npm i totally-random
const TotallyRandom = require("totally-random");
const random = new TotallyRandom();
All numbers are inclusive. If you use an API or another technique to get random numbers (i.e., you may supply your own function in the constructor. It must return a floating point number between 0 and 1, not including 1.
const random = new TotallyRandom(randomFunction);
.array(arr, [count = 1], [unique = false])
Returns a random element from an array or an array of random array elements
Parameter | Type | Description |
arr | Array | The array of elements to select from |
count (Optional) | Number | The amount of elements to include in the returned array. Default = 1 |
unique (Optional) | Boolean | Determines whether output array contains duplicate elements or unique elements. Default = false |
random.array(["Paul", "Chani", "Gurney"]);
// Chani
random.array(["Paul", "Chani", "Gurney"], 5);
// ["Gurney", "Paul", "Gurney", "Chani", "Chani"]
.between(num1, num2, [count = 1])
Return a number, or array of numbers, within a given range.
Parameter | Type | Description |
num1 | Number | The beginning number of the range |
num2 | Number | The ending number of the range |
count (Optional) | Number | The amount of numbers to include in the returned array. Default = 1 |
random.between(25, 50);
// 34
random.between(100, 200, 3);
// [192, 125, 167]
.boolean([count = 1])
Return a boolean or array or booleans
Parameter | Type | Description |
count (Optional) | Number | The amount of booleans to include in the returned array. Default = 1 |
// false
// [true, false, false, true, false]
.chance(arr, [count = 1])
Returns a random user given data type based on altered chance
Parameter | Type | Description |
arr | Array | The array of arrays of elements containing any data type and percent chance of being selected |
count (Optional) | Number | Return a data type chosen by an altered chance |
["Hoyt", 15],
["Kassad", 30],
["Silenus", 45],
["Weintraub", 10],
// Silenus
["Hoyt", 15],
["Kassad", 30],
["Silenus", 45],
["Weintraub", 10],
// ["Weintraub", "Silenus", "Hoyt", "Selinus", "Weintraub"]
.color([option = "hex"], [count = 1])
| .colour([option = "hex"], [count = 1])
Returns a random color, or array of colors, in the form of a Hexcode, RGB, RGBA, HSL, or HSLA value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
option (Optional) | String | The type of color value you would like returned. Default = "hex". Valid options: "hex", "rgb", "rgba", "hsl", "hsla" |
count (Optional) | Number | TThe amount of color strings to include in the returned array. Default = 1 |
// #3bf93d
// [ '#117949', '#878dbc', '#f11955', '#1e729e', '#aa885f' ]
random.color("rgb", 3);
// [ 'rgb(0, 18, 127)', 'rgb(236, 237, 191)', 'rgb(157, 199, 22)' ]
// rgb(227, 30, 44, 0.7)
// hsl(326, 87%, 43%)
// hsla(328, 72%, 44%, 0.8)
.floatBetween(num1, num2, [count = 1])
Return a floating number, or array of floating numbers, within a given range.
Parameter | Type | Description |
num1 | Number | The beginning number of the range |
num2 | Number | The ending number of the range |
count (Optional) | Number | The amount of numbers to include in the returned array. Default = 1 |
random.floatBetween(25, 50);
// 46.868391548018025
random.floatBetween(100, 200, 3);
// [
// 110.7345996614564,
// 144.02195688891862,
// 166.7222947358983
// ]
.floatPercent([count = 1])
Returns a random floating number between 1-100, or an array of random floating numbers between 1-100.
Parameter | Type | Description |
count (Optional) | Number | The amount of elements to include in the returned array. Default = 1 |
// 31.20330415243886
// [
// 31.19643983316984,
// 59.981506602103664,
// 3.179024087615012
// ]
Returns a random floating number between 1 (or -1) and the number you specify, or an array of random floating numbers between 1 (or -1) and the number you specify.
Parameter | Type | Description |
num | Number | The maximum number to select from |
count (Optional) | Number | The amount of numbers to include in the returned array. Default = 1 |
// 6.5380310716535646
random.floatTo(-99, 3);
// [
// -59.29789405751423,
// -25.36979445038661,
// -19.477123607499205
// ]
.percent([count = 1])
Returns a random number between 1-100, or an array of random numbers between 1-100.
Parameter | Type | Description |
count (Optional) | Number | The amount of elements to include in the returned array. Default = 1 |
// 27
// [37, 88, 24, 90, 11]
Return a shuffled version of a given array using the Fisher-Yates Algorithm
Parameter | Type | Description |
arr | Array | The array of elements to shuffle |
random.shuffle([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
// [3, 5, 2, 1, 4]
.string([option = "alphanumeric"], [length = between(4, 24)])
Returns a random string.
Parameter | Type | Description |
option (Optional) | String | The type of string you would like to return. Default = "alphanumeric". Valid options: "alphanumeric", "alpha", "numeric" |
length (Optional) | Number | The length you would like the string to be. Default = between(4, 24) |
// hX4XHE2M6eyE9XM1fj3
// Us8dP
// 9386263812837196384
random.string("alpha", 8);
// ajmRmsEC
Returns a random number between 1 (or -1) and the number you specify, or an array of random numbers between 1 (or -1) and the number you specify.
Parameter | Type | Description |
num | Number | The maximum number to select from |
count (Optional) | Number | The amount of numbers to include in the returned array. Default = 1 |;
// 7, 3);
// [-64, -1, -27]
Pull requests are welcome if they are related to practical random generation. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.