+ Class ModHooks
+ Class to hook into various events for the game.
+ Assembly: Assembly-CSharp.mm.dll
+ Syntax
public class ModHooks : object
+ Fields
+ LoadedModsWithVersions
+ Dictionary of mods and their version #s
+ Declaration
public static readonly Dictionary<string, string> LoadedModsWithVersions
+ Field Value
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Dictionary<System.String, System.String> |
+ |
+ ModVersion
+ The Version of the Modding API
+ Declaration
public static string ModVersion
+ Field Value
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ System.String |
+ |
+ version
+ Declaration
public static GameVersionData version
+ Field Value
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ GameVersionData |
+ |
+ Properties
+ A map of mods to their built menu screens.
+ Declaration
public static ReadOnlyDictionary<IMod, MenuScreen> BuiltModMenuScreens { get; }
+ Property Value
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ ReadOnlyDictionary<IMod, MenuScreen> |
+ |
+ GlobalSettings
+ The global ModHooks settings.
+ Declaration
public static ModHooksGlobalSettings GlobalSettings { get; }
+ Property Value
+ Instance
+ Current instance of Modhooks.
+ Declaration
public static ModHooks Instance { get; }
+ Property Value
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ ModHooks |
+ |
+ Methods
+ GetAllMods(Boolean, Boolean)
+ Returns an iterator over all mods.
+ Declaration
public static IEnumerable<IMod> GetAllMods(bool onlyEnabled = false, bool allowLoadError = false)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ System.Boolean |
+ onlyEnabled |
+ Should the iterator only contain enabled mods.
+ |
+ System.Boolean |
+ allowLoadError |
+ Should the iterator contain mods which have load errors.
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ IEnumerable<IMod> |
+ |
+ GetMod(String, Boolean, Boolean)
+ Gets a mod instance by name.
+ Declaration
public static IMod GetMod(string name, bool onlyEnabled = false, bool allowLoadError = false)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ System.String |
+ name |
+ The name of the mod.
+ |
+ System.Boolean |
+ onlyEnabled |
+ Should the method only return the mod if it is enabled.
+ |
+ System.Boolean |
+ allowLoadError |
+ Should the method return the mod even if it had load errors.
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ IMod |
+ |
+ GetMod(Type, Boolean, Boolean)
+ Gets a mod instance by type.
+ Declaration
public static IMod GetMod(Type type, bool onlyEnabled = false, bool allowLoadError = false)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Type |
+ type |
+ The type of the mod.
+ |
+ System.Boolean |
+ onlyEnabled |
+ Should the method only return the mod if it is enabled.
+ |
+ System.Boolean |
+ allowLoadError |
+ Should the method return the mod even if it had load errors.
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ IMod |
+ |
+ ModEnabled(ITogglableMod)
+ Gets if the mod is currently enabled.
+ Declaration
public static bool ModEnabled(ITogglableMod mod)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ ITogglableMod |
+ mod |
+ The togglable mod to check.
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ System.Boolean |
+ |
+ ModEnabled(String)
+ Gets if a mod is currently enabled.
+ Declaration
public static bool ModEnabled(string name)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ System.String |
+ name |
+ The name of the mod to check.
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ System.Boolean |
+ |
+ ModEnabled(Type)
+ Gets if a mod is currently enabled.
+ Declaration
public static bool ModEnabled(Type type)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Type |
+ type |
+ The type of the mod to check.
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ System.Boolean |
+ |
+ Events
+ AfterAttackHook
+ Called at the end of the attack function
+ Declaration
public static event Action<AttackDirection> AfterAttackHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action<AttackDirection> |
+ |
+ AfterPlayerDeadHook
+ Called after the player dies
+ Declaration
public static event Action AfterPlayerDeadHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action |
+ |
+ AfterSaveGameClearHook
+ Called after a game has been cleared from a slot.
+ Declaration
public static event Action<int> AfterSaveGameClearHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action<System.Int32> |
+ |
+ AfterSavegameLoadHook
+ Called directly after a save has been loaded. Allows for accessing SaveGame instance.
+ Declaration
public static event Action<SaveGameData> AfterSavegameLoadHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action<SaveGameData> |
+ |
+ AfterTakeDamageHook
+ Called in the take damage function, immediately before applying damage (just before checking overcharm)
+ Declaration
public static event AfterTakeDamageHandler AfterTakeDamageHook
+ Event Type
+ ApplicationQuitHook
+ Called when the game is fully closed
+ Declaration
public static event Action ApplicationQuitHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action |
+ |
+ AttackHook
+ Called whenever the player attacks
+ Declaration
public static event Action<AttackDirection> AttackHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action<AttackDirection> |
+ |
+ BeforeAddHealthHook
+ Called whenever the player heals, overrides health added.
+ Declaration
public static event Func<int, int> BeforeAddHealthHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Func<System.Int32, System.Int32> |
+ |
+ BeforePlayerDeadHook
+ Called when the player dies
+ Declaration
public static event Action BeforePlayerDeadHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action |
+ |
+ BeforeSavegameSaveHook
+ Called directly before save has been saved to allow for changes to the data before persisted.
+ Declaration
public static event Action<SaveGameData> BeforeSavegameSaveHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action<SaveGameData> |
+ |
+ BeforeSceneLoadHook
+ Called right before a scene gets loaded, can change which scene gets loaded
+ Declaration
public static event Func<string, string> BeforeSceneLoadHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Func<System.String, System.String> |
+ |
+ BlueHealthHook
+ Called whenever blue health is updated
+ Declaration
public static event Func<int> BlueHealthHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Func<System.Int32> |
+ |
+ CharmUpdateHook
+ Called after player values for charms have been set
+ Declaration
public static event CharmUpdateHandler CharmUpdateHook
+ Event Type
+ ColliderCreateHook
+ Called whenever a new gameobject is created with a collider and playmaker2d
+ Declaration
public static event Action<GameObject> ColliderCreateHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action<GameObject> |
+ |
+ CursorHook
+ Called whenever game tries to show cursor
+ Declaration
public static event Action CursorHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action |
+ |
+ DashPressedHook
+ Called whenever the dash key is pressed.
+Returns whether or not to override normal dash functionality - if true, preventing a normal dash
+ Declaration
public static event Func<bool> DashPressedHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Func<System.Boolean> |
+ |
+ DashVectorHook
+ Called during dash function to change velocity
+ Declaration
public static event Func<Vector2, Vector2> DashVectorHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Func<Vector2, Vector2> |
+ A changed vector.
+ |
+ DoAttackHook
+ Called at the start of the DoAttack function
+ Declaration
public static event Action DoAttackHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action |
+ |
+ DrawBlackBordersHook
+ Called when a SceneManager calls DrawBlackBorders and creates boarders for a scene. You may use or modify the
+bounds of an area of the scene with these.
+ Declaration
public static event Action<List<GameObject>> DrawBlackBordersHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action<List<GameObject>> |
+ |
+ FinishedLoadingModsHook
+ Event invoked when mods have finished loading. If modloading has already finished, subscribers will be invoked immediately.
+ Declaration
public static event Action FinishedLoadingModsHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action |
+ |
+ FocusCostHook
+ Called whenever focus cost is calculated, allows a focus cost multiplier.
+ Declaration
public static event Func<float> FocusCostHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Func<System.Single> |
+ |
+ GetPlayerBoolHook
+ Called when anything in the game tries to get a bool from player data
+ Declaration
public static event GetBoolProxy GetPlayerBoolHook
+ Event Type
+ Examples
+ ModHooks.GetPlayerBoolHook += GetBool;
+// In this example, we always give the player dash, and
+// leave other bools as-is.
+bool? GetBool(string name, bool orig) {
+ return name == "canDash" ? true : orig;
+ GetPlayerFloatHook
+ Called when anything in the game tries to get a float from player data
+ Declaration
public static event GetFloatProxy GetPlayerFloatHook
+ Event Type
+ GetPlayerIntHook
+ Called when anything in the game tries to get an int from player data
+ Declaration
public static event GetIntProxy GetPlayerIntHook
+ Event Type
+ Examples
+ ModHooks.GetPlayerIntHook += GetInt;
+// This overrides the number of charm slots we have to 999,
+// effectively giving us infinite charm notches.
+// We ignore any other GetInt calls.
+int? GetInt(string name, int orig) {
+ return name == "charmSlots" ? 999 : orig;
+ GetPlayerStringHook
+ Called when anything in the game tries to get a string from player data
+ Declaration
public static event GetStringProxy GetPlayerStringHook
+ Event Type
+ GetPlayerVariableHook
+ Called when anything in the game tries to get a generic variable from player data
+ Declaration
public static event GetVariableProxy GetPlayerVariableHook
+ Event Type
+ GetPlayerVector3Hook
+ Called when anything in the game tries to get a Vector3 from player data
+ Declaration
public static event GetVector3Proxy GetPlayerVector3Hook
+ Event Type
+ GetSaveFileNameHook
+ Overrides the filename to load for a given slot. Return null to use vanilla names.
+ Declaration
public static event Func<int, string> GetSaveFileNameHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Func<System.Int32, System.String> |
+ |
+ HeroUpdateHook
+ Called whenever the hero updates
+ Declaration
public static event Action HeroUpdateHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action |
+ |
+ HitInstanceHook
+ Called whenever a HitInstance is created. Overrides hit.
+ Declaration
public static event HitInstanceHandler HitInstanceHook
+ Event Type
+ LanguageGetHook
+ Called whenever localization specific strings are requested
+ Declaration
public static event LanguageGetProxy LanguageGetHook
+ Event Type
+ NewGameHook
+ Called whenever a new game is started
+ Declaration
public static event Action NewGameHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action |
+ |
+ ObjectPoolSpawnHook
+ Called whenever game tries to create a new gameobject. This happens often, care should be taken.
+ Declaration
public static event Func<GameObject, GameObject> ObjectPoolSpawnHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Func<GameObject, GameObject> |
+ |
+ OnEnableEnemyHook
+ Called when an enemy is enabled. Check this isDead flag to see if they're already dead. If you return true, this
+will mark the enemy as already dead on load. Default behavior is to return the value inside "isAlreadyDead".
+ Declaration
public static event OnEnableEnemyHandler OnEnableEnemyHook
+ Event Type
+ OnReceiveDeathEventHook
+ Called when an enemy recieves a death event. It looks like this event may be called multiple times on an enemy, so
+check "eventAlreadyRecieved" to see if the event has been fired more than once.
+ Declaration
public static event OnReceiveDeathEventHandler OnReceiveDeathEventHook
+ Event Type
+ RecordKillForJournalHook
+ Called when an enemy dies and a journal kill is recorded. You may use the "playerDataName" string or one of the
+additional pre-formatted player data strings to look up values in playerData.
+ Declaration
public static event RecordKillForJournalHandler RecordKillForJournalHook
+ Event Type
+ SavegameClearHook
+ Called before a save file is deleted
+ Declaration
public static event Action<int> SavegameClearHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action<System.Int32> |
+ |
+ SavegameLoadHook
+ Called directly after a save has been loaded
+ Declaration
public static event Action<int> SavegameLoadHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action<System.Int32> |
+ |
+ SavegameSaveHook
+ Called directly after a save has been saved
+ Declaration
public static event Action<int> SavegameSaveHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action<System.Int32> |
+ |
+ SceneChanged
+ Called after a new Scene has been loaded
+ Declaration
public static event Action<string> SceneChanged
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Action<System.String> |
+ |
+ SetPlayerBoolHook
+ Called when anything in the game tries to set a bool in player data
+ Declaration
public static event SetBoolProxy SetPlayerBoolHook
+ Event Type
+ Examples
+ public int KillCount { get; set; }
+ModHooks.Instance.SetPlayerBoolHook += SetBool;
+ * This uses the bool set to trigger a death, killing the player
+ * as well as preventing them from picking up dash, which could be used
+ * in something like a dashless mod.
+ *
+ * We are also able to use SetBool for counting things, as it is often
+ * called every time sometthing happens, regardless of the value
+ * this can be seen in our check for "killedMageLord", which counts the
+ * number of times the player kills Soul Master with the mod on.
+ */
+bool SetBool(string name, bool orig) {
+ switch (name) {
+ case "hasDash":
+ var hc = HeroController.instance;
+ // Kill the player
+ hc.StartCoroutine(hc.Die());
+ // Prevent dash from being picked up
+ return false;
+ case "killedMageLord":
+ // Just increment the counter.
+ KillCount++;
+ // We could also do something like award them geo for each kill
+ // And despite being a set, this would trigger on *every* kill
+ HeroController.instance.AddGeo(300);
+ // Not changing the value.
+ return orig;
+ default:
+ return orig;
+ }
+ SetPlayerFloatHook
+ Called when anything in the game tries to set a float in player data
+ Declaration
public static event SetFloatProxy SetPlayerFloatHook
+ Event Type
+ SetPlayerIntHook
+ Called when anything in the game tries to set an int in player data
+ Declaration
public static event SetIntProxy SetPlayerIntHook
+ Event Type
+ Examples
+ ModHooks.Instance.SetPlayerIntHook += SetInt;
+int? SetInt(string name, int orig) {
+ // We could do something every time the player
+ // receives or loses geo.
+ if (name == "geo") {
+ // Let's give the player soul if they *gain* geo
+ if (PlayerData.instance.geo < orig) {
+ PlayerData.instance.AddMPChargeSpa(10);
+ }
+ }
+ // In this case, we aren't changing the value being set
+ // at all, so we just leave the value as the original for everything.
+ return orig;
+ SetPlayerStringHook
+ Called when anything in the game tries to set a string in player data
+ Declaration
public static event SetStringProxy SetPlayerStringHook
+ Event Type
+ SetPlayerVariableHook
+ Called when anything in the game tries to set a generic variable in player data
+ Declaration
public static event SetVariableProxy SetPlayerVariableHook
+ Event Type
+ SetPlayerVector3Hook
+ Called when anything in the game tries to set a Vector3 in player data
+ Declaration
public static event SetVector3Proxy SetPlayerVector3Hook
+ Event Type
+ SlashHitHook
+ Called whenever nail strikes something
+ Declaration
public static event SlashHitHandler SlashHitHook
+ Event Type
+ SoulGainHook
+ Called when Hero recovers Soul from hitting enemies
+ Declaration
public static event Func<int, int> SoulGainHook
+ Event Type
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Func<System.Int32, System.Int32> |
+ The amount of soul to recover
+ |
+ TakeDamageHook
+ Called when damage is dealt to the player, at the start of the take damage function.
+ Declaration
public static event TakeDamageProxy TakeDamageHook
+ Event Type
+ TakeHealthHook
+ Called when health is taken from the player
+ Declaration
public static event TakeHealthProxy TakeHealthHook
+ Event Type