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Getting started with the Veracruz command-line interface

This document walks through running an example Veracruz program using the Veracruz command-line interface.

It assumes you have walked through the steps in BUILD_INSTRUCTIONS.markdown.

So do that first and make sure the tests are passing! The rest of this walkthrough will assume you're in a docker container capable of building Veracruz.

Building the Veracruz binaries

First let's make sure we've built and installed the Veracruz binaries. For this part you need to specify which Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) you are using. So for example, if you are running Veracruz on Linux, you would run make -C workspaces linux-install.

$ make -C workspaces linux
$ sudo make -C workspaces linux-install

You should now have the Veracruz binaries installed:

$ vc-client --help
veracruz-client 0.3.0

    vc-client [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <policy-path> --identity <identity> --key <key> --target <target>


Veracruz contains several independent components that are available as separate binaries:

  • vc-pgen/generate-policy - Generates and validates policy files used to describe a Veracruz computation.
  • vc-pas/proxy-attestation-server - Runs the Veracruz proxy-attestation server, which is used to attest Veracruz server instances.
  • vc-server/veracruz-server - Runs the Veracruz server, which provides a trusted, attestable enclave for Veracruz computation.
  • vc-client/veracruz-client - Communicates with the Veracruz server using an identity's certificate to upload/download data and programs for computation.
  • vc-fee/freestanding-execution-environment - Provides a freestanding execution environment that can be used to test Veracruz programs without needing the full attestation/TEE framework.
  • vc-wc/wasm-checker - Checks that a Veracruz program is able to run in a Veracruz computation.

Building the example

For this walkthrough we're going to use the Shamir secret sharing example, which can be found in the sdk/rust-examples/shamir-secret-sharing directory.

The rust-examples are a part of the applications workspace in the workspaces directory, so we need to use the workspaces/applications Cargo.toml. Note we are compiling to WebAssembly here, which Rust makes very easy for us:

$ cargo build \
    --manifest-path=workspaces/applications/Cargo.toml \
    --target wasm32-wasi \
    --release \
    --package shamir-secret-sharing

You should now find the example compiled to WebAssembly in the target/wasm32-wasi/release directory. This will be our program to execute inside a Veracruz enclave:

$ sdk/wasm-checker/wabt/bin/wasm-objdump \
    -d workspaces/applications/target/wasm32-wasi/release/shamir-secret-sharing.wasm \
    | head -n20 || [ $? -eq 141 ]

shamir-secret-sharing.wasm:     file format wasm 0x1

Code Disassembly:

000417 func[10] <__wasm_call_ctors>:
 000418: 10 cf 01                   | call 207 <__wasilibc_populate_preopens>
 00041b: 0b                         | end
00041d func[11] <undefined_weak:__wasilibc_find_relpath_alloc>:
 00041e: 00                         | unreachable
 00041f: 0b                         | end
000421 func[12] <_start>:
 000422: 01 7f                      | local[0] type=i32
 000424: 02 40                      | block
 000426: 10 ad 80 80 80 00          |   call 45 <__original_main>
 00042c: 22 00                      |   local.tee 0
 00042e: 45                         |   i32.eqz
 00042f: 0d 00                      |   br_if 0
 000431: 20 00                      |   local.get 0
 000433: 10 d5 81 80 80 00          |   call 213 <exit>

Lets go ahead and copy this to an example directory to make the paths a bit easier to use:

$ mkdir -p example
$ cp workspaces/applications/target/wasm32-wasi/release/shamir-secret-sharing.wasm example/example-binary.wasm

Generating certificates

Identities in Veracruz are specified by a private key and signed x509 certificate.

In practice, a single identity can have many roles, but for our example we're going to create a separate identity for the program provider, result reader, and three data providers:

$ openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey > example/example-program-key.pem
$ openssl req -x509 -days 3650 \
    -key example/example-program-key.pem \
    -out example/example-program-cert.pem \
    -config workspaces/cert.conf

$ openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey > example/example-data0-key.pem
$ openssl req -x509 -days 3650 \
    -key example/example-data0-key.pem \
    -out example/example-data0-cert.pem \
    -config workspaces/cert.conf

$ openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey > example/example-data1-key.pem
$ openssl req -x509 -days 3650 \
    -key example/example-data1-key.pem \
    -out example/example-data1-cert.pem \
    -config workspaces/cert.conf

$ openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey > example/example-data2-key.pem
$ openssl req -x509 -days 3650 \
    -key example/example-data2-key.pem \
    -out example/example-data2-cert.pem \
    -config workspaces/cert.conf

$ openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey > example/example-result-key.pem
$ openssl req -x509 -days 3650 \
    -key example/example-result-key.pem \
    -out example/example-result-cert.pem \
    -config workspaces/cert.conf

And since the Proxy Attestation Server acts as a certificate authority, we also need to provide it with its own identity:

$ openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey > example/example-ca-key.pem
$ openssl req -x509 -days 1825 \
    -subj "/C=Mx/ST=Veracruz/L=Veracruz/O=Veracruz/OU=Proxy/CN=VeracruzProxyServer" \
    -key example/example-ca-key.pem \
    -out example/example-ca-cert.pem \
    -config workspaces/ca-cert.conf

Creating a policy file

Veracruz is governed by what is called a policy file. This is a json document agreed on by all parties that indicates who has permission to provide/access programs and data involved in a given computation.

Veracruz provides the vc-pgen/generate-policy tool to help create policy files. We need to provide the identities and roles of all parties involved in the computation, the URLs for the proxy-attestation and Veracruz servers (we'll use localhost for now), and a hash of the WebAssembly file we plan to execute.

$ vc-pgen \
    --proxy-attestation-server-ip \
    --proxy-attestation-server-cert example/example-ca-cert.pem \
    --veracruz-server-ip \
    --certificate-expiry "$(date --rfc-2822 -d 'now + 100 days')" \
    --css-file workspaces/linux-runtime/target/debug/runtime_manager_enclave \
    --certificate example/example-program-cert.pem \
    --capability "/program/:w" \
    --certificate example/example-data0-cert.pem \
    --capability "/input/:w" \
    --certificate example/example-data1-cert.pem \
    --capability "/input/:w" \
    --certificate example/example-data2-cert.pem \
    --capability "/input/:w" \
    --certificate example/example-result-cert.pem \
    --capability "/program/:x,/output/:r" \
    --binary /program/example-binary.wasm=example/example-binary.wasm \
    --capability "/input/:r,/output/:w" \
    --output-policy-file example/example-policy.json \
    --max-memory-mib 256

This should create a policy.json file at example/example-policy.json:

$ ls example/example-policy.json

NOTE! This command needs to be rerun after every recompile, since this will change the runtime hashes.

Running the Proxy Attestation Server

Now we can launch the Proxy Attestation Server with the vc-pas/proxy-attestation-server command. Note we are using the bash character & to launch the Proxy Attestation Server in the background:

$ vc-pas :3010 \
    --ca-cert=example/example-ca-cert.pem \
    --ca-key=example/example-ca-key.pem &
Proxy Attestation Server running on
$ sleep 5

Running the Veracruz Server

The Veracruz Server is the main frontend for the compute side of Veracruz. It launches the Root Enclave (the trusted core of Veracruz) inside the enclave and provides a Rest API for communicating into the enclave.

There is a lot of complexity underneath the hood, but launching the Veracruz Server requires only one command. Note again we are launching the Veracruz Server in the background:

$ vc-server example/example-policy.json &
Veracruz Server running on
$ sleep 10

Running the Veracruz Client

In practice you may integrate the veracruz-client Rust crate directly into your application, sending data programatically via the Rust API, but for this example we'll use the Veracruz Client CLI interface. This provides the same functionality, but in a CLI form.

First let's send over the program to our Veracruz server. This requires an identity with the "ProgramProvider" role:

$ vc-client example/example-policy.json \
    --identity example/example-program-cert.pem \
    --key example/example-program-key.pem \
    --program /program/example-binary.wasm=example/example-binary.wasm
Loaded policy example/example-policy.json 645ae94ea86eaf15cfc04c07a17bd9b6a3b3b6c3558fae6fb93d8ee4c3e71241
Connecting to
Submitting <enclave>/example-binary.wasm from example/example-binary.wasm

Then let's send over our data with identities with the "DataProvider" role. These are shares I've created that the example will use to reconstruct a secret message. Keep in mind most likely this data will be coming from different devices:

$ vc-client example/example-policy.json \
    --identity example/example-data0-cert.pem \
    --key example/example-data0-key.pem \
    --data /input/shamir-0.dat=<(echo "01dc061a7bdaf77616dd5915f3b4" | xxd -r -p)
Loaded policy example/example-policy.json 645ae94ea86eaf15cfc04c07a17bd9b6a3b3b6c3558fae6fb93d8ee4c3e71241
Connecting to
Submitting <enclave>/input/shamir-0.dat from /dev/fd/63

$ vc-client example/example-policy.json \
    --identity example/example-data1-cert.pem \
    --key example/example-data1-key.pem \
    --data /input/shamir-1.dat=<(echo "027f38e27b5a02a288d064965364" | xxd -r -p)
Loaded policy example/example-policy.json 645ae94ea86eaf15cfc04c07a17bd9b6a3b3b6c3558fae6fb93d8ee4c3e71241
Connecting to
Submitting <enclave>/input/shamir-1.dat from /dev/fd/63

$ vc-client example/example-policy.json \
    --identity example/example-data2-cert.pem \
    --key example/example-data2-key.pem \
    --data /input/shamir-2.dat=<(echo "03eb5b946cefd583f17f51e781da" | xxd -r -p)
Loaded policy example/example-policy.json 645ae94ea86eaf15cfc04c07a17bd9b6a3b3b6c3558fae6fb93d8ee4c3e71241
Connecting to
Submitting <enclave>/input/shamir-2.dat from /dev/fd/63

And finally, we can request a computation and read the result using an identity with the "RequestResult" role:

$ vc-client example/example-policy.json \
    --identity example/example-result-cert.pem \
    --key example/example-result-key.pem \
    --compute /program/example-binary.wasm \
    --result /output/shamir.dat=-
Loaded policy example/example-policy.json 645ae94ea86eaf15cfc04c07a17bd9b6a3b3b6c3558fae6fb93d8ee4c3e71241
Connecting to
Requesting compute of <enclave>/example-binary.wasm
Reading <enclave>/output/shamir.dat into <stdout>
Hello World!
Shutting down enclave

Note that --result /output/shamir.dat=- indicates that the output should be written to stdout.

And that's it! You've now completed a confidential computation. Only the original creator of the shares and the result reader had the permission and ability to observe this secret message.


If we are done running computations, we can take down the Veracruz servers with a pkill command:

$ pkill vc-server || true
$ pkill vc-pas || true