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Welcome to the Athens project! We are a proxy server for the [Go Modules download API](https://docs.gomods.io/intro/protocol/).
-|Developer Meetings|
+|Office Hours|
-|We hold weekly developer meetings every Thursday. To join them, watch previous meeting recordings or find more information, please see [the docs](https://docs.gomods.io/contributing/community/developer-meetings/). Absolutely everyone is invited to attend these, suggest topics, and participate!|
+|We hold office hours approximately weekly. To find out what they're all about, join them, watch previous meetings, or just find out more, see [the docs](https://docs.gomods.io/contributing/community/office-hours/). Absolutely everyone is invited to attend these, suggest topics, and participate!|
See our documentation site [https://docs.gomods.io](https://docs.gomods.io) for more details on the project.
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@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Here are some other ways to get involved:
- Read the full [walkthrough](/walkthrough) with setting up, running and testing the Athens proxy
explores this in greater depth.
-* Join our [weekly development meeting](/contributing/community/developer-meetings/)! It's a great way to meet folks working on the project, ask questions or just hang out. All are welcome to join and participate.
+* Join our [office hours](/contributing/community/office-hours/)! It's a great way to meet folks working on the project, ask questions or just hang out. All are welcome to join and participate.
* Check out our issue queue for [good first issues](https://github.com/gomods/athens/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22)
* Join us in the `#athens` channel on the [Gophers Slack](https://invite.slack.golangbridge.org/)
diff --git a/docs/content/contributing/community/developer-meetings.md b/docs/content/contributing/community/developer-meetings.md
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-title: "Developer Meetings"
-date: 2018-09-28T10:40:50-07:00
-weight: 3
-Every Thursday, Athens developers get together for one hour on a video chat to discuss the state of the project, and any specific development topics that are going on.
-We meet at this [zoom](https://zoom.us/) video Chat URL: [https://aka.ms/athensdevzoom](https://aka.ms/athensdevzoom)
->**Absolutely everybody is welcome to attend these meetings, suggest topics to talk about, share your perspective, and participate as little or much as they'd like**.
->You don't have to be a contributor to attend
-## Meeting Details
-We rotate the time of the meeting weekly, so that as many people as possible get a chance to attend the meeting at a time appropriate for their time zone.
->We schedule and keep track of all of the meetings via meetup.com, so check out our meetup page: https://www.meetup.com/The-Athens-Developer-Meeting to keep up to date on the next meeting.
-Each developer meeting starts with a quick update on the project from the maintainers, and then we discuss things on the agenda.
->All developer meetings happen using the [zoom](https://zoom.us) software. Before you come to the meeting, please make sure you have installed the zoom client using this link: https://zoom.us/support/download.
-## Agenda
-The [agenda google doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xpvgmR1Fq4iy1j975Tb4H_XjeXUQUOAvn0FximUzvIk/edit#heading=h.f24qbjkyfv6v)
- is where we keep track of what to talk about each week. Anybody can edit it, so if you want to talk about a topic, write it down in a bullet point under the appropriate week, and we'll talk about it if time permits. Please follow these guidelines when you add your topic:
-- If there are already topics listed, please add yours to the bottom of the list
-- If the date of the next meeting is not listed, please add it as a heading above all the previous dates. Copy the format of the previous date when you add it
- Here's an example of how to suggest a topic:
-> * (Bob) Let’s talk about something cool!
-> * (Alice) Let’s talk about cool thing #2!
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+title: "Office Hours"
+date: 2019-08-28T10:40:50-07:00
+weight: 3
+Athens developers get together for an hour or so approximately every week on a video chat to learn and discuss a part of the codebase. The hour is relatively unstructured, but generally it starts out with a core maintainer (usually [@arschles](https://github.com/arschles)) going into the details of a part of the codebase. From there, we just go where the questions take us.
+This is a great opportunity for new community members to get more involved with the project in a low-pressure setting. It's also a great setting for existing community members to gain a deeper understanding into the codebase.
+We meet at this [zoom](https://zoom.us/) video chat URL: [https://arschles.com/zoom](https://arschles.com/zoom)
+>**Absolutely everybody is welcome to attend these meetings. You're free to suggest topics to talk about, share your perspective, and participate as little or much as you'd like**.
+>You don't have to be a contributor to attend.
+# Logistics
+All office hours happen using the [zoom](https://zoom.us) software. Before you come to the meeting, please make sure you have installed the zoom client using this link: [https://zoom.us/support/download](https://zoom.us/support/download).
+>If you'd like to attend an office hours, please join the `#athens` channel in the [Gophers Slack Group](https://invite.slack.golangbridge.org/). An announcement will be made on Tuesday mornings to remind folks before the office hours start. You can also follow [@arschles](https://twitter.com/arschles) and/or [@gomods](https://twitter.com/gomods) on Twitter to get these announcements.
+>Usually, office hours are at 2pm (14:00) US Pacific time on Tuesdays.
+# The Zoom Software
+Also, if you are using a Mac, there is a vulnerability that can allow arbitrary websites to activate your camera without your permission. Please see [here](https://medium.com/bugbountywriteup/zoom-zero-day-4-million-webcams-maybe-an-rce-just-get-them-to-visit-your-website-ac75c83f4ef5) for more information.
+If you haven't updated your Zoom software since July 10, 2019, please do so to fix this issue.
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--- a/docs/content/contributing/community/participating.md
+++ b/docs/content/contributing/community/participating.md
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ interested in
- Submit a [pull request](https://github.com/gomods/athens/pulls) (PR) to fix
an issue, or to improve something that doesn't have an issue
- Review a PR that you're interested in
-- Join us at a weekly [development meeting](/contributing/community/developer-meetings/)
+- Join us at [office hours](/contributing/community/office-hours/)
(or more than one!)
- See [here](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAk08AWjk5sekD-FRjU4VVe97nltUyZ4W) for recordings of all our past meetings
- Come chat with us in the [gophers slack](https://invite.slack.golangbridge.org/) in the `#athens` channel