High-performance Rust image processing library (Photon) for Cloudflare workers, Next.js and Node.js.
Powered by @silvia-odwyer/photon
Build for commit 941adf9
Forked on: 15th November, 2024
npm install @cf-wasm/photon # npm
yarn add @cf-wasm/photon # yarn
pnpm add @cf-wasm/photon # pnpm
Cloudflare Workers / Pages (Esbuild):
import { PhotonImage } from "@cf-wasm/photon";
Next.js Edge Runtime (Webpack):
import { PhotonImage } from "@cf-wasm/photon/next";
Node.js (file base):
import { PhotonImage } from "@cf-wasm/photon/node";
Browser, Web Worker, etc. (experimental)
import { PhotonImage } from "@cf-wasm/photon/others";
Here are some examples in which image is being resized and converted to webp format:
If you are using Cloudflare Workers, you can use it as shown below:
// src/index.ts
import { PhotonImage, SamplingFilter, resize } from "@cf-wasm/photon";
export default {
async fetch() {
// url of image to fetch
const imageUrl = "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/314135";
// fetch image and get the Uint8Array instance
const inputBytes = await fetch(imageUrl)
.then((res) => res.arrayBuffer())
.then((buffer) => new Uint8Array(buffer));
// create a PhotonImage instance
const inputImage = PhotonImage.new_from_byteslice(inputBytes);
// resize image using photon
const outputImage = resize(
inputImage.get_width() * 0.5,
inputImage.get_height() * 0.5,
// get webp bytes
const outputBytes = outputImage.get_bytes_webp();
// for other formats
// png : outputImage.get_bytes();
// jpeg : outputImage.get_bytes_jpeg(quality);
// call free() method to free memory
// return the Response instance
return new Response(outputBytes, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "image/webp"
} satisfies ExportedHandler;
If you are using Next.js (App router) with edge runtime, you can use it as shown below:
// (src/)app/api/image/route.ts
import { type NextRequest } from "next/server";
import { PhotonImage, SamplingFilter, resize } from "@cf-wasm/photon/next";
export const runtime = "edge";
export async function GET(request: NextRequest) {
// url of image to fetch
const imageUrl = "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/314135";
// fetch image and get the Uint8Array instance
const inputBytes = await fetch(imageUrl)
.then((res) => res.arrayBuffer())
.then((buffer) => new Uint8Array(buffer));
// create a PhotonImage instance
const inputImage = PhotonImage.new_from_byteslice(inputBytes);
// resize image using photon
const outputImage = resize(
inputImage.get_width() * 0.5,
inputImage.get_height() * 0.5,
// get webp bytes
const outputBytes = outputImage.get_bytes_webp();
// for other formats
// png : outputImage.get_bytes();
// jpeg : outputImage.get_bytes_jpeg(quality);
// call free() method to free memory
// return the Response instance
return new Response(outputBytes, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "image/webp"
If you are using Next.js (Pages router) with edge runtime, you can use it as shown below:
// (src/)pages/api/image.ts
import { type NextRequest } from "next/server";
import { PhotonImage, SamplingFilter, resize } from "@cf-wasm/photon/next";
export const config = {
runtime: "edge",
// see https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/edge-dynamic-code-evaluation
unstable_allowDynamic: [
export default async function handler(req: NextRequest) {
// url of image to fetch
const imageUrl = "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/314135";
// fetch image and get the Uint8Array instance
const inputBytes = await fetch(imageUrl)
.then((res) => res.arrayBuffer())
.then((buffer) => new Uint8Array(buffer));
// create a PhotonImage instance
const inputImage = PhotonImage.new_from_byteslice(inputBytes);
// resize image using photon
const outputImage = resize(
inputImage.get_width() * 0.5,
inputImage.get_height() * 0.5,
// get webp bytes
const outputBytes = outputImage.get_bytes_webp();
// for other formats
// png : outputImage.get_bytes();
// jpeg : outputImage.get_bytes_jpeg(quality);
// call free() method to free memory
// return the Response instance
return new Response(outputBytes, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "image/webp"
You can use others
submodule and provide wasm binaries using initPhoton
function to make it work on other runtime (i.e. Browser
, Web Worker
, etc).
The others
submodule is yet experimental. Breaking changes may be introduced without following semantic versioning.
@deox/cors-worker can make messaging even more easier when using web workers.
Here is a working example for Web Workers when using Webpack bundler:
Create a worker.ts
import { initPhoton, PhotonImage, SamplingFilter, resize } from "@cf-wasm/photon/others";
import { register } from "@deox/cors-worker/register";
const registered = register(async () => {
// The wasm must be initialized first, you can provide photon wasm binaries from any source
await initPhoton({
module_or_path: new URL("@cf-wasm/photon/photon.wasm", import.meta.url)
return {
resize: async (source: string, format?: "webp" | "png" | "jpeg") => {
// fetch the source image and get bytes
const imagBytes = new Uint8Array(
await (await fetch(source)).arrayBuffer()
// create a PhotonImage instance
const inputImage = PhotonImage.new_from_byteslice(imagBytes);
// resize image using photon
const outputImage = resize(
inputImage.get_width() * 0.5,
inputImage.get_height() * 0.5,
let outputBytes: Uint8Array;
switch (format) {
case "png":
// get png bytes
outputBytes = outputImage.get_bytes();
case "jpeg":
// get jpeg bytes
outputBytes = outputImage.get_bytes_jpeg(1);
// get webp bytes
outputBytes = outputImage.get_bytes_webp();
// Explicitly free rust memory
// create a blob url
return URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([outputBytes]));
export type Registered = typeof registered;
Now you can use it in your entrypoints:
import { Worker } from "@deox/cors-worker";
import type { Registered } from "./worker";
const worker = new Worker<Registered>(
new URL("./worker", import.meta.url),
const element = document.getElementById("demo_image") as HTMLImageElement;
worker.proxy.resize("https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/100576030").then((blobUrl) => {
element.src = blobUrl;
To explore all the functions, visit the official documentation.
Following is a list of projects built using this library:
All credit goes to @silvia-odwyer/photon.