Welcome to the documentation web site of SUMARiS tools!
Originally, the SUMARiS project aimed to build a shared database of complete skate stocks.
However, these tools are now reusable to collect many kind of halieutic data, for many purposes such as fisheries stock assessment.
SUMARiS project web site: www.sumaris.net
SUMARiS tools comes with:
Data entry web forms for desktop:
halieutic data entry for scientific purpose (concept of trip, fishing operation, species catch, vessel...);
manage users (access rights per data collection program) ;
manage referential: protocols (program and strategies), locations, gears, taxons, ...;
Shipboard data entry for Android mobile devices (tablets and phones):
Optimized data entry, with a burst mode;
Offline usage, with data synchronization features;
Built-in GPS sensor support;
Built-in camera support (coming soon);
- User manual: A quick start guide (EN);
- Functional use cases (EN | FR);
- Database conceptual model;
- Database conceptual model of the database;
- Database tables with all associated columns;
SUMARiS is Free Software (GPL License). Source code and documentation are under License GPL v3.
User guide is under CC-by-SA license.
In the free software world, there is generally no distinction between users and developers. As in a friendly neighbourhood, everybody pitches in to help their neighbors. Please consider the time you give in assistance to others as payment.
Ways in which you can help:
- Test existing features and provide feedback,
- Report bugs or ask for enhancements,
- Add documentation,
- Translate SUMARiS to your own language,
- Translate the documentation,
- Improve this website,
- Help others to learn to use SUMARiS, etc.
SUMARiS tools have been developed by the following consortium: