We're currently in the process of developing v1.0
but there are still issues to iron out with the existing distro: v0.9.x
. So we've compiled this short document to help you guys help us!
- Find an issue that needs fixing, or create one if you've got a bug, don't worry, simply making us aware of bugs is a big help! Please follow these guidelines when submitting an issue.
- Fork anchor (use the button in the top right of the repo's page).
git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/anchor-cms
to get a local copy of your fork.- Run
git remote add upstream https://github.com/anchor/anchor-cms
. This will add another remote, named upstream, that points to the official Jeet repository. This will help with keeping your forks up to date with Anchor's master branch.
git checkout -b YourInitials/feature-branch-name
). Make all your changes for the specific feature inside this branch.- Separate edits into clean, non-breaking, commits.
- Push your changes to your fork by running
git push origin your-branch-name
. - Open a pull request, give it a clear title and explain what your changes do. Even provide a code snippet if you can!
- Be prepared to update your PR based on feedback. If you make updates, run
git push origin your-branch-name -f
on your branch to update the PR on Github.
If your fork is taking a while to get merged, you might end up getting behind Anchor's dev branch as other changes get added. Stay up to date in the following way:
git fetch upstream 0.9-dev
This will give you all the latest updates from Anchor's dev branch.- Run
git rebase upstream/0.9-dev
while inside your feature branch. This will add all the new commits before yours, so it's as if you made the changes to the latest codebase.
Please follow the below points:
- Check if bug is consistent in different environments
- Check if its been reported and solved in the Anchor forum
- Check if there is an issue that already covers or relates to it
- Give an accurate and concise title to issue
- Prefix title of issue with
- Explain bug briefly but in detail
- Give guidance on how to reproduce bug
- Add screenshots when possible
If you're familiar with open source software, you probably know how important coding guidelines and standards are. Most common are (in order of appearance) PEAR, Zend(Framework) and PSR-1/PSR-2.
Since the PHP-FIG and their standards gain more and more followers and Anchor uses composer, which supports PSR-0 and PSR-4, all code should follow PSR-1 and PSR-2. More help on best practices for PHP development can be found on PHP the right way.
When working on a file, always enforce coding standards for the whole file. This increases the consistency of the code with every contribution!