diff --git a/Directory.Build.props b/Directory.Build.props
index ea26ea0..b8bd78b 100644
--- a/Directory.Build.props
+++ b/Directory.Build.props
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
- canary
+ canary.0
@@ -21,6 +21,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Elastic.OpenTelemetry.sln b/Elastic.OpenTelemetry.sln
index b4cc94f..e93ec81 100644
--- a/Elastic.OpenTelemetry.sln
+++ b/Elastic.OpenTelemetry.sln
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ EndProject
Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "docs", "docs\docs.csproj", "{37AF68F4-59EF-4B10-B1A0-87DEEB37CDCA}"
Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "tests", "tests", "{AAD39891-0B70-47FA-A212-43E1AAE5DF56}"
+ ProjectSection(SolutionItems) = preProject
+ tests\Directory.Build.props = tests\Directory.Build.props
+ tests\xunit.runner.json = tests\xunit.runner.json
+ EndProjectSection
Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "Elastic.OpenTelemetry.Tests", "tests\Elastic.OpenTelemetry.Tests\Elastic.OpenTelemetry.Tests.csproj", "{22BF9223-3A6D-4197-8527-3E4E43A98A81}"
diff --git a/build/build.fsproj b/build/build.fsproj
index 4e6e194..c047be2 100644
--- a/build/build.fsproj
+++ b/build/build.fsproj
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
diff --git a/build/scripts/BuildInformation.fs b/build/scripts/BuildInformation.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6103337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/scripts/BuildInformation.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+// Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V under one or more agreements.
+// Elasticsearch B.V licenses this file to you under the Apache 2.0 License.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information
+module BuildInformation
+open System
+open System.IO
+open System.Threading
+open Fake.Core
+open Proc.Fs
+open Fake.Tools.Git
+type BuildConfiguration =
+ static member ValidateAssemblyName = false
+ static member GenerateApiChanges = false
+type Software =
+ static member Organization = "elastic"
+ static member Repository = "elastic-otel-dotnet"
+ static member GithubMoniker = $"%s{Software.Organization}/%s{Software.Repository}"
+ static member SignKey = "069ca2728db333c1"
+ static let restore =
+ Lazy((fun _ -> exec { run "dotnet" "tool" "restore" }), LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication)
+ static let versionInfo =
+ Lazy(fun _ ->
+ let sha = Information.getCurrentSHA1 "."
+ let output = exec {
+ binary "dotnet"
+ arguments "minver" "-p" "canary.0" "-m" "0.1"
+ find (fun l -> not(l.Error))
+ }
+ SemVer.parse <| $"%s{output.Line}+%s{sha}"
+ , LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication)
+ static member Version = restore.Value; versionInfo.Value
+type Paths =
+ static member private Root =
+ let mutable dir = DirectoryInfo(".")
+ while dir.GetFiles("*.sln").Length = 0 do dir <- dir.Parent
+ Environment.CurrentDirectory <- dir.FullName
+ dir
+ static member RelativePathToRoot path = Path.GetRelativePath(Paths.Root.FullName, path)
+ static member ArtifactFolder = DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Paths.Root.FullName, ".artifacts"))
+ static member ArtifactPath t = DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Paths.ArtifactFolder.FullName, t))
+type OS =
+ | OSX | Windows | Linux
+ static member Current =
+ match int Environment.OSVersion.Platform with
+ | 4 | 128 -> Linux
+ | 6 -> OSX
+ | _ -> Windows
diff --git a/build/scripts/CommandLine.fs b/build/scripts/CommandLine.fs
index 545f2b0..e946bd2 100644
--- a/build/scripts/CommandLine.fs
+++ b/build/scripts/CommandLine.fs
@@ -6,9 +6,12 @@ module CommandLine
open Argu
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
+open System
+open Bullseye
-type Arguments =
+type Build =
| [] Clean
+ | [] Version
| [] Build
| [] Test
@@ -19,33 +22,53 @@ type Arguments =
| [] GenerateApiChanges
| [] Release
- | [] CreateReleaseOnGithub
- | [] Publish
- | [] SingleTarget of bool
+ | [] SingleTarget
| [] Token of string
- | [] CleanCheckout of bool
+ | [] SkipDirtyCheck
interface IArgParserTemplate with
member this.Usage =
match this with
+ // commands
| Clean -> "clean known output locations"
+ | Version -> "print version information"
| Build -> "Run build"
| Test -> "Runs build then tests"
| Release -> "runs build, tests, and create and validates the packages shy of publishing them"
- | Publish -> "Runs the full release"
- | SingleTarget _ -> "Runs the provided sub command without running their dependencies"
- | Token _ -> "Token to be used to authenticate with github"
- | CleanCheckout _ -> "Skip the clean checkout check that guards the release/publish targets"
+ // steps
| PristineCheck
| GeneratePackages
| ValidatePackages
| GenerateReleaseNotes
- | GenerateApiChanges
- | CreateReleaseOnGithub
- -> "Undocumented, dependent target"
- member this.Name =
- match FSharpValue.GetUnionFields(this, typeof) with
+ | GenerateApiChanges -> "Undocumented, dependent target"
+ // flags
+ | SingleTarget -> "Runs the provided sub command without running their dependencies"
+ | Token _ -> "Token to be used to authenticate with github"
+ | SkipDirtyCheck -> "Skip the clean checkout check that guards the release/publish targets"
+ member this.StepName =
+ match FSharpValue.GetUnionFields(this, typeof) with
| case, _ -> case.Name.ToLowerInvariant()
+ static member Targets =
+ let cases = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(typeof)
+ seq {
+ for c in cases do
+ if c.GetFields().Length = 0 then
+ FSharpValue.MakeUnion(c, [| |]) :?> Build
+ }
+ static member Ignore (_: Build) _ = ()
+ static member Step action (target: Build) parsed =
+ Targets.Target(target.StepName, Action(fun _ -> action(parsed)))
+ static member Cmd (dependsOn: Build list) (composedOf: Build list) action (target: Build) (parsed: ParseResults) =
+ let singleTarget = parsed.TryGetResult SingleTarget |> Option.isSome
+ let dependsOn = if singleTarget then [] else dependsOn
+ let steps = dependsOn @ composedOf |> List.map (_.StepName)
+ Targets.Target(target.StepName, steps, Action(fun _ -> action parsed))
diff --git a/build/scripts/Paths.fs b/build/scripts/Paths.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index c0b858e..0000000
--- a/build/scripts/Paths.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V under one or more agreements.
-// Elasticsearch B.V licenses this file to you under the Apache 2.0 License.
-// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information
-module Paths
-open System
-open System.IO
-let ToolName = "elastic-transport-net"
-let Repository = sprintf "elastic/%s" ToolName
-let MainTFM = "netstandard2.0"
-let SignKey = "069ca2728db333c1"
-let ValidateAssemblyName = false
-let IncludeGitHashInInformational = true
-let GenerateApiChanges = false
-let Root =
- let mutable dir = DirectoryInfo(".")
- while dir.GetFiles("*.sln").Length = 0 do dir <- dir.Parent
- Environment.CurrentDirectory <- dir.FullName
- dir
-let RootRelative path = Path.GetRelativePath(Root.FullName, path)
-let Output = DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Root.FullName, "build", "output"))
-let ToolProject = DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Root.FullName, "src", ToolName))
diff --git a/build/scripts/Program.fs b/build/scripts/Program.fs
index a574d9a..744e51a 100644
--- a/build/scripts/Program.fs
+++ b/build/scripts/Program.fs
@@ -11,26 +11,30 @@ open CommandLine
let main argv =
- let parser = ArgumentParser.Create(programName = "./build.sh")
+ let argv = if argv.Length = 0 then ["build"] |> Array.ofList else argv
+ let parser = ArgumentParser.Create(programName = "./build.sh")
let parsed =
let parsed = parser.ParseCommandLine(inputs = argv, raiseOnUsage = true)
- let arguments = parsed.GetSubCommand()
- Some (parsed, arguments)
+ Some parsed
with e ->
- printfn "%s" e.Message
+ printfn $"%s{e.Message}"
match parsed with
| None -> 2
- | Some (parsed, arguments) ->
+ | Some parsed ->
- let target = arguments.Name
+ let target = parsed.GetSubCommand().StepName
+ Targets.Setup parsed
- Targets.Setup parsed arguments
let swallowTypes = [typeof; typeof]
+ let shortErrorsFor = (fun e -> swallowTypes |> List.contains (e.GetType()) )
+ async {
+ do! Async.SwitchToThreadPool ()
+ return! Targets.RunTargetsAndExitAsync([target], shortErrorsFor, fun _ -> ":") |> Async.AwaitTask
+ } |> Async.RunSynchronously
- Targets.RunTargetsAndExit
- ([target], (fun e -> swallowTypes |> List.contains (e.GetType()) ), ":")
diff --git a/build/scripts/Targets.fs b/build/scripts/Targets.fs
index f65d4f2..3bc30f7 100644
--- a/build/scripts/Targets.fs
+++ b/build/scripts/Targets.fs
@@ -5,188 +5,132 @@
module Targets
open Argu
-open System
open System.IO
-open Bullseye
open CommandLine
+open Fake.Core
+open Fake.IO
open Fake.Tools.Git
-open ProcNet
-open System
+open Proc.Fs
+open BuildInformation
-type OS =
- | OSX
- | Windows
- | Linux
-let getOS =
- match int Environment.OSVersion.Platform with
- | 4 | 128 -> Linux
- | 6 -> OSX
- | _ -> Windows
+let private clean _ =
+ exec { run "dotnet" "clean" }
+ Shell.cleanDir Paths.ArtifactFolder.FullName
-let execWithTimeout binary args timeout =
- let opts =
- ExecArguments(binary, args |> List.map (sprintf "\"%s\"") |> List.toArray)
- let options = args |> String.concat " "
- printfn ":: Running command: %s %s" binary options
- let r = Proc.Exec(opts, timeout)
- match r.HasValue with
- | true -> r.Value
- | false -> failwithf "invocation of `%s` timed out" binary
+let private build _ = exec { run "dotnet" "build" "-c" "Release" }
-let exec binary args =
- execWithTimeout binary args (TimeSpan.FromMinutes 10)
+let private release _ = printfn "release"
-let private restoreTools = lazy(exec "dotnet" ["tool"; "restore"])
-let private currentVersion =
- lazy(
- restoreTools.Value |> ignore
- let r = Proc.Start("dotnet", "minver", "--default-pre-release-phase", "canary", "-m", "0.1")
- let o = r.ConsoleOut |> Seq.find (fun l -> not(l.Line.StartsWith("MinVer:")))
- o.Line
- )
-let private currentVersionInformational =
- lazy(
- match Paths.IncludeGitHashInInformational with
- | false -> currentVersion.Value
- | true -> sprintf "%s+%s" currentVersion.Value (Information.getCurrentSHA1( "."))
- )
+let private publish _ = printfn "publish"
-let private clean (arguments:ParseResults) =
- if (Paths.Output.Exists) then Paths.Output.Delete (true)
- exec "dotnet" ["clean"] |> ignore
-let private build (arguments:ParseResults) = exec "dotnet" ["build"; "-c"; "Release"] |> ignore
+let private version _ =
+ let version = Software.Version
+ printfn $"Informational version: %s{version.AsString}"
+ printfn $"Semantic version: %s{version.NormalizeToShorter()}"
-let private pristineCheck (arguments:ParseResults) =
- let doCheck = arguments.TryGetResult CleanCheckout |> Option.defaultValue true
- match doCheck, Information.isCleanWorkingCopy "." with
+let private generatePackages _ = exec { run "dotnet" "pack" }
+let private pristineCheck (arguments:ParseResults) =
+ let skipCheck = arguments.TryGetResult SkipDirtyCheck |> Option.isSome
+ match skipCheck, Information.isCleanWorkingCopy "." with
+ | true, _ -> printfn "Checkout is dirty but -c was specified to ignore this"
| _, true -> printfn "The checkout folder does not have pending changes, proceeding"
- | false, _ -> printf "Checkout is dirty but -c was specified to ignore this"
- | _ -> failwithf "The checkout folder has pending changes, aborting"
+ | _ -> failwithf "The checkout folder has pending changes, aborting. Specify -c to ./build.sh to skip this check"
-let private test (arguments:ParseResults) =
- let junitOutput = Path.Combine(Paths.Output.FullName, "junit-{assembly}-{framework}-test-results.xml")
- let loggerPathArgs = sprintf "LogFilePath=%s" junitOutput
- let loggerArg = sprintf "--logger:\"junit;%s\"" loggerPathArgs
- let tfmArgs =
- if getOS = OS.Windows then [] else ["-f"; "net6.0"]
- exec "dotnet" (["test"; "-c"; "Release"; loggerArg] @ tfmArgs) |> ignore
+let private test _ =
+ let testOutputPath = Paths.ArtifactPath "tests"
+ let junitOutput = Path.Combine(testOutputPath.FullName, "junit-{assembly}-{framework}-test-results.xml")
+ let loggerPathArgs = $"LogFilePath=%s{junitOutput}"
+ let loggerArg = $"--logger:\"junit;%s{loggerPathArgs}\""
+ let tfmArgs = if OS.Current = OS.Windows then [] else ["-f"; "net8.0"]
+ exec {
+ run "dotnet" (["test"; "-c"; "Release"; loggerArg] @ tfmArgs)
+ }
-let private generatePackages (arguments:ParseResults) =
- let output = Paths.RootRelative Paths.Output.FullName
- exec "dotnet" ["pack"; "-c"; "Release"; "-o"; output] |> ignore
-let private validatePackages (arguments:ParseResults) =
- let output = Paths.RootRelative <| Paths.Output.FullName
+let private validatePackages _ =
+ let packagesPath = Paths.ArtifactPath "package"
+ let output = Paths.RelativePathToRoot <| packagesPath.FullName
let nugetPackages =
- Paths.Output.GetFiles("*.nupkg") |> Seq.sortByDescending(fun f -> f.CreationTimeUtc)
- |> Seq.map (fun p -> Paths.RootRelative p.FullName)
+ packagesPath.GetFiles("*.nupkg", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
+ |> Seq.sortByDescending(fun f -> f.CreationTimeUtc)
+ |> Seq.map (fun p -> Paths.RelativePathToRoot p.FullName)
- let jenkinsOnWindowsArgs =
- if Fake.Core.Environment.hasEnvironVar "JENKINS_URL" && Fake.Core.Environment.isWindows then ["-r"; "true"] else []
- let args = ["-v"; currentVersionInformational.Value; "-k"; Paths.SignKey; "-t"; output] @ jenkinsOnWindowsArgs
- nugetPackages |> Seq.iter (fun p -> exec "dotnet" (["nupkg-validator"; p] @ args) |> ignore)
+ let args = ["-v"; Software.Version.AsString; "-k"; Software.SignKey; "-t"; output]
+ nugetPackages
+ |> Seq.iter (fun p ->
+ exec { run "dotnet" (["nupkg-validator"; p] @ args) }
+ )
-let private generateApiChanges (arguments:ParseResults) =
- let output = Paths.RootRelative <| Paths.Output.FullName
- let currentVersion = currentVersion.Value
+let private generateApiChanges _ =
+ let packagesPath = Paths.ArtifactPath "package"
+ let output = Paths.RelativePathToRoot <| packagesPath.FullName
+ let currentVersion = Software.Version.NormalizeToShorter()
let nugetPackages =
- Paths.Output.GetFiles("*.nupkg") |> Seq.sortByDescending(fun f -> f.CreationTimeUtc)
- |> Seq.map (fun p -> Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Paths.RootRelative p.FullName).Replace("." + currentVersion, ""))
+ packagesPath.GetFiles("*.nupkg", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
+ |> Seq.sortByDescending(fun f -> f.CreationTimeUtc)
+ |> Seq.map (fun p -> Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Paths.RelativePathToRoot p.FullName).Replace("." + currentVersion, ""))
|> Seq.iter(fun p ->
- let outputFile =
- let f = sprintf "breaking-changes-%s.md" p
- Path.Combine(output, f)
+ let outputFile = Path.Combine(output, $"breaking-changes-%s{p}.md")
+ let tfm = "net8.0"
let args =
- (sprintf "previous-nuget|%s|%s|%s" p currentVersion Paths.MainTFM);
- (sprintf "directory|src/%s/bin/Release/%s" p Paths.MainTFM);
+ $"previous-nuget|%s{p}|%s{currentVersion}|%s{tfm}";
+ //$"directory|.artifacts/bin/%s{p}/release/%s{tfm}";
+ $"directory|.artifacts/bin/%s{p}/release";
"-a"; "true"; "--target"; p; "-f"; "github-comment"; "--output"; outputFile
- exec "dotnet" args |> ignore
+ exec { run "dotnet" args }
-let private generateReleaseNotes (arguments:ParseResults) =
- let currentVersion = currentVersion.Value
+let private generateReleaseNotes (arguments:ParseResults) =
+ let currentVersion = Software.Version.NormalizeToShorter()
+ let releaseNotesPath = Paths.ArtifactPath "release-notes"
let output =
- Paths.RootRelative <| Path.Combine(Paths.Output.FullName, sprintf "release-notes-%s.md" currentVersion)
+ Paths.RelativePathToRoot <| Path.Combine(releaseNotesPath.FullName, $"release-notes-%s{currentVersion}.md")
let tokenArgs =
match arguments.TryGetResult Token with
| None -> []
| Some token -> ["--token"; token;]
let releaseNotesArgs =
- (Paths.Repository.Split("/") |> Seq.toList)
+ (Software.GithubMoniker.Split("/") |> Seq.toList)
@ ["--version"; currentVersion
- "--label"; "enhancement"; "New Features"
- "--label"; "bug"; "Bug Fixes"
- "--label"; "documentation"; "Docs Improvements"
+ "--label"; "enhancement"; "Features"
+ "--label"; "bug"; "Fixes"
+ "--label"; "documentation"; "Documentation"
] @ tokenArgs
@ ["--output"; output]
- exec "dotnet" (["release-notes"] @ releaseNotesArgs) |> ignore
+ let args = ["release-notes"] @ releaseNotesArgs
+ exec { run "dotnet" args }
-let private createReleaseOnGithub (arguments:ParseResults) =
- let currentVersion = currentVersion.Value
- let tokenArgs =
- match arguments.TryGetResult Token with
- | None -> []
- | Some token -> ["--token"; token;]
- let releaseNotes = Paths.RootRelative <| Path.Combine(Paths.Output.FullName, sprintf "release-notes-%s.md" currentVersion)
- let breakingChanges =
- let breakingChangesDocs = Paths.Output.GetFiles("breaking-changes-*.md")
- breakingChangesDocs
- |> Seq.map(fun f -> ["--body"; Paths.RootRelative f.FullName])
- |> Seq.collect id
- |> Seq.toList
- let releaseArgs =
- (Paths.Repository.Split("/") |> Seq.toList)
- @ ["create-release"
- "--version"; currentVersion
- "--body"; releaseNotes;
- ] @ breakingChanges @ tokenArgs
- exec "dotnet" (["release-notes"] @ releaseArgs) |> ignore
-let private release (arguments:ParseResults) = printfn "release"
-let private publish (arguments:ParseResults) = printfn "publish"
+let Setup (parsed:ParseResults) =
+ let wireCommandLine (t: Build) =
+ match t with
+ // commands
+ | Version -> Build.Step version
+ | Clean -> Build.Cmd [Version] [] clean
+ | Build -> Build.Cmd [Clean] [] build
+ | Test -> Build.Cmd [Build] [] test
+ | Release ->
+ Build.Cmd
+ [PristineCheck; Test]
+ [GeneratePackages; ValidatePackages; GenerateReleaseNotes; GenerateApiChanges]
+ release
+ // steps
+ | PristineCheck -> Build.Step pristineCheck
+ | GeneratePackages -> Build.Step generatePackages
+ | ValidatePackages -> Build.Step validatePackages
+ | GenerateReleaseNotes -> Build.Step generateReleaseNotes
+ | GenerateApiChanges -> Build.Step generateApiChanges
+ // flags
+ | SingleTarget
+ | Token _
+ | SkipDirtyCheck -> Build.Ignore
-let Setup (parsed:ParseResults) (subCommand:Arguments) =
- let step (name:string) action = Targets.Target(name, new Action(fun _ -> action(parsed)))
- let cmd (name:string) commandsBefore steps action =
- let singleTarget = (parsed.TryGetResult SingleTarget |> Option.defaultValue false)
- let deps =
- match (singleTarget, commandsBefore) with
- | (true, _) -> []
- | (_, Some d) -> d
- | _ -> []
- let steps = steps |> Option.defaultValue []
- Targets.Target(name, deps @ steps, Action(action))
- step Clean.Name clean
- cmd Build.Name None (Some [Clean.Name]) <| fun _ -> build parsed
- cmd Test.Name (Some [Build.Name;]) None <| fun _ -> test parsed
- step PristineCheck.Name pristineCheck
- step GeneratePackages.Name generatePackages
- step ValidatePackages.Name validatePackages
- step GenerateReleaseNotes.Name generateReleaseNotes
- step GenerateApiChanges.Name generateApiChanges
- cmd Release.Name
- (Some [PristineCheck.Name; Test.Name;])
- (Some [GeneratePackages.Name; ValidatePackages.Name; GenerateReleaseNotes.Name; GenerateApiChanges.Name])
- <| fun _ -> release parsed
- step CreateReleaseOnGithub.Name createReleaseOnGithub
- cmd Publish.Name
- (Some [Release.Name])
- (Some [CreateReleaseOnGithub.Name; ])
- <| fun _ -> publish parsed
+ for target in Build.Targets do
+ let setup = wireCommandLine target
+ setup target parsed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dotnet-tools.json b/dotnet-tools.json
index 3da4e96..bb26c1d 100644
--- a/dotnet-tools.json
+++ b/dotnet-tools.json
@@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
"isRoot": true,
"tools": {
"minver-cli": {
- "version": "4.2.0",
+ "version": "4.3.0",
"commands": [
"assembly-differ": {
- "version": "0.13.0",
+ "version": "0.15.0",
"commands": [
"release-notes": {
- "version": "0.5.2",
+ "version": "0.6.0",
"commands": [
"nupkg-validator": {
- "version": "0.5.0",
+ "version": "0.6.0",
"commands": [
diff --git a/src/Directory.Build.props b/src/Directory.Build.props
index 05c9ae4..3822a2f 100644
--- a/src/Directory.Build.props
+++ b/src/Directory.Build.props
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- $(SolutionRoot)\README.md
diff --git a/src/Elastic.OpenTelemetry/Elastic.OpenTelemetry.csproj b/src/Elastic.OpenTelemetry/Elastic.OpenTelemetry.csproj
index 26473e4..f63c618 100644
--- a/src/Elastic.OpenTelemetry/Elastic.OpenTelemetry.csproj
+++ b/src/Elastic.OpenTelemetry/Elastic.OpenTelemetry.csproj
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
+ True
diff --git a/tests/Directory.Build.props b/tests/Directory.Build.props
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d3ebd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Directory.Build.props
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ True
+ true
+ true
+ runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive
+ all
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/Elastic.OpenTelemetry.Tests/Elastic.OpenTelemetry.Tests.csproj b/tests/Elastic.OpenTelemetry.Tests/Elastic.OpenTelemetry.Tests.csproj
index d498be1..0c0c703 100644
--- a/tests/Elastic.OpenTelemetry.Tests/Elastic.OpenTelemetry.Tests.csproj
+++ b/tests/Elastic.OpenTelemetry.Tests/Elastic.OpenTelemetry.Tests.csproj
@@ -10,17 +10,6 @@
- runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive
- all
- runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive
- all
diff --git a/tests/xunit.runner.json b/tests/xunit.runner.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c5ec42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/xunit.runner.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "$schema": "https://xunit.net/schema/current/xunit.runner.schema.json",
+ "diagnosticMessages": true,
+ "internalDiagnosticMessages": true,
+ "longRunningTestSeconds": 2
\ No newline at end of file