- src/expandableCalendar/AgendaList.js - invoking used SectionList's events.
- example/src/screens/ExpandableCalendar.js - removing unnecessary 'data' prop sent to AgendaList.
- CalendarProvider - fix for 'date' prop update.
- CalendarContext - 'disabledOpacity' prop to control the opacity of the today button when it is disabled (default is now undefined, meaning no opacity).
- src/style.js - adding support for today button's font size, weight, family.
- CalendarContext - fix for today button's width to allow button to take content's width.
- ExpandableCalendar - limit calendar min height to closed height.
- CalendarProvider - fix for warning on Image 'source' type.
- ExpandableCalendar - fix shadow/elevation style.
- ExpandableCalendar - fix for week paddings. Changing knob container height and weekDays style.
- CalendarList/item - limit headerStyle to horizontal only.
- CalendarProvider - 'onMonthChange' event returning date object and updateSource.
- Components' props comment format.
- CalendarList - passing 'testID' to static CalendarHeader.
- asCalendarConsumer - hoist non-react statics.
- ExpandableCalendar - fix example screen.
- CalendarHeader - editing 'testID' for static CalendarHeader.
- ExpandableCalendar - adding testID for knob.
- eslint - updating to version 6.1.0.
- lodash - importing library instead of sub-libraries.
- CalendarHeader - adding 'firstDay' (PR #826), 'monthFormat' (PR #787) and 'weekNumbers' to shouldComponentUpdate.
- Agenda - adding support for weekdays name's 'fontSize', 'fontFamily' and 'fontWeight' (PR #711).
- ReservationList - adding support for Day number's 'fontFamily', and to Day text's 'fontFamily' and 'fontWeight' (PR #711).
- ExpandableCalendar - fix for vertical open height.
- CalendarProvider - adding 'buttonTopPosition' prop to control the button's y position.
- Week - fix for style - removing width to allow flex.
- CalendarProvider - fix header in vertical mode when initial position is 'open'.
- CalendarProvider - 'todayButtonStyle' prop to allow passing style to the today button.
- CalendarProvider - today button size for tablet. Passing style prop to a container View.
- ExpandableCalendar - adjusting vertical mode open height for tablet in both orientations.
- CalendarProvider - fix for children wrapper view.
- Upgrading react-native to version 61.4.0.
- Agenda - fix typo on 'scrollEnable' prop.
- ExpandableCalendar - fix passed props to CalendarList.
- ExpandableCalendar - adding week scroll to closed position.
- Week - moving width style to style file.
- Week - moving width style to WeekCalendar.