Setup AWS-CLI and eb-CLI using an AWS IAM user via your AWS account
Enter into project directory, and initialize and deploy to your AWS account
Elasticache cluster must be added in advance, and make sure the EBS hosts can talk to your cluster using an appropriate security group
eb init
eb use api-keysupport-rest-dev
eb setenv SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=beanstalk
eb setenv SERVER_PORT=5000
eb setenv MEMCACHED_CNF=api-keysupport-rest.vdmmtc.cfg.use1.cache.amazonaws.com
eb setenv S3_BUCKET=elasticbeanstalk-us-east-1-216896468348
eb setenv BASE_URI=https://api.keysupport.org
eb list
eb create --single
- Deploy the application
mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage
eb deploy
eb status
- Scale the number of nodes to 2
eb scale 2
Deploying to Elastic Beanstalk according to the steps above will default to HTTP without TLS.
Rather than altering the Elastic Load Balancer with a custom domain and certificate, I opted to use the AWS API Gateway with a custom domain.