- FLL registration: $363CDN ($225USD + $42USD ship and handling) = $267USD (July 13, 2020)
- FLL challenge set: $155.94 (Aug 4, 2020)
- Challenge table #1: $9 (using 2by3s cut to size; free paperboard base) (Aug 4, 2020)
- Challenge table #2: $40 ($12 for new set of 2by3s and $28 for new 4’by8’ sheet of thin plywood) Feb 2021
- Tournament costs: $25 (now only $25 for the remote qualifying events - originally at $150) (Feb 2021)
- Bank costs = $27 (14months*1.95 community Bank account required by First Canada in order to obtain new team grant)
Total: $620
less FLL Rookie Grant: $500 (Sept 25) Additional Grant: $250 (Nov 9)
overage: $130