A skill to use with Mycroft which allow to get emails from your Gmail Inbox.
msm install https://github.com/jcasoft/GoogleGmailSkill.git
If it does not work with the MSM method try it with the manual method For install in Mark1 use Manual Method on Mark1 of Manual Method not for Mark1
cd /opt/mycroft/skills
git clone https://github.com/jcasoft/GoogleGmailSkill.git
workon mycroft (Only if you have installed Mycroft on Virtualenv)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Authorize Google GMail Skill in distro with local web browser, wait web browse open and select "Allow"
From your command line go to mycroft skills folder
cd /opt/mycroft/skills
workon mycroft
python GoogleGmailSkill
Edit your ~/.mycroft/mycroft.conf
on "GoogleGmailSkill" section (added automatically)
cd /opt/mycroft/skills
git clone https://github.com/jcasoft/GoogleGmailSkill.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
Authorize GoogleGMailSkill in Mark1 without local web browser
open SSH session
From your command line go to mycroft skills folder
cd /opt/mycroft/skills
python GoogleGmailSkill --noauth_local_webserver
Open the generated link in computer with browser and wait the verification code and paste
Enter verification code: 4/oxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The installation process generates automatically the file ~/.mycroft/mycroft.conf and ~/.credentials/mycroft-gmail-skill.json
Edit your ~/.mycroft/mycroft.conf on "GoogleGmailSkill" edit your options
Then copy the following files and fix the permissions
sudo mkdir /home/mycroft/.credentials
sudo cp /home/pi/.credentials/mycroft-gmail-skill.json /home/mycroft/.credentials/mycroft-gmail-skill.json
sudo chmod -R 777 /home/mycroft/.credentials
sudo cp /home/pi/.mycroft/mycroft.conf /home/mycroft/.mycroft/mycroft.conf
sudo chmod -R 777 /home/pi/.mycroft
Restart Mycroft
./stop-mycroft.sh ./start-mycroft.sh debug
or Reboot Mycroft Mark 1
Currently this skill can do the following things to get information from your Gmail Inbox, un-read e-mails (with some variation):
- Check my gmail
- Get my last gmail
- Get my last gmail complete
- Get my last gmail detailed
- Get my last gmail with detail
- Get my last gmail with body
- Get my last 5 gmail
- Get my last 6 gmail complete
- Get my last 7 gmail detailed
- Get my last 8 gmail with detail
- Get my last 9 gmail with body
- Get my gmail
- You can toggle key word with:
- The words: complete, detailed, with detail, with body; offer the same results