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Learning Me a Haskell 🎩✨

It's about time I figured out what all the fuss is about. I'll keep all my findings in this repo.

Although this repo mainly exists for my benefit, I've tried to document everything thoroughly, so I hope it's useful to others. If you have any questions or suggestions on how to improve the docs, please send me a tweet or a PR and we'll improve things :)


$ # Build the project with haddocks
$ cabal new-build
$ cabal new-haddock

$ # Run the tests - they're in the docs!
$ cabal new-run test

Table of Contents


OneOf is a generalised version of Either (I think sometimes known as a Variant?). While Either is strictly for one of two possibilities, OneOf generalises this to any (non-zero) number of possibilities with a type-level list. For example:

f :: OneOf '[String]            -- `String`
g :: OneOf '[String, Bool]      -- `Either String Bool`
h :: OneOf '[String, Bool, Int] -- `Either String (Either Bool Int)`

Rather than using Left and Right, we construct these values with some number of Theres followed by a Here. For example:

f :: OneOf '[String]
f = Here "Hello!"

g :: OneOf '[String, Bool]
g = There (Here True)

h :: OneOf '[String, Bool, Int]
h = There (There (Here 3))


The above is quite... ugly, though, right? What we'd really like is a neat way to "lift" a type into the OneOf without having to worry about the number of Theres we need. Luckily, the inject function gives us just that:

f :: OneOf '[String]
f = inject "Hello"

g :: OneOf '[String, Bool]
g = inject True

h :: OneOf '[String, Integer, Bool]
h = inject 3

inject looks through the list for the first occurrence of our type, and produces the constructors required to lift our value into the OneOf.


Cool, we have a type that could hold a value that is one of any number of types... how do we use it? Well, we could pattern-match, but then we're back to worrying about everything Here and There. To help with this, the fold function will generate a Church-style fold for any OneOf value:

f :: OneOf '[String]
  -> (String -> result)
  -> result
f = fold

g :: OneOf '[String, Bool]
  -> (String -> result)
  -> (Bool   -> result)
  -> result
g = fold

h :: OneOf '[String, Bool, Int]
  -> (String -> result)
  -> (Bool   -> result)
  -> (Int    -> result)
  -> result
h = fold

The type is calculated based on the type of the OneOf supplied as a first argument, and the pattern is always the same: give me a function from each type to some r, and I'll just call the appropriate one.

Alternatively, we can fold a OneOf using a constraint, assuming that all values have an instance:

h :: OneOf '[String, Bool, Int] -> String
h = interpret @Show show

Here, we use the fact that String, Bool, and Int all have Show instances, and thus have an instance for the show function that returns a String. Now, we'll just get the show result for whatever is in our value.


HList is a generalised version of Tuple which allows you to carry lists of values with possibly-different types. It's notionally equivalent to tuples:

Tuple HList
() HList '[]
(a) HList '[a]
(a, b) HList '[a, b]
(a, (b, c)) HList '[a, b, c]
(a, (b, (c, d))) HList '[a, b, c, d]

Of course, (a) is just a - a one-element tuple is its type. The H in HList stands for heterogenous, as distinct from a homogeneous list where all elements must be the same type. Similarly to a list, we construct them with cons and nil constructors, imaginatively named HCons and HNil:

f :: HList '[]
f = HNil

g :: HList '[Bool]
g = HCons True HNil

h :: HList '[String, Bool]
h = HCons "hello" (HCons True HNil)

-- etc.


As we noted with OneOf, this is still rather ugly, and we can use some type-level trickery to tidy this up. build is a function that builds an HList by taking all its values as parameters in the order they appear (using a healthy dose of typeclass magic).

f :: HList '[]
f = build

g :: Int -> HList '[Int]
g = build

h :: String -> Int -> HList '[String, Int]
h = build

This involves some fun tricks behind the scenes that I've documented in the file.


Now we have our glorious HList, can we change the values – or even types – within it? You bet!

The update function takes a function and an HList, and applies that function to an index that we specify with a type application. For example:

xs :: HList '[Integer, Double, Bool]
xs = HCons 2 (HCons 2.0 (HCons True HNil))

-- HCons 2 (HCons 2.0 (HCons False (HNil)))
f = update @2 not xs

-- HCons 2 (HCons "hello" (HCons True (HNil)))
g = update @1 (\_ -> "hello") xs

-- ... • 4 is out of bounds for '[Integer, Double, Bool]!
-- ...   We'll need at least 0, and at most 2.
h = update @4 show xs

-- • You can't apply [Char] -> [Char] to the Double at index #1.
--   I'm sorry, captain; I just won't do it.
i = update @1 (++ "!") xs -- Type mismatch!

We can see here that our index is updated when the types align, and we otherwise get some nice custom type errors! I'd like to add more type errors here, but I'm at the stage where I have to wrestle a bit with incoherence).


We have an HList, and we can pattern-match as we want, but... can we fold an HList? Well, similarly to OneOf, we can have a constrained fold:

  :: Monoid monoid
  => (forall element. constraint element => element -> monoid)
  -> HList list
  -> monoid

If all our elements satisfy some constraint, we can use this fold method to combine them all under some monoid. For example, fold @Show show will take the string representation of every element of any HList and concat the results together, as long as all the types have a Show instance.

Another fun consequence of this generalisation is that we can recover homogeneous operations like foldMap by using a constraint like ((~) element) (every element of the list must be equal to some type element). In fact, that's exactly how foldMap is implemented within this library!


HList is great and all, but it's not the most efficient structure when our list grows and access is random. GHC does no caching and no optimisation with list lookups at the type-level, so linear access becomes very expensive. If this is our use case, we could consider a different structure, such as a tree!

An HTree is exactly this: a heterogeneous tree, as opposed to a list. Specifically, it's a binary tree indexed by a red-black tree of types, which we use to keep the tree (roughly) balanced. A serious hat-tip is due to Chris Okasaki for his Red-Black Trees in a Functional Setting paper, which I used for the implementation of insert and delete.


So, this all sounds well and good, but how do we construct one? We need a way of ordering types, which we achieve through use of the Generic class – we order types by their names – and the insert function:

newtype Name
  = Name String
  deriving (Generic, Show)

newtype Age
  = Age Int
  deriving (Generic, Show)

example :: HTree ('Node 'Black ('Node 'Empty Age 'Empty) Name 'Empty)
  = insert (Age 25)
  . insert (Name "Tom")
  $ empty

insert gives us a way to build a tree of types, providing that the types are Generic. However, the type of an HTree can quickly become ugly, so you might want to stick to polymorphic approaches:

addSomeTom :: (Insert Name i m, Insert Age m o) => HTree i -> HTree o
addSomeTom = insert (Age 25) . insert (Name "Tom")

Rather than talking about what a tree is, we can use the Insert typeclass to talk about its state before and after inserting a variable, and let GHC worry about the full type.


Deletion is as you'd imagine: we use type application to specify the type we want to delete, and everything else works as insert did:

-- (.)<-(Age 25)->(.)
demo :: HTree ('Node 'Black 'Empty Age 'Empty)
demo = delete @Name example

... and we can use the constraints to deal with a tree polymorphically:

anonymise :: Delete Name input output => HTree input -> HTree output
anonymise = delete @Name

Note that deleting a type from a tree is a no-op if the tree doesn't contain the type. It is not a type error.


Of course, the last interesting function on an HTree is this access we keep talking about. This is provided by the getType function within the HasType class:

test :: HasType Name input => HTree input -> Name
test = getType

name = test example -- Name "Tom"

All polymorphic, all beautiful. Naturally, GHC will help you if you go looking for a type that isn't in the tree:

-- ... I couldn't find any Bool in this tree...
-- ... If it helps, here's what I did find:
-- ... - Age
-- ... - Name
d'oh = getType @Bool example

-- ... You won't find any Bool here!
-- ... Your tree is empty; there's nothing to access!
oops = getType @Bool empty

The idea for this came from a talk by Will Jones, our VP Engineering at Habito, on Deriving Strategies. Always hiring, etc!


Let's imagine you're building a web app that involves a lot of forms:

data Account
  = Account
      { email    :: Email
      , password :: Password

data Profile
  = Profile
      { name :: Name
      , age  :: Age

-- ...

These forms may be completed in various orders, and to various degrees, which leaves us with a lot of potentially-partial data. To accommodate this, we have to make all these fields optional:

data PartialAccount
  = Account
      { email    :: Maybe Email
      , password :: Maybe Password

-- ...

We no longer have a compile-time way of ensuring we have all the data in this type, so we have to attempt to build the original types at run-time, Maybe succeeding, maybe failing. As we add more forms to our app, so too do we add more partial types.

The Bag type, however, generalises this notion: it Maybe contains any type! Rather than specify near-verbatim copies of every type, we can now just use Bag to collect all the data we need. For example:

newtype Name = Name String deriving Generic
newtype Age  = Age  Int    deriving Generic

userData :: Bag'
  = insert (Name "Tom")
  $ insert (Age  25   )

  -- Under the hood, a `Bag` type is really just a newtype around `HashMap`,
  -- which means it's automagically a `Semigroup` and a `Monoid`! As a result,
  -- `mempty` here means "an empty bag".
  $ mempty

-- ... Another place at another time ...

userName :: Name
userName = lookup userData

As type inference relies on the return type of the lookup function, it's certainly encouraged to use the TypeApplications feature to improve readability (and inference, in more ambiguous cases):

f = do
  name <- lookup @Name userData
  -- etc...

Constrained bags

We've so far only looked at Bag', which is a specialisation of the Bag type that enforces no constraints on the contents. The Bag type allows us to specify constraint constructors that hold for any member of the bag. For example:

-- Doesn't have a `Show` instance!
newtype Name = Name String

-- ... No instance for (Show Name) arising from a use of ‘insert’
test :: Bag '[Show]
test = insert (Name "Tom") mempty

-- Does have a show instance!
newtype Age = Age 25 deriving Show

success :: Bag '[Show]
success = insert (Age 25) mempty

You can also use these constructors to write instances for the entire bag (using some QuantifiedConstraints magic) - this library provides instances for Eq and Show. In essence, if the bag's constraints are enough to imply a Show instance, we can write a Show instance for the bag (similarly for Eq):

newtype Name = Name String deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype Age  = Age  Int    deriving (Show, Eq)

demo :: Bag '[Show, Eq]
demo = insert (Name "Tom") $ insert (Age 25) $ mempty

-- "Bag (fromList [(Age,Age 25),(Name,Name \"Tom\")])"
showable :: String
showable = show demo

-- False
eqable :: Bool
eqable = demo == mempty

Type hydration

If you have a type whose fields are all potentially in a Bag, you can use the populate function to attempt to construct the type:

data Person
  = Person
      { name :: Name
      , age  :: Age
  deriving (Show, Generic)

-- Sucess (Person {name = Name "Tom", age = Age 25})
yay = populate @Person demo

-- Failure ["Name","Age"]
boo = populate @Person (mempty :: Bag')

If every field in the type's record or product can be found in the Bag, the constructed value will be returned. Otherwise, we get a list of the names of the types that were missing. There's unfortunately not much more you can do at this stage, but it may be useful information for logging or debugging!

Bag hydration

The opposite control is to take a record/product type and use it to populate a Bag. For this, we have the include function:

myBag :: Bag'
myBag = mempty

test :: Bag '[Show]
test = include (Person (Name "Tom") (Age 25)) mempty

x = show test
-- Bag (fromList [(Name,Name "Tom"),(Age,Age 25)])

Every time an inner type is encountered, it will attempt to insert this type into the Bag. Note that this means all types inside your product must implement all constraints on the Bag.