utillity for crawling edgar and reading RSS feeds
To install run
go get github.com/itay1542/edgarwebcrawler
To get started with sampling the RSS feed:
first initialize a discarder. This is the built in default discarder that holds all seen links in memory and discards them by the RSS Guid. this one will hold 100 urls in memory
discarder := edgarwebcrawler.NewInMemorySampleDiscarderById(SAMPLE_SIZE)
next initialize the url provider. you want the rss sample size to match to discarder's cache size. the second parameter is the sampling interval (in seconds), and lastly the discarder
urlProvider := edgarwebcrawler.NewUrlFromRssProvider(
fmt.Sprintf("https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?action=getcurrent&type=4&start=-1&count=%d&output=rss", SAMPLE_SIZE),
now all you need to do is create a string channel for the urls and start the provider
urlChannel := make(chan string, SAMPLE_SIZE)
err := urlProvider.Start(urlChannel)
if err != nil {
for {
select {
case url := <-urlChannel:
// handle the url