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Tutorial 05


  • Understand FUSEE's built-in SceneGraph and traversal functionality
  • Implement a more complex shader with specular component

Shaders are Assets now

Build and run Tutorial 05. The output looks like we left off at Tutorial 04. Under the hood we have one small enhancement: Vertex and Pixel Shader are now in seperate source files: VertexShader.vert and PixelShader.frag. Both files can be found under the Assets folder in the Core project.

Shaders are assets now

All text files marked as Content with either file extension .vert (for vertex shader) or .frag (for fragment shader - the OpenGL terminology for pixel shader) will be compiled using the [OpenGL reference compiler] ( before the C# source code itself will be compiled. Thus you will get errors reported directly in the build output and will not have to run the program to find any errors in your shader code wrapped in some exceptions at run-time.

In addition you might want to install the latest [release of the NShader Syntax Hilighter] ( (See the [project web site] ( for additional information). This Visual Studio Extension produces visual support like shown below while editing your shader code:

Syntax Hilighting in shader code

FUSEE's built-in SceneGraph

In Tutorial 04 we created a simple class, SceneOb that we used to create hierarchical scene graphs. In addition we added a method RenderSceneOb() that went through a tree of SceneOb instances and rendered the contents of the individual SceneObs. From now on we will call the process of going through a hierarchy of objects traversing the tree. In addition we will call a hierarchy of objects making up parts of a 3D scene a Scene Graph.

FUSEE already comes with a set of classes allowing to build up Scene Graphs. You can find these classes in the Fusee.Serialization project. All classes found here can be serialized and deserialized using automatically generated serialization code. In Tutorial 04 you already used these classes to load a .fus file and retrieve some Mesh data out of it. But .fus can not only store simple meshes - it can contain complete scene graphs.

A Scene Graph in FUSEE is always a tree of SceneNodeContainer objects (we will just call them nodes). Take a look at the source code and you will notice that its declaration is very short: Besides a name, each node is only made up of two lists

  1. A list of SceneComponentContainer objects - we will just call them components

  2. A list of child nodes - this is how a hierarchy can be built just with our DIYS-`SceneObs

Let's talk about components a little bit. In the Fusee.Serialization project you can find a lot of classes derived from SceneComponentContainer such as

  • MeshComponent - you already dealt with it in Tutorial 04
  • TransformComponent - contains a position, rotation and scale information
  • MaterialComponent - contains a material description (e.g. a color)

just to name a few. These components are the building blocks containing the contents a scene is made of. Not every node must contain a comlete set of parameters. Some nodes are just there to group other nodes, so they don't contain any component at all. Some nodes might be a group and at the same time allow their children to be transformed simultaneously in world space, then such a node may contain a transform component only. Other nodes contain a complete set including a mesh, a transform and a material. And as you can see, there are more types of components which we will not talk about during this tutorial.

On the outermost level of a .fus file there is always one SceneContainer object making the "root" of the tree. We will simply call it a scene. It contains a list of Children of SceneNodeContainer objects. This is the list of nodes at the root level. In a addition a scene containts some header information about the .fus file.

To summarize, you can imagine the contents of a .fus file as the example tree in the following image:

Example Tree

The orange object is the one-and-only SceneContainer root instance. The yellow squares are SceneNodeContainer objects (nodes) and the green rounded squares are different derivations of SceneComponentContainer instances (components).

The numbers are the order in which a traversal will visit each node and component.

Now let's look at an example of a scene. The following image is a hierarchical model created in CINEMA 4D, a commercial 3D modelling software:

Wuggy 3D Model

Here you can see the scene graph inside the modelling software:

Wuggy Scene Graph

Now we want to load this scene in our source code. Add the model file 'wuggy.fus' to the Assets sub folder in the Fusee.Tutorial05.Core project and don't forget to set its properties to Content and Copy if newer. Add the following loading code to the Init() method of the Tutorial class in [Tutorial.cs] (Core/Tutorial.cs).

   SceneContainer wuggy = AssetStorage.Get<SceneContainer>("wuggy.fus");

Compile the code and set a breakpoint to the line right after the above. Starting the tutorial in the debugger will break at the position right after deserializing the contents of wuggy.fus into an object tree. Drag the wuggy variable into the debugger's watch window and inspect its contents:

Wuggy in the debugger's Watch window


  • Draw an image of the hierarchy contained in wuggy using squares and circles like the image above.
  • Convince yourself about the 1:1 connection of the hierarchy in the wuggy variable and the scene graph image from the modelling software above.
  • Look inside the various Components. What information is contained in the MaterialComponent, TransformComponent and MeshComponent types?

Rendering with a Visitor

To render a scene like the one stored in wuggy we need to recursively traverse all Children of the root SceneContainer. We already implemented a simple rendering traversal with our RenderSceneOb() method. But rendering is not the only purpose to traverse a scene. Here are two traversal reasons other than rendering:

  • Find a node or component based on some search criterion (e.g. all nodes with a certain name, all meshes with more than 50 triangles, etc.)
  • Picking - finding all meshes and nodes under a given position or withtin a rectangular range given in screen space, such as the current mouse position.

So we now have the situation that we have a set of building blocks of different component types to build up our hierarchy and we also have a couple of different actions that should take place when traversing. So the action that occurs depends on two things:

  1. The type of the component being traversed
  2. The "reason" for traversing such as rendering, searching, picking, etc.

In computer science this problem and its solution is treated under the keyword Visitor Pattern, or Double Dispatch. FUSEE comes with an implementation based on the classical Visitor Pattern and some extensions built around it to enable programmers using scenes to easily implement their own traversals and at the same time extend the set of SceneNodeContainer classes for their own needs. These implementions around the core SceneVisitor class can be found in the Fusee.Xene subproject. You can also find some additional information in the document.

To Implement your own Rendering Visitor you should do the following.

  1. Create a class derived from Fusee.Xene.SceneVisitor and add three visitor methods for mesh, transform and material components:

    class Renderer : SceneVisitor
        void OnMesh(MeshComponent mesh)
        void OnMaterial(MaterialComponent material)
        void OnTransform(TransformComponent xform)

    The name of the class as well as the name of the methods may vary. Note how the methods are attributed with the VisitMethod attribute and how methods vary in the different parameter types all derived from SceneComponentContainer.

  2. Add two fields to the Tutorial class: One to keep the _wuggy scene and another one to keep an instance of our newly created Renderer:

        private SceneContainer _wuggy;
        private Renderer _renderer;
  3. In the Init() method load the contents of wuggy.fus into the _wuggy field and initiate an instance of our Renderer:

    	_wuggy = AssetStorage.Get<SceneContainer>("wuggy.fus");
    	_renderer = new Renderer();
  4. In the RenderAFrame() method, somewhere between Clear()ing the back buffer and Present()ing the contents to the front buffer, use our Renderer to traverse the wuggy scene:


Of course our renderer doesn't do anything right now. But you can already observe him visiting the components:


  • Build the project. Set three breakpoints - one at the closing curly brace (}) of each of the visitor methods On...() defined in our Renderer class. Start the program and observe the mesh, material and transform components as they are visited.
  • While debugging, add the identifier CurrentNode to the Watch window. This way you can observe which node the currently visited component belongs to.
  • Take your sketch of the scene graph from the previous practice block (the image with the squares and circles depicting wuggy's nodes and components) and identify which circle you're at while hopping from component to component using the F5 key.

Now you should get the idea how you could add code to the three empty methods to add the contents of the respective node to the render context RC during traversal.

There are some things missing though: Using the three methods we can now track each of the components we're interested in while traversing. But we also need to be notified by the visitor before entering into child list and also after all children of a child list are done visiting. In other words we want to know if another step in the depth of the hierarchy is taken into whatever direction (in or out). Fortunately, the SceneVisitor class already provides this information: It calls the method PushState() when going one step deeper in the hiearchy of nodes (when entering a Children list) and it calls PopState() when all nodes in a Children list have been visited and the traversal returns to the parent node.

If we want to add our own code when these events happen, all we need to do is to override these pre-defined methods. In the Renderer class, add the following methods:

	protected override void PushState()
	protected override void PopState()

So altogether we should now have five empty methods in Renderer.


  • Set two more breakbpoints at the closing curly braces and observe the visitor doing its work including going down and up the hierarchy while looking at CurrentNode to see where the traversal is currently at.
  • Advanced. Add functionality to output a structured text with the contents of _wuggy with indentations showing the level in the hierarchy. Add some syntactic sugar to your output to yield an XML or JSON file.

The two newly added methods' names already show what's typically done here: We need to perform push or pop operations on stack-like data structures keeping track of the current traversal state. For rendering we typically need to keep track of the current model-view matrix. Why? Because as you remember from RenderSceneOb, every visited node contributes its own local transformation to the overall model-view matrix. Whenever a child list is done rendering the original model-view-matrix needs to be restored. In our new visitor approach, the right time for restoring is in PopState(). But here we need to know what the original matrix was. We can get access to the original matrix in PushState().

Now let's add the missing stuff to make our Renderer do what it should.

  • The Renderer needs access to the RenderContext because it will need to call its methods such as Render() and SetShaderParam().
  • We need a Stack to keep a list of matrices accessed in a "last-in, first-out" (LIFO) manner. The Fusee.Xene project also has some pre-fabricated building blocks for this. We will use the CollapsingStateStack<float4x4> data type. It has a Push() and a Pop() operation and we get access to the top-of-stack using the Tos property.
  • In the scene tree we have MeshComponent objects but the RenderContext.Render() method takes Mesh objects. The reason why these two types exist is that MeshComponent is implemented for serialization while Mesh is tied to the RenderContext class which knows about rendering. To allow applications to rely on the Serialization project only, these two types are kept separate. For every MeshComponent we encounter during traversal, we will need to create a Mesh. To keep the renderer from creating the same Meshes again and again in each rendering step, we will keep a cache of already created Meshes. We will implement this using a Dictionary<MeshComponent, Mesh> object.
  • For now we will only take the diffuse color from the MaterialComponent objects.

Putting it all together we will end up with a Renderer like that:

    class Renderer : SceneVisitor
        public RenderContext RC;
        public IShaderParam AlbedoParam;
        public float4x4 View;
        private Dictionary<MeshComponent, Mesh> _meshes = new Dictionary<MeshComponent, Mesh>();
        private CollapsingStateStack<float4x4> _model = new CollapsingStateStack<float4x4>();
        private Mesh LookupMesh(MeshComponent mc)
            Mesh mesh;
            if (!_meshes.TryGetValue(mc, out mesh))
                mesh = new Mesh
                    Vertices = mc.Vertices,
                    Normals = mc.Normals,
                    Triangles = mc.Triangles
                _meshes[mc] = mesh;
            return mesh;

        protected override void InitState()
            _model.Tos = float4x4.Identity;
        protected override void PushState()
        protected override void PopState()
            RC.ModelView = View * _model.Tos;
        void OnMesh(MeshComponent mesh)
        void OnMaterial(MaterialComponent material)
            RC.SetShaderParam(AlbedoParam, material.Diffuse.Color);
        void OnTransform(TransformComponent xform)
            _model.Tos *= xform.Matrix();
            RC.ModelView = View * _model.Tos;

Inside Init() initialize some of the new renderer properties AFTER the shader initialization

	_albedoParam = RC.GetShaderParam(shader, "albedo");	
	_renderer.RC = RC;
	_renderer.AlbedoParam = _albedoParam;

Inside RenderAFrame() remove rendering the SceneObs from Tutorial 04 and setup the view matrix and pass it to the Renderer like so

	float4x4 view = float4x4.CreateTranslation(0, 0, 5)*float4x4.CreateRotationY(_alpha)*float4x4.CreateRotationX(_beta)*
					float4x4.CreateTranslation(0, -0.5f, 0);
	_renderer.View = view;

Building and running this should result in the wuggy model shown.

Wuggy in FUSEE


Understand how the renderer operates.

  • Again, set breakpoints in all methods and step through the traversal. See how transform, mesh and material components are processed.
  • Understand what the RC.ModelView = View * _model.Tos; line does. Why can we find this line in PopState() and in OnTransform()?
  • Debug into LookupMesh(). what is the purpose of this method?
  • Look up the definition of TransformComponent.Matrix() inside FUSEE's sources to see that this is pretty close to what our old ModelXForm() did.

Accessing Scene Properties

Now we have a model that has a lot of parts that should be moved. Wheels should spin. The back wheels can be used to perform steering operations. The camera eyes can be rotated along two (or three) axes and the camera mount can be extended. All this can be done now by changing values on transform components in the scene graph from outside.

To access an individual model part, we can use a method similar to what we already used to find the Meshes in the very simple .fus files from Tutorial 04, just by accessing model parts by their names. The following nodes are useful candidates for changing settings on their transform components in the wuggy.fus file.

Node Name Transformations Purpose
NeckLo Translation.y Height of lower camera mount
NeckHi Translation.y Height of upper camera mount
NeckHi Rotation.y Heading (Yaw) of cameras
Eyes_Pitch Rotation.x Up/Down rotation (Pitch) of cameras
WheelBigR/L Rotation.x Wheel rotation of front wheels
WheelSmallR/L Rotation.x Wheel rotation of back wheels
WheelSmallR/L Rotation.y Steering angle of back wheels

To access the left front wheels transformation component you can declare a field to reference the transform component on the Tutorial class level:

    private TransformComponent _wheelBigL;

Then in Init() right after loading the wuggy.fus file you can find the transform component and store a reference to it using this expression:

	_wuggy = AssetStorage.Get<SceneContainer>("wuggy.fus");
	_wheelBigL = _wuggy.Children.FindNodes(n => n.Name == "WheelBigL").First().GetTransform();

Translated into plain English the second line reads: "In the wuggy scene get a list of nodes called 'WheelBigL', take the first of these nodes and retrieve the first transform component found in this node's list of components.

Finally in RenderAFrame we can access this transform node before rendering and add an animation to it based on the state of the W and S keys.

    _wheelBigL.Rotation += new float3(-0.05f * Keyboard.WSAxis, 0, 0);

Build and run the application and have fun pressing W and S to spin the front left wheel.

More Realism by Specular Light

Now we want to blow up our shader to additionally handle a specular component of the light source which will add a bit more realism to the resulting images. The specular component creates highlights on the surfaces by simulating mirrors of the light source(s). To get an idea how the specular component is calculated, look at the following image:

The specular component

The specular intensity at a point on the surface is high, if the angle between the surface normal (N) to the incoming light source (L) and the angle between N and the viewer (V) are nearly the same. In this situation the viewer can see a mirror image of the light source at the position on the surface. To get a measure how good this mirror condition is given, we take the half-way vector between V and L and call it H. Now we measure the angle between H and N. If it is 0 we have a perfect mirror condition. The bigger this angle gets, the less a viewer can see the light's mirror image on the surface. So again, we take the dot product to get a value of 1 if the angle between the two vectors H and N is 0 and which will be 0 if the angle is 90°. In addition, the material can define a value called "shininess" controlling how fast the intensity should go towards zero if the angle becomes bigger. Mathematically this can be achieved by taking the result of the dot product to the power of "shininess".

The higher the shininess the smaller and sharper the highlight is. Lower shininess values result in bigger and blurrier highlights and thus simulate less glossy materials.

To start, we want to move all the shader related stuff from our Init() method to the Renderer since here we have a closer relation between the shader's parameters and the material rendering.

Add a constructor to the renderer class taking the render context as a parameter and remove all the shader initialization from Init()

	public Renderer(RenderContext rc)
		RC = rc;
		// Initialize the shader(s)
		var vertsh = AssetStorage.Get<string>("VertexShader.vert");
		var pixsh = AssetStorage.Get<string>("PixelShader.frag");
		var shader = RC.CreateShader(vertsh, pixsh);
		AlbedoParam = RC.GetShaderParam(shader, "albedo");
		ShininessParam = RC.GetShaderParam(shader, "shininess");

In the OnMaterial() method read the shininess out of the existing material definition method and set the shininess parameter:

	void OnMaterial(MaterialComponent material)
		RC.SetShaderParam(AlbedoParam, material.Diffuse.Color);
		RC.SetShaderParam(ShininessParam, material.Specular.Shininess);

As we now we handle another shader parameter called "shininess", don't forget to declare the field IShaderParam ShininessParam at the class level of Renderer.

Now we can apply a couple of changes to the pixel and the vertex shader:

  • The Vertex Shader now needs to supply the position of the vertex in View coordinates because the Pixel Shader needs the position of the pixel in question given in view coordinates. Thus the Vertex Shader needs to transform the incoming vertex with the ModelView matrix and store the result in a varying variable called viewpos.
  • The pixel shader takes the interpolated viewpos which then holds the position of the pixel currently calculated in view coordinates.
  • The pixel shader needs a more accurate version of the normal. Thus the normal is normalized.
  • The specular intensity is calculated as described avbove.
  • Finally the specular intensity is added to all color channels thus highlighting the calculated pixel.

Here are the resulting vertex and pixel shader

Vertex Shader

	attribute vec3 fuVertex;
	attribute vec3 fuNormal;
	uniform mat4 FUSEE_MVP;
	uniform mat4 FUSEE_MV;
	uniform mat4 FUSEE_ITMV;
	varying vec3 viewpos;
	varying vec3 normal;

	void main()
		normal = normalize(mat3(FUSEE_ITMV) * fuNormal);
		viewpos = (FUSEE_MV * vec4(fuVertex, 1.0)).xyz;
		gl_Position = FUSEE_MVP * vec4(fuVertex, 1.0);

Pixel Shader

#ifdef GL_ES
    precision highp float;
varying vec3 viewpos;
varying vec3 normal;
uniform vec3 albedo;
uniform float shininess;
uniform float specfactor;

void main()
	vec3 nnormal = normalize(normal);
	// Diffuse
	vec3 lightdir = vec3(0, 0, -1);
    float intensityDiff = dot(nnormal, lightdir);

	// Specular
    float intensitySpec = 0.0;
	if (intensityDiff > 0.0)
		vec3 viewdir = -viewpos;
		vec3 h = normalize(viewdir+lightdir);
		intensitySpec = pow(max(0.0, dot(h, nnormal)), shininess);

    gl_FragColor = vec4(intensityDiff * albedo + vec3(intensitySpec), 1);

Compiling and building all changes should result in the wuggy model shown with somehow exaggerated highlights:

Wuggy with Highlights


  • Toy around with the specular and diffuse components in the pixel shader.

    • See what happens if we don't normalize the interpolated normal vector.
    • Try displaying the specular component only.
    • Let the user interactively change the shininess component with some keys and see what happens.
  • Use the material properties Specular.Intensity and Specular.Color to reduce the highlights to the settings found in the material of the .fus file.

  • Create a small application allowing users to drive the wuggy model around

    • Make the wheels spin correctly according to their size and the speed of wuggy over ground
    • Make the back wheels turn according to left/right steering commands.
    • Make the cameras turn to focus a fixed position (e.g. the user).
    • Allow the user to extend/shrink the camera mount using buttons.
  • Advanced: Instead of a parallel light shining in viewing direction, change the calculation to a point light (specified in view coordinates as a vec3 uniform variable) Animate the light position to see what`s happening.