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366 lines (191 loc) · 7.1 KB

File metadata and controls

366 lines (191 loc) · 7.1 KB


This is going to come handy for anybody who uses FreeBSD 11.x > as their development platform.

When installing

[] Make sure you add the user (in my case - the user is named as ram) to the group wheel

Upon installation

After installation you will see a console prompt as here.



Install Gnome 3 lite.

$ su

$ pkg install gnome3-lite

Then follow the instructions here

FreeBSD X11

How to do pkg install ?

Watch this


Include the i915kms for the UI to come up. There is no xorg.conf, the UI automatically loads.




pkg install sudo

Add the user to sudoer file


If you come from linux land, then you will have used bash scripts.

Now that we have installed sudo, lets use them.

sudo pkg install bash

chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash

shutdown -r now

The shell refreshed after doing a reboot.

Make in linux is gmake here.

The Make that comes in freebsd is Berkely Make

But you can install and setup an alias make in the .bashrc

pkg install gmake


This is pretty easy to install

curl -sSf | sh

rustup component add rustfmt-preview

It didn't pull some of the LIB like SODIUM when compiling.

So add this in your .bashrc file

export SODIUM_LIB_DIR=/usr/local/lib

OCaml 4.06.1

This is pretty easy but will become difficult when opam 2.0 is released, since it needs a better version of OCaml to perform the switch. The OCaml packaged in FreeBSD is


sudo pkg install ocaml-opam

opam init

opam switch 4.06.1

OCAML 4.06.1 FreeBSD


This is pretty easy, but you won't be able to use the latest and greatest.

You can compile from source.

# Install node 9.3 
pkg install node 


Install 1.5.x

curl -o- -L | bash


This isn't as sweet as imagined pretty easy but will become difficult when opam 2.0 is released.

Install RVM

gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB

\curl -sSL | bash -s stable

Install Ruby

rvm install ruby

Install bundler

gem install bundler

Install native packages

sudo pkg install pkgconfig cmake libgit2


sudo pkg install git

PostgreSQL 10.x

FreeBSD has the latest packaged.

sudo pkg install postgresql10-server-10.3 postgresql10-client-10.3 


pkg install asciinema


With modern editors picking up, this has been a major hassle for folks to move.

Text editor

If you are used to vim then great. But there is another editor vi which works better than nano


This editor is great. I recently moved to this, and has been going strong.


:cdo %s/<search term>/<replace term>/gc

Instead of :grep, you can setup silversearch and with keymap <Leader> A

A separate project will have my vim cheatsheet.


The editor support is picky.

If you have the time the compile vscode` from source

Sublime Text

Unfortunately this is commercial software. But supports well.

Sublime 3 In Action

The following Package Control will come in handy.

Sublime 3 with needed packages

Atom Xray - not ready yet

We need to keep a tab on this project

C9 IDE - using containers

This is a nodejs project (C9 IDE)[]

Gnome Builder

Supports C/C++, Python, Rust - Yay. But not OCaml, JS, Ruby.

pkg install gnome-builder


This is a great editor, kept up to a core developer experience. But commercial.

Install SlickEdit using Linux bundle

There is no FreeBSD bundle. You can download the 64 bit Linux bundle. See the AsciiCast in installing SlickEdit.

tar -xvf sestandard*.tar.gz

cd sestandard*

sudo brandelf -t Linux vsinst



No vivaldi or brave

Chromium is heavy

sudo pkg install chromium

Firefox has the latest updated version and recommended.

sudo pkg install firefox

Picture viewer

I find viewnior better than EyeOfGnome as it easy of memory.

sudo pkg install viewnior

Compressor (Archiver)

Fileroller from Gnome is good. But xarchiver does the job for me.

pkg install xarchiver


Still run using the base WiFi during the setup. Need to add network-manager to manage the network.

Network sans manager

The configuration files

Assumptions in the folder structure posted.