This is work in progress related to KiD-A comparizon project (
The lagrangian scheme from libcloudph++ library ( is joined to the Kinematic Driver model (KiD) using python bindings to the library ( The KiD model is started by python code
The KiD-A code stored in this repository was downloaded from:
All changes needed to the KiD code are in kid_a_setup.diff.
In order to run the model with the lagrangian scheme (having already installed the libcloudph++ library) you need to follow these steps:
- cd kid-libcloud
- gcc -fPIC -shared ptrutil.c -o
- tar xvzf kid_a_setup-20180125.tar.gz
- cp mphys_libcloud_lgr.f90 kid_a_setup/src/mphys_libcloud_lgr.f90
- cp kida_icmwSC_2D_libcloud_lgr.nml kid_a_setup/namelists/
- cp kida_icmw1D_libcloud_lgr.nml kid_a_setup/namelists/
- cp ICMW_SC_input.nml kid_a_setup/namelists/
- cd kid_a_setup
- patch -p1 < ../kid_a_setup_20180125.diff
to run 2D Sc:
- make SHELL=/bin/bash CASE=ICMW_SC COMPILER=gfortran NCPATH=/usr all
- FILEOUT=output_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH=..:bin python ../
to run 1D case:
- make SHELL=/bin/bash CASE=1D COMPILER=gfortran NCPATH=/usr all
- FILEOUT=output_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH=..:bin python ../