- Methods
public class OpenId4VCIService: NSObject, ASWebAuthenticationPresentationContextProviding
public func issueDocument(docType: String, format: DataFormat, useSecureEnclave: Bool) async throws -> Data
Issue a document with the given docType
using OpenId4Vci protocol
- Parameters:
- docType: the docType of the document to be issued
- format: format of the exchanged data
- useSecureEnclave: use secure enclave to protect the private key
- Returns: The data of the document
Name | Description |
docType | the docType of the document to be issued |
format | format of the exchanged data |
useSecureEnclave | use secure enclave to protect the private key |
public func presentationAnchor(for session: ASWebAuthenticationSession)
-> ASPresentationAnchor