We have gathered several data sets for you to use in the course, and in this manual we use different data sets as examples.
The main thing you need to know is whether a data set is a 16S amplicon library or a random community metagenome.
This is coral, algae, CCA, and water (control) samples from Kevin Walsh in Liz Dinsdale's lab.
This is a random community metagenome data set
Read more about the coral and algae data sets
This data comes from SRA project SRP075429
Hernsdorf AW, Amano Y, Miyakawa K, Ise K, Suzuki Y, Anantharaman K, Probst A, Burstein D, Thomas BC, Banfield JF. 2017. Potential for microbial H2 and metal transformations associated with novel bacteria and archaea in deep terrestrial subsurface sediments. ISME J 11:1915–1929
This is a random community metagenome data set
Read more about the ground water datasets
This data comes from SRA project SRP074153
This is a random community data set
Brooks B, Olm MR, Firek BA, Baker R, Thomas BC, Morowitz MJ, Banfield JF. 2017. Strain-resolved analysis of hospital rooms and infants reveals overlap between the human and room microbiome. Nat Commun 8:1814
Read more about the gut datasets
A drinking water study from the University of Adelaide, Australia
This is 16S amplicon dataset with SRP ID SRP059994