Snooper is a project to miner data from APIs of repositories like GitHub.
Until the moment, these APIs are supported by Snooper
- GitHub API:
- GitHub Actions API:
- Sonar Cloud API:
- CodeCov API:
- Coveralls API:
- TravisCI API:
- 1.0 - Github Search
- 1.8 - CodeCov Support
- 2.0 - Github Actions and Coveralls Support
Jadson Santos - [email protected]
Java 11
Gradle 5.2.1
Junit 5.6.0
Clone the project -> Import it as a gradle project on your IDE.
Snooper has a binary distribution on libs/snooper-X.Y.jar directory.
Include it on your classpath.
Examples of how to use:
##### GitHub #####
# download the repository from github to local machine
DownloadGitHubExecutor executor = new DownloadGitHubExecutor();
String localRepo ="jadsonjs/snooper", "/tmp");
# Clone the repository from github to local machine
CloneGitHubExecutor executor = new CloneGitHubExecutor(githubToken);
String localRepo = executor.clone("jadsonjs/snooper", "/tmp");
# Get all Commits of a repository
CommitQueryExecutor executor = new CommitQueryExecutor();
List<GitHubCommitInfo> commits = executor.getCommits("jadsonjs/snooper");
# Get all Pull Requests of a repository
PullRequestQueryExecutor executor = new PullRequestQueryExecutor();
executor.setQueryParameters(new String[]{"state=all"});
List<GitHubPullRequestInfo> list = executor.pullRequests("jadsonjs/snooper");
# Get all Issues of a repository
IssueQueryExecutor executor = new IssueQueryExecutor();
executor.setQueryParameters(new String[]{"state=all"});
List<GitHubIssueInfo> list = executor.pullRequests("jadsonjs/snooper");
# Get all Releases of a repository
ReleaseQueryExecutor executor = new ReleaseQueryExecutor(" git hub access token ");
executor.setQueryParameters(new String[]{"state=all"});
List<GitHubReleaseInfo> list = executor.releases("jadsonjs/snooper");
# Get a pull request diff info
PullRequestDiffQuery gitHub = new PullRequestDiffQuery(" git hub access token ");
GitHubPullRequestDiffInfo info = gitHub.pullRequestsDiff("jadsonjs/snooper", 5356l);
# Search github project of language Java, with 100 stars or more, 1MB or more sort by stars, order by desc
GitHubSearchExecutor executor = new GitHubSearchExecutor();
// java projects with more the 100 stars and 1MB
List<GitHubRepoInfo> listOfProjects = search.searchRepositories("Java", 100, 1000, "stars", "desc");
##### GitHub Actions #####
# list all workflows os a project
GHActionWorkflowsExecutor executor = new GHActionWorkflowsExecutor();
List<WorkflowInfo> list = executor.getWorkflows("jadsonjs/snooper");
# get all runs of a repository between dates
GHActionRunsExecutor executor = new GHActionRunsExecutor();
LocalDateTime startCIDate = LocalDateTime.of(2022, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0);
LocalDateTime endCIDate = LocalDateTime.of(2022, 7, 30, 23, 59, 59);
// created=2022-07-01..2022-07-30
executor.setQueryParameters(new String[]{ "created=" + new DateUtils().toIso8601(startCIDate)+".."+new DateUtils().toIso8601(endCIDate) });
List<RunsInfo> list = executor.runs("jadsonjs/snooper");
# get all runs of a specific workflow
GHActionRunsExecutor executor = new GHActionRunsExecutor();
List<RunsInfo> list = executor.runs("jadsonjs/snooper", 27792816);
# get last run of a specific of a repository
GHActionRunsExecutor executor = new GHActionRunsExecutor();
RunsInfo lastRunInfo = executor.lastRun("jadsonjs/snooper");
# get first run of a specific of a repository
GHActionRunsExecutor executor = new GHActionRunsExecutor();
RunsInfo firstRunInfo = executor.firstRun("jadsonjs/snooper");
##### COVERALLS #####
# the all coverage of a GitHub project
String token = "sfOEwmr232sdf203r0033"
CoverallsBuildsQueryExecutor executor = new CoverallsBuildsQueryExecutor(token);
List<CoverallsBuildInfo> builds = executor.getBuildsInfo("microsoft/msphpsql", AbstractCoverallsQueryExecutor.CODE_ALL_SERVICE.GITHUB);
for(CoverallsBuildInfo info : builds){
// this field "covered_percent" has coverage information
##### CODECOV #####
# get coverage information of Github project
List<CodeCovCommit> commits = new CodeCovCommitsQueryExecutor()
.getCommits("microsoft/msphpsql", CodeCovCommitsQueryExecutor.CODE_COV_BASE.GITHUB,
LocalDateTime.of(2021, 11, 26, 0, 0, 0),
LocalDateTime.of(2022, 02, 22, 23, 59, 50));
for(CodeCovCommit commit : commits){
// this field "c" has coverage information
##### Sonar #####
# Get java project order by ncloc (number of lines of code)
SonarCloudProjectsQueryExecutor query = new SonarCloudProjectsQueryExecutor();
List<SonarProjectInfo> projects = query.getSonarProjects("java", "ncloc");
# get projects of an organization
SonarCloudProjectsQueryExecutor query = new SonarCloudProjectsQueryExecutor();
List<SonarOrganizationProjectInfo> projects = query.getProjectsOfOrganization("microsoft");
for (SonarOrganizationProjectInfo pi : projects){
System.out.println("key: "+pi.key);
System.out.println("name: ";
System.out.println("project: "+pi.project);
System.out.println("organization: "+pi.organization);
System.out.println("qualifier: "+pi.qualifier);
System.out.println("language: "+pi.language);
# get specific measure of a project
SonarCloudProjectsQueryExecutor query = new SonarCloudProjectsQueryExecutor();
ProjectMeasuresRoot data = query.getProjectMeasure("pipe-line-demo", "coverage");
# get a list of specif measure of a project between dates
SonarCloudMetricHistoryQueryExecutor query = new SonarCloudMetricHistoryQueryExecutor();
LocalDateTime from = LocalDateTime.of(2021,01,05,00,00,00);
LocalDateTime to = LocalDateTime.of(2021,01,06,23,59,59);
List<SonarHistoryEntry> historyEntries = query.getProjectMetricHistory("simgrid_simgrid", "coverage", from, to);
##### TRAVIS CI #####
# Get All builds from Travis-CI of a project
TravisCIQueryExecutor executor = new TravisCIQueryExecutor();
List<TravisBuildsInfo> builds = executor.getBuilds("jadsonjs/snooper");
Run gradlew test
Be free to implement new queries or correct bugs and submit pull requests. Since, you write a correlated Unit Test that prove that your implementation is correct.