Go through the following process to prepare the _TELEGRAM_TOKEN
- a. Open your telegram app and search for BotFather. (A built-in Telegram bot that helps users create custom Telegram bots)
- b. Type /newbot to create a new bot
- c. Give your bot a name & a username
- d. Copy your new Telegram bot’s token
- e. You have to click Start_bot and must enter anything to your bot.
Before use Notifier, Please use this to check if you follow guide. The Telegram bot may have a slight delay and it responded within 2-3 minutes. API TEST
Go through the following steps to make sure you are communicating properly with the application. API TEST
from ExceptNotifier import send_telegram_msg
_TELEGRAM_TOKEN = "xxxxx:xxxxx-xxxx"
send_telegram_msg(_TELEGRAM_TOKEN, 'test message')
import os
import sys
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptTelegram, SuccessTelegram, SendTelegram
# QA 23-04-22
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""Get your bot from botfather.
os.environ['_TELEGRAM_TOKEN'] = "xxxxxxxxxx"
# _OPEN_AI_MODEL = "gpt-3.5-turbo"
# _OPEN_AI_API = "sk-xxxxxxxxx"
sys.excepthook = ExceptTelegram.__call__
print(1 / 0)
SuccessTelegram().__call__() # 1 success sender
except ExceptTelegram as e: # 2 except sender
SendTelegram().__call__() # 3 customized sender
send = SendTelegram() # You can use it like this, too.