- 6502 6502 Language Implementation Approaches
- 6502 This wiki has been set up to provide a wiki for the members of the 6502.org community
- 6502.org 6502.org is a resource for people interested in building hardware or writing software for the 6502 microprocessor and its relatives
- 6502.org Source code for the 6502.org website
- 6502_6510_maths 6502/6510 Maths
- 6502tricks Dirty tricks 6502 programmers use
- dirty-tricks Dirty tricks 6502 programmers use
- MOS6502 Blog
- Retro Computing blog Retro Computing blog about small SBC systems
- Retro64 blog Blog
- team6502 The story of the team behind the chip that launched a revolution
- z80-6502 Emulating the Intel 8080 on a MOS 6502
- 6502.Net A simple .Net 6502 cross-assembler
- 6502asm-sublime A 6502 asm syntax definition for Sublime Text
- 6502bench A workbench for developing 6502 code
- 6502-disassembler A simple 6502 disassembler made in Python
- 6502-npp-syntax Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting for 6502 Assembly
- 6502-npp-syntax Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting for 6502 Assembly (and NESASM)
- acme Multi-platform cross assembler for 6502/6510/65816 CPU
- acme-crossas ACME is a cross assembler that can produce code for the following processors: 6502, 6510 (including illegal opcodes), 65c02 and 65816
- adir-reader-simulator-assembler Start of a 6502/65c02 simulator, disk image reader and an assembler
- AS65 Simple 65C02 mini-assembler
- AsmGen 6502 assembly code generator for sprites, fonts and images (Apple II and Atari). Written in Python with documenation. There are alot of other interesting repositories on his site also
- asmMerlin65816.vim MOS 6502,65c02,65816 Assembly syntax + Merlin Add-Ons
- Atalan A fun language compiler for 8-bit systems (6502, 6510, Z80, Atari, Commodore, NES, ZX Spectrum, Atmos) with great optimization
- cc65 A freeware C compiler for 6502 based systems
- dcc6502 isassembler for 6502 processors
- dis Statically Tracing 6502 Disassembler
- dis6502 6502 disassembler
- disasm A disassembler for 8 bit micros
- disasm6502 6502 disassembler
- easy6502 Easy6502 by Nick Morgan is one-stop accessible tutorial on 6502 assembly language programming, including a series of worked example programs which you can edit and run in the embedded emulator
- gcc-6502 A port of GCC to the 6502 processor family
- hac65 HAC/65 - The 6502 Inferencing Disassembler
- hystricomorph 65816 STRing COMpiler
- kickc KickC is a C-compiler that creates optimized 6502 assembler
- l65 6502 assembler from within Lua
- llvm-6502 LLVM-6502
- llvm-65816 This is an attempt to add support for the WDC 65816 to LLVM. Don't even try to use it yet
- Merlin32 Merlin 32 is a multi-pass Cross Assembler running under Windows, Linux and Mac OS X targeting 8 bit processors in the 6502 series (such as 6502 and 65c02) and the 16 bit 65c816 processor
- Merlin32ForVSCode Merlin32 extension for Visual Studio Code
- Merlin32Language Visual Studio language service for 6502 Merlin32 cross-assembler
- millfork Millfork: a middle-level programming language targeting 6502- and Z80-based microcomputers and home consoles
- n65 An assembler for the 6502 microprocessor written in Ruby
- Ophis Ophis, A cross-assembler for the 6502 series of microprocessors
- osdk The OSDK is a complete cross-development system allowing you to create software for the Oric range of computers 1
- P65Utils Utilities for the CPU 6502
- parser-6502 Parser for 6502 assembler
- pretty6502 A pretty printer for 6502, Z80, CP1610 and TMS9900 assembler code
- prog8 High level programming language and compiler targeting 6502 machines such as the C-64
- rkasm Assembler for 6502, 65C02
- sixty-five-oh-two A 65C02 Assembly eDSL in Haskell
- SixtyPical 6502-like programming language with advanced static analysis
- tcc-65816 Tiny C Compiler for 65816 CPU (based on V0.9.23) from SNES-SDK
- tdis65816 A Typist's Disassembler for the 65816 in Forth
- Thistle 6502 based architecture for OpenComputers
- TRSE Turbo Rascal Syntax Error full repo
- westerndesigncenter tools to support ROMable embedded code and in–circuit debug of control and application software
- wudsn-ide WUDSN IDE is a free integrated Apple II, Atari 2600, Atari 7800, Atari 8-bit, C64 and NES development plugin for Eclipse
- x86-to-6502 Attempts to translate x86 assembly into mos6502 assembly
- XA xa is a high-speed, two-pass portable cross-assembler. It understands mnemonics and generates code for NMOS 6502s (such as 6502A, 6504, 6507, 6510, 7501, 8500, 8501, 8502 ...), CMOS 6502s (65C02 and Rockwell R65C02) and the 65816
- xa65 xa65 is a 6502 cross assembler, running on Unix (and Unix-alikes), and producing 6502 and 65816 code. It comes complete with a set of tools
- xasm 6502 cross-assembler with original syntax extensions
- yagsdisasm Apple IIGS / 65C816 disassembler written in PHP
- 6502_65C02_functional_tests Tests for all valid opcodes of the 6502 and 65C02 processor
- 6502asm-sublime A 6502 asm syntax definition for Sublime Text 2
- disbrowser 65816 Disassembly Browser
- language-65asm Adds syntax highlighting to 65816/65C816/65802/6502/65C02 files in Atom, with extra support for various compilers
- lcc The lcc retargetable ANSI C compiler (65816 edition)
- 6502_EhBASIC_V2.22 6502 enhanced BASIC unmodified source
- ehbasic Enhanced BASIC is a BASIC interpreter for the 6502 family microprocessors
- millfork Millfork: a middle-level programming language targeting 6502- and Z80-based microcomputers and home console
- msbasic Microsoft BASIC for 6502 (Commodore, Apple, KIM-1, AIM-65, OSI, ...)
- nes_snes_controller_6502 NES & SNES Controller Driver for 6502 (Commodore 64)
- of816 Portable 32-bit Forth for the 65C816
- pettil 6502 Forth-83 dialect for the Commodore PET 2001
- VolksForth volksFORTH is a 16bit Forth System maintained by the German Forth Gesellschaft e.V.
- VTL02 Very Tiny Language for the 6502 series of CPUs
- wudsn-ide WUDSN IDE
- 6502 Code for the 6502 microprocessor, mostly for the Replica 1 computer
- 6502_solving_de An example how to solve a differential equations on a 6502 with Woz's floating point code
- 8bit Unity The Ultimate Game SDK for 80s Computers
- apple2_russian_peasant_multiplication Russian Peasant Multiplication
- arctan24 Discrete arctan function, with 24 possible outputs, in 6502 assembly
- Contiki Contiki OS for 6502 based computers. TCP/IP stack for 6502
- datamatrix6502 Data Matrix barcodes in 6502 assembly language
- hystricomorph 65816 STRing COMpiler
- ip65 IP65 - a TCP/IP stack for 6502 based computers
- json65 A JSON parser written in 6502 assembly language
- lzsa Byte-aligned, efficient lossless packer that is optimized for fast decompression on 8-bit micros
- neko A simple library for SNES programming and development in 65816 assembly
- posix-6502 Implementations of POSIX command line programs for machines targeted by the cc65 compiler
- rANS on 6502 Compression routines
- sweet16 Sweet 16 is a metaprocessor or pseudo microprocessor implemented in 6502 assembly language
- zlib6502 6502 inflate routine
- SixtyPical A 6502-like programming language with advanced static analysis
- volksForth 16bit Forth System
- 65020 The 65020 is an attempt to extend the 6502 to a more modern 32 bit design
- 6502_instruction_set 6502 Instruction Set
- rtf65002ppp The RTF65002 is a 32 bit processor with an instruction set influenced by the 6502 instruction set
- 6502 Swift 6502 emulator
- 6502Android A 6502 Emulator for Android written in Kotlin
- 6502emu A project to design an emulator for the 6502 CPU
- 6502-Emu 6502 Emulator written in C
- 6502-emu A simple 6502 emulator, with I/O via a 6850 UART
- 6502-emulator An Understandable 6502 Emulator
- 6502-opcodes Exploring the visualization of 6502 opcodes
- 6502SimDesktop Desktop Version of the Easy 6502 Simulator
- 65816.js A JavaScript 65816 Microprocessor Emulator
- acme Multi-platform cross-assembler for MOS 6502/65C02/6510/65816 CPUs
- champ A 65C02 profiler
- cpu6502 6502 emulator in Javascript
- crude65816 A crude emulator for the 65816 CPU in Forth
- crustacean_6502_emulator 6502 emulator using nightly generators to provide cycle acurate emulation and SDL for rendering
- EightBit Collection of eight-bit processor emulators (for various projects)
- EightBitNet Collection of eight-bit processor emulators (for various projects)
- emu6502 MOS 6502 Emulator
- emu816 A C++ based 65C816 Emulator
- erc-c An emulator for old / retro computers
- go6502 6502 Go emulation routines
- i6502 A 6502/65C02 virtual machine
- IDE65C02 65C02 Development System Simulator
- ksim65 Kotlin 6502/65C02 microprocessor simulator
- lib6502-jit JIT compiler for 6502 machine code, built on lib6502 and LLVM
- lib65816 65816 emulator
- Lib65816 Emulator library for the 65816 CPU
- Lua65816 A 65816 simulator based off of the work of lib65816
- mos6502 MOS 6502 Emulator
- mos6502 MOS 6502 emulator written in Rust
- mos6502-delphi A MOS 6502 CPU emulator written in Delphi (a very basic C64 + VIC20 emulator included)
- Nu256 65816 Virtual Computer
- perfect6502 Perfect6502, a MOS 6502 CPU emulator that performs a simulation of the original NMOS 6502 netlist
- pill_6502 8-bit 6502 CPU and 6850 ACIA emulation on the STM32 blue pill to run Microsoft BASIC from 1977
- py65 Simulate 6502-based microcomputer systems in Python
- r65emu Arduino emulation library for 8-bit microcomputers based on 6502, i8080 or z80
- rk65c02 Highly experimental 65C02 machine code interpreter/emulator/disassembler (work in progress)
- robo6502 Emulator
- sweet16 Advances some ideas using Steve Wozniak's 6502 SWEET16 interpreted byte-code language as inspiration
- symon A MOS Technologies 6502 System Simulator
- v6502cpp Visual6502.org Javascript simulator ported to C++
- visual6502 Transistor level 6502 Hardware Simulation in Javascript
- visual6502remix
- vm6502 Virtual Machine, MOS 6502 emulator
- x6502 x6502 is an emulator for the 6502 class of processors. It currently supports the full instruction set of the 6502 (plus a few extensions) and has a rudimentary simulated I/O bus
- 👍 C256 The C256 Foenix is a new retro computer based on the WDC 65C816 running @ 14Mhz
- 👍 commanderx16 Commander X16 8-bit computer with emulator
- 6502 Build a 6502 computer
- 65816 Homebrew 65816 computer
- 6502-sandbox PCB with WDC 6502 or 65816, connected to FPGA, SDRAM, Audio, Video, uSD and USB
- AVR_emulated_6502_4SBC Modular 6502 SBC with emulated CPU
- bravo OMEN Bravo / 65C02-based single board computer
- C256-kernel Functional specification for the C256 system ROM
- FoenixIDE Development and Debugging Suite for the C256 Foenix Family of Computers
- neon816 This project is about the design of an 8-bit/16-bit nostalgia motherboard using currently in-production parts, and designed to interface primarily with modern peripherals
- pc65816 65816 based computer
- SBC Single board computer
- SBC This site documents the design and construction of a homebrew compute
- calc65 Demo Application for a 6502 Floating Point Math Package
- kernel Orix Kernel
- penetrator Remake of the ZX Spectrum game for the Commander X16
- Trasm Tricks 65816 assembler