diff --git a/api/v1/receiver_types.go b/api/v1/receiver_types.go index 9790345d4..9861faa32 100644 --- a/api/v1/receiver_types.go +++ b/api/v1/receiver_types.go @@ -67,6 +67,11 @@ type ReceiverSpec struct { // +required Resources []CrossNamespaceObjectReference `json:"resources"` + // ResourceFilter is an expression that is applied to each Resource + // referenced in the Resources. If the expression returns false then the + // Resource is discarded and will not be notified. + ResourceFilter string `json:"resourceFilter,omitempty"` + // SecretRef specifies the Secret containing the token used // to validate the payload authenticity. // +required diff --git a/config/crd/bases/notification.toolkit.fluxcd.io_receivers.yaml b/config/crd/bases/notification.toolkit.fluxcd.io_receivers.yaml index 239a1a81f..f77e7490c 100644 --- a/config/crd/bases/notification.toolkit.fluxcd.io_receivers.yaml +++ b/config/crd/bases/notification.toolkit.fluxcd.io_receivers.yaml @@ -62,6 +62,12 @@ spec: Secret references. pattern: ^([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?(ms|s|m|h))+$ type: string + resourceFilter: + description: |- + ResourceFilter is an expression that is applied to each Resource + referenced in the Resources. If the expression returns false then the + Resource is discarded and will not be notified. + type: string resources: description: A list of resources to be notified about changes. items: diff --git a/docs/api/v1/notification.md b/docs/api/v1/notification.md index 325c17596..697fa6ed4 100644 --- a/docs/api/v1/notification.md +++ b/docs/api/v1/notification.md @@ -122,6 +122,24 @@ e.g. ‘push’ for GitHub or ‘Push Hook’ for GitLab.

+ +[]string + + + +(Optional) +

ResourceExpressions is a list of CEL expressions that will be parsed to +determine resources to be notified about changes. +The expressions must evaluate to CEL values that contain the keys “name”, +“kind”, “apiVersion” and optionally “namespace”. +These values will be parsed to CrossNamespaceObjectReferences. +e.g. {“name”: “test-resource-1”, “kind”: “Receiver”, “apiVersion”: +“notification.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1”}.

+ + + + secretRef
@@ -321,6 +339,24 @@ e.g. ‘push’ for GitHub or ‘Push Hook’ for GitLab.

+ +[]string + + + +(Optional) +

ResourceExpressions is a list of CEL expressions that will be parsed to +determine resources to be notified about changes. +The expressions must evaluate to CEL values that contain the keys “name”, +“kind”, “apiVersion” and optionally “namespace”. +These values will be parsed to CrossNamespaceObjectReferences. +e.g. {“name”: “test-resource-1”, “kind”: “Receiver”, “apiVersion”: +“notification.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1”}.

+ + + + secretRef
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index 9c5ea45e6..c7e41168a 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ require ( github.com/fluxcd/pkg/ssa v0.41.1 github.com/getsentry/sentry-go v0.29.0 github.com/go-logr/logr v1.4.2 + github.com/google/cel-go v0.20.1 github.com/google/go-github/v64 v64.0.0 github.com/hashicorp/go-retryablehttp v0.7.7 github.com/ktrysmt/go-bitbucket v0.9.80 @@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ require ( github.com/DataDog/zstd v1.5.2 // indirect github.com/MakeNowJust/heredoc v1.0.0 // indirect github.com/ProtonMail/go-crypto v1.0.0 // indirect + github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4 v4.13.0 // indirect github.com/beorn7/perks v1.0.1 // indirect github.com/blang/semver/v4 v4.0.0 // indirect github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.3.0 // indirect @@ -159,6 +161,7 @@ require ( github.com/russross/blackfriday/v2 v2.1.0 // indirect github.com/santhosh-tekuri/jsonschema/v6 v6.0.1 // indirect github.com/spf13/cobra v1.8.1 // indirect + github.com/stoewer/go-strcase v1.2.0 // indirect github.com/x448/float16 v0.8.4 // indirect github.com/xlab/treeprint v1.2.0 // indirect go.opencensus.io v0.24.0 // indirect diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum index a3fcfb21f..fb9392f87 100644 --- a/go.sum +++ b/go.sum @@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ github.com/PagerDuty/go-pagerduty v1.8.0 h1:MTFqTffIcAervB83U7Bx6HERzLbyaSPL/+ox github.com/PagerDuty/go-pagerduty v1.8.0/go.mod h1:nzIeAqyFSJAFkjWKvMzug0JtwDg+V+UoCWjFrfFH5mI= github.com/ProtonMail/go-crypto v1.0.0 h1:LRuvITjQWX+WIfr930YHG2HNfjR1uOfyf5vE0kC2U78= github.com/ProtonMail/go-crypto v1.0.0/go.mod h1:EjAoLdwvbIOoOQr3ihjnSoLZRtE8azugULFRteWMNc0= +github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4 v4.13.0 h1:lxCg3LAv+EUK6t1i0y1V6/SLeUi0eKEKdhQAlS8TVTI= +github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4 v4.13.0/go.mod h1:pfChB/xh/Unjila75QW7+VU4TSnWnnk9UTnmpPaOR2g= github.com/armon/go-socks5 v0.0.0-20160902184237-e75332964ef5 h1:0CwZNZbxp69SHPdPJAN/hZIm0C4OItdklCFmMRWYpio= github.com/armon/go-socks5 v0.0.0-20160902184237-e75332964ef5/go.mod h1:wHh0iHkYZB8zMSxRWpUBQtwG5a7fFgvEO+odwuTv2gs= github.com/beorn7/perks v1.0.1 h1:VlbKKnNfV8bJzeqoa4cOKqO6bYr3WgKZxO8Z16+hsOM= @@ -215,6 +217,8 @@ github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.4 h1:i7eJL8qZTpSEXOPTxNKhASYpMn+8e5Q6AdndVa1dWek github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.4/go.mod h1:lnTiLA8Wa4RWRcIUkrtSVa5nRhsEGBg48fD6rSs7xps= github.com/google/btree v1.1.2 h1:xf4v41cLI2Z6FxbKm+8Bu+m8ifhj15JuZ9sa0jZCMUU= github.com/google/btree v1.1.2/go.mod h1:qOPhT0dTNdNzV6Z/lhRX0YXUafgPLFUh+gZMl761Gm4= +github.com/google/cel-go v0.20.1 h1:nDx9r8S3L4pE61eDdt8igGj8rf5kjYR3ILxWIpWNi84= +github.com/google/cel-go v0.20.1/go.mod h1:kWcIzTsPX0zmQ+H3TirHstLLf9ep5QTsZBN9u4dOYLg= github.com/google/gnostic-models v0.6.8 h1:yo/ABAfM5IMRsS1VnXjTBvUb61tFIHozhlYvRgGre9I= github.com/google/gnostic-models v0.6.8/go.mod h1:5n7qKqH0f5wFt+aWF8CW6pZLLNOfYuF5OpfBSENuI8U= github.com/google/go-cmp v0.2.0/go.mod h1:oXzfMopK8JAjlY9xF4vHSVASa0yLyX7SntLO5aqRK0M= @@ -381,12 +385,15 @@ github.com/spf13/cobra v1.8.1 h1:e5/vxKd/rZsfSJMUX1agtjeTDf+qv1/JdBF8gg5k9ZM= github.com/spf13/cobra v1.8.1/go.mod h1:wHxEcudfqmLYa8iTfL+OuZPbBZkmvliBWKIezN3kD9Y= github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5 h1:iy+VFUOCP1a+8yFto/drg2CJ5u0yRoB7fZw3DKv/JXA= github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5/go.mod h1:McXfInJRrz4CZXVZOBLb0bTZqETkiAhM9Iw0y3An2Bg= +github.com/stoewer/go-strcase v1.2.0 h1:Z2iHWqGXH00XYgqDmNgQbIBxf3wrNq0F3feEy0ainaU= +github.com/stoewer/go-strcase v1.2.0/go.mod h1:IBiWB2sKIp3wVVQ3Y035++gc+knqhUQag1KpM8ahLw8= github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.0/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME= github.com/stretchr/objx v0.4.0/go.mod h1:YvHI0jy2hoMjB+UWwv71VJQ9isScKT/TqJzVSSt89Yw= github.com/stretchr/objx v0.5.0/go.mod h1:Yh+to48EsGEfYuaHDzXPcE3xhTkx73EhmCGUpEOglKo= github.com/stretchr/objx v0.5.2 h1:xuMeJ0Sdp5ZMRXx/aWO6RZxdr3beISkG5/G/aIRr3pY= github.com/stretchr/objx v0.5.2/go.mod h1:FRsXN1f5AsAjCGJKqEizvkpNtU+EGNCLh3NxZ/8L+MA= github.com/stretchr/testify v1.3.0/go.mod h1:M5WIy9Dh21IEIfnGCwXGc5bZfKNJtfHm1UVUgZn+9EI= +github.com/stretchr/testify v1.5.1/go.mod h1:5W2xD1RspED5o8YsWQXVCued0rvSQ+mT+I5cxcmMvtA= github.com/stretchr/testify v1.6.1/go.mod h1:6Fq8oRcR53rry900zMqJjRRixrwX3KX962/h/Wwjteg= github.com/stretchr/testify v1.7.0/go.mod h1:6Fq8oRcR53rry900zMqJjRRixrwX3KX962/h/Wwjteg= github.com/stretchr/testify v1.7.1/go.mod h1:6Fq8oRcR53rry900zMqJjRRixrwX3KX962/h/Wwjteg= @@ -591,6 +598,7 @@ gopkg.in/evanphx/json-patch.v4 v4.12.0 h1:n6jtcsulIzXPJaxegRbvFNNrZDjbij7ny3gmSP gopkg.in/evanphx/json-patch.v4 v4.12.0/go.mod h1:p8EYWUEYMpynmqDbY58zCKCFZw8pRWMG4EsWvDvM72M= gopkg.in/inf.v0 v0.9.1 h1:73M5CoZyi3ZLMOyDlQh031Cx6N9NDJ2Vvfl76EDAgDc= gopkg.in/inf.v0 v0.9.1/go.mod h1:cWUDdTG/fYaXco+Dcufb5Vnc6Gp2YChqWtbxRZE0mXw= +gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI= gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.8/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI= gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0 h1:D8xgwECY7CYvx+Y2n4sBz93Jn9JRvxdiyyo8CTfuKaY= gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0/go.mod h1:RDklbk79AGWmwhnvt/jBztapEOGDOx6ZbXqjP6csGnQ= diff --git a/internal/server/cel.go b/internal/server/cel.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f3ee26215 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/server/cel.go @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +package server + +import ( + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + "mime" + "net/http" + "strings" + + "github.com/google/cel-go/cel" + "github.com/google/cel-go/checker/decls" + "github.com/google/cel-go/common/types" + "github.com/google/cel-go/common/types/ref" + "github.com/google/cel-go/common/types/traits" + celext "github.com/google/cel-go/ext" + "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/client" +) + +func newCELEvaluator(expr string, req *http.Request) (resourcePredicate, error) { + env, err := makeCELEnv() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + parsed, issues := env.Parse(expr) + if issues != nil && issues.Err() != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse expression %v: %w", expr, issues.Err()) + } + + checked, issues := env.Check(parsed) + if issues != nil && issues.Err() != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("expression %v check failed: %w", expr, issues.Err()) + } + + prg, err := env.Program(checked, cel.EvalOptions(cel.OptOptimize)) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("expression %v failed to create a Program: %w", expr, err) + } + + body := map[string]any{} + // Only decodes the body for the expression if the body is JSON. + // Technically you could generate several resources without any body. + if isJSONContent(req) { + if err := json.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(&body); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse request body as JSON: %s", err) + } + } + + return func(obj client.Object) (*bool, error) { + data, err := clientObjectToMap(obj) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + out, _, err := prg.Eval(map[string]any{ + "resource": data, + "request": body, + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("expression %v failed to evaluate: %w", expr, err) + } + + v, ok := out.(types.Bool) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("expression %q did not return a boolean value", expr) + } + + result := v.Value().(bool) + + return &result, nil + }, nil +} + +func makeCELEnv() (*cel.Env, error) { + mapStrDyn := decls.NewMapType(decls.String, decls.Dyn) + return cel.NewEnv( + celext.Strings(), + celext.Encoders(), + notifications(), + cel.Declarations( + decls.NewVar("resource", mapStrDyn), + decls.NewVar("request", mapStrDyn), + )) +} + +func isJSONContent(r *http.Request) bool { + contentType := r.Header.Get("Content-type") + for _, v := range strings.Split(contentType, ",") { + t, _, err := mime.ParseMediaType(v) + if err != nil { + break + } + if t == "application/json" { + return true + } + } + + return false +} + +func notifications() cel.EnvOption { + r, err := types.NewRegistry() + if err != nil { + panic(err) // TODO: Do something better? + } + + return cel.Lib(¬ificationsLib{registry: r}) +} + +type notificationsLib struct { + registry *types.Registry +} + +// LibraryName implements the SingletonLibrary interface method. +func (*notificationsLib) LibraryName() string { + return "flux.notifications.lib" +} + +// CompileOptions implements the Library interface method. +func (l *notificationsLib) CompileOptions() []cel.EnvOption { + listStrDyn := cel.ListType(cel.DynType) + opts := []cel.EnvOption{ + cel.Function("first", + cel.MemberOverload("first_list", []*cel.Type{listStrDyn}, cel.DynType, + cel.UnaryBinding(listFirst))), + cel.Function("last", + cel.MemberOverload("last_list", []*cel.Type{listStrDyn}, cel.DynType, + cel.UnaryBinding(listLast))), + } + + return opts +} + +// ProgramOptions implements the Library interface method. +func (*notificationsLib) ProgramOptions() []cel.ProgramOption { + return []cel.ProgramOption{} +} + +func listLast(val ref.Val) ref.Val { + l := val.(traits.Lister) + sz := l.Size().Value().(int64) + + if sz == 0 { + return types.NullValue + } + + return l.Get(types.Int(sz - 1)) +} + +func listFirst(val ref.Val) ref.Val { + l := val.(traits.Lister) + sz := l.Size().Value().(int64) + + if sz == 0 { + return types.NullValue + } + + return l.Get(types.Int(0)) +} + +func clientObjectToMap(v client.Object) (map[string]any, error) { + b, err := json.Marshal(v) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal PartialObjectMetadata from resource for CEL expression: %w", err) + } + + var result map[string]any + if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &result); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal PartialObjectMetadata from resource for CEL expression: %w", err) + } + + return result, nil +} diff --git a/internal/server/receiver_handler_test.go b/internal/server/receiver_handler_test.go index b555dd02a..8908749b6 100644 --- a/internal/server/receiver_handler_test.go +++ b/internal/server/receiver_handler_test.go @@ -760,6 +760,213 @@ func Test_handlePayload(t *testing.T) { expectedResourcesAnnotated: 1, expectedResponseCode: http.StatusOK, }, + { + name: "resources filtered with CEL expressions", + headers: map[string]string{ + "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", + }, + payload: map[string]interface{}{ + "action": "INSERT", + "digest": "us-east1-docker.pkg.dev/my-project/my-repo/hello-world@sha256:6ec128e26cd5...", + "tag": "us-east1-docker.pkg.dev/my-project/my-repo/hello-world:1.1", + }, + receiver: &apiv1.Receiver{ + ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ + Name: "receiver", + }, + Spec: apiv1.ReceiverSpec{ + Type: apiv1.GenericReceiver, + SecretRef: meta.LocalObjectReference{ + Name: "token", + }, + Resources: []apiv1.CrossNamespaceObjectReference{ + { + APIVersion: apiv1.GroupVersion.String(), + Kind: apiv1.ReceiverKind, + Name: "*", + MatchLabels: map[string]string{ + "label": "production", + }, + }, + }, + ResourceFilter: `has(resource.metadata.annotations) && request.tag.split('/').last().split(":").first() == resource.metadata.annotations['update-image']`, + }, + Status: apiv1.ReceiverStatus{ + WebhookPath: apiv1.ReceiverWebhookPath, + Conditions: []metav1.Condition{{Type: meta.ReadyCondition, Status: metav1.ConditionTrue}}, + }, + }, + secret: &corev1.Secret{ + ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ + Name: "token", + }, + Data: map[string][]byte{ + "token": []byte("token"), + }, + }, + resources: []client.Object{ + &apiv1.Receiver{ + TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{ + Kind: apiv1.ReceiverKind, + APIVersion: apiv1.GroupVersion.String(), + }, + ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ + Name: "test-resource-1", + Annotations: map[string]string{ + "update-image": "hello-world", + }, + Labels: map[string]string{ + "label": "production", + }, + }, + }, + &apiv1.Receiver{ + TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{ + Kind: apiv1.ReceiverKind, + APIVersion: apiv1.GroupVersion.String(), + }, + ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ + Name: "test-resource-2", + Namespace: "tested", + Labels: map[string]string{ + "label": "production", + }, + Annotations: map[string]string{ + "update-image": "other-image", + }, + }, + }, + &apiv1.Receiver{ + TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{ + Kind: apiv1.ReceiverKind, + APIVersion: apiv1.GroupVersion.String(), + }, + ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ + Name: "test-resource-3", + Labels: map[string]string{ + "label": "production", + }, + }, + }, + }, + expectedResourcesAnnotated: 1, // TODO: This should really check more than just the count. + expectedResponseCode: http.StatusOK, + }, + { + name: "filtering out a single named resource with CEL", + headers: map[string]string{ + "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", + }, + payload: map[string]interface{}{ + "action": "INSERT", + "digest": "us-east1-docker.pkg.dev/my-project/my-repo/hello-world@sha256:6ec128e26cd5...", + "tag": "us-east1-docker.pkg.dev/my-project/my-repo/hello-world:1.1", + }, + receiver: &apiv1.Receiver{ + ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ + Name: "receiver", + }, + Spec: apiv1.ReceiverSpec{ + Type: apiv1.GenericReceiver, + SecretRef: meta.LocalObjectReference{ + Name: "token", + }, + Resources: []apiv1.CrossNamespaceObjectReference{ + { + APIVersion: apiv1.GroupVersion.String(), + Kind: apiv1.ReceiverKind, + Name: "test-resource", + }, + }, + ResourceFilter: `has(resource.metadata.annotations) && request.tag.split('/').last().split(":").first() == resource.metadata.annotations['update-image']`, + }, + Status: apiv1.ReceiverStatus{ + WebhookPath: apiv1.ReceiverWebhookPath, + Conditions: []metav1.Condition{{Type: meta.ReadyCondition, Status: metav1.ConditionTrue}}, + }, + }, + secret: &corev1.Secret{ + ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ + Name: "token", + }, + Data: map[string][]byte{ + "token": []byte("token"), + }, + }, + resources: []client.Object{ + &apiv1.Receiver{ + TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{ + Kind: apiv1.ReceiverKind, + APIVersion: apiv1.GroupVersion.String(), + }, + ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ + Name: "test-resource", + Annotations: map[string]string{ + "update-image": "not-hello-world", + }, + }, + }, + }, + expectedResourcesAnnotated: 0, + expectedResponseCode: http.StatusOK, + }, + + { + name: "handling errors when parsing the CEL expression results", + headers: map[string]string{ + "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", + }, + receiver: &apiv1.Receiver{ + ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ + Name: "receiver", + }, + Spec: apiv1.ReceiverSpec{ + Type: apiv1.GenericReceiver, + SecretRef: meta.LocalObjectReference{ + Name: "token", + }, + Resources: []apiv1.CrossNamespaceObjectReference{ + { + APIVersion: apiv1.GroupVersion.String(), + Kind: apiv1.ReceiverKind, + Name: "*", + MatchLabels: map[string]string{ + "label": "production", + }, + }, + }, + ResourceFilter: `resource.name == "test-resource-1"`, + }, + Status: apiv1.ReceiverStatus{ + WebhookPath: apiv1.ReceiverWebhookPath, + Conditions: []metav1.Condition{{Type: meta.ReadyCondition, Status: metav1.ConditionTrue}}, + }, + }, + secret: &corev1.Secret{ + ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ + Name: "token", + }, + Data: map[string][]byte{ + "token": []byte("token"), + }, + }, + resources: []client.Object{ + &apiv1.Receiver{ + TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{ + Kind: apiv1.ReceiverKind, + APIVersion: apiv1.GroupVersion.String(), + }, + ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ + Name: "test-resource-1", + Labels: map[string]string{ + "label": "production", + }, + }, + }, + }, + expectedResourcesAnnotated: 0, // TODO: This should really check more than just the count. + expectedResponseCode: http.StatusInternalServerError, + }, } scheme := runtime.NewScheme() @@ -809,8 +1016,7 @@ func Test_handlePayload(t *testing.T) { } rr := httptest.NewRecorder() - handler := s.handlePayload() - handler(rr, req) + s.handlePayload(rr, req) g.Expect(rr.Result().StatusCode).To(gomega.Equal(tt.expectedResponseCode)) var allReceivers apiv1.ReceiverList @@ -827,3 +1033,14 @@ func Test_handlePayload(t *testing.T) { }) } } + +func buildTestClient(objs ...client.Object) client.Client { + scheme := runtime.NewScheme() + apiv1.AddToScheme(scheme) + corev1.AddToScheme(scheme) + + return fake.NewClientBuilder(). + WithScheme(scheme). + WithObjects(objs...). + WithIndex(&apiv1.Receiver{}, WebhookPathIndexKey, IndexReceiverWebhookPath).Build() +} diff --git a/internal/server/receiver_handlers.go b/internal/server/receiver_handlers.go index 5a054cec7..dbcc105b9 100644 --- a/internal/server/receiver_handlers.go +++ b/internal/server/receiver_handlers.go @@ -70,65 +70,72 @@ func IndexReceiverWebhookPath(o client.Object) []string { return nil } -func (s *ReceiverServer) handlePayload() func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { - return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { - ctx := context.Background() - digest := url.PathEscape(strings.TrimPrefix(r.RequestURI, apiv1.ReceiverWebhookPath)) +func (s *ReceiverServer) handlePayload(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { + ctx := r.Context() + digest := url.PathEscape(strings.TrimPrefix(r.RequestURI, apiv1.ReceiverWebhookPath)) - s.logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("handling request: %s", digest)) + s.logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("handling request: %s", digest)) - var allReceivers apiv1.ReceiverList - err := s.kubeClient.List(ctx, &allReceivers, client.MatchingFields{ - WebhookPathIndexKey: r.RequestURI, - }, client.Limit(1)) - if err != nil { - s.logger.Error(err, "unable to list receivers") - w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) - return - } + var allReceivers apiv1.ReceiverList + err := s.kubeClient.List(ctx, &allReceivers, client.MatchingFields{ + WebhookPathIndexKey: r.RequestURI, + }, client.Limit(1)) + if err != nil { + s.logger.Error(err, "unable to list receivers") + w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) + return + } - if len(allReceivers.Items) == 0 { - w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) - return - } + if len(allReceivers.Items) == 0 { + w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) + return + } - receiver := allReceivers.Items[0] - logger := s.logger.WithValues( - "reconciler kind", apiv1.ReceiverKind, - "name", receiver.Name, - "namespace", receiver.Namespace) + receiver := allReceivers.Items[0] + logger := s.logger.WithValues( + "reconciler kind", apiv1.ReceiverKind, + "name", receiver.Name, + "namespace", receiver.Namespace) - if receiver.Spec.Suspend || !conditions.IsReady(&receiver) { - err := errors.New("unable to process request") - if receiver.Spec.Suspend { - logger.Error(err, "receiver is suspended") - } else { - logger.Error(err, "receiver is not ready") - } - w.WriteHeader(http.StatusServiceUnavailable) - return + if receiver.Spec.Suspend || !conditions.IsReady(&receiver) { + err := errors.New("unable to process request") + if receiver.Spec.Suspend { + logger.Error(err, "receiver is suspended") + } else { + logger.Error(err, "receiver is not ready") } + w.WriteHeader(http.StatusServiceUnavailable) + return + } - if err := s.validate(ctx, receiver, r); err != nil { - logger.Error(err, "unable to validate payload") - w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) - return - } + if err := s.validate(ctx, receiver, r); err != nil { + logger.Error(err, "unable to validate payload") + w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) + return + } - var withErrors bool - for _, resource := range receiver.Spec.Resources { - if err := s.requestReconciliation(ctx, logger, resource, receiver.Namespace); err != nil { - logger.Error(err, "unable to request reconciliation") - withErrors = true - } + var evaluator func(client.Object) (*bool, error) + if receiver.Spec.ResourceFilter != "" { + evaluator, err = newCELEvaluator(receiver.Spec.ResourceFilter, r) + if err != nil { + logger.Error(err, "unable to create CEL evaluator") + w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) } + } - if withErrors { - w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) - } else { - w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) + var withErrors bool + for _, resource := range receiver.Spec.Resources { + if err := s.requestReconciliation(ctx, logger, resource, receiver.Namespace, evaluator); err != nil { + logger.Error(err, "unable to request reconciliation") + withErrors = true } } + + if withErrors { + w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) + } else { + w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) + } } func (s *ReceiverServer) validate(ctx context.Context, receiver apiv1.Receiver, r *http.Request) error { @@ -397,8 +404,10 @@ func (s *ReceiverServer) token(ctx context.Context, receiver apiv1.Receiver) (st return token, nil } +type resourcePredicate func(client.Object) (*bool, error) + // requestReconciliation requests reconciliation of all the resources matching the given CrossNamespaceObjectReference by annotating them accordingly. -func (s *ReceiverServer) requestReconciliation(ctx context.Context, logger logr.Logger, resource apiv1.CrossNamespaceObjectReference, defaultNamespace string) error { +func (s *ReceiverServer) requestReconciliation(ctx context.Context, logger logr.Logger, resource apiv1.CrossNamespaceObjectReference, defaultNamespace string, resourcePredicate resourcePredicate) error { namespace := defaultNamespace if resource.Namespace != "" { namespace = resource.Namespace @@ -443,6 +452,17 @@ func (s *ReceiverServer) requestReconciliation(ctx context.Context, logger logr. } for i, resource := range resources.Items { + if resourcePredicate != nil { + accept, err := resourcePredicate(&resource) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if !*accept { + logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("resource '%s/%s.%s' NOT annotated because CEL expression returned false", resource.Kind, resource.Name, namespace)) + continue + } + } + if err := s.annotate(ctx, &resources.Items[i]); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to annotate resource: '%s/%s.%s': %w", resource.Kind, resource.Name, namespace, err) } else { @@ -470,6 +490,16 @@ func (s *ReceiverServer) requestReconciliation(ctx context.Context, logger logr. return fmt.Errorf("unable to read %s '%s' error: %w", resource.Kind, objectKey, err) } + if resourcePredicate != nil { + accept, err := resourcePredicate(u) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if !*accept { + logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("resource '%s/%s.%s' NOT annotated because CEL expression returned false", resource.Kind, resource.Name, namespace)) + return nil + } + } err := s.annotate(ctx, u) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to annotate resource: '%s/%s.%s': %w", resource.Kind, resource.Name, namespace, err) diff --git a/internal/server/receiver_server.go b/internal/server/receiver_server.go index 2eb9c5760..e71fd9b19 100644 --- a/internal/server/receiver_server.go +++ b/internal/server/receiver_server.go @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ func NewReceiverServer(port string, logger logr.Logger, kubeClient client.Client // ListenAndServe starts the HTTP server on the specified port func (s *ReceiverServer) ListenAndServe(stopCh <-chan struct{}, mdlw middleware.Middleware) { mux := http.NewServeMux() - mux.Handle(apiv1.ReceiverWebhookPath, http.HandlerFunc(s.handlePayload())) + mux.Handle(apiv1.ReceiverWebhookPath, http.HandlerFunc(s.handlePayload)) handlerID := apiv1.ReceiverWebhookPath if s.exportHTTPPathMetrics { handlerID = ""