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File metadata and controls

131 lines (88 loc) · 8.48 KB

With experiments (also called A/B tests) you can randomly serve different versions of your content to your end users to test out alternate experiences or validate conversion hypotheses. For instance you can:

  • compare how the wording in a hero block impacts the conversion on the call to action element
  • compare how 2 different implementations of a specific block impacts the overall performance, engagement and/or user conversion

Set up

The set up is pretty minimal. Once you've instrumented the experimentation plugin in your AEM website, you are essentially good to go.

Just keep in mind that if you want to only target specific audiences for that experiment, you'll also need to set up the audiences accordingly for your project.

Custom options

By default, the experiments feature looks at the Experiment metadata tags and experiment query parameter, but if this clashes with your existing codebase or doesn't feel intuitive to your authors, you can adjust this by passing new options to the plugin.

For instance, here is an alternate configuration that would use abtest instead of experiment:

const { loadEager } = await import('../plugins/experimentation/src/index.js');
await loadEager(document, {
  experimentsMetaTag: 'abtest',
  experimentsQueryParameter: 'abtest',
}, /* plugin execution context */);

Tracking custom conversion events

By default, the engine will consider any click a conversion. If you want to be more granular in your tests, you have 2 options available:

  1. leverage the Experiment Conversion Name property in the metadata
  2. Use the plugin and the experimentation engine will automatically detect its Conversion Name property.


Once the above steps are done, your authors are ready to start using experiments for their experiences. This is done directly in the page metadata block:

Experiment Hero Test
Experiment Variants https://{ref}--{repo}--{org}, https://{ref}--{repo}--{org}, https://{ref}--{repo}--{org}

The page that is instrumented is called the control, and the content variations are variants or challengers. Variants are evenly split by default, so the above would give us:

  • 25% for the control (the page that has the metadata)
  • 25% for each of the 3 variants that are defined

If you want to control the split ratio, you can use:

Experiment Hero Test
Experiment Variants https://{ref}--{repo}--{org}, https://{ref}--{repo}--{org}, https://{ref}--{repo}--{org}
Experiment Split 10, 20, 30

This would give us the following split:

  • 10% on variant 1
  • 20% on variant 2
  • 30% on variant 3
  • 40% on the control (i.e 100% - 10% - 20% - 30% = 40%)

A 30, 30, 40 split, would respectively give us:

  • 30% on variant 1
  • 30% on variant 2
  • 40% on variant 3
  • 0% on the control (i.e 100% - 30% - 30% - 40% = 0%)

which would essentially disable the control page.

If you need to be really granular, decimal numbers are also supported, like 33.34, 33.33, 33.33.

Code-level experiments

Note that the above assumes you have different content variants to serve, but if you want to run a pure code-based A/B Test, this is also achievable via:

Experiment Hero Test
Experiment Variants 2

This will create just 2 variants, without touching the content, and you'll be able to target those based on the experiment-hero-test and variant-control/variant-challenger-1/variant-challenger-2 CSS classes that will be set on the <body> element.

Audience-based experiments

If you wanted to additionally restrict the experiments to specific audiences, so that for instance your experiment is only run on iPad or on iPhone, you'd leverage the audiences feature and use the following metadata:

Experiment Hero Test
Experiment Variants https://{ref}--{repo}--{org}, https://{ref}--{repo}--{org}, https://{ref}--{repo}--{org}
Experiment Audience iPad, iPhone

If any of the listed audiences is resolved, then the experiment will run and the matching content will be served. The list is essentially treated as an "or". If you needed both audiences to be resolved (i.e. treated as "and"), for say a "US" audience and the "iPad" audience, you'd define a new custom "us-ipad" audience in your project that checks for both conditions and use that in the metadata instead.

Time bound experiments

You can also specify start and end dates, as well as toggle the experiment status.

Experiment Hero Test
Experiment Variants https://{ref}--{repo}--{org}, https://{ref}--{repo}--{org}, https://{ref}--{repo}--{org}
Experiment Status Active
Experiment Start Date 2024-01-01
Experiment End Date 2024-03-31

The status defaults to Active, and supports Active/True/On as well as Inactive/False/Off. Start and end dates are in the flexible JS Date Time String Format. If the start and/or end dates are specified, the experiment will not run if the user's time lies outside the given window.

So you can both use generic dates, like 2024-01-31 or 2024/01/31, and time-specific dates like 2024-01-31T13:37 or 2024/01/31 1:37 pm. You can even enforce a specific timezone so your experiment activates when, say, it's 2am GMT+1 by using 2024/1/31 2:00 pm GMT+1 or similar notations.


Once all of this is set up, authors will have access to an overlay on localhost and on the stage environments (i.e. *.hlx.stage) that lets them see what experiment and variants have been configured for the page and switch between each to visualize the content variations accordingly.

audience overlay

The simulation capabilities leverage the audience query parameter that is appended to the URL and forcibly let you see the specific content variant.

Inline Reporting

AEM Experiments performance is automatically tracked via RUM data, and can be reported directly in the overlay pill UI. Since the RUM data is not public, you'll need to obtain a domain key for your website and configure the pill accordingly for the data to show up.

  1. Generate a domain key for your site using (make sure to use exactly the same domain name that you used in your project config for go-live)
  2. Click the ⚙️ icon in the pill header, and paste the provided domain key in the popup dialog
  • alternatively, you can also just run window.localStorage.setItem('aem-domainkey', <your domain key>) in the JS console


To help developers in designing variants for each experiment, when an experiment is running on the page it will automatically add new CSS classes named experiment-<name of the experiment> and variant-<name of the resolved variant> to the <body> element, i.e. experiment-hero variant-fullpage.