- Added
andAll Clear
response types for CAP 1.2
- Coordinates of a polygon should be an array of coordinate arrays rather than a single coordinate array. (Seth Deckard)
- Moved Fixnum extenions to Integer
- Ruby 2.4.0 tested
- Adds GeoJSON export to Polygon and Circle
- Allow the polygons to be empty.
- Allow the values of parameters, area codes and event codes to be empty.
- Further integration of validations.
- Removed assistance gem and extracted validations into a local file. (David van Geest)
- Fixed YAML import and export.
- Ruby 2.1 tested
- Added RCAP::Info to initialise an Info object semi-independently from an Alert.
- Better whitespace handling on parsing
- RCAP.attribute_values_to_hash now does not filter out values that are empty, only nil.
- Fixed typo
- Use CAP date format in Alert reference and to_s
- Changed initialisation to block/builder style
- Refactored RCAP so protocol versions are subclassed from classes in RCAP::Base module
- Moved XML_PRETTY_PRINTER into RCAP namespace to avoid namespace issues
- Added Resource#decoded_deref_uri
- RCAP::Alert.from_xml can load from a String or IO object
- Removed Resource#deref_uri= in 1.1 and 1.2 API.
- Added Resource#calculate_hash_and_size to calculate size and SHA1 hash of deref_uri if present
- Hash and size of dereferenced URI are also calculated on an explicit call to Resource#dereference_uri!
- Fixed parsing bug when creating Parameter and subclasses from XML
- Fixed Time#utc_hours_offset to use localtime to preserve TZ info (Earle Clubb)
- Fixed polygon parsing and made it consistent across versions
- Fixed bug initialising 'audience' attribute in Info class
- Added CAP/Atom files from Google CAP Library project into specs
- Organised extension code into separate file
- Modifed RCAP::Alert.from_xml to auto-detect the XML namespace and CAP version. Will default to CAP 1.2 if no namespace is found.
- CAP 1.1 and CAP 1.2 - Resource#dereference_uri! fetches data from Resource#uri and sets Resource#deref_uri
- Resource#deref_uri= will also automatically set size and calculate SHA1 digest
- Resources correctly deal with size on import and export
- Documentation and code cleanup
- Added CAP 1.0 Support
- Added RCAP::Alert.from_h
- Added CAP 1.2 Support
- Added namespaces (RCAP::CAP_1_1 and RCAP::CAP_1_2) to seperate CAP 1.1 and CAP 1.2 classes
- Moved to RSpec2 and Bundler
- Added factory methods to create Info, Resource, Area and Polygon objects from their parents
- Added factory methods to RCAP::Alert module to parse in files and return the correct RCAP objects
- Pretty print XML and JSON output
- Implemented Hash generation and parsing
- Implemented JSON generation and parsing
- Circle is now a subclass of Point
- Bugfix release
- Implemented to_s/inspect methods for all classes
- Implemented YAML generation and parsing
- Documentation improvements
- Initial release