diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a4e33f7..6a96132 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ Courtney McLearin (`cmcleari` at `illinois.edu`).
| | Pragmatic performance-portable solids and fluids with Ratel, libCEED, and PETSc
Jed Brown, University of Colorado Boulder | Colorado | [github.com/jedbrown/nuwest24](https://github.com/jedbrown/nuwest24) |
| 1200 - 1300 | **Lunch break** | Garden | |
| 1300 – 1350 | **Conceptual Overviews** | Garden | |
-| | Acceleration and Abstraction of Python based Monte Carlo Compute Kernels for Heterogeneous machines via Numba
Joanna Piper Morgan, Oregon State University | | [overview (pptx)](https://github.com/jpmorgan98/nuwest-mcdc-jpmorgan/blob/main/NUWEST_jpmorgan_cement_mcdc.pptx) |
+| | ~~Acceleration and Abstraction of Python based Monte Carlo Compute Kernels for Heterogeneous machines via Numba~~
~~Joanna Piper Morgan, Oregon State University~~ | | [overview (pptx)](https://github.com/jpmorgan98/nuwest-mcdc-jpmorgan/blob/main/NUWEST_jpmorgan_cement_mcdc.pptx) |
| | MIRGE -- A lazy evaluation framework in Python
Andreas Kloeckner, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | | [overview (pdf)](https://ssl.tiker.net/nextcloud/s/TJrMAcGZpW5spjT)|
| | OpenCilk: A Modular and Extensible Software Infrastructure for Fast Task-Parallel Code
Tao Schardl, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | | [overview (pdf)](./extra/opencilk_overview.pdf) |
| | MPI Advance - Optimizations and Extensions to MPI
Purushotham V. Bangalore, University of Alabama | | [overview (pdf)](./extra/mpi_advance.pdf)|
| 1350 - 1400 | **Break** | | |
| 1400 - 1600 | **Code-alongs** | | |
-| | Acceleration and Abstraction of Python based Monte Carlo Compute Kernels for Heterogeneous machines via Numba
Joanna Piper Morgan, Oregon State University | Arizona | [slides (html)](https://jpmorgan98.github.io/nuwest-mcdc-jpmorgan/nuwest_demo.slides.html#/)
+| | ~~Acceleration and Abstraction of Python based Monte Carlo Compute Kernels for Heterogeneous machines via Numba~~
~~Joanna Piper Morgan, Oregon State University~~ | Arizona | [slides (html)](https://jpmorgan98.github.io/nuwest-mcdc-jpmorgan/nuwest_demo.slides.html#/)
| | MIRGE -- A lazy evaluation framework in Python
Andreas Kloeckner, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | Nevada | [github.com/illinois-ceesd/nuwest-mirge](https://github.com/illinois-ceesd/nuwest-mirge) |
| | Writing Fast Task-Parallel Code Using OpenCilk
Tao Schardl, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Texas | [speedcode.org](http://speedcode.org/)
[opencilk.org/doc/users-guide/install](https://www.opencilk.org/doc/users-guide/install/) |
| | MPI Advance - Optimizations and Extensions to MPI
Purushotham V. Bangalore, University of Alabama | Colorado | [github.com/mpi-advance/MPIPCL](https://github.com/mpi-advance/MPIPCL)
[github.com/mpi-advance/locality_aware](https://github.com/mpi-advance/locality_aware) |