- Documented: how to use babelify transformer to transpile ES6/2015 into ES5 during packaging
- __modulename now resolved relative to the source file
- Every compiled code now has own scope
- FileSystem lib was resolving source map path incorrect
- Hotfix: R1.0.0 was resolving _require dependences by ids, therefore same relative names were resolved incorrectly
- Fully refactored
- Adding plugins via --plugin=<nodePackage,nodePackage>
- Adding transformers via -t {nodePackage --option 1 --options { foo: 1} }
- Supports Browserify plugins (transformers)
- Asynchronous source files reading in one pass-through
- Added package 'subarg' for handling CLI arguments
- Added package 'cli-color' for coloring CLI
- Added package 'async' for resolving async queues
- Added package 'xtend' for extending objects