Edyn marketing website
The Edyn website is deployed using Heroku.
Make sure to use nvm so that you can install node 4. node 8 will not work.
The template structure is generated using Gulp Web App. It provides basic Gulp setup to build, test & preview the app. Here are few commands to run while developping the marketing website:
- Launch
npm install
to install NodeJS dependencies - Launch
npm run bower
to install frontend dependencies - Launch
npm run server
to preview the web app
When you launch via “gulp serve”, the routing doesn’t work (Express maps /about to the correct html file in production), but I usually just test the pages manually ‘/about.html’ for example while developing.
NODE_ENV=dev node web.js
so routes actually work (but no hot reloading) -
npm run build
to build the app static & minified files
Before committing changes to git, please make sure you have run npm run build
The staging environement is setup on Heroku. A procfile has bee created to run the app using Express.js
Before deploying on Heroku, please make sure you have run npm run build
Setup test inventory and coupons on celery
Orders can be test using stripe test card numbers. Here's some to use
working: 4242424242424242
declined 4000000000000002
declined (fraud) 4100000000000019
incorrect cvc: 4000000000000127
expired: 4000000000000069
processing error: 4000000000000119
more details in stripe testing docs celery docs
the way the site is currently set up the routing doesn't work properly with the gulp dev server so it can be helpful to stub this out into the top of EdynStore.loadInventory when iterating on css.
products: [
id: '5654f1f9d5ec870300f2403c',
name: 'Edyn Water Valve',
price: 5999,
inventory: 50,
device: 'valve',
ships: 'Ships in 2 weeks'
id: '5654f1c5d5ec870300f24039',
name: 'Edyn Garden Sensor',
price: 9999,
inventory: 10,
device: 'sensor',
ships: 'Ships immediately'
userId: '5654f01bd5ec870300f24037',
apiUrl: 'https://api-sandbox.trycelery.com/v2'
callback(null, null);