The Android module provides a declarative API to connect reactive state management to Android Fragments. This module has been designed for gradual adoption. You can use as much or as little of it as you like.
Some of the goals for this module are:
- Use a single RxJava stream to drive the UI.
- Separate state management from Android UI lifecycle.
- Ability to group multiple fragments into a flow and share state between them.
- Type-safe and scoped fragment event handling. (Avoid casting activity to a listener)
This module provides an API to connect state management and view rendering logic to Android
fragments. For this example, we will connect CounterRenderView
and CounterFormula
from the
main getting started guide.
Fragment key is used to instantiate FormulaFragment
and to identify which FeatureFactory
use. You can also use it to add arguments that the fragment instance needs.
* Fragment key has to provide Parcelable implementation because it is passed
* to the fragment as an argument.
* Read more about Parcelize:
data class CounterKey(
override val tag: String = "counter"
) : FragmentKey
A feature factory creates the state observable and a view factory for a fragment. To continue our
example, we define a CounterFeatureFactory
which will handle CounterKey
class CounterFeatureFactory : FeatureFactory<Any, CounterKey> {
override fun initialize(dependencies: Any, key: CounterKey): Feature {
val counterFormula = CounterFormula()
return Feature(
state = counterFormula.toObservable(),
viewFactory = CounterViewFactory()
// View factory which uses XML layout resource.
class CounterViewFactory : LayoutViewFactory<CounterRenderModel>(R.layout.counter) {
override fun ViewInstance.create(): FeatureView<CounterRenderModel> {
// We use [ViewInstance.view] to access the inflated view
val counterView = CounterRenderView(view)
// We create a [FeatureView] by passing a [RenderView]
return featureView(counterView)
We now need to register our feature factory with the activity in which the counter will be shown.
class MyApp : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
FormulaAndroid.init(this) {
activity(MyActivity::class) {
store {
The only thing left is navigating to this screen. We create FormulaFragment
instance using
our CounterKey
and use fragment transactions to add it.
class MyActivity : FormulaAppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
val key = CounterKey()
val fragment = FormulaFragment.newInstance(key)
// Add the fragment using the fragment transaction API.
.add(, fragment, key.tag)
If your Activity
has another base class, you can just copy logic from FormulaAppCompatActivity
into your Activity
Formula takes care of the rest. This is how the state observable works:
- When
is added, we instantiate and subscribe to the state observable. - When
is removed, we destroy the state observable.
The state management observable continues to run during configuration changes or if you navigate to another fragment.
Arguments can be passed using fragment key class. For example, we want to pass initial count
value to the CounterFormula
used in the previous examples. To accomplish that, let's update the
data class CounterKey(
val initialCount: Int = 0,
override val tag: String = "counter"
) : FragmentKey
You can access the CounterKey
within CounterFeatureFactory
class CounterFeatureFactory : FeatureFactory<Any, CounterKey> {
override fun initialize(dependencies: Any, key: CounterKey): Feature {
val initialCount = key.initialCount
val counterFormula = CounterFormula(initialCount)
Very frequently we need to pass events from a fragment to the parent/activity which trigger things like navigation.
Let's say we want to add the following behaviors to the previous counter example:
- show a toast notification when user increments to 10
- navigate to a new "victory" screen when user increments to 100.
First, let's define a class that defines our events.
data class CounterEventRouter(
val onToastNotification: (String) -> Unit,
val onVictoryReached: () -> Unit
We can now request this dependency within our feature factory
class CounterFeatureFactory : FeatureFactory<Dependencies, CounterKey> {
// We can ask for dependencies from the parent using an interface.
interface Dependencies {
fun counterEventRouter(): CounterEventRouter
override fun initialize(dependencies: Dependencies, key: CounterKey): Feature {
val counterEventRouter = dependencies.counterEventRouter()
// We can pass the event router to the counter formula.
val counterFormula = CounterFormula(counterEventRouter)
return ...
To provide dependencies, the parent component needs to extend CounterFeatureFactory.Dependencies
class MyActivityComponent(
private val store: ActivityStoreContext<MyActivity>
) : CounterFeatureFactory.Dependencies {
override fun counterEventRouter(): CounterEventRouter {
return CounterEventRouter(
onToastNotification = this::showToast,
onVictoryReached = {
// VictoryFragmentKey implementation is left to readers imagination.
val key = VictoryFragmentKey()
private fun showToast(message: String) {
store.send {
Toast.makeText(this, message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
private fun navigateTo(key: FragmentKey) {
store.send {
// Sample fragment transaction
val fragment = FormulaFragment.newInstance(key)
.add(, fragment, key.tag)
To pass this component to feature factories, we need to update the configuration that lives
within our Application
class MyApp : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
FormulaAndroid.init(this) {
activity(MyActivity::class) {
fragmentStore = FragmentStore.init(MyActivityComponent(this)) {
To override how the back button works for a particular navigation destination, your render model needs to implement
data class FormRenderModel(
private val confirmBeforeExiting: Boolean,
private val confirmUserWantsToExit: () -> Unit
): BackCallback {
fun onBackPressed(): Boolean {
// Check if we need to override back handling
if (confirmBeforeExiting) {
return true
// Use default behavior (which closes the screen)
return false
Your Activity
needs to call FormulaAndroid.onBackPressed()
. It will check if your current screen
implements BackCallback
and will invoke it.
class MyActivity : FragmentActivity() {
override fun onBackPressed() {
if (!FormulaAndroid.onBackPressed(this)) {
This is already in place for you if you use FormulaAppCompatActivity
A flow factory groups multiple fragments and allows to share state, routers, action handlers and other dependencies between them. It has two generic parameters:
that the parent needs to provide.FlowComponent
that will be shared with all features defined by this flow.
For this example, let's say we are building authentication for our app. The backend provides view information such as the hints we should show for email or password fields. We want to only fetch this data once and share it between the login and sign up fragments. Let's say our repository class looks something like this
class AuthRepo(private val retrofit: Retrofit) {
// Backend provides data that helps us render auth pages.
data class PageResponse(
val emailHint: String,
val passwordHint: String,
// This will check if we have in-memory response and
// return that, otherwise make a fresh call.
fun pageEvents(): Observable<AuthPageResponse> { ... }
As you can see above, this repository class needs a Retrofit
instance to function. We can define
the dependencies we need using an interface.
interface Dependencies {
fun retrofit(): Retrofit
Let's create our flow component. In a real application, component would usually be implemented by DI framework such as Dagger
class AuthFlowComponent(private val dependencies: Dependencies) {
// Auth repo needs to be a singleton so we instantiate
// this once when component is created.
val authRepo = AuthRepo(dependencies.retrofit())
We can now define AuthFlowFactory
. A flow factory has two methods:
- we createAuthFlowComponent
- we register feature factories that are part of our flow
class AuthFlowFactory : FlowFactory<Dependencies, AuthFlowComponent> {
interface Dependencies {
fun retrofit(): Retrofit
class AuthFlowComponent(private val dependencies: Dependencies) {
val authRepo = AuthRepo(dependencies.retrofit())
override fun createComponent(
dependencies: Dependencies
): DisposableScope<AuthFlowComponent> {
val flowComponent = AuthFlowComponent(dependencies)
return DisposableScope(flowComponent, onDispose = {
// Here you can clear observables and dispose of other resources
// that the component needed
override fun createFlow(): Flow<AuthFlowComponent> {
return {
Before we integrate AuthFlowFactory
within our application, we need to update our app component
to provide dependencies.
class AppComponent() : AuthFlowFactory.Dependencies {
override fun retrofit(): Retrofit {
return ...
Now that we have our dependencies configured, let's bind the flow factory to our activity store
val appComponent = AppComponent()
FormulaAndroid.init(this) {
activity(MyActivity::class) {
fragmentStore = FragmentStore.init(appComponent) {
Formula calls createComponent
when a formula fragment handled by createFlow
is added. This
component lives as long as there are any formula fragments defined by createFlow
alive. The
component is disposed once the last formula fragment is removed.
One of the goals of Formula is to make doing the right thing easy. As part of that we wanted to provide an easy way for state streams to survive configuration changes by default.
Let's define a basic activity that has a renderTime
class MyActivity : FormulaAppCompatActivity() {
fun renderTime(time: String) {
// implementation left to the reader
To connect an RxJava Observable to renderTime
, we define streams
parameter which expects a Disposable
back. Within this method you can subscribe to any number of RxJava streams.
class MyApp : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
FormulaAndroid.init(this) {
activity<MyActivity> {
streams = {
// You can subscribe to your RxJava streams here.
val timerState = Observable
.interval(0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.map { time ->
"$time seconds"
// update ensures that if configuration changes happen then
// we send the last state to the new activity instance.
update(timerState, MyActivity::renderTime)
You might be confused about the update
function called there. It is provided within the context of streams
using Kotlin receiver parameter StreamConfigurator
. The update
function ensures that state changes only arrive after
has started and that last state is applied if Activity
is re-created due to configuration changes. It returns
a Disposable
Managing dependencies in Formula is very easy. In the function that instantiates the ActivityStore
for your activity,
you can create your activity specific dependencies or Dagger components. These objects will survive configuration changes.
class MyApp : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
val appComponent: AppComponent = ...
FormulaAndroid.init(this) {
activity(MyActivity::class) {
// This component will survive configuration changes.
val activityComponent = appComponent.createMyActivityComponent()
store { }
To inject the activity or create activity dependencies that don't survive configuration changes such as ones that need direct
activity reference, you can use configureActivity
val appComponent: AppComponent = ...
FormulaAndroid.init(this) {
activity(MyActivity::class) {
// This component will survive configuration changes.
val activityComponent = appComponent.createMyActivityComponent()
configureActivity = {
// in this callback `this` is the instance of MyActivity
// so we can use it to inject dependencies
// Or you can use setters to provide dependencies to your activity.
// This dependency object won't survive configuration changes.
val dependency = MyActivityDependency(activity = this)