diff --git a/post_build.sh b/post_build.sh
index 6c81b56..c7300ef 100755
--- a/post_build.sh
+++ b/post_build.sh
@@ -57,9 +57,66 @@ serviceWorkerJsFile=$(find ./dist/.stage -iname "service-worker.js")
echo "Replacing {{cssBuildVersion}} placeholder in: ${serviceWorkerJsFile}"
sed -i "s/{{cssBuildVersion}}/${cssBuildVersion}/g" "${serviceWorkerJsFile}"
-### Required for chrome extension, no inline scripting
+# ### Required for chrome extension, no inline scripting
echo "Extracting script content from index.html and creating initWebimint.js"
scriptContent=$(sed -n 's|.*.*|\1|p' "${indexHtmlFile}")
-echo "${scriptContent}" >./dist/.stage/initWebimint.js
-echo "Replacing original script tag in index.html with reference to initWebimint.js"
-sed -i 's|||' "${indexHtmlFile}"
+if [ -n "${scriptContent}" ]; then
+ echo "${scriptContent}" >./dist/.stage/initWebimint.js
+ echo "Replacing original script tag in index.html with reference to initWebimint.js"
+ sed -i 's|||' "${indexHtmlFile}"
+else # using trunk serve, multiline script tags, have to extract line by line
+ echo "Using trunk serve, multiline script tags, have to extract line by line"
+ echo "Extracting script content from index.html and creating separate .js files"
+ # Directory where the new JS files will be stored
+ JS_DIR="./dist/.stage/js"
+ mkdir -p "$JS_DIR"
+ # Counter to name the extracted JS files uniquely
+ # Temporary file to hold the modified HTML content
+ TMP_HTML=$(mktemp)
+ # Initialize SCRIPT_OPEN to 0 before the loop
+ # Read the index.html file line by line
+ while IFS= read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
+ if [[ $line =~ \\ ]]; then
+ # Inline script tag with no content, just copy the line
+ echo "$line" >>"$TMP_HTML"
+ elif [[ $line =~ \(.*) ]]; then
+ # Opening script tag with potential inline content
+ # Capture any content on the same line as the opening script tag
+ if [[ $SCRIPT_CONTENT ]]; then
+ # If there's inline content right after the script tag, add a newline to start accumulating correctly
+ fi
+ elif [[ $line =~ \ ]]; then
+ # Closing script tag, write content to a new JS file
+ SCRIPT_FILE="$JS_DIR/extracted_$COUNTER.js"
+ # Replace the script tag in HTML with a reference to the new JS file
+ echo "" >>"$TMP_HTML"
+ SCRIPT_CONTENT="" # Reset SCRIPT_CONTENT for the next script
+ elif [[ $SCRIPT_OPEN -eq 1 ]]; then
+ # Inside a script tag, accumulate the content
+ SCRIPT_CONTENT+="$line"$'\n'
+ else
+ # Outside script tags, just copy the line
+ echo "$line" >>"$TMP_HTML"
+ fi
+ done <"${indexHtmlFile}"
+ # Replace the original HTML file with the modified one
+ mv "$TMP_HTML" "${indexHtmlFile}"
+ # Clean up
+ rm -f "$TMP_HTML"
+ # Replace placeholder trunk address in JavaScript files
+ echo "Replacing {{__TRUNK_ADDRESS__}} placeholder in extracted JavaScript files"
+ jsFiles=$(find ./dist/.stage/js -iname "*.js")
+ for file in $jsFiles; do
+ sed -i "s/{{__TRUNK_ADDRESS__}}/${TRUNK_ADDRESS}/g" "$file"
+ echo "Replaced in: $file"
+ done