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Tutorial 2: Parts And Projects in SQL

In this tutorial, I'll introduce the idea of storing data in ASCII files by analogy with SQL database tables, and then extend this idea to the so-called schema, or the description of data, using these same files.

Codd 1970 And Anomalies

Let's begin with a classic modeling example involving projects and parts. This is the example from Codd 1970 paper A Relational Model of Data For Large Shared Data Banks

Codd considers a modeling situation involving some shop, which has a few projects, some number of parts, and each part may be allocated to at most one project. He then considers 5 different schemas, all quite natural and frequently seen in the wild, even today, almost fifty years after the publication of the paper. The first four schemas have access path anomalies -- i.e. they are unable to represent conditions such as an ownership of a part that's not associated with any project, or a project with no parts. If you are a software developer and want to write programs without bugs, I would really recommend reading at least the first few pages of Codd's paper and meditating on them for a long, long time.

When presenting his four schemas with anomalies, Codd is basically describing what we, programmers, know as a data structure, i.e. a structuring of data into layers, where you access subsequent layers from previous layers. He is pointing out a fatal flaw that lies in the idea of subordination of one set to another: by introducing an access path dependence into your data model, you lose the ability to represent configurations that lie outside of your narrowed world view.

It is hard to overestimate the importance of this idea: If even a simple projects-and-parts example has five possible schemas that can represent it, out of which four have inherent design bugs with provably bad consequences, then what can be said about a larger software project? Any software project can be viewed as a large database with a veritable rat's nest of references; and if it's a database, but not a carefully structured one (perhaps it came about by some natural accretion of code, as usually happens with software), then what are the chances that it is free of anomalies? How many design bugs does a software project have that can be shown to exist from its code organization alone, before we even run it?

Creating MariaDB Tables

In any case, let's use a MariaDB interactive shell and model this example. You can start one manually, or you can use a provided tool acr_my (assuming you successfully built everything), to create a local networkless instance.

$ acr_my -start -shell

Let's create a new database.

MariaDB [none]> create database test;
MariaDB [none]> use test;

Let's create Codd's project schema. In his paper, Codd used the name commit to represent the part-to-project commitment relationship. This is an SQL reserved keyword, so we'll use the name partproj instead. The table project has a column called project. The table part has a column called part. And the table partproj has two columns, one named part and the second named project.

MariaDB [test]> create table project (project varchar(50));
MariaDB [test]> create table part (part varchar(50));
MariaDB [test]> create table partproj (part varchar(50), project varchar(50));

Now let's set up the primary keys. For all three tables, the first column is the primary key. Primary keys have their own names which are independent of table or column names. We name the keys to be the same as the columns.

MariaDB [test]> alter table project add primary key project (project);
MariaDB [test]> alter table part add primary key part (part);
MariaDB [test]> alter table partproj add primary key part (part);

Now let's add the foreign key constraints. Only partproj table has these.

MariaDB [test]> alter table partproj add foreign key (part) references part(part);
MariaDB [test]> alter table partproj add foreign key (project) references project(project);

It's time to populate some data. As a reminder, the MariaDB syntax for the insert statement is as follows: insert into <tablename> (column1,column2) values ("row1.col1","row1.col2"), ("row2.col1","row2.col2").

MariaDB [test]> insert into part (part) values ("part1"), ("part2");
MariaDB [test]> insert into project (project) values ("project1"), ("project2");
MariaDB [test]> insert into partproj (part,project) values ("part1","project1"), ("part2","project1");

We're mostly done. Let's check if the projects are there:

MariaDB [test]> select * from project;
| project  |
| project1 |
| project2 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

So far so good. Now let's check the parts:

MariaDB [test]> select * from part;
| part  |
| part1 |
| part2 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Also good. And now the part-to-project assignment.

MariaDB [test]> select * from partproj;
| part  | project  |
| part1 | project1 |
| part2 | project1 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Now that we have a database instance and some data in it, we can do all the things one does with the database -- connect to it, submit various queries, and serve up the results. Not only is it extremely useful (which is why everybody does it), but the table-based approach is universal, which means that if you keep adding tables like shown above, you won't hit any fundamental limit and will be able to support a project of any size.

If you're curious about the universality claim, the Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory, first proposed in 1908, essentially says that all of constructible mathematical facts can be represented by N sets, either simple ones, or constructed from other sets (i.e. by taking a cross-product of some other 2 sets).

Same Thing In Text

The first thing we want is a way to move database records down to the level of text lines, so we can work with them outside of MariaDB or any other database. Perl and sed and grep are great tools, and so is git. We want to keep records in plain text files, version them, and treat them like source code. We'll need a tool that manipulates these text records and does various useful things with them.

We introduce the idea of a super-simple tuple, or ssim tuple, that consists of a type tag followed by some key-value pairs on a single line.

test.project  project:project1

The first word, test.project is the tuple head, or type tag. If you think of a shell command line, it's the name of the command being invoked. But here, test is the database name, and project is the table name. Instead of database, we will say namespace, or ns.

We are going to keep these, and only these records in the file


Similarly, we will be keeping parts and partprojs in files


And so we are going to place the following text lines in the corresponding files.

$ cat > data/test/project.ssim << EOF
test.project  project:project1
test.project  project:project2

$ cat > data/test/part.ssim << EOF
test.part  part:part1
test.part  part:part2

$ cat > data/test/partproj.ssim << EOF
test.partproj  part:part1  project:project1
test.partproj  part:part2  project:project1

And that's it for now.

Describing The Tuple Schema

Now here comes the interesting part.

If we want our query tool to find this data, we would need to specify exactly which ssimfiles and namespaces we want in our system. We would also need a description of the various columns, and what they refer to.

We will place the list of ssimfiles in the ssimfile called data/dmmeta/ssimfile.ssim and in it, by the above convention, each tuple will start work the word dmmeta.ssimfile. The ns dmmeta is short for Data Model Meta-information. The entries will be sorted alphabetically.

$ cat > data/dmmeta/ssimfile.ssim << EOF
dmmeta.ssimfile  ssimfile:dmmeta.ssimfile
dmmeta.ssimfile  ssimfile:test.part
dmmeta.ssimfile  ssimfile:test.partproj
dmmeta.ssimfile  ssimfile:test.project

Notice that the dmmeta.ssimfile entry, referring to the file itself, is part of that list.

We will then place the list of known namespaces in the table data/dmmeta/ns.ssim and these will all be tagged as dmmeta.ns. But because we already have a namespace dmmeta, we will include its definition. So far we have two namespaces:

$ cat > data/dmmeta/ns.ssim << EOF
dmmeta.ns  ns:dmmeta
dmmeta.ns  ns:test

Since we want to write a C++ programs with these tuples, we will need a name for the type to use in C++. In addition, we anticipate having C types that have no associated ssimfiles. Using the CamelCase convention for C++ type names, we create a new table dmmeta.ctype. We must include ctypes for all ctypes mentioned so far, this includes ns and ctype.

$ cat > data/dmmeta/ctype.ssim << EOF
dmmeta.ctype  ctype:dmmeta.Ctype
dmmeta.ctype  ctype:dmmeta.Ns 
dmmeta.ctype  ctype:test.Part
dmmeta.ctype  ctype:test.Partproj 
dmmeta.ctype  ctype:test.Project

We then modify the ssimfile table so that each ssimfile has related ctype. This is analogous to the partproj relation.

$ cat > data/dmmeta/ssimfile.ssim << EOF
dmmeta.ssimfile  ssimfile:dmmeta.ssimfile ctype:dmmeta.Ssimfile
dmmeta.ssimfile  ssimfile:test.part       ctype:test.Part
dmmeta.ssimfile  ssimfile:test.partproj   ctype:test.Partproj
dmmeta.ssimfile  ssimfile:test.project    ctype:test.Project

It is not necessary to align the columns in a ssimfile, but it looks nicer. Also, leading and trailing whitespace on each line will be ignored. And the order of the lines shouldn't matter either.

At this point, the only thing that's missing is some description of the columns.

Describing The Columns

We will need a new table, with one record for every type of column we have used so far. We will call it dmmeta.field, so now we need to add field's ssimfile and ctype lines to the appropriate ssmifiles:

$ echo 'dmmeta.ctype  ctype:dmmeta.Field' >> data/dmmeta/ctype.ssim
$ echo 'dmmeta.ssimfile  ssimfile:dmmeta.field  ctype:dmmeta.Field' >> data/dmmeta/ctype.ssim

The primary key for a field will be formed by concatenating the parent ctype with the field name, with a dot in between, e.g. dmmeta.Ns.ns will be the name of the field describing the primary key of ns. We decide that whenever we need to look for a primary key, we will just take the first field from the relevant ctype. This convention means that we don't have to annotate the fields as being primary keys or not.

In addition, as we describe the field, we will need to address the concept of a constraint. In our schema, there are two types of fields: a value type, and a reference to a primary key of another table. We will call these reftypes. We can easily enter the description of the reftypes, and some reftype records, using the tools we have so far:

$ echo 'dmmeta.ctype  ctype:dmmeta.Reftype ' >> data/dmmeta/ctype.ssim
$ echo 'dmmeta.ssimfile  ssimfile:dmmeta.reftype  ctype:dmmeta.Reftype ' >> data/dmmeta/ssimfile.ssim
$ cat > data/dmmeta/reftype.ssim <<EOF
dmmeta.reftype  reftype:Val
dmmeta.reftype  reftype:Pkey

In order to describe value types, we will add a single type called algo.Smallstr50. This will be our equivalent of varchar(50). We create a new namespace called algo, because we want the dmmeta namespace to be used exclusively for ctypes that have ssimfiles associated with them.

$ echo 'dmmeta.ns ns:algo' >> data/dmmeta/ns.ssim
$ echo 'dmmeta.ctype ctype:algo.Smallstr50' >> data/dmmeta/ctype.ssim

And now we are ready to describe the fields. The table below includes descriptions of all fields we referenced so far.

$ cat > data/dmmeta/field.ssim << EOF
dmmeta.field  field:dmmeta.Ctype.ctype        arg:algo.Smallstr50  reftype:Val 
dmmeta.field  field:dmmeta.Field.arg          arg:dmmeta.Ctype     reftype:Pkey
dmmeta.field  field:dmmeta.Field.field        arg:algo.Smallstr50  reftype:Val 
dmmeta.field  field:dmmeta.Field.reftype      arg:dmmeta.Reftype  reftype:Pkey
dmmeta.field  field:dmmeta.Ns.ns              arg:algo.Smallstr50  reftype:Val 
dmmeta.field  field:dmmeta.Reftype.reftype    arg.algo.Smallstr50  reftype:Val
dmmeta.field  field:dmmeta.Ssimfile.ctype     arg:dmmeta.Ctype     reftype:Pkey
dmmeta.field  field:dmmeta.Ssimfile.ssimfile  arg:algo.Smallstr50  reftype:Val 
dmmeta.field  field:test.Part.part            arg:algo.Smallstr50  reftype:Val
dmmeta.field  field:test.Partproj.part        arg:test.Part        reftype:Pkey
dmmeta.field  field:test.Partproj.project     arg:test.Project     reftype:Pkey
dmmeta.field  field:test.Project.project      arg:algo.Smallstr50  reftype:Val

If your head is not at least a little bit exploding when you see the line:

dmmeta.field  field:dmmeta.Field.reftype      arg:dmmeta.Reftype  reftype:Pkey

Then you need to read the above text again. All of our moves so far have been forced. We are simply adding descriptions of things as they pop up.

We are almost done. All that remains is adding a description of the constraint for substrings of fields. For instance, a substring of the field's primary key must refer to a valid ctype, and similarly a substring of ctype's primary key must refer to a namespace. For this, we will add some records describing the substrings, and place them all into the appropriate ssimfiles:

dmmeta.ctype  ctype:dmmeta.Substr  comment:"Computed field"
  dmmeta.field  field:dmmeta.Substr.field     arg:dmmeta.Field    reftype:Pkey  dflt:""  comment:""
  dmmeta.field  field:dmmeta.Substr.expr      arg:algo.Smallstr50 reftype:Val   dflt:""  comment:""
  dmmeta.field  field:dmmeta.Substr.srcfield  arg:dmmeta.Field    reftype:Pkey  dflt:""  comment:""

dmmeta.ssimfile  ssimfile:dmmeta.substr  ctype:dmmeta.Substr

And now we can describe the fields which are implicitly contained in other fields:

dmmeta.field  field:dmmeta.Field.ctype  arg:dmmeta.Ctype  reftype:Pkey  dflt:""  comment:"enclosing structure"
  dmmeta.substr  field:dmmeta.Field.ctype  expr:.RL  srcfield:dmmeta.Field.field

dmmeta.field  field:dmmeta.Ctype.ns  arg:dmmeta.Ns  reftype:Pkey  dflt:""  comment:"translates to c++ namespace"
  dmmeta.substr  field:dmmeta.Ctype.ns  expr:.RL  srcfield:dmmeta.Ctype.ctype

And place these records into their corresponding ctypes as well. The expression .RL means "scan for character . from the Right. then take everything to the Left of the found character". We will also allow expressions with any number of triples and any search characters, e.g. /RR@LL or .LR.LR.LR. We may want to describe additional substrings (such as field's name), but this should be sufficient to show the process of building up the concepts.

Adding Tools

At this point, it is clear what kinds of actions we are performing on these data sets. Let's introduce some tools.

First, we need a query tool that can fetch records of a given type, and then find all related records as a transitive closure over the Pkey references. Because the tool automatically cross-references all the tables in our system, we will call it Auto Cross Reference or acr. We will equip acr with options like -check so that it can find any broken Pkey references, and other options to make it useful. We will describe all the command-line options as fields of the ctype command.acr.

For shell command-line completion, we will write acr_compl, which will now be able to auto-complete both arguments to acr, and even queries, by reading appropriate ssim files.

Second, we will need a tool that takes some command lines and prints shell scripts of the sort we used above, which we can then pipe through sh in order to make the edits. We will call this tool acr_ed, for editor.

Third, since we already have all the descriptions of our records nicely arranged in tables, we don't want to repeat ourselves. We actually want to generate the C++ structs, with fields and everything, by reading the ctype, field and ns tables, and creating C++ headers and source files with correspondin structs. Then, as we load these tables, we will map them onto the structs and everything will be nice and strictly typed. This model compiler will be called amc, or A Model Compiler.

In order to compile all these tools, we will need A Build Tool, or abt. A regular Makefile-based systrem won't do, because we already have a lot of data in ssimfiles, and we have the ctypes to handle them in C++. We would be introducing anomalies if we were to go outside this model.

Describing The Tools

Any running program is nothing more than a temporary database containing some number of tables. At any given time, the program performs an instruction that either reads some field of some row from some in-memory table, or writes some field of some row to some in-memory table.

And so we can use the ns table to describe all the tools that we plan to introduce:

$ cat >> data/dmmeta/ns.ssim << EOF
dmmeta.ns ns:abt
dmmeta.ns ns:amc
dmmeta.ns ns:acr
dmmeta.ns ns:acr_ed

(The difference between acr and dmmeta is that acr is a database of structs in RAM while dmmeta is a database of ssim files on disk).

Now comes the tricky part: we want amc to generate the ctype called Ctype in namespace dmmeta, by virtue of loading the dmmeta.ctype ctype:dmmeta.Ctype record. There is a real dependency here, of a different type than what we had with ssimfiles: with ssimfiles, even though they seemed to be circular in their descriptions, they were not. The solution is to manually enter the definition of dmmeta::Ctype into amc's source code, but only in order to read the dmmeta.ctype records into it. After we do that, the output of amc will include dmmeta::Ctype simply because it loaded that record. We then take the output of amc, and link it back to amc. At this point we will get a link error, since we already have the original, manually entered definition of dmmeta::Ctype. We can now delete the manual version, making amc's source code smaller. We repeat this many times, re-creating different bits of amc carefully, always using git commit to checkpoint and rolling back when amc generates code that no longer compiles.

Slowly but surely, we can cause about 95% of all the code we need to be generated from ssimfiles. The remaining 5% could also be generated as-is, just by printf()-ing the lines verbatim, but this would actually be counter-productive, and no more impressive than tar cvf-ing the whole thing. It is only interesting to generate code that's used in more than one place.

In subsequent chapters, I will describe the amc memory model for an executable, and things like pools (for holding records) and x-refs (for creating group-by's).

The presence of ssimfile in our data set was dictated by the way we organized the data set. The presence of amc in this model was dictated by our desire to use C++ to write the query tool acr, which keeping the data description in a single place.

There is a more general pattern here:

Representation & Manipulation

We can represent any concept as a point in a multi-dimensional sparse space of tuples. Whenever we extend our representable universe with additional concepts, such as a physcial set of C++ files on disk, or a set of dev and production environments with some configuration, we include its relational description, or map, as a set of tables in our data set. We then write tools that enforce a unidirectional or bidirectional correspondence between this new object and the records that describe it. In this way we make the object programmable and editable with the same fundamental set of tools we use on the tuples themselves.

Ordering Dependencies

There are many examples of systems in the software world where the rules created by a system begin to apply to the system itself. Let's briefly consider some such systems.

  • The most famous one is the LISP interpreter as expressed in LISP itself, as expressed by the famous top-level expression (loop (print (eval (read)))).
  • Another example is the self-compiling compiler. All compiled languages have one (and no interpreted language has one).
  • And a third example is the template meta-programming sublanguage of C++, using which you can manipulate the very types from which the underlying C++ program is written.

Joining this list is OpenACR, which is of a different kind: it not only generates most of its own source code and lets you modify this source code with plain command-line tools like sed and awk, and even SQL, without introducing any new language or an interpreter; but it serves as a sort of planter from which you can grow other applications that share these same properties.

Let's go back to our three examples and consider one cycle of application of them.

  • When a LISP interpreter written in LISP interprets more LISP, it is qualitatively different: it is slower. It can only run smaller jobs than its parent. In order to be the same, the homoiconic interpreter would have to be vastly different; At the very least it would have to contain a memory model of the underlying computer and its file system, so it could then target them. That's why no interpreted language today uses a self-hosting interpreter -- nobody wants to pay for the slowdown.
  • The output of a self-compiling compiler is an object file -- unreadable for all practical purposes. So even though the compiler can compile itself, and the resulting compiler can run even faster than the one before (the opposite of what happens in LISP), this is a one-time gain.
  • Finally, the C++ template sublanguage, our third example, is strictly less powerful than its parent language; you can't loop over the fields of a struct, or check how many structs are defined, or if the name of a function contains an uppercase S. Neither the C++ language, nor its template sublanguage contain words that describe themselves.

So, after one cycle of application, you get to a new and better place, but that place is either inaccessible (e.g. object file), or built at some unmaintainable expense; in either case, the gains are temporary. Yet it is possible to lock them in. For that, we need tools whose input is readable and writable by both human and the machine, and where the system of names applies equally well to the description of itself and the tools.

When the input format is both machine and human-readable and most of the source code is generated, any tool works with almost any other tool.

'abt acr' builds acr.
'abt abt' builds itself.

'acr field:dmmeta.Field.field' describes its own primary key.
'acr ctype:dmmeta.Ctype' describes the struct type (C type).

'amc acr.%' generates from scratch (most of) the source code for acr
'amc amc.%' generates from scratch the source code of itself.

'src_func abt' shows the hand-written source code of abt.
'src_func src_func' shows the hand-written source code of itself.

'acr_in -data amc' shows all of the inputs that amc takes
'acr_in -data acr_in' shows all of the inputs that it takes.

'acr_compl -line amc' shows bash completions for amc
'acr_compl -line acr_compl' shows bash completions for acr_compl itself

'acr ns:abt -t' shows the definitions of all abt structures
'acr ns:acr -t' shows the definitions of its own structures

'mdbg acr' debugs acr
'mdbg "mdbg acr"' debugs the debugger debugging acr (in principle)

And of course, even though this is fun, the point of these tools is not to compile themselves; That economy is just a by-product of some naming conventions. The point is to allow the creation of new applications, using plain-text files to describe new domains while continuing to apply the same small set of tools -- bash, acr, perl, etc. on each cycle.