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GKE Workshop LAB-03

Web-Application Deployment, NodePort Example

Context License


In the following lab we will set up our local development environment, provision the workshop cluster and roll out our static web application example. Your deployment won't be exposed and is only available by ClusterIP of the corresponding pod-service. You can access the application by tunneling your localhost through kubectl proxy command, or kubectl port-forward.


  1. Run deployment
kubectl apply -f .

Cluster Application Check / Playground

  1. You can check the state of Pods at any time with the following kubectl command:
kubectl get pods -n doit-lab-03
  1. You can check your deployment with the following kubectl command:
kubectl get deployments -n doit-lab-03
  1. You can check the corresponding service endpoint by the following kubectl command:
kubectl get services -n doit-lab-03
  1. You can test the deployed web application using this command and access the app by hitting url http://localhost:8080
kubectl port-forward service/static-web-app-service 8080:8080 -n doit-lab-03

curl http://localhost:8080

Optional Steps

Now we can set the current k8s context to our lab exercise namespace doit-lab-03 to make sure that every command set is run against this lab resources.

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=doit-lab-03

Replace 03-static-web-app-deployment.yaml with affinity-tolerations/04-static-web-app-affinity-deployment.yaml to see how the Kubernetes scheduler decides on the pod placement now:

kubectl delete -f 03-static-web-app-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f affinity-tolerations/04-static-web-app-affinity-deployment.yaml

Taint your nodes with the NoSchedule taint and recreate the deployment:

kubectl get nodes
kubectl taint nodes node1 node2 node3 blocked:NoSchedule
kubectl delete -f 03-static-web-app-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f 03-static-web-app-deployment.yaml

Replace the (unscheduleable, due to taints) deployment with affinity-tolerations/04-static-web-app-tolerations-deployment.yaml:

kubectl delete -f 03-static-web-app-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f affinity-tolerations/05-static-web-app-tolerations-deployment.yaml

Application Clean-Up

kubectl delete -f .
kubectl taint nodes node1 node2 node3 blocked:NoSchedule-