Cyclouse is a modern iOS e-commerce application for bicycles and accessories, built with Swift and leveraging the latest frameworks and technologies 🚲
Profile | Home | Map | Payment |
Clone the repository: Open a terminal window and type the following command to clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Install dependencies using Swift Package Manager: Navigate to the project directory:
cd Cyclouse
Once in the project directory, run the following command to resolve and fetch the project dependencies:
swift package resolve
- Custom Animated Tab Bar: Engaging navigation with smooth animations
- Nested Collection Views: Efficient browsing of categories and products
- Hero Transitions: Seamless transitions between screens
- ReactiveCollectionsKit Integration: Dynamic collection view updates
- Plus Jakarta Sans Typography: Modern and clean font for better readability
- SwiftData for local persistence
- Real-time GPS tracking with CoreLocation
- MapKit integration with 3D views
- Custom map annotations
- SwiftMessages for custom alerts
- EasyNotificationBadge for cart updates
- JDStatusBarNotification integration
- Interactive toast messages
- Status bar notifications
- SkeletonView for loading states
- Hero animations for transitions
- IQKeyboardManager integration
- Lottie animations
- NVActivityIndicatorView for loading button
- MVVM-C pattern with Coordinator
- Dependency injection using Swinject
- Reactive programming with Combine
- Protocol-oriented design
- iOS 15.0 or later
- Xcode 14.0 or later
- Swift 5.5 or later
- CocoaPods 1.11.0 or later
Cyclouse uses MVVM-C pattern with:
- Model: Data structures and business logic
- View: UI components and layouts
- ViewModel: Business logic
- Coordinator: Navigation and flow management
- Swift
- UIKit
- SwiftData
- MapKit & CoreLocation
- Combine & CombineCocoa
- SnapKit for layouts
- PhoneNumberKit
- Hero Transitions
- SwiftMessages
- Lottie Animations
- IQKeyboardManager
- Plus Jakarta Sans typography
- ReactiveCollectionsKit
- Valet for securely stores sensitive data in the keychain
- Firebase services
- SwiftData persistence
- Alamofire with Combine
This project is currently unlicensed. All rights reserved.