this->parser->parse($member, $jsonBody);
return [];

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Parser;
use Aws\Api\StructureShape;
use Aws\Api\Service;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;
* @internal Implements REST-XML parsing (e.g., S3, CloudFront, etc...)
class RestXmlParser extends AbstractRestParser
use PayloadParserTrait;
* @param Service $api Service description
* @param XmlParser $parser XML body parser
public function __construct(Service $api, XmlParser $parser = null)
$this->parser = $parser ?: new XmlParser();
protected function payload(
ResponseInterface $response,
StructureShape $member,
array &$result
) {
$result += $this->parseMemberFromStream($response->getBody(), $member, $response);
public function parseMemberFromStream(
StreamInterface $stream,
StructureShape $member,
) {
$xml = $this->parseXml($stream, $response);
return $this->parser->parse($member, $xml);

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@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Parser;
use Aws\Api\DateTimeResult;
use Aws\Api\ListShape;
use Aws\Api\MapShape;
use Aws\Api\Parser\Exception\ParserException;
use Aws\Api\Shape;
use Aws\Api\StructureShape;
* @internal Implements standard XML parsing for REST-XML and Query protocols.
class XmlParser
public function parse(StructureShape $shape, \SimpleXMLElement $value)
return $this->dispatch($shape, $value);
private function dispatch($shape, \SimpleXMLElement $value)
static $methods = [
'structure' => 'parse_structure',
'list' => 'parse_list',
'map' => 'parse_map',
'blob' => 'parse_blob',
'boolean' => 'parse_boolean',
'integer' => 'parse_integer',
'float' => 'parse_float',
'double' => 'parse_float',
'timestamp' => 'parse_timestamp',
$type = $shape['type'];
if (isset($methods[$type])) {
return $this->{$methods[$type]}($shape, $value);
return (string) $value;
private function parse_structure(
StructureShape $shape,
\SimpleXMLElement $value
) {
$target = [];
foreach ($shape->getMembers() as $name => $member) {
// Extract the name of the XML node
$node = $this->memberKey($member, $name);
if (isset($value->{$node})) {
$target[$name] = $this->dispatch($member, $value->{$node});
} else {
$memberShape = $shape->getMember($name);
if (!empty($memberShape['xmlAttribute'])) {
$target[$name] = $this->parse_xml_attribute(
if (isset($shape['union'])
&& $shape['union']
&& empty($target)
) {
foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
$name = $val->children()->getName();
$target['Unknown'][$name] = $val->$name;
return $target;
private function memberKey(Shape $shape, $name)
if (null !== $shape['locationName']) {
return $shape['locationName'];
if ($shape instanceof ListShape && $shape['flattened']) {
return $shape->getMember()['locationName'] ?: $name;
return $name;
private function parse_list(ListShape $shape, \SimpleXMLElement $value)
$target = [];
$member = $shape->getMember();
if (!$shape['flattened']) {
$value = $value->{$member['locationName'] ?: 'member'};
foreach ($value as $v) {
$target[] = $this->dispatch($member, $v);
return $target;
private function parse_map(MapShape $shape, \SimpleXMLElement $value)
$target = [];
if (!$shape['flattened']) {
$value = $value->entry;
$mapKey = $shape->getKey();
$mapValue = $shape->getValue();
$keyName = $shape->getKey()['locationName'] ?: 'key';
$valueName = $shape->getValue()['locationName'] ?: 'value';
foreach ($value as $node) {
$key = $this->dispatch($mapKey, $node->{$keyName});
$value = $this->dispatch($mapValue, $node->{$valueName});
$target[$key] = $value;
return $target;
private function parse_blob(Shape $shape, $value)
return base64_decode((string) $value);
private function parse_float(Shape $shape, $value)
return (float) (string) $value;
private function parse_integer(Shape $shape, $value)
return (int) (string) $value;
private function parse_boolean(Shape $shape, $value)
return $value == 'true';
private function parse_timestamp(Shape $shape, $value)
if (is_string($value)
|| is_int($value)
|| (is_object($value)
&& method_exists($value, '__toString'))
) {
return DateTimeResult::fromTimestamp(
(string) $value,
!empty($shape['timestampFormat']) ? $shape['timestampFormat'] : null
throw new ParserException('Invalid timestamp value passed to XmlParser::parse_timestamp');
private function parse_xml_attribute(Shape $shape, Shape $memberShape, $value)
$namespace = $shape['xmlNamespace']['uri']
? $shape['xmlNamespace']['uri']
: '';
$prefix = $shape['xmlNamespace']['prefix']
? $shape['xmlNamespace']['prefix']
: '';
if (!empty($prefix)) {
$prefix .= ':';
$key = str_replace($prefix, '', $memberShape['locationName']);
$attributes = $value->attributes($namespace);
return isset($attributes[$key]) ? (string) $attributes[$key] : null;

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Serializer;
use Aws\Api\Shape;
use Aws\Api\ListShape;
* @internal
class Ec2ParamBuilder extends QueryParamBuilder
protected function queryName(Shape $shape, $default = null)
return ($shape['queryName']
?: ucfirst(@$shape['locationName'] ?: ""))
?: $default;
protected function isFlat(Shape $shape)
return false;
protected function format_list(
ListShape $shape,
array $value,
) {
// Handle empty list serialization
if (!empty($value)) {
$items = $shape->getMember();
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
$this->format($items, $v, $prefix . '.' . ($k + 1), $query);

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@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Serializer;
use Aws\Api\Service;
use Aws\Api\Shape;
use Aws\Api\TimestampShape;
use Aws\Exception\InvalidJsonException;
* Formats the JSON body of a JSON-REST or JSON-RPC operation.
* @internal
class JsonBody
private $api;
public function __construct(Service $api)
$this->api = $api;
* Gets the JSON Content-Type header for a service API
* @param Service $service
* @return string
public static function getContentType(Service $service)
if ($service->getMetadata('protocol') === 'rest-json') {
return 'application/json';
$jsonVersion = $service->getMetadata('jsonVersion');
if (empty($jsonVersion)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('invalid json');
} else {
return 'application/x-amz-json-'
. @number_format($service->getMetadata('jsonVersion'), 1);
* Builds the JSON body based on an array of arguments.
* @param Shape $shape Operation being constructed
* @param array $args Associative array of arguments
* @return string
public function build(Shape $shape, array $args)
$result = json_encode($this->format($shape, $args));
return $result == '[]' ? '{}' : $result;
private function format(Shape $shape, $value)
switch ($shape['type']) {
case 'structure':
$data = [];
if (isset($shape['document']) && $shape['document']) {
return $value;
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
if ($v !== null && $shape->hasMember($k)) {
$valueShape = $shape->getMember($k);
$data[$valueShape['locationName'] ?: $k]
= $this->format($valueShape, $v);
if (empty($data)) {
return new \stdClass;
return $data;
case 'list':
$items = $shape->getMember();
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
$value[$k] = $this->format($items, $v);
return $value;
case 'map':
if (empty($value)) {
return new \stdClass;
$values = $shape->getValue();
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
$value[$k] = $this->format($values, $v);
return $value;
case 'blob':
return base64_encode($value);
case 'timestamp':
$timestampFormat = !empty($shape['timestampFormat'])
? $shape['timestampFormat']
: 'unixTimestamp';
return TimestampShape::format($value, $timestampFormat);
return $value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Serializer;
use Aws\Api\Service;
use Aws\CommandInterface;
use Aws\EndpointV2\EndpointV2SerializerTrait;
use Aws\EndpointV2\Ruleset\RulesetEndpoint;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
* Prepares a JSON-RPC request for transfer.
* @internal
class JsonRpcSerializer
use EndpointV2SerializerTrait;
/** @var JsonBody */
private $jsonFormatter;
/** @var string */
private $endpoint;
/** @var Service */
private $api;
/** @var string */
private $contentType;
* @param Service $api Service description
* @param string $endpoint Endpoint to connect to
* @param JsonBody $jsonFormatter Optional JSON formatter to use
public function __construct(
Service $api,
JsonBody $jsonFormatter = null
) {
$this->endpoint = $endpoint;
$this->api = $api;
$this->jsonFormatter = $jsonFormatter ?: new JsonBody($this->api);
$this->contentType = JsonBody::getContentType($api);
* When invoked with an AWS command, returns a serialization array
* containing "method", "uri", "headers", and "body" key value pairs.
* @param CommandInterface $command Command to serialize into a request.
* @param $endpointProvider Provider used for dynamic endpoint resolution.
* @param $clientArgs Client arguments used for dynamic endpoint resolution.
* @return RequestInterface
public function __invoke(
CommandInterface $command,
$endpoint = null
$operationName = $command->getName();
$operation = $this->api->getOperation($operationName);
$commandArgs = $command->toArray();
$headers = [
'X-Amz-Target' => $this->api->getMetadata('targetPrefix') . '.' . $operationName,
'Content-Type' => $this->contentType
if ($endpoint instanceof RulesetEndpoint) {
$this->setEndpointV2RequestOptions($endpoint, $headers);
return new Request(

View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Serializer;
use Aws\Api\StructureShape;
use Aws\Api\ListShape;
use Aws\Api\MapShape;
use Aws\Api\Shape;
use Aws\Api\TimestampShape;
* @internal
class QueryParamBuilder
private $methods;
protected function queryName(Shape $shape, $default = null)
if (null !== $shape['queryName']) {
return $shape['queryName'];
if (null !== $shape['locationName']) {
return $shape['locationName'];
if ($this->isFlat($shape) && !empty($shape['member']['locationName'])) {
return $shape['member']['locationName'];
return $default;
protected function isFlat(Shape $shape)
return $shape['flattened'] === true;
public function __invoke(StructureShape $shape, array $params)
if (!$this->methods) {
$this->methods = array_fill_keys(get_class_methods($this), true);
$query = [];
$this->format_structure($shape, $params, '', $query);
return $query;
protected function format(Shape $shape, $value, $prefix, array &$query)
$type = 'format_' . $shape['type'];
if (isset($this->methods[$type])) {
$this->{$type}($shape, $value, $prefix, $query);
} else {
$query[$prefix] = (string) $value;
protected function format_structure(
StructureShape $shape,
array $value,
) {
if ($prefix) {
$prefix .= '.';
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
if ($shape->hasMember($k)) {
$member = $shape->getMember($k);
$prefix . $this->queryName($member, $k),
protected function format_list(
ListShape $shape,
array $value,
) {
// Handle empty list serialization
if (!$value) {
$query[$prefix] = '';
$items = $shape->getMember();
if (!$this->isFlat($shape)) {
$locationName = $shape->getMember()['locationName'] ?: 'member';
$prefix .= ".$locationName";
} elseif ($name = $this->queryName($items)) {
$parts = explode('.', $prefix);
$parts[count($parts) - 1] = $name;
$prefix = implode('.', $parts);
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
$this->format($items, $v, $prefix . '.' . ($k + 1), $query);
protected function format_map(
MapShape $shape,
array $value,
array &$query
) {
$vals = $shape->getValue();
$keys = $shape->getKey();
if (!$this->isFlat($shape)) {
$prefix .= '.entry';
$i = 0;
$keyName = '%s.%d.' . $this->queryName($keys, 'key');
$valueName = '%s.%s.' . $this->queryName($vals, 'value');
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
$this->format($keys, $k, sprintf($keyName, $prefix, $i), $query);
$this->format($vals, $v, sprintf($valueName, $prefix, $i), $query);
protected function format_blob(Shape $shape, $value, $prefix, array &$query)
$query[$prefix] = base64_encode($value);
protected function format_timestamp(
TimestampShape $shape,
array &$query
) {
$timestampFormat = !empty($shape['timestampFormat'])
? $shape['timestampFormat']
: 'iso8601';
$query[$prefix] = TimestampShape::format($value, $timestampFormat);
protected function format_boolean(Shape $shape, $value, $prefix, array &$query)
$query[$prefix] = ($value) ? 'true' : 'false';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Serializer;
use Aws\Api\Service;
use Aws\CommandInterface;
use Aws\EndpointV2\EndpointProviderV2;
use Aws\EndpointV2\EndpointV2SerializerTrait;
use Aws\EndpointV2\Ruleset\RulesetEndpoint;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
* Serializes a query protocol request.
* @internal
class QuerySerializer
use EndpointV2SerializerTrait;
private $endpoint;
private $api;
private $paramBuilder;
public function __construct(
Service $api,
callable $paramBuilder = null
) {
$this->api = $api;
$this->endpoint = $endpoint;
$this->paramBuilder = $paramBuilder ?: new QueryParamBuilder();
* When invoked with an AWS command, returns a serialization array
* containing "method", "uri", "headers", and "body" key value pairs.
* @param CommandInterface $command Command to serialize into a request.
* @param $endpointProvider Provider used for dynamic endpoint resolution.
* @param $clientArgs Client arguments used for dynamic endpoint resolution.
* @return RequestInterface
public function __invoke(
CommandInterface $command,
$endpoint = null
$operation = $this->api->getOperation($command->getName());
$body = [
'Action' => $command->getName(),
'Version' => $this->api->getMetadata('apiVersion')
$commandArgs = $command->toArray();
// Only build up the parameters when there are parameters to build
if ($commandArgs) {
$body += call_user_func(
$body = http_build_query($body, '', '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986);
$headers = [
'Content-Length' => strlen($body),
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
if ($endpoint instanceof RulesetEndpoint) {
$this->setEndpointV2RequestOptions($endpoint, $headers);
return new Request(

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Serializer;
use Aws\Api\Service;
use Aws\Api\StructureShape;
* Serializes requests for the REST-JSON protocol.
* @internal
class RestJsonSerializer extends RestSerializer
/** @var JsonBody */
private $jsonFormatter;
/** @var string */
private $contentType;
* @param Service $api Service API description
* @param string $endpoint Endpoint to connect to
* @param JsonBody $jsonFormatter Optional JSON formatter to use
public function __construct(
Service $api,
JsonBody $jsonFormatter = null
) {
parent::__construct($api, $endpoint);
$this->contentType = JsonBody::getContentType($api);
$this->jsonFormatter = $jsonFormatter ?: new JsonBody($api);
protected function payload(StructureShape $member, array $value, array &$opts)
$body = isset($value) ?
((string) $this->jsonFormatter->build($member, $value))
: "{}";
$opts['headers']['Content-Type'] = $this->contentType;
$opts['body'] = $body;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Serializer;
use Aws\Api\MapShape;
use Aws\Api\Service;
use Aws\Api\Operation;
use Aws\Api\Shape;
use Aws\Api\StructureShape;
use Aws\Api\TimestampShape;
use Aws\CommandInterface;
use Aws\EndpointV2\EndpointProviderV2;
use Aws\EndpointV2\EndpointV2SerializerTrait;
use Aws\EndpointV2\Ruleset\RulesetEndpoint;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\UriResolver;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
* Serializes HTTP locations like header, uri, payload, etc...
* @internal
abstract class RestSerializer
use EndpointV2SerializerTrait;
/** @var Service */
private $api;
/** @var Uri */
private $endpoint;
* @param Service $api Service API description
* @param string $endpoint Endpoint to connect to
public function __construct(Service $api, $endpoint)
$this->api = $api;
$this->endpoint = Psr7\Utils::uriFor($endpoint);
* @param CommandInterface $command Command to serialize into a request.
* @param $endpointProvider Provider used for dynamic endpoint resolution.
* @param $clientArgs Client arguments used for dynamic endpoint resolution.
* @return RequestInterface
public function __invoke(
CommandInterface $command,
$endpoint = null
$operation = $this->api->getOperation($command->getName());
$commandArgs = $command->toArray();
$opts = $this->serialize($operation, $commandArgs);
$headers = isset($opts['headers']) ? $opts['headers'] : [];
if ($endpoint instanceof RulesetEndpoint) {
$this->setEndpointV2RequestOptions($endpoint, $headers);
$uri = $this->buildEndpoint($operation, $commandArgs, $opts);
return new Request(
isset($opts['body']) ? $opts['body'] : null
* Modifies a hash of request options for a payload body.
* @param StructureShape $member Member to serialize
* @param array $value Value to serialize
* @param array $opts Request options to modify.
abstract protected function payload(
StructureShape $member,
array $value,
array &$opts
private function serialize(Operation $operation, array $args)
$opts = [];
$input = $operation->getInput();
// Apply the payload trait if present
if ($payload = $input['payload']) {
$this->applyPayload($input, $payload, $args, $opts);
foreach ($args as $name => $value) {
if ($input->hasMember($name)) {
$member = $input->getMember($name);
$location = $member['location'];
if (!$payload && !$location) {
$bodyMembers[$name] = $value;
} elseif ($location == 'header') {
$this->applyHeader($name, $member, $value, $opts);
} elseif ($location == 'querystring') {
$this->applyQuery($name, $member, $value, $opts);
} elseif ($location == 'headers') {
$this->applyHeaderMap($name, $member, $value, $opts);
if (isset($bodyMembers)) {
$this->payload($operation->getInput(), $bodyMembers, $opts);
} else if (!isset($opts['body']) && $this->hasPayloadParam($input, $payload)) {
$this->payload($operation->getInput(), [], $opts);
return $opts;
private function applyPayload(StructureShape $input, $name, array $args, array &$opts)
if (!isset($args[$name])) {
$m = $input->getMember($name);
if ($m['streaming'] ||
($m['type'] == 'string' || $m['type'] == 'blob')
) {
// Streaming bodies or payloads that are strings are
// always just a stream of data.
$opts['body'] = Psr7\Utils::streamFor($args[$name]);
$this->payload($m, $args[$name], $opts);
private function applyHeader($name, Shape $member, $value, array &$opts)
if ($member->getType() === 'timestamp') {
$timestampFormat = !empty($member['timestampFormat'])
? $member['timestampFormat']
: 'rfc822';
$value = TimestampShape::format($value, $timestampFormat);
} elseif ($member->getType() === 'boolean') {
$value = $value ? 'true' : 'false';
if ($member['jsonvalue']) {
$value = json_encode($value);
if (empty($value) && JSON_ERROR_NONE !== json_last_error()) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unable to encode the provided value'
. ' with \'json_encode\'. ' . json_last_error_msg());
$value = base64_encode($value);
$opts['headers'][$member['locationName'] ?: $name] = $value;
* Note: This is currently only present in the Amazon S3 model.
private function applyHeaderMap($name, Shape $member, array $value, array &$opts)
$prefix = $member['locationName'];
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
$opts['headers'][$prefix . $k] = $v;
private function applyQuery($name, Shape $member, $value, array &$opts)
if ($member instanceof MapShape) {
$opts['query'] = isset($opts['query']) && is_array($opts['query'])
? $opts['query'] + $value
: $value;
} elseif ($value !== null) {
$type = $member->getType();
if ($type === 'boolean') {
$value = $value ? 'true' : 'false';
} elseif ($type === 'timestamp') {
$timestampFormat = !empty($member['timestampFormat'])
? $member['timestampFormat']
: 'iso8601';
$value = TimestampShape::format($value, $timestampFormat);
$opts['query'][$member['locationName'] ?: $name] = $value;
private function buildEndpoint(Operation $operation, array $args, array $opts)
// Create an associative array of variable definitions used in expansions
$varDefinitions = $this->getVarDefinitions($operation, $args);
$relative = preg_replace_callback(
function (array $matches) use ($varDefinitions) {
$isGreedy = substr($matches[1], -1, 1) == '+';
$k = $isGreedy ? substr($matches[1], 0, -1) : $matches[1];
if (!isset($varDefinitions[$k])) {
return '';
if ($isGreedy) {
return str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($varDefinitions[$k]));
return rawurlencode($varDefinitions[$k]);
// Add the query string variables or appending to one if needed.
if (!empty($opts['query'])) {
$relative = $this->appendQuery($opts['query'], $relative);
$path = $this->endpoint->getPath();
//Accounts for trailing '/' in path when custom endpoint
//is provided to endpointProviderV2
if ($this->api->isModifiedModel()
&& $this->api->getServiceName() === 's3'
) {
if (substr($path, -1) === '/' && $relative[0] === '/') {
$path = rtrim($path, '/');
$relative = $path . $relative;
if (strpos($relative, '../') !== false
|| substr($relative, -2) === '..'
) {
if ($relative[0] !== '/') {
$relative = '/' . $relative;
return new Uri($this->endpoint->withPath('') . $relative);
// If endpoint has path, remove leading '/' to preserve URI resolution.
if ($path && $relative[0] === '/') {
$relative = substr($relative, 1);
//Append path to endpoint when leading '//...'
// present as uri cannot be properly resolved
if ($this->api->isModifiedModel()
&& strpos($relative, '//') === 0
) {
return new Uri($this->endpoint . $relative);
// Expand path place holders using Amazon's slightly different URI
// template syntax.
return UriResolver::resolve($this->endpoint, new Uri($relative));
* @param StructureShape $input
private function hasPayloadParam(StructureShape $input, $payload)
if ($payload) {
$potentiallyEmptyTypes = ['blob','string'];
if ($this->api->getMetadata('protocol') == 'rest-xml') {
$potentiallyEmptyTypes[] = 'structure';
$payloadMember = $input->getMember($payload);
if (in_array($payloadMember['type'], $potentiallyEmptyTypes)) {
return false;
foreach ($input->getMembers() as $member) {
if (!isset($member['location'])) {
return true;
return false;
private function appendQuery($query, $endpoint)
$append = Psr7\Query::build($query);
return $endpoint .= strpos($endpoint, '?') !== false ? "&{$append}" : "?{$append}";
private function getVarDefinitions($command, $args)
$varDefinitions = [];
foreach ($command->getInput()->getMembers() as $name => $member) {
if ($member['location'] == 'uri') {
$varDefinitions[$member['locationName'] ?: $name] =
? $args[$name]
: null;
return $varDefinitions;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Serializer;
use Aws\Api\StructureShape;
use Aws\Api\Service;
* @internal
class RestXmlSerializer extends RestSerializer
/** @var XmlBody */
private $xmlBody;
* @param Service $api Service API description
* @param string $endpoint Endpoint to connect to
* @param XmlBody $xmlBody Optional XML formatter to use
public function __construct(
Service $api,
XmlBody $xmlBody = null
) {
parent::__construct($api, $endpoint);
$this->xmlBody = $xmlBody ?: new XmlBody($api);
protected function payload(StructureShape $member, array $value, array &$opts)
$opts['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml';
$opts['body'] = $this->getXmlBody($member, $value);
* @param StructureShape $member
* @param array $value
* @return string
private function getXmlBody(StructureShape $member, array $value)
$xmlBody = (string)$this->xmlBody->build($member, $value);
$xmlBody = str_replace("'", "&apos;", $xmlBody);
$xmlBody = str_replace('\r', "&#13;", $xmlBody);
$xmlBody = str_replace('\n', "&#10;", $xmlBody);
return $xmlBody;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
namespace Aws\Api\Serializer;
use Aws\Api\MapShape;
use Aws\Api\Service;
use Aws\Api\Shape;
use Aws\Api\StructureShape;
use Aws\Api\ListShape;
use Aws\Api\TimestampShape;
use XMLWriter;
* @internal Formats the XML body of a REST-XML services.
class XmlBody
/** @var \Aws\Api\Service */
private $api;
* @param Service $api API being used to create the XML body.
public function __construct(Service $api)
$this->api = $api;
* Builds the XML body based on an array of arguments.
* @param Shape $shape Operation being constructed
* @param array $args Associative array of arguments
* @return string
public function build(Shape $shape, array $args)
$xml = new XMLWriter();
$xml->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$this->format($shape, $shape['locationName'] ?: $shape['name'], $args, $xml);
return $xml->outputMemory();
private function startElement(Shape $shape, $name, XMLWriter $xml)
if ($ns = $shape['xmlNamespace']) {
isset($ns['prefix']) ? "xmlns:{$ns['prefix']}" : 'xmlns',
private function format(Shape $shape, $name, $value, XMLWriter $xml)
// Any method mentioned here has a custom serialization handler.
static $methods = [
'add_structure' => true,
'add_list' => true,
'add_blob' => true,
'add_timestamp' => true,
'add_boolean' => true,
'add_map' => true,
'add_string' => true
$type = 'add_' . $shape['type'];
if (isset($methods[$type])) {
$this->{$type}($shape, $name, $value, $xml);
} else {
$this->defaultShape($shape, $name, $value, $xml);
private function defaultShape(Shape $shape, $name, $value, XMLWriter $xml)
$this->startElement($shape, $name, $xml);
private function add_structure(
StructureShape $shape,
array $value,
\XMLWriter $xml
) {
$this->startElement($shape, $name, $xml);
foreach ($this->getStructureMembers($shape, $value) as $k => $definition) {
$definition['member']['locationName'] ?: $k,
private function getStructureMembers(StructureShape $shape, array $value)
$members = [];
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
if ($v !== null && $shape->hasMember($k)) {
$definition = [
'member' => $shape->getMember($k),
'value' => $v,
if ($definition['member']['xmlAttribute']) {
// array_unshift_associative
$members = [$k => $definition] + $members;
} else {
$members[$k] = $definition;
return $members;
private function add_list(
ListShape $shape,
array $value,
XMLWriter $xml
) {
$items = $shape->getMember();
if ($shape['flattened']) {
$elementName = $name;
} else {
$this->startElement($shape, $name, $xml);
$elementName = $items['locationName'] ?: 'member';
foreach ($value as $v) {
$this->format($items, $elementName, $v, $xml);
if (!$shape['flattened']) {
private function add_map(
MapShape $shape,
array $value,
XMLWriter $xml
) {
$xmlEntry = $shape['flattened'] ? $shape['locationName'] : 'entry';
$xmlKey = $shape->getKey()['locationName'] ?: 'key';
$xmlValue = $shape->getValue()['locationName'] ?: 'value';
$this->startElement($shape, $name, $xml);
foreach ($value as $key => $v) {
$this->startElement($shape, $xmlEntry, $xml);
$this->format($shape->getKey(), $xmlKey, $key, $xml);
$this->format($shape->getValue(), $xmlValue, $v, $xml);
private function add_blob(Shape $shape, $name, $value, XMLWriter $xml)
$this->startElement($shape, $name, $xml);
private function add_timestamp(
TimestampShape $shape,
XMLWriter $xml
) {
$this->startElement($shape, $name, $xml);
$timestampFormat = !empty($shape['timestampFormat'])
? $shape['timestampFormat']
: 'iso8601';
$xml->writeRaw(TimestampShape::format($value, $timestampFormat));
private function add_boolean(
Shape $shape,
XMLWriter $xml
) {
$this->startElement($shape, $name, $xml);
$xml->writeRaw($value ? 'true' : 'false');
private function add_string(
Shape $shape,
XMLWriter $xml
) {
if ($shape['xmlAttribute']) {
$xml->writeAttribute($shape['locationName'] ?: $name, $value);
} else {
$this->defaultShape($shape, $name, $value, $xml);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
namespace Aws\Api;
* Represents a web service API model.
class Service extends AbstractModel
/** @var callable */
private $apiProvider;
/** @var string */
private $serviceName;
/** @var string */
private $apiVersion;
/** @var array */
private $clientContextParams = [];
/** @var Operation[] */
private $operations = [];
/** @var array */
private $paginators = null;
/** @var array */
private $waiters = null;
/** @var boolean */
private $modifiedModel = false;
* @param array $definition
* @param callable $provider
* @internal param array $definition Service description
public function __construct(array $definition, callable $provider)
static $defaults = [
'operations' => [],
'shapes' => [],
'metadata' => [],
'clientContextParams' => []
], $defaultMeta = [
'apiVersion' => null,
'serviceFullName' => null,
'serviceId' => null,
'endpointPrefix' => null,
'signingName' => null,
'signatureVersion' => null,
'protocol' => null,
'uid' => null
$definition += $defaults;
$definition['metadata'] += $defaultMeta;
$this->definition = $definition;
$this->apiProvider = $provider;
parent::__construct($definition, new ShapeMap($definition['shapes']));
if (isset($definition['metadata']['serviceIdentifier'])) {
$this->serviceName = $this->getServiceName();
} else {
$this->serviceName = $this->getEndpointPrefix();
$this->apiVersion = $this->getApiVersion();
if (isset($definition['clientContextParams'])) {
$this->clientContextParams = $definition['clientContextParams'];
* Creates a request serializer for the provided API object.
* @param Service $api API that contains a protocol.
* @param string $endpoint Endpoint to send requests to.
* @return callable
* @throws \UnexpectedValueException
public static function createSerializer(Service $api, $endpoint)
static $mapping = [
'json' => Serializer\JsonRpcSerializer::class,
'query' => Serializer\QuerySerializer::class,
'rest-json' => Serializer\RestJsonSerializer::class,
'rest-xml' => Serializer\RestXmlSerializer::class
$proto = $api->getProtocol();
if (isset($mapping[$proto])) {
return new $mapping[$proto]($api, $endpoint);
if ($proto == 'ec2') {
return new Serializer\QuerySerializer($api, $endpoint, new Serializer\Ec2ParamBuilder());
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
'Unknown protocol: ' . $api->getProtocol()
* Creates an error parser for the given protocol.
* Redundant method signature to preserve backwards compatibility.
* @param string $protocol Protocol to parse (e.g., query, json, etc.)
* @return callable
* @throws \UnexpectedValueException
public static function createErrorParser($protocol, Service $api = null)
static $mapping = [
'json' => ErrorParser\JsonRpcErrorParser::class,
'query' => ErrorParser\XmlErrorParser::class,
'rest-json' => ErrorParser\RestJsonErrorParser::class,
'rest-xml' => ErrorParser\XmlErrorParser::class,
'ec2' => ErrorParser\XmlErrorParser::class
if (isset($mapping[$protocol])) {
return new $mapping[$protocol]($api);
throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Unknown protocol: $protocol");
* Applies the listeners needed to parse client models.
* @param Service $api API to create a parser for
* @return callable
* @throws \UnexpectedValueException
public static function createParser(Service $api)
static $mapping = [
'json' => Parser\JsonRpcParser::class,
'query' => Parser\QueryParser::class,
'rest-json' => Parser\RestJsonParser::class,
'rest-xml' => Parser\RestXmlParser::class
$proto = $api->getProtocol();
if (isset($mapping[$proto])) {
return new $mapping[$proto]($api);
if ($proto == 'ec2') {
return new Parser\QueryParser($api, null, false);
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
'Unknown protocol: ' . $api->getProtocol()
* Get the full name of the service
* @return string
public function getServiceFullName()
return $this->definition['metadata']['serviceFullName'];
* Get the service id
* @return string
public function getServiceId()
return $this->definition['metadata']['serviceId'];
* Get the API version of the service
* @return string
public function getApiVersion()
return $this->definition['metadata']['apiVersion'];
* Get the API version of the service
* @return string
public function getEndpointPrefix()
return $this->definition['metadata']['endpointPrefix'];
* Get the signing name used by the service.
* @return string
public function getSigningName()
return $this->definition['metadata']['signingName']
?: $this->definition['metadata']['endpointPrefix'];
* Get the service name.
* @return string
public function getServiceName()
return $this->definition['metadata']['serviceIdentifier'];
* Get the default signature version of the service.
* Note: this method assumes "v4" when not specified in the model.
* @return string
public function getSignatureVersion()
return $this->definition['metadata']['signatureVersion'] ?: 'v4';
* Get the protocol used by the service.
* @return string
public function getProtocol()
return $this->definition['metadata']['protocol'];
* Get the uid string used by the service
* @return string
public function getUid()
return $this->definition['metadata']['uid'];
* Check if the description has a specific operation by name.
* @param string $name Operation to check by name
* @return bool
public function hasOperation($name)
return isset($this['operations'][$name]);
* Get an operation by name.
* @param string $name Operation to retrieve by name
* @return Operation
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the operation is not found
public function getOperation($name)
if (!isset($this->operations[$name])) {
if (!isset($this->definition['operations'][$name])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown operation: $name");
$this->operations[$name] = new Operation(
} else if ($this->modifiedModel) {
$this->operations[$name] = new Operation(
return $this->operations[$name];
* Get all of the operations of the description.
* @return Operation[]
public function getOperations()
$result = [];
foreach ($this->definition['operations'] as $name => $definition) {
$result[$name] = $this->getOperation($name);
return $result;
* Get all of the error shapes of the service
* @return array
public function getErrorShapes()
$result = [];
foreach ($this->definition['shapes'] as $name => $definition) {
if (!empty($definition['exception'])) {
$definition['name'] = $name;
$result[] = new StructureShape($definition, $this->getShapeMap());
return $result;
* Get all of the service metadata or a specific metadata key value.
* @param string|null $key Key to retrieve or null to retrieve all metadata
* @return mixed Returns the result or null if the key is not found
public function getMetadata($key = null)
if (!$key) {
return $this['metadata'];
if (isset($this->definition['metadata'][$key])) {
return $this->definition['metadata'][$key];
return null;
* Gets an associative array of available paginator configurations where
* the key is the name of the paginator, and the value is the paginator
* configuration.
* @return array
* @unstable The configuration format of paginators may change in the future
public function getPaginators()
if (!isset($this->paginators)) {
$res = call_user_func(
$this->paginators = isset($res['pagination'])
? $res['pagination']
: [];
return $this->paginators;
* Determines if the service has a paginator by name.
* @param string $name Name of the paginator.
* @return bool
public function hasPaginator($name)
return isset($this->getPaginators()[$name]);
* Retrieve a paginator by name.
* @param string $name Paginator to retrieve by name. This argument is
* typically the operation name.
* @return array
* @throws \UnexpectedValueException if the paginator does not exist.
* @unstable The configuration format of paginators may change in the future
public function getPaginatorConfig($name)
static $defaults = [
'input_token' => null,
'output_token' => null,
'limit_key' => null,
'result_key' => null,
'more_results' => null,
if ($this->hasPaginator($name)) {
return $this->paginators[$name] + $defaults;
throw new \UnexpectedValueException("There is no {$name} "
. "paginator defined for the {$this->serviceName} service.");
* Gets an associative array of available waiter configurations where the
* key is the name of the waiter, and the value is the waiter
* configuration.
* @return array
public function getWaiters()
if (!isset($this->waiters)) {
$res = call_user_func(
$this->waiters = isset($res['waiters'])
? $res['waiters']
: [];
return $this->waiters;
* Determines if the service has a waiter by name.
* @param string $name Name of the waiter.
* @return bool
public function hasWaiter($name)
return isset($this->getWaiters()[$name]);
* Get a waiter configuration by name.
* @param string $name Name of the waiter by name.
* @return array
* @throws \UnexpectedValueException if the waiter does not exist.
public function getWaiterConfig($name)
// Error if the waiter is not defined
if ($this->hasWaiter($name)) {
return $this->waiters[$name];
throw new \UnexpectedValueException("There is no {$name} waiter "
. "defined for the {$this->serviceName} service.");
* Get the shape map used by the API.
* @return ShapeMap
public function getShapeMap()
return $this->shapeMap;
* Get all the context params of the description.
* @return array
public function getClientContextParams()
return $this->clientContextParams;
* Get the service's api provider.
* @return callable
public function getProvider()
return $this->apiProvider;
* Get the service's definition.
* @return callable
public function getDefinition()
return $this->definition;
* Sets the service's api definition.
* Intended for internal use only.
* @return void
* @internal
public function setDefinition($definition)
$this->definition = $definition;
$this->modifiedModel = true;
* Denotes whether or not a service's definition has
* been modified. Intended for internal use only.
* @return bool
* @internal
public function isModifiedModel()
return $this->modifiedModel;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
namespace Aws\Api;
* Base class representing a modeled shape.
class Shape extends AbstractModel
* Get a concrete shape for the given definition.
* @param array $definition
* @param ShapeMap $shapeMap
* @return mixed
* @throws \RuntimeException if the type is invalid
public static function create(array $definition, ShapeMap $shapeMap)
static $map = [
'structure' => StructureShape::class,
'map' => MapShape::class,
'list' => ListShape::class,
'timestamp' => TimestampShape::class,
'integer' => Shape::class,
'double' => Shape::class,
'float' => Shape::class,
'long' => Shape::class,
'string' => Shape::class,
'byte' => Shape::class,
'character' => Shape::class,
'blob' => Shape::class,
'boolean' => Shape::class
if (isset($definition['shape'])) {
return $shapeMap->resolve($definition);
if (!isset($map[$definition['type']])) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid type: '
. print_r($definition, true));
$type = $map[$definition['type']];
return new $type($definition, $shapeMap);
* Get the type of the shape
* @return string
public function getType()
return $this->definition['type'];
* Get the name of the shape
* @return string
public function getName()
return $this->definition['name'];
* Get a context param definition.
public function getContextParam()
return $this->contextParam;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
namespace Aws\Api;
* Builds shape based on shape references.
class ShapeMap
/** @var array */
private $definitions;
/** @var Shape[] */
private $simple;
* @param array $shapeModels Associative array of shape definitions.
public function __construct(array $shapeModels)
$this->definitions = $shapeModels;
* Get an array of shape names.
* @return array
public function getShapeNames()
return array_keys($this->definitions);
* Resolve a shape reference
* @param array $shapeRef Shape reference shape
* @return Shape
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
public function resolve(array $shapeRef)
$shape = $shapeRef['shape'];
if (!isset($this->definitions[$shape])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Shape not found: ' . $shape);
$isSimple = count($shapeRef) == 1;
if ($isSimple && isset($this->simple[$shape])) {
return $this->simple[$shape];
$definition = $shapeRef + $this->definitions[$shape];
$definition['name'] = $definition['shape'];
if (isset($definition['shape'])) {
$result = Shape::create($definition, $this);
if ($isSimple) {
$this->simple[$shape] = $result;
return $result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
namespace Aws\Api;
* Represents a structure shape and resolve member shape references.
class StructureShape extends Shape
* @var Shape[]
private $members;
public function __construct(array $definition, ShapeMap $shapeMap)
$definition['type'] = 'structure';
if (!isset($definition['members'])) {
$definition['members'] = [];
parent::__construct($definition, $shapeMap);
* Gets a list of all members
* @return Shape[]
public function getMembers()
if (empty($this->members)) {
return $this->members;
* Check if a specific member exists by name.
* @param string $name Name of the member to check
* @return bool
public function hasMember($name)
return isset($this->definition['members'][$name]);
* Retrieve a member by name.
* @param string $name Name of the member to retrieve
* @return Shape
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the member is not found.
public function getMember($name)
$members = $this->getMembers();
if (!isset($members[$name])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unknown member ' . $name);
return $members[$name];
private function generateMembersHash()
$this->members = [];
foreach ($this->definition['members'] as $name => $definition) {
$this->members[$name] = $this->shapeFor($definition);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
namespace Aws\Api;
* Represents a timestamp shape.
class TimestampShape extends Shape
public function __construct(array $definition, ShapeMap $shapeMap)
$definition['type'] = 'timestamp';
parent::__construct($definition, $shapeMap);
* Formats a timestamp value for a service.
* @param mixed $value Value to format
* @param string $format Format used to serialize the value
* @return int|string
* @throws \UnexpectedValueException if the format is unknown.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the value is an unsupported type.
public static function format($value, $format)
if ($value instanceof \DateTimeInterface) {
$value = $value->getTimestamp();
} elseif (is_string($value)) {
$value = strtotime($value);
} elseif (!is_int($value)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unable to handle the provided'
. ' timestamp type: ' . gettype($value));
switch ($format) {
case 'iso8601':
return gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $value);
case 'rfc822':
return gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', $value);
case 'unixTimestamp':
return $value;
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unknown timestamp format: '
. $format);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
namespace Aws\Api;
use Aws;
* Validates a schema against a hash of input.
class Validator
private $path = [];
private $errors = [];
private $constraints = [];
private static $defaultConstraints = [
'required' => true,
'min' => true,
'max' => false,
'pattern' => false
* @param array $constraints Associative array of constraints to enforce.
* Accepts the following keys: "required", "min",
* "max", and "pattern". If a key is not
* provided, the constraint will assume false.
public function __construct(array $constraints = null)
static $assumedFalseValues = [
'required' => false,
'min' => false,
'max' => false,
'pattern' => false
$this->constraints = empty($constraints)
? self::$defaultConstraints
: $constraints + $assumedFalseValues;
* Validates the given input against the schema.
* @param string $name Operation name
* @param Shape $shape Shape to validate
* @param array $input Input to validate
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the input is invalid.
public function validate($name, Shape $shape, array $input)
$this->dispatch($shape, $input);
if ($this->errors) {
$message = sprintf(
"Found %d error%s while validating the input provided for the "
. "%s operation:\n%s",
count($this->errors) > 1 ? 's' : '',
implode("\n", $this->errors)
$this->errors = [];
throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message);
private function dispatch(Shape $shape, $value)
static $methods = [
'structure' => 'check_structure',
'list' => 'check_list',
'map' => 'check_map',
'blob' => 'check_blob',
'boolean' => 'check_boolean',
'integer' => 'check_numeric',
'float' => 'check_numeric',
'long' => 'check_numeric',
'string' => 'check_string',
'byte' => 'check_string',
'char' => 'check_string'
$type = $shape->getType();
if (isset($methods[$type])) {
$this->{$methods[$type]}($shape, $value);
private function check_structure(StructureShape $shape, $value)
$isDocument = (isset($shape['document']) && $shape['document']);
$isUnion = (isset($shape['union']) && $shape['union']);
if ($isDocument) {
if (!$this->checkDocumentType($value)) {
$this->addError("is not a valid document type");
} elseif ($isUnion) {
if (!$this->checkUnion($value)) {
$this->addError("is a union type and must have exactly one non null value");
} elseif (!$this->checkAssociativeArray($value)) {
if ($this->constraints['required'] && $shape['required']) {
foreach ($shape['required'] as $req) {
if (!isset($value[$req])) {
$this->path[] = $req;
$this->addError('is missing and is a required parameter');
if (!$isDocument) {
foreach ($value as $name => $v) {
if ($shape->hasMember($name)) {
$this->path[] = $name;
isset($value[$name]) ? $value[$name] : null
private function check_list(ListShape $shape, $value)
if (!is_array($value)) {
$this->addError('must be an array. Found '
. Aws\describe_type($value));
$this->validateRange($shape, count($value), "list element count");
$items = $shape->getMember();
foreach ($value as $index => $v) {
$this->path[] = $index;
$this->dispatch($items, $v);
private function check_map(MapShape $shape, $value)
if (!$this->checkAssociativeArray($value)) {
$values = $shape->getValue();
foreach ($value as $key => $v) {
$this->path[] = $key;
$this->dispatch($values, $v);
private function check_blob(Shape $shape, $value)
static $valid = [
'string' => true,
'integer' => true,
'double' => true,
'resource' => true
$type = gettype($value);
if (!isset($valid[$type])) {
if ($type != 'object' || !method_exists($value, '__toString')) {
$this->addError('must be an fopen resource, a '
. 'GuzzleHttp\Stream\StreamInterface object, or something '
. 'that can be cast to a string. Found '
. Aws\describe_type($value));
private function check_numeric(Shape $shape, $value)
if (!is_numeric($value)) {
$this->addError('must be numeric. Found '
. Aws\describe_type($value));
$this->validateRange($shape, $value, "numeric value");
private function check_boolean(Shape $shape, $value)
if (!is_bool($value)) {
$this->addError('must be a boolean. Found '
. Aws\describe_type($value));
private function check_string(Shape $shape, $value)
if ($shape['jsonvalue']) {
if (!self::canJsonEncode($value)) {
$this->addError('must be a value encodable with \'json_encode\'.'
. ' Found ' . Aws\describe_type($value));
if (!$this->checkCanString($value)) {
$this->addError('must be a string or an object that implements '
. '__toString(). Found ' . Aws\describe_type($value));
$value = isset($value) ? $value : '';
$this->validateRange($shape, strlen($value), "string length");
if ($this->constraints['pattern']) {
$pattern = $shape['pattern'];
if ($pattern && !preg_match("/$pattern/", $value)) {
$this->addError("Pattern /$pattern/ failed to match '$value'");
private function validateRange(Shape $shape, $length, $descriptor)
if ($this->constraints['min']) {
$min = $shape['min'];
if ($min && $length < $min) {
$this->addError("expected $descriptor to be >= $min, but "
. "found $descriptor of $length");
if ($this->constraints['max']) {
$max = $shape['max'];
if ($max && $length > $max) {
$this->addError("expected $descriptor to be <= $max, but "
. "found $descriptor of $length");
private function checkArray($arr)
return $this->isIndexed($arr) || $this->isAssociative($arr);
private function isAssociative($arr)
return count(array_filter(array_keys($arr), "is_string")) == count($arr);
private function isIndexed(array $arr)
return $arr == array_values($arr);
private function checkCanString($value)
static $valid = [
'string' => true,
'integer' => true,
'double' => true,
'NULL' => true,
$type = gettype($value);
return isset($valid[$type]) ||
($type == 'object' && method_exists($value, '__toString'));
private function checkAssociativeArray($value)
$isAssociative = false;
if (is_array($value)) {
$expectedIndex = 0;
$key = key($value);
do {
$isAssociative = $key !== $expectedIndex++;
$key = key($value);
} while (!$isAssociative && null !== $key);
if (!$isAssociative) {
$this->addError('must be an associative array. Found '
. Aws\describe_type($value));
return false;
return true;
private function checkDocumentType($value)
if (is_array($value)) {
$typeOfFirstKey = gettype(key($value));
foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
if (!$this->checkDocumentType($val) || gettype($key) != $typeOfFirstKey) {
return false;
return $this->checkArray($value);
return is_null($value)
|| is_numeric($value)
|| is_string($value)
|| is_bool($value);
private function checkUnion($value)
if (is_array($value)) {
$nonNullCount = 0;
foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
if (!is_null($val) && !(strpos($key, "@") === 0)) {
return $nonNullCount == 1;
return !is_null($value);
private function addError($message)
$this->errors[] =
implode('', array_map(function ($s) { return "[{$s}]"; }, $this->path))
. ' '
. $message;
private function canJsonEncode($data)
return !is_resource($data);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
namespace Aws\ApiGateway;
use Aws\AwsClient;
use Aws\CommandInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
* This client is used to interact with the **AWS API Gateway** service.
* @method \Aws\Result createApiKey(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createApiKeyAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createAuthorizer(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createAuthorizerAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createBasePathMapping(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createBasePathMappingAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createDeployment(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createDeploymentAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createDocumentationPart(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createDocumentationPartAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createDocumentationVersion(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createDocumentationVersionAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createDomainName(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createDomainNameAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createModel(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createModelAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createRequestValidator(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createRequestValidatorAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createResource(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createResourceAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createRestApi(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createRestApiAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createStage(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createStageAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createUsagePlan(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createUsagePlanAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createUsagePlanKey(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createUsagePlanKeyAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result createVpcLink(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise createVpcLinkAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteApiKey(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteApiKeyAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteAuthorizer(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteAuthorizerAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteBasePathMapping(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteBasePathMappingAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteClientCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteClientCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteDeployment(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteDeploymentAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteDocumentationPart(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteDocumentationPartAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteDocumentationVersion(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteDocumentationVersionAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteDomainName(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteDomainNameAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteGatewayResponse(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteGatewayResponseAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteIntegration(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteIntegrationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteIntegrationResponse(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteIntegrationResponseAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteMethod(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteMethodAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteMethodResponse(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteMethodResponseAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteModel(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteModelAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteRequestValidator(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteRequestValidatorAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteResource(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteResourceAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteRestApi(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteRestApiAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteStage(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteStageAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteUsagePlan(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteUsagePlanAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteUsagePlanKey(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteUsagePlanKeyAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result deleteVpcLink(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteVpcLinkAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result flushStageAuthorizersCache(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise flushStageAuthorizersCacheAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result flushStageCache(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise flushStageCacheAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result generateClientCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise generateClientCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getAccount(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getAccountAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getApiKey(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getApiKeyAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getApiKeys(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getApiKeysAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getAuthorizer(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getAuthorizerAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getAuthorizers(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getAuthorizersAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getBasePathMapping(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getBasePathMappingAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getBasePathMappings(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getBasePathMappingsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getClientCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getClientCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getClientCertificates(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getClientCertificatesAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getDeployment(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getDeploymentAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getDeployments(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getDeploymentsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getDocumentationPart(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getDocumentationPartAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getDocumentationParts(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getDocumentationPartsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getDocumentationVersion(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getDocumentationVersionAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getDocumentationVersions(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getDocumentationVersionsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getDomainName(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getDomainNameAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getDomainNames(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getDomainNamesAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getExport(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getExportAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getGatewayResponse(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getGatewayResponseAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getGatewayResponses(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getGatewayResponsesAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getIntegration(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getIntegrationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getIntegrationResponse(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getIntegrationResponseAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getMethod(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getMethodAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getMethodResponse(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getMethodResponseAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getModel(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getModelAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getModelTemplate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getModelTemplateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getModels(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getModelsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getRequestValidator(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getRequestValidatorAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getRequestValidators(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getRequestValidatorsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getResource(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getResourceAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getResources(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getResourcesAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getRestApi(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getRestApiAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getRestApis(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getRestApisAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getSdk(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getSdkAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getSdkType(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getSdkTypeAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getSdkTypes(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getSdkTypesAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getStage(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getStageAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getStages(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getStagesAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getTags(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getTagsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getUsage(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getUsageAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getUsagePlan(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getUsagePlanAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getUsagePlanKey(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getUsagePlanKeyAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getUsagePlanKeys(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getUsagePlanKeysAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getUsagePlans(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getUsagePlansAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getVpcLink(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getVpcLinkAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getVpcLinks(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getVpcLinksAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result importApiKeys(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise importApiKeysAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result importDocumentationParts(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise importDocumentationPartsAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result importRestApi(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise importRestApiAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result putGatewayResponse(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise putGatewayResponseAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result putIntegration(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise putIntegrationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result putIntegrationResponse(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise putIntegrationResponseAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result putMethod(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise putMethodAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result putMethodResponse(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise putMethodResponseAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result putRestApi(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise putRestApiAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result tagResource(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise tagResourceAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result testInvokeAuthorizer(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise testInvokeAuthorizerAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result testInvokeMethod(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise testInvokeMethodAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result untagResource(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise untagResourceAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateAccount(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateAccountAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateApiKey(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateApiKeyAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateAuthorizer(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateAuthorizerAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateBasePathMapping(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateBasePathMappingAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateClientCertificate(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateClientCertificateAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateDeployment(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateDeploymentAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateDocumentationPart(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateDocumentationPartAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateDocumentationVersion(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateDocumentationVersionAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateDomainName(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateDomainNameAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateGatewayResponse(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateGatewayResponseAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateIntegration(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateIntegrationAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateIntegrationResponse(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateIntegrationResponseAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateMethod(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateMethodAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateMethodResponse(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateMethodResponseAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateModel(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateModelAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateRequestValidator(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateRequestValidatorAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateResource(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateResourceAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateRestApi(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateRestApiAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateStage(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateStageAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateUsage(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateUsageAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateUsagePlan(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateUsagePlanAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result updateVpcLink(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise updateVpcLinkAsync(array $args = [])
class ApiGatewayClient extends AwsClient
public function __construct(array $args)
$stack = $this->getHandlerList();
$stack->appendBuild([__CLASS__, '_add_accept_header']);
public static function _add_accept_header(callable $handler)
return function (
CommandInterface $command,
RequestInterface $request
) use ($handler) {
$request = $request->withHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
return $handler($command, $request);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
namespace Aws\ApiGateway\Exception;
use Aws\Exception\AwsException;
* Represents an error interacting with the **AWS API Gateway** service.
class ApiGatewayException extends AwsException {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
namespace Aws\ApiGatewayManagementApi;
use Aws\AwsClient;
* This client is used to interact with the **AmazonApiGatewayManagementApi** service.
* @method \Aws\Result deleteConnection(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise deleteConnectionAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result getConnection(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise getConnectionAsync(array $args = [])
* @method \Aws\Result postToConnection(array $args = [])
* @method \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise postToConnectionAsync(array $args = [])
class ApiGatewayManagementApiClient extends AwsClient {}

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