This module provide some evaluation method for classification and regression. It contains:
- AUC: Compute AUC for binary classification.
- KS: Compute Kolmogorov-Smirnov for binary classification.
- LIFT: Compute lift of binary classification.
- PRECISION: Compute the precision for binary and multiple classification
- RECALL: Compute the recall for binary and multiple classification
- ACCURACY: Compute the accuracy for binary and multiple classification
- EXPLAINED_VARIANCE: Compute explain variance
- MEAN_ABSOLUTE_ERROR: Compute mean absolute error
- MEAN_SQUARED_ERROR: Compute mean square error
- MEAN_SQUARED_LOG_ERROR: Compute mean squared logarithmic error
- MEDIAN_ABSOLUTE_ERROR: Compute median absolute error
- R2_SCORE: Compute R^2 (coefficient of determination) score
- ROOT_MEAN_SQUARED_ERROR: Compute the root of mean square error
All of the evaluation above can be used for classification, while regression just support EXPLAINED_VARIANCE, MEAN_ABSOLUTE_ERROR, MEAN_SQUARED_ERROR, MEAN_SQUARED_LOG_ERROR, MEDIAN_ABSOLUTE_ERROR, R2_SCORE, ROOT_MEAN_SQUARED_ERROR