Releases: feenkcom/gtoolkit
Releases · feenkcom/gtoolkit
Release v1.0.430
Release version v1.0.430 Metacello new baseline: 'GToolkitForPharo9'; repository: 'github://feenkcom/gtoolkit:v1.0.430/src'; load All commits (including upstream repositories) since last build: by Andrei ChiÈ Add a highlighter for literal values [feenkcom/gtoolkit#3570]
Release v1.0.429
Release version v1.0.429 Metacello new baseline: 'GToolkitForPharo9'; repository: 'github://feenkcom/gtoolkit:v1.0.429/src'; load All commits (including upstream repositories) since last build: by Aliaksei Syrel introduce focus transfer event by Aliaksei Syrel handle transfer focus when managing pager focus by Aliaksei Syrel Merge 18b639d992dc87f358a841dc77ab2cee1c7f40d4 by Aliaksei Syrel optimize protocol nad method list in the navigation by svenvc GtNativeExternalProcessChild>>#terminateAll added that uses TASKKILL /F /T to kill all children on Windows by svenvc PBPharoPipenvProcess>>#stop changed to use GtNativeExternalProcessChild>>#terminateAll that uses TASKKILL /F /T to kill all children on Windows by Oscar Nierstrasz Modified initializeDb to automatically load slideshow pages with <lePage> pragmas by Andrei ChiÈ Fix missing code after failed merge
Release v1.0.428
Release version v1.0.428 Metacello new baseline: 'GToolkitForPharo9'; repository: 'github://feenkcom/gtoolkit:v1.0.428/src'; load All commits (including upstream repositories) since last build: by Andrei ChiÈ Merge 0669a64897039f6a28c2f2ee334eef44b2953827 by Andrei ChiÈ Update priority for #gtLocalVersionsFor: by Andrei ChiÈ Merge d2778d485cc661f0518b4f19994295673e0b9a38 by Andrei ChiÈ Add a filter for searching though method literals [feenkcom/gtoolkit#3573] by Andrei ChiÈ Update priorities for views in compiled methods
Release v1.0.427
Release version v1.0.427 Metacello new baseline: 'GToolkitForPharo9'; repository: 'github://feenkcom/gtoolkit:v1.0.427/src'; load All commits (including upstream repositories) since last build: by Andrei ChiÈ Add a priority to #gtGitCommitsFor:
Release v1.0.426
Release version v1.0.426 Metacello new baseline: 'GToolkitForPharo9'; repository: 'github://feenkcom/gtoolkit:v1.0.426/src'; load All commits (including upstream repositories) since last build: by Juraj Kubelka Merge branch 'master' into feenk by Juraj Kubelka Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' by Sean DeNigris Merge pull request #347 from seandenigris/enh_simplify-gt-column-view-api [Enh]: GT Columned View from Description - Simplify API by Sean DeNigris [Enh]: GT Columned View from Description - Simplify API Remove special method accepting a container by Sean DeNigris Merge pull request #346 from seandenigris/bug_action-comparison2 [Bug]: action comparison by Sean DeNigris [Bug]: action comparison We were only looking at part of the state - species and action - which caused some actions to overshadow others. In fact, since these are mutable, we are better off sticking with identity comparison by Sean DeNigris Cached Mementos - To Copy or Not To Copy? (#344) * Cached Mementos - To Copy or Not To Copy? - Hopefully finally resolves a buffet of related issues (and PRs) mentioned below - Add Lepiter page describing the situation - The problem is that mementos were copying described values in two places: - ```smalltalk MACachedMemento>>cookRawPull: aDictionary super cookRawPull: aDictionary. aDictionary keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value | | isCollectionOfRelations | isCollectionOfRelations := value isCollection and: [ key isKindOf: MAToManyRelationDescription ]. isCollectionOfRelations ifTrue: [ aDictionary at: key put: value copy ] ].``` - There are several problems with the above: Firstly, it is applied to cached mementos. This overly broad, since the motivating problem affects the `original` dictionary - something only checked mementos have. Even worse, it applies to all pulls, not just those to `original` dictionaries. This lead to a host of problems described in more detail below. - ```smalltalk MACheckedMemento>>reset super reset. self setOriginal: (self pullRawTransforming: [ :e | e copy ]). ``` - While this second copying might sometimes be what we want, it clearly does not work in some scenarios, creating the false impression that the model object has changed elsewhere, which prevents committing the memento. - For example, {{gtMethod:MAMementoTest>>testSingletonValue}} was failing because the value was a class and the memento was storing a copying of it. Validation then failed because the installed class is not equivalent to a copy. - Let's take a step back and review the domain model. For checked mementos, there are three versions of model state: - 1. the model itself, which is the real *current* state - 2. the cache, which is the desired state which the memento will attempt to push all at once on commit - 3. the original, which is the memento's copy of the model state at the time the memento was created. This will be used before committing to make sure the model state hasn't changed elsewhere because otherwise committing might intentionally overwrite/destroy needed data. - The motivating problem with the *original*, which inspired all this copying, is that, if a field references a collection, and we hold onto that actual collection, and the elements in the collection are changed from the outside, our "original" will also change and validation will never fail and so offers no protection. - {{gtMethod:MACheckedMementoTest>>testValidateFailsOnReferencedCollectionChange}} tests for this. If we comment out the `#copy` in {{gtMethod:MACheckedMemento>>reset}} it will fail. - Interestingly, outside changes also "bleed" into the cache, but it seems not to matter. If a user was worried about outside changes, they would use an {{gtClass:MACheckedMemento}} which would flag the problem during validation, not an {{gtClass:MACachedMemento}}. Choosing that memento type means we are specifically *not* checking for whether the model has changed elsewhere. Since the cache is changing with the model, there will be nothing to commit unless we explicitly change the field in the memento, which seems like the expected behavior. - There are a bunch of seemingly related GH issues and PRs: - 2019-09-04 - [Mementos Should Ignore Default values]( - claims to be fixed by the "...Copy Collections" fix below, but I don't see how - 2022-05-31 - [Cached Memento Should Copy ToMany Collections]( - this first fix led to a lot of future pain. The primary mistake seems to have been that it was applied to all pulls by cached mementos, instead of just pulls to the original dictionary by checked mementos only. The issue talks about "the protection of the cache", but I think I meant "the protection of the original dictionary" because I don't see what damage could be caused by the cache changing underneath you. If you explicitly change a field, it will overwrite the cache, and if not it will be ignored because it is equivalent to the real live model state. - 2022-08-22 - [Checked Memento "Original" Should Copy Collections]( - the description states "Otherwise changes to the model can bleed through to the "original" dictionary". However, the fix is applied to cached memento, not checked memento only - 2022-08-23 - [Bloc Form To-One Tokens Pointing to Copy]( - tried to workaround ramifications of the overly broad copy problem fix - 2022-08-23 - [Mementos - Only Copy Checked Original]( attempted to improve the situation by replacing the original behavior - when pulling copy every value in every memento type - with a more targeted approach - copy only when setting the original of a checked memento. However, this still copied *all* values, not just the problematic referenced collections. It also missed the fact that cached mementos were copying collections during all pulls via `#cookPullRaw:`, not just when pulling to the original dictionary. It also seemingly undid some of the fix above - 2023-11-18 Checked Memento raises errors for Pier components - there is a now-passing test for just this scenario - MAMementoTest>>testSingletonValue by Sean DeNigris Merge pull request #343 from seandenigris/issue_3478 [Bug]: GT Issue 3478 - ElementBuilder does not honor beHidden by Sean DeNigris [Bug]: Issue 3478 - ElementBuilder does not honor beHidden by Sean DeNigris Merge pull request #341 from seandenigris/gt-col-list-from-container [Enh]: GT Columned List View from Container by Sean DeNigris [Enh]: GT Columned List View from Container Previously Container was auto-generated from a class and could not be modified. by Sean DeNigris Merge pull request #339 from seandenigris/enh_element-initial-answer [Enh]: Element Descriptions - Initial Answer by Sean DeNigris [Enh]: Element Descriptions - Initial Answer Slightly different than `default`. Default is what the value of the field *is* if not explicitly set. The initial answer is what the value *might be* e.g. to make it easier to fill out a form. by Sean DeNigris Merge pull request #338 from seandenigris/enh_gt-form-memento-inspect [Enh]: GT Form - Add "Inspect Memento" Button by Sean DeNigris [Enh]: GT Form - Add "Inspect Memento" Button Like GT's own form by Sean DeNigris Merge pull request #336 from seandenigris/clean_remove-uid-props [Clean]: Extract UID Property Support to Dynabook Foundation by Sean DeNigris [Clean]: Extract UID Property Support to Dynabook Foundation UID stuff moved out of `MATPropertyOwner` by Sean DeNigris Merge pull request #335 from seandenigris/enh_ma-print-string [Enh]: Print via Desc - `#maFullPrintString` & Separator Config by Sean DeNigris [Enh]: Print via Description - `#maFullPrintString` and Separator Configuration by Sean DeNigris Merge pull request #333 from seandenigris/enh_property-uuid-setter [Enh]: UUID Property Setter by Sean DeNigris [Enh]: UUID Property Setter Trying to keep the API small, but needed this in real world use by Sean DeNigris [Enh] GT columns from desc Add columns to a gt list for each described field by Jan BlizniÄenko Made loadable in Pharo 11 and 12 (#323) * Baseline supporting Pharo 11 and 12 * Updated Grease version * Mention Pharo 9+ in README by Juraj Kubelka Feenk: Announce description property changes (#331) * Add `blocStencil`to number description [feenkcom/gtoolkit#2543] * Magritte descriptions announce property value changes [feenkcom/gtoolkit#3371] - add `MAPropertyChangedAnnouncement` - currently we support all properties and `MAActionDescription >> #label:` (which stored as an instance variable) * add `MAElementDescription>>#autoAccept` [feenkcom/gtoolkit#3371] * improve method comments [feenkcom/gtoolkit#3371] * add `MATPropertyOwner >> #unsubscribel:` [feenkcom/gtoolkit#3378] - - - --------- Co-authored-by: Veit Heller <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Andrei Chis <[email protected]> by John Brant ts parser changes by Tudor Girba add page with editing python sources feenkcom/gtoolkit#3572
Release v1.0.425
Release version v1.0.425 Metacello new baseline: 'GToolkitForPharo9'; repository: 'github://feenkcom/gtoolkit:v1.0.425/src'; load All commits (including upstream repositories) since last build: by svenvc PBPharoProcessKiller added (not yet integrated) error handler in PBPharoPipenvProcess changed by Veit Heller Add tableOfContentsPageID property to volatile monitor
Release v1.0.424
Release version v1.0.424 Metacello new baseline: 'GToolkitForPharo9'; repository: 'github://feenkcom/gtoolkit:v1.0.424/src'; load All commits (including upstream repositories) since last build: by Aliaksei Syrel event listener shouldn't handle space task events by Aliaksei Syrel infiniteElement should dispatch events rather than firing them
Release v1.0.423
Release version v1.0.423 Metacello new baseline: 'GToolkitForPharo9'; repository: 'github://feenkcom/gtoolkit:v1.0.423/src'; load All commits (including upstream repositories) since last build: by Aliaksei Syrel [feenkcom/gtoolkit#3571] collect MessageTally when recording a memory telemetry by Aliaksei Syrel [feenkcom/gtoolkit#3571] collect MessageTally when recording a memory telemetry by Aliaksei Syrel Merge e409e212c3d41fdb8130cfaaf5e98bc9d626b742 by Aliaksei Syrel [feenkcom/gtoolkit#3571] collect MessageTally when recording a memory telemetry
Release v1.0.422
Release version v1.0.422 Metacello new baseline: 'GToolkitForPharo9'; repository: 'github://feenkcom/gtoolkit:v1.0.422/src'; load All commits (including upstream repositories) since last build: by Alistair Grant Ensure that a reconnected session is in the GtGemStoneSessionRegistry.
Release v1.0.421
Release version v1.0.421 Metacello new baseline: 'GToolkitForPharo9'; repository: 'github://feenkcom/gtoolkit:v1.0.421/src'; load All commits (including upstream repositories) since last build: by Don Roberts Add keyboard shortcut to debugger button labels