Message: SBIE1116 Driver failed to register process notification routine [ntstatus / yy]
Logged To: System Event Log
The driver component of Sandboxie could not complete initialization. This message indicates that Sandboxie asked the system to provide notifications when processes (applications) start and stop, but the system was not able to accommodate this request.
In technical terms, Sandboxie is asking to register a process notification routine, and this request has failed.
Errors [C000000D / 11] and [C000009A / 22]
Typically the message is issued with the error detail [C000000D / 11] or [C000009A / 22]. This indicates that a number of other security products have already registered such process notification routines. The system will only register a limited number of these routines. In this case, the problem may be resolved by uninstalling some other security product, to make room, so to speak, for Sandboxie.
Please see Microsoft's hotfix for this issue:
This message is followed by message SBIE1103.