- Open http://localhost:30400
- You can see an edition mode of dashboard. You can switch from running mode to edition mode by keyboard 'e'
- Stop Autorefresh ("Toggle autorefresh")
- Click on "New" to add a box
- Double-click on "Some body and a new line", then enter cpu load:{{cv('SYSTEM_CPU_LOAD').value}} (cv means 'copper value'). .value takes data value (you could also take value date)
- Double-click on "aWidget" and enter "SYSTEM"
- Exit edit mode: "e"
- you should see the CPU load
- Enter edit mode: "e"
- Click on "Export": you now have a JSON describing your screen
- You can edit the JSON manually to add new boxes or use the edition mode. If editing manually, check that each ID is different.
- In the JSON, an object can have an attribute "classes", which set CSS classe(s)
- You can add a root object "css", which should be a list of strings, containing CSS syntax,
- And you can add a root object "script", which is also a list of strings, containing javascript syntax
- Click F5, then import, and select the previously exported file
- The screen is loaded. Press F5
- The system ask if the last dashboard should be loaded. The JSON is persisted in the Browser DB.
- Best method to create screens is to bootstrap a new screen using the edit mode, then editing it directly in JSON edition.