CIGDAO has permanently funded a bounty for You can see the bounty neuron at: 18344252638356089155
Proceeds from this Neuron are used to fund the bounty by buying YC and adding it to the prize pool.
The current CIGDao bounty is:
{:start="48"} 48. CIGDao - Your Coin Burn Brainstorming - 100,000,000 YC at award date 49. CIGDao - CIGDao Design - 400,000,000 YC at award date
We propose that CIGDAO permanently fund an ICDevs bounty using 2520 ICP from the CIGDao treasury. ICDevs will use 2/3 of the funds to permanently fund the bounty in an 8 year neuron and 1/3 to buy YC to issue a bounty. This will fund an approximately $3,000 bounty to attract developers to the IC/YC ecosystem. ICDevs will work with CIGDAO to determine the first bounty and will buy YC for the bounty with this ICP. As the maturity spawns off the endowed bounty from the NNS neuron, 2/9 of the funds will be used to buy YC to increase the bounty until it is complete. Any dividends accruing to the Pool of YC in the ICDevs treasury will be split according to the same ratio, with 2/3 being used to buy YC for the ICDevs Permanent Treasury, 2/9 funding the CIGDAO bounty, and 1/9 funding ICDevs.
This arrangement will create a permanent buyer of YC, attract developers to the YC ecosystem, and provide cross promotional opportunities for CIGDAO and ICDevs. Once the bounty is complete, we will work with CIGDAO to create a new bounty, repeating the process. ICDevs will promote these bounties as CIGDAO bounties and will host a CIGDAO bounty page on our site. (registered as The Internet Computer Developers Education and Discovery Corporation) is a 501(c)3 Texas Non-profit that seeks to provide the general public with community organization, educational resources, funding, and scientific discovery for the use and development of the Internet Computer and related technologies. Our activities include educational symposiums, conferences, educational material development, scientific and technology development, developer funding, open-source systems funding, and strategic community organization. is completely independent from the DFINITY Foundation and the ICA, and our goal is to further diversify and decentralize the Internet Computer ecosystem. By providing a United States-based non-profit organization, we open up new, tax-advantaged ways for US-based proponents of the Internet Computer to organize their resources and influence to advance the ideals of the Internet Computer.